Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 02, 1917, Image 6

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    AUGUST 2,
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A Most Successful Gathering Held at
kaster, who has her whole heart and
soul in the grand work of Oddfellow­
ship, and she certainly endeared her­
self to the fraternity in Tillamook
County, during her visit. She is an
inspiration and a guiding star for the
advancement of tin noble work of the
order, and we prophesy great results
to materialize in the future from the I
spirit of her work.
Beaver on Monday.
------ o
The Tillamook County 11th annual
Rebekah Convention of District No.
18, convened on Monday at the I. O.
O. F. hall at Beaver, Oregon. The
convention was called to order by
County Chairman, Sister A. W. Bunn. By R. C. Jone», County Agriculturist.
The ceremonies were introduced by
a patriotic salute to “Old G1ory,”jtfi<i Canning and Drying Demonstration
To Come this Month.
the singing of “The Star Spangled
I Om d tin Home Science demon-
The official chairs were occupied as strators from O .A. C. vK ill be in the
follows: Sister A. V\. Bunn, of Bea­ , county »oimtiinc this month to dent-
ver Rebekah Lodge, Chairman; Sis­ ■ onstratc tin best methods to use in
ter Frances 1!. Stranahan, of Morning I canning and drying fruits, vegetables
Star Rebekah Lodge, Vice-Chairman; and meats. In this year of food short-
Sister May Maddux, of Morning Star I age it is very important that every­
Rebekah Lodge, Secretary; ; Sister H. thing be saved lor later use that it is
Rcbekah possible to'save.
M. Farmer, of Beaver
< )ur grandmothers dried vegetables
Lodge, Chaplain; Sister
Aschim, of Morning Star Rebekah long before they knew how to can
Lodge, Conductor; Sister Hope Wat­ them. Jars and cans arc high priced
son, of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge, this year and drying is coming into
Marshal; Sister Nellie Sappington, of vogue again.
Ocean Spray Rebekah Lodge, Inside
The demonstrator will show a sim­
Guardian; and Brother Woods, of pie home made evaporator that an y
Beaver Rebekah
Outside handy man can make and will give
instructions how to use it to obtain
The opening ceremonies were im­ the best results. Almost anything can
mediately followed by the introduc­ be dried from greens and corrots to
tion to tile convention of State Presi­ berries. It can be stored in pasteboard
dent of the Rebekah Assi mbly of boxes and the water added to it be­
Oregon, Sister Mary A. Lankaster, of fore cooking next winter.
Astoria. The address of welcome was
The exact date of the demonstra­
made by Bro. Herman Farmer and tion will be announced later.
response was made by Bro.
Bulletins on canning and drying
Watson. Appropriate remarks were I are available at this office for free
made by the president Sister Lankas­ distribution to all who wish them.
Drop a postcard request or call at
During the morning session various the office for them.
committees were appointed. Roll call
Get Ready for the Fair.
of various lodges in the county re­
it is high time that those expecting
ported delegates in attendance. Bay
to < •.Iiibil stock at the fair this fall
City Unity Rebekah Lodge No. 51;
Tillamook Morning Star Rebekah were beginning to get them into show
Lodge No. 52; ¡leaver
Rebekah shape. A little grain and grooming
will do wonders toward putting the
Lodge, No. 200; and Cloverdale
Ocean Spray Lodge No. 14 8. Before stock in better shape. Don’t wait un­
the close of the morning session a til the lirst day of the fair to fit your
motion was made that Tillamook city stock. We should have the biggest
be the next place for the Annual Con­ livestock exhibit ever this fall and
vention, which motion was duly car­ show outsiders and ourselveS how
ried, unanimously. Morning session of much good stock there is in the court-,
the convention adjourned at 12:45 ty. Every one has something worth
o’clock for dinner, which had been showing. Get it ready and show it at
bountifully provided for in the ban­ its best.
quet hall, where all adjourned to par­
Notice to Contractors—Paving and
take of a fine chicken dinner. The
Grading Tillamook County.
tallies were loaded with the weight
of good things provided for the occa­
Sealed bids for paving and grading
The afternoon session was called to five miles of Tillamook-Cloverdale
in Tillamook County Orogen,
order at 1 ;45 o’clock, when the re­
in width,
ports of the various committees and 16
south of
the various lodges of the county were at a point three miles
received and read, showing a very Tillamook City at the end of the
continuing to
healthy condition of the Rebekah
lodges throughout the county. The Section 264 over the present old
at the office
election of officers took place when
the following officers were elected of the State Highway Commission,
o’clock p.m.
for the 1918 convention:
Frances B. Stranahan, chairman; Sis­ on the 7th day of August, 1917.
unless ac­
ter Millie Sappington, Vice-chairman;
Sister May Maddux, Secretary; Sister companied by cash, bidder's bond, or
Goldsworthy, Marshal; Sister Lena certified check for an amount equal
Gilbert, Conductor; Sister Margaret to at least five (5) per cent of the
Wilson, Inside Guardian; Sister Liz­ total amount of the bid,
zie Churchill, Outside Guardian, and
A corporate surety bond will be re­
quired for the faithful performance of
Sister Hope Watson, Chaplin.
The afternoon session was inter­ the contract in a sum equal to one-
spersed with a program consisting of half the total amount of the bid.
Proposal blanks and full informa­
jnstrunicntal and vocal selections,
and several good speeches on the wel­ tion for bidders may be obtained at
fare of the order and our patriotic the office of the State Highway Com­
duty to our country. A question box mission and the State Highway En­
suggestive of lodge procedure, etc., gineer in the State House, at Salem,
was introduced, and a number of Oregon.
Plans and specifications and form of
questions asked and intelligently dis­
posed of for the good of the order. contract may be seen at the same
The Pre .¡dent introduced the propo­ place or may be obtained upon the
sition of perfection of secret work of deposit of $5.00.
The right is reserved to reject any
letter perfect interpretation, stating
that a certificate of perfection would or all proposals or to accept the pro­
be issued to each member of the or­ posal deemed best for the State of
der who exemplified the secret work ( Iregon.
letter perfect. The first member to State Highway Commission, State of
give the work was Sister Shoemaker,
S. Henson, Chairman,
of Beaver Lodge, which work met
W. I.. Thompson, Commissioner
■with well deserved applause A num­
F.. I. A<lams, Commissioner.
ber of Sisters tiled the work, but in
Attest; Herbert Nunn, State High­
some ways were not perfect, but a
large number qualified for certificates way Engineer.
before the convention closed, as fol­
lows: Frances B. Stranahan, Rose
Notice of Final Account.
Williams and May E. Maddux, of
.... —o------
Morning Star Rebekah Lodge; Marie
Notice is hereby given that the un­
Shoemaker, Lena Gilbert and Mar­ dersigned has filed his final account
garet Wilson, of Beaver
Rebekah at administrator of the estate of
Lodge; and Millie Sappington, of Leone Dutton Morrow, deceased,
Ocean Spray Rebekah Lodge.
with the County Clerk of Tillamook
The Rebekah Convention closed at County, Oregon, and that the t ounty
5;45 and was voted one of the best Court of said County has appointed
conventions ever held in 1 illamook Saturday, September 1st. 1917, at the
County as to results obtained and the County Court room at the Court
welfare of the order.
House. Tillamook Citv, Oregon, at
The evening session of the Beaver the hour of 1'» o'clock in the forenoon
Lodge was called to order at 8:30 as the time and place for hearing ob­
o'clock, there being over eighty mem­ jections to said account and the set­
bers present, when the work of the tlement thereof.
Rebekah Lodge was exemplified by
Dated Aug, 2, 1917.
the drill team of the
Beaver lodge.
Il I-. Botts, Administrator
One candidate was initiated into the
of the Estate of Leone
Dutton Morrow, Deceased.
mystic circle.
One feature of the work worthy of
comment was the fact that from the
Cure for Cholera Morbus.
opening ceremony to the closing of
the lodge, and throughout all the de­
"When our little boy, now seven
gree work, no ritual was used, each years old. was a baby lie was cured of
and every officer and member of the cholera morbus by
degree staff having their work com Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
nutted to memory, and at the close of edy,” writes Mrs Sidney Simmons.
the lodge this brought forth worthy Fair Haven, N.Y. “Since then other
comment from the large number of members of my family have used this
visitors present, as will as the worthy valuable medicine lor colic and bowel
President, Sister Lankaster, who was trouble with good satisfaction and I
very much pleased with the work.
gladly endorse it as a remedy of ex­
This Tillamook County Rebekah ceptional merit, bor sale hv I.atuars
Convention will pass into history ot
Drug Store.
the order as the most successful ever
held in the county, lite Ihaver Sis­
Granulated Sore Eyes Cured.
ters and Brothers arc to be congrat­
ulated for the able and efficient man­
"For twenty years I suffered from
ner in which they provided for visit
ors. The hall was tastefully decorated a bad case of granulated sore ryes,
with rases, sweet peas and fern in »avs Martin Royil, of Henrietta, Ky.
In February, 1903 a gentleman ask­
profusion. 1 he alter of the Noble
Granil being entwined with garland» ed me to try Chamberlain's Salve. 1
of scarlet flowers and the windows bought one box and used about two-
and corners of the hall a profusion of thirds of it and my eyes have not
I his
sweet peas and fern. "Old Glory" was given me any trouble since.
conspicuously displayed behind the salve is for sale by l.amar’s Drug
chair of the Noble Grand, as well al­ Store.
so as a large and beautiful flag on a
What is Best for Indigestion?
staff in the corner of the hull. The
----- o —
table m the dining room and every
Mr. A. Ribinson, of Drumquin,
conceivable place were
with a prolusion of blossoms. I he Ontario, has been troubled for years
good things provided for the various with indigestion, and recommends
Chamberlain’s Tablets as the "best
banquets are too numerous to nun-
tion, but sufficient to say that there 1 medicine I ever used." If troubled
was more than plenty and then some with indigestion or constipation give
i them a trial. They are certain to
for everybody.
wish to place special emphasis prove beneficial. Thev are easy to
to the adaptability and versatility in take and pleasant in effect Price 25
every condlt'on met and disposed of j cents. For sale by L.amar’s Drug
by the worthy Presiilent, Sister Lan- I Store.
I ft
Summer Wash Fabric
15c----- 25c
For Actual Values 35c. to $1.00 Yard.
Beginning Saturday Morning IO a.m
The Greatest and most Sensational Sale the Store has ever planned, and it yo
would benefit by the prices advertised you must, shop early, lor at these prices w
expect to clear the entire stock in very short order.
15 c; F or all Kinds of Fabrics selling formerly to 39c
25c. For all Kinds of Fabrics sellini»1 formerly to 6oc
39c. For all Kinds of Fabries selling formerly to $1.00
Warm Weather Wirthmors
In stales that “Are to Be”
\.v- «F»
Rather than Styles that “were.”
■' * X
/ \\
• 'I
See them today—these four new pretty warm
weather Wirthmors.
You will fall in love with
them at first sight—they are so exquisite in
style, so good to look at and so well finished
the most critical will have only praise for them.
Actual to $6.95
Ladies' Sport Skirts in White
Honeycomb Cloth, White Beach
Cloth with Black stripes, plain and
striped Palm Beach Cloths and
other novelty fabrics.
Wonderful Bargains these for the
woman who needs an inexpensive
garment for holiday wear.
Q _
Your choice each.
B ack
The Corsets of Beauty, Health and Service.
We have just received a complete selection of the
newest and most desirable models in these justly fa­
mous Corsets, four only of which are illustrated above.
W hatever your Corset needs may be we can Ht you
correctly from our large and varied Nemo Self-Re-
tlucing, Lasticure Back Service, Wonderlift. or Kops
Service Corsets in all sizes from 21 to 36 and at prices
$3.75, $4.25, $5.00 and $6.00
Actual $2.25 to $3.00
tandar ^
Actual $5.00, $5.50, $6.00
$1.19 Each.
36 to 42 inch wide Plaid, Check
and stripe Gabardines, Plain and
novelty Stripe, Check and Plaid
Basket Weaves and other nov-
elty fabrics in Remnant Skirt
lengths that measure not less than
3 yards and were priced originally
from $2.25 to $3.00 each.
Your choice.
Ladies' Wash Suits of Figured
Mercerized fabrics and novelty
plaid crepes in various new and
up-to-date colors. f.
Splendid Gar-
merits for vacation Days, Camp,
Automobiling or Beach wear.
See them in the Dry Good
Your Choice, Each
New "Mend C
This Trade Mark Label in Suit or Coat i
Your Guarantee of Style Authenticity and Quality.
ALMER GARMENTS are made right
in the heart of the nation’s style centre
and in addition to bearing the Hall-
Mark of Established style authenticity
are known from the Atlantic to the
Faci He for their excellence .in work-
manship and Finish.
The New Fall Styles in Suits and Coats are here
and we cordially invite you to come to the store and
view, at your leisure, these beautiful garments
whether you wish to purchase now or later.
Early Fall Styles in the Famous
Sherwood Shoes for Ladie
We have received just
this week an advance cou-
signmeut of some of the
cleverest styles in Ladies'
Separate Skirts we have
seen in a long while. You
will sav the same too when
you see them.
They come in Tweeds,
Serges. Plaids, Checks and
large Novelty stripes in a•
great variety of Colors.
For late summer and
early Fall wear they are
the smartest and most de­
sirable garments imagi­
nable and thev are priced
$5 tO $11.85
Are Now being Shown.
The new models are shown in English lasts with
low heels, and they can be had in either Black or
Brown. Come and see them today.