T illamook headlight , D ecember I ' "k >s the one who endeavors to cre- kill all the vermin. Peace is the goal, He i ‘•l J , Uk 01 ^¡dence, peace is our price, humanity our mis­ —O— bihtv rE°"CUhol‘i,1,s a* »npossb sion. Ifav. true it is that nits breed The shortage of German dyes in­ lick < • r'lt'‘?ry’ v,‘diavor» to instill lice and wobblies breed sedition. ► kSE inner*? be- Crow 3 ox« mplctcly, ; ; >rrc. t boiling po :. tn a continuous chain. Can be Pound on I ’holies. Irrigated Land STAR II:nt zvill produce four (o >d Crops of A lai fa in ir.at Pi ices in reach of all. > 1 65 pet at re. I m ated in Northern Cali­ fornia. CARACE. CALENDARS Ii.1 inli»I unitimi write W. IL S iiii . max , Yri'kfi, Cali- f'mi.1 or I’. I W ai . kkr , 1 Intel, Till .iinook < )r. ■MX FOR 1918. 1 rilnit ion m.ikc 7 would like to have or • d Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. <’ i Calendars. Name L P.O. Addi i, Al -li • tn. Reni Ewtiit*', Intuir.>n< r. I tulli PhOIK'H. VI 1.1. MMl K ■». OHHGON. Stornai h I r uLIc and Connctipation. f< re tifliuted with Atom- I <<>i.iijGition should t li («»llowing: “I have never i i so p.ood tor stomach constipation as (’hambrr- l > I h * vi used tlit in off tli** past two years. They the action of the y r< 1 ¡I