Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 27, 1917, Image 4

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of property involved, immense and
serious as that is, but only of the
wanton and wholesale destruction of
noncombatants, men, women
children, engaged in pursuits which
have always, even in the darkest pe­
riods of modern history, been deem­
ed innocent and legitimate. Property
can be paid for; the lives of peaceful
and innocent people can not be. The
present German submarine warfare
is a warfare against mankind.” Wood­
row Wilson, President of the United
States .
words sound like as if uttered in the
light of the present. We are at war
They Are Giving the First Compre­
today because we have been forced
hensive Record Ever Made of the
to see what Lord so clearly saw—
American Family’s Weekly Diet
that the "final and logical develop­
------ o------
ment’’ of the Prussian policy was
What is said to be the first compre­
proving fatal to all other national­
hensive record of the Nation’s diet,
ities and liberties, our own included.
from by far the largest number of in­
dividual household pantries, is now
Bacon on the Rhine.
under way, through the cooperation
of the American housewife.
She is
(By Charley L. Gant.)
telling what her family has on hand
Wake up, boys! and fall in line,
on a given date, what it needs to eat
there’s lots of bacon on the Rhine,
for a week, and what its monthly ra­
though beef is high and mutton, too,
tion is. This she is doing to help
To Supplant Legs.
a good, big slice of hog will do. We’ve
along the war emergency food survey
got a land of sunshine here—when
now being conducted by the United
The individual motor car, just rain don’t come and skies are clear—
States Department of Agriculture.
large enough for one, and taking up the brightest stars, the serenest moon,
Enlist Services of 10,000.
little more room that a wheeled chair,
An army of 10,000 women is en­ is yet to come. This vehicle may be and Nature plays the sweetest tune
listed in the work, and to each has propelled upon the sidewalks, in time on the ukulele of her forest trees and
been sent a letter from the depart­ totally supplanting the pedestrian. mild guitar of her sapphire seas. We
ment together with blanks for the in­ The whole world will go on wheels, have the song of the forest birds, the
ventory of food# on hand and for the and legs will no longer be used ex­ hum of bees and the low of herds,
the soughing breeze and the moun­
recotd of a week’s total of food used cept in athletics and within doors. It
tain range—no, thank you kaiser, just
by the family.
is reasonable to believe that the evo­ keep the change—we want no land
President Wilson, in approving the lution of motoring is not half com­
plans of the Secretary of Agriculture pleted. The new “auto”-cracy is just from your vast domain all blood
soaked where your lust has slain the
for the survey, said that “authoritat­ beginning to establish itself.
babes in arms, the lame and old, and
ive information concerning the Na­
all for love of power and gold. We’re
tion’s food supply is a matter of con­
Wild Fears of Army Life.
going to fight, if fight we must and
sequence at all times and is of pecul­
we’ll march right through Berlin or
iar importance at the present mo­
Numerous incidents reported in i the "bust,” pitch your tents on Rhone
ment.” All who arc assisting the de­ United States since the selective con-
partment in making the survey are scription law was passed have shown and Rhine and take a twist at the
rendering valuable patriotic service. that many persons have a wildly ex­ kaiser’s spine. Come on, boys! Let’s
get the swine, there’s lots of bacon on
It is felt that inventories of stocks on aggerated notion of the dangers and
the Rhine.
farms, in storages, and in retail es­ hardships of army service. They evi­
The price of wheat seems low to me
tablishments, which are also being dently feel that a call to the colors is
taken at this time, will be under­ about the same thing as a death sen­ to the side of the price of liberty
standable only in relation to the rate tence. A few have killed themselves. which F’rance once helped our boys
of food consumption. The interpre­ Some have shot off an arm or cut off to pay—our duty’s clearer it seems
that way. Good turns should never
tive figures, therefore, are being given several fingers. Other mutilations
be forgot though done by a dog or a
by the women of the country, and have been reported.
Hugeunot. We still have love for
statements will guide the govern­
This is the malines* of fear. In aH those old vets and it’s time we tried
mental agencies and the public in wars, even in the tremendous conflict to pay our debts.
Let the price of
making plans to increase the product­ now raging, a soldier has about 19
wheat go to the skies and the price
ion of certain food, to promote effi­ chances out of 20 of surviving a of beef get twice the size it is; we’ll
ciency in the distribution of these year’s service. In two years he docs still find meat and bread, and see
products, and to direct the campaigns not run as much as a 10 per cent risk that the folks at home are fed, as
to better conserve and use them.
of death. German and British records well as the boys out there in France
What is Listed.
indicate that the ratio of fatalities is who were no slackers and took a
The inventory is of all stocks on not more ttlian one out of 25 men an­ chance. We love this land, this U. S.
hand on the pantry shelves, in the nually.
A., where the lambs and the hump­
bins, the refrigirator, or the kitchen
As for hardships, some soldiers backed salmon play and the bonnie
cabinet. This is accompanied by a list like the change from conditions of flag floats everywhere and the hired
of the members of the family, their civil life ..Many seek to remain in mil­ man and the millionaire marching
ages and occupations.
itary service after the war’s end. forth at the country's call and for
There is also a weekly record oi Most all who escape wounds say they Freedom's sake they will give their
meals served to home folks and to feel unusuallv well and physically fit. all. We’re going forth to the kaiser’s
guests, with the kinds and quantities Disease in modern armies maintained land, where the fight is thickest, to
used. These include the foods used my advanced nations is less common take a hand and when we're hungry
from the household stocks and thosi than in ordinary occupations.
and care to dine there’s lots of bacon
produced at home, from the home
War il grim ami terrible enough still on the Rhine.
garden for instance, as well as those without wild exaggerations of its
Wonderful land which we have out
purchased. Mothers are also asked to perils and sufferings. Always its here where we have no booze, no
report the candy, cakes and ice cream chances have a good balance on the wine, no beer, and the last salt tear
which are bought and eaten in ad­ side of safety.
has done been shed on the hogshead
dition to the regular meals I his will
coffin of "Dago Red.” The rural rust­
piobably require considerable coop-
Twenty Years Ago.
ics are lingering still in the smiles of
erat on on the part of the children
the arbor—and cider mill, but we’ve
who have pennies to spend.
Ladies wore bustles.
all braced up and the world looks
Fifty-four items are included in the
Operations were rare.
bright though the war is on and our
records of food on hand, although 't
Nobody swatted the fly.
blood says fight. Grand old land from
is not supposed that any family will
Nobody had seen a silo.
mountain tips to the vale below
have an entry under each one of the
Nobody had appendicitis.
where we’re building ships to carry
64 classifications. The classifications
Nobody wore white shoes.
our succor across the main to the
themselves are further subdivided, as
Nobody sprayed orchards.
struggling brother on Somme and
in the case of fresh meats, salted
Cream was 5 cents a pint.
Seine. Big war crops of wheat and
meats, bakery products, fresh vege­
Most young men had “livery bills.” corn and spuds, while the cow with
tables, and the like, under which sep­
Contaloups were muskmelons.
the crumpled horn is waxing fat in
arate items are to be listed. For ex­
You never heard of a “tin Lizzie.” the clover patch, there’s lost of bugs
ample, under fresh meat would be
Doctors wanted to see your tongue. where the chickens scratch. No oth­
listed pork, veal, lamb, beef, and so
Milk shake was a favorie drink.
er land was ever found with a Wash­
on. The same classification is used
Advertisers did not tell the truth.
ington—and a Puget Sound, with the
under the record of food consumed in
Nobody eared for the price of gas­ greatest and grandest inland sea
where we’re building ships of Liberty
The Family Record.
Farmers came to town for their to carry the Sammies, the corn and
In the family record the name ami mail.
wine and bring back home bacon
address of the family is given, lint not
The hired girl drew one-fifty a from over the Rhine.
for publication. Each housewife will week.
This old land is a land of dreams
tell whether the family lives in the
The butcher threw in a chunk of with its forests, farms and bays and
city or in the country and will give liver.
streams, fish and fruit and mills and
the total family income.
She then
Folks said pneumatic tires were a traps—the kaiser isn’t wise perhaps,
lists the members of the household by joke.'
but we have the kitchen to feed the
sex and age and occupation, and will J Nobody "listened in” on a tele­ world—and we have a flag which will
tell the number of meals which they phone.
stay unfurled till the last sun shines
eat at home and those which they eat
There were no sane Fourths, nor and the last moon's full and the kaiser
away from home during the week in ! electric meters.
no longer shall peddle the bull about
which the record is kept. Meals pre­
Strawstacks were burned instead of “Me und Gott” in a partnership,
pared at home but eaten elsewhere, | baled.
’cause he’s found a man that they
such as lunches taken to work, are
Publishing a country newspaper both can t whip. If Woodrow hadn’t
considered home meals Where there , was not a business.
have had the jar on the way to fight,
are children in the family the approx­
People thought 1 English sparrows our Teddy R. would have made the
imate quantity of milk used daily by , were “birds.”
kaiser a kraut machine from the
each of the children under 7 years of
Jules Verne was the only convert scraps picked up from his submarine.
age is also recorded.
( to the submarine.
But Woodrow, too, is doing fine, he's
It has been stated that the only
You stuck tubes to your cars to using our fir and spruce and. pine in
survey which is in any way cquiva- hear
a phonograph, anil it cost a ships and planes and wings which
lent to this one now being taken was ( dime.__________
are big aplenty to carry things for
made some 20 years ago on a limited
the boys to eat and shoot and wear—
Scale. It has been considered the one , Why We Are at War With Germany. we’ve got the kaiser up in the air. We
authoritative source of such informat­
----- o
don’t care for the cost of duds and
ion, although standards and costs of
In John Lord’s lecture on Freder­ the price of beef and flour and spuds
living have advanced materially since ick
the Great, and published in the for the whole shebang will work out
it was taken.______________
"Beacon Lights of History,” he says: fine—there’s lots of bacon still on the
"If ever there was a purely mili­ Rhine.
The American Throwing Arm.
tary monarchy it is Prussia; and this
The story of Plattsburg that our kingdom has been in Europe what
. . . —Q - —
men, eager to throw bombs in the Sparta was to Greece. All the succes­ Forest Grove Citizens
Speak out
way they throw baseballs, are being sors of Frederick have followed his
compelled to adopt the British style,
shows once more the administration's their habits and associations have
In Forest Grove we find that peo­
incompetent conduct of the war. \\ e been military. They have made their ple are praising Doan’s Kidney Pill*
may be short of military tactics, but
“The resources of the kingdom highly. Being so near by, the state­
we arc long, very long, on throwing.
ment of a Forest Grove resident is of
Generations have perfected tin Aim r- have been expended in standing arm­
erican arm for this purpose until it ies, and these are a perpetual menace. particular interest. Tillamook People
lias become one of the modern won­ A network of military machinery con­ will do well to profit by Mr. Haynie’*
ders of the world. Vet this acquired trols all other pursuits and interests. experience.
John F. Haynie, county road com­
and inherited skill is tossed aside, ami The peasant is a military slave. Pre­
we are told that we must throw like cedence is given to military men over missioner, Forest Grove, Ore., says:
men who know only cricket! Is this merchants, learned men and jurists. "Several years ago, 1 was given up to
scientific warfare? Think what a bri­ The genius of the nation has been di­ die with complication of kidney and
of military bladder troubles. Words couldn’t be­
gade of American baseball playii- rected to the perfection
gin to explain what 1 went through
with bombs in their bands might Mo discipline and weapons.
‘ I'iie government has always been for nearly a year. After taking about
on the western front!
I he mere
fact that a bomb weighs many times prepared (or war, and has been rare­ twenty boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills
what a baseball does is surely inel- ly advetse to it. It lias ever been in succession, 1 was restored to my
evant. Or, if it proves anything, it is ready to seize a province or pick a former, good health and today L can
that a bomb ought to be hurled in the quarrel. The great idea of Prussia is hold my own with any man. I give
fashion in which a football is passed. nnlitari aggrandizement. It believes Doan’s Kidney Pills full credit for my
If not one American game, then iin- in new annexation* until Germany present good condition. This medi­
shall be united under a Prussian kais­ cine has no equal and I always re­
other, must win the war.
er. \\ hat Rome became Prussia as­ commend it to others I hear com­
pires to be. The spirit, the animus of plaining of kidney trouble.”
America's Cause for War.
Prussia, is military power.
Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't sim­
“This military spirit is seen in the ply ask for a kidney remedy—get
"The new German policy swept cv-
jry restriction aside.
Vessels of large standing armies, which dry up Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that
every kind, whatever their flag, their the resources of the nation and make Mr. Haynie had. Foster-Milburn Co..
.1 have Props, Buffalo. N. Y.
character, their cargo, their destin­ war a perpetual necessity
ation, their errand, have been ruth­ no admiration of a nation perpetually
­ Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
lessly sent to the bottom without arming and perpetually seeking po
Diarrhoea Remedy.
warning and without thought of help litical aggrandizement
or mercy for those on board. the ves great aims of civilization are
This is a medicine that every fam­
seis of friendly neutrals along with sight of. Ihis is what Frederick
those of belligerents. Even hospital sought and his successors have cher­ ily should be provided with. Colic and
diarrhoea often come on suddenly
ships and ships carrying relief to the
solely bereaved and stricken people world was not emancipating ideas, and it is of the greatest importance
that they be treated promptly. Con­
of Belgium, though the latter were
provided with safe conduct through military aggrandizement, by which sider the suffering that must be en­
the proscribed areas by the German the weaker and unoffending states dured until a physician arrives or
government itself and were disting­ may be gradually absorbed by irres- medicine can be obtained. Chamber­
uished by unmistakable marks of sistable despotism .like that of the lain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
identity, have been sunk with the Romans, whose final and logical de­ remedy has a reputation second to
same reckless lack of compassion or velopment proves fatal to all other none for the quick relief which it af­
nationalities and liberties."
fords. For sale by Lamar’s Drug
of principle.
Written a generation ago these Store.
lam not now thinking of the loss
East Via
Most enjoyable route. Beautiful
mountain scenery. Liberal stop­
See San Franciso, Los
Angeles, Apache Trail, El Paso
New Orleans. Something new
and delightful every hour.
Three daily trains from Portland
connecting at San Francisco for
the South and East. First and
second class sleeping cars. Un­
excelled Dining Car Service.
The Safety Route.
Polytechnic Business College
Oakland, California
Six months
at this College will prepare you for
a good position at
$75 to $100 per month
Stenographer* and Typewriter« are in greater demand
than at any time in the history of the world. The U. S.
Government >3 paying *75 to $ 100 per month for beginl
neri in civil service dept. The Commission has given us
this information and desires to have us prepare a large
numoer of beginning stenographers at once.
Business and professional men, railroad companies,
corporations, every department of public and private bun!
nets is crying for help. “We want stenographers’*
is the cry everywhere.
The Polytechnic College will specialize in
helping young men and women take this course
the coming year.
Homelike accommodations and low rates are
offered as well as a
Position Guaranteed
Ask Your* Local Agent for Tickets and
Booklets' descriptive of this wonderful trip.
SCOTT, General Passenger
Red Crown’s con­
tinuous chain of
boiling points in­
sures maximum
power and mileage.
Oil Company
The Oregon
Agricultural College
Where trained specialists with modern lab*
oratories and adequate equipment give la-
struction leading to collegiate degress in ths
following schools :
AGRICULTURE, with 15 departments;
COMMERCE, with 4 departments;
ENGINEERING, with 6 departments, in­
cluding Civil, Electrical, Highway, Industrial
Arts, Irrigation, and Mechanical Engineering;
FORESTRY, including Logging Engineer*
HOME ECONOMICS, with 4 major depart*
merits, including training in the Practice
MINING, with three departments, includ*
ing Chemical Engineering;
THE SCHOOL OF MUSIC, offers ins tree­
lion in the principal departments of vo^aA
and instrumental music.
1085 cadets in 1916-17, and won recommen­
dation for O. A. C. from the Western Depart­
ment of the U. S. War Department as one of
the fifteen “distinguished institutions'’ of
higher learning. All cadets will be furnish'd
complete uniforms by the U. 8. Government
and the junior and senior cadets, enrolled in
the R. O. T. C., will be given commutation for
subsistence, as well as all transportation and
subsistence at the six weeks’ Summer camp.
Information on request.
Corvallis, Oregon.
r and
I cak
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Us re
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K tel
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I tliroi
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Michigan Lady Suffered Such Pains
General Contractors
and Builders.
Estimates & Plans Furnished.
Call at our plant and get prices,
save you money.
Both Phones.
Cardui Stopped These
Palmyra, Mich.—Mrs. Chas. T. Ful­
ler, of this place, writes: “In 1911 I
got run-down, and I suffered great
pain... with both dull and sharp
shooting pains...also back and head.
I was weak and could only drag
around, and Bhould have been in bed.
for I really wasn’t able to be up. At
times I would have spells that would
be so bad I’d have to go to bed, and
suffered Intensely...
I decided tc try Cardui, and saw a
great improvement in less than a
month’s time. I used 7 or 8 bottlaa
and was stronger...I got so roucn
better that my strength returned and
my work was easy for me. Cardui did
me a world of good. It built me up in
health and strength. I haven't had on»
of those bad spells since. I hav«ni
had to take any more rnedfclne sino#
or have any doctors either and hav»
been able to do my work right along
...I recommend it to other women
highly as the best medicine I know
of for women who suffer from fan»1'
. .
If you suffer from female trouniefc
follow this advice. Get a bottle
Cardui today and give it a thoroug
trial. It should help you. as It n»
helped thousands of other women
the past 40 years. At all drugg
the avi nd
Æ m the b«l w«t
woather togs
ìhbr M® cvor jnvented
... (PATENTED)^®®
Dealers cv<jrywl\«r4
Our 80 * year.
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National Building.
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Good for Biliousness.
" I took Chamberlain’s TabkW* |ln their
[»nd tw<
night, and I feel fifty per cent pc
i’ adv
than I have for weeks.
Firestone of Allgan, Mich.
certainly a fine article for
of Idaho.
For sale by Lamar’s Drug St®«*
,n expei