AUGUST 2, TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT TILLAMOOK COUNTY REBEKAH CONVENTION ----- o----- A Most Successful Gathering Held at ¡I I I 4 I kaster, who has her whole heart and soul in the grand work of Oddfellow­ ship, and she certainly endeared her­ self to the fraternity in Tillamook County, during her visit. She is an inspiration and a guiding star for the advancement of tin noble work of the order, and we prophesy great results to materialize in the future from the I spirit of her work. Beaver on Monday. ------ o The Tillamook County 11th annual Rebekah Convention of District No. 18, convened on Monday at the I. O. O. F. hall at Beaver, Oregon. The AGRICULTURE NOTES. convention was called to order by County Chairman, Sister A. W. Bunn. By R. C. Jone», County Agriculturist. The ceremonies were introduced by a patriotic salute to “Old G1ory,”jtfi