Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 03, 1917, Image 5

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board acting in conjunction with the than shifting the taxes from the tim­ and the most serious road problem in
County Court. By this method the ber to the farm as has been done or Tillamook County will be solved and
roads would be made immediately the timber interests paying taxes on the taxpayers of the County will be
available for use, heavy and rapidly only 19 billion feet of timber when it saved a vast sum of money in con­
charges is said that they have 30 billion feet of struction and maintenance charges.
■ would be eliminated, and 20 per cent, timber in the county, which, if assess­
It is not conceivable that the voters
Ins Supprt When It It
according to best authorities, -saved ed at a reasonable figure would result of Tillamook County will do Other-
in the cost of construction over the , in a reduction of 30 to 40 per cent in wise than loyally support the State
ShowR TKM Will Not
so-called pay-as-you-go plan, where the farmers’ taxes,
and county bond measures.
Bo leroaoed.
small sums are expended annually.
| Our Fairview friend and his asso-
On Wednesday evening between 50
Mayor R. T. Boats thought that if
On the other hand we will assume J ciates are horrified at the suggestion
eration what a hard surface highway
M p general publfe ■ndor- and 60 business men of this city got through the county will mean to the that the suggestion that has been of bonds that are at this time propos- taxation was cut down it would be
f. that t> extra tax on automo- together for the purpose of discussing business life of this city? 1 want to made that we expend $60,apo. annual- ! ed largely for the benefit of the fami­ an inducement to people to start in­
Lwlll pa for th® hard-surfacing matters pertaining to the business life tell you that is is going to double the ly from the road fund on hard surface ers; they are drifting into a condition, dustries here. He took up the side­
[he high’”* ,n the Pr0POM<1 trunk oi the city, which proved to be an in- business of this city, and it behooves roads be carried out and what would however, if General Dougall’s leader­ walk question and pointed out the dif­
r 0„r t» jtate, friends tor tho ,.eres2ing ,,leetin8- The Ladies’ Aid of
you to get behind the bonding meas­ be the result?
ship is as successful in the future as in ficulties they had encountered in
L r0Bd. lovement -------------
Increase. . The the Christian Church served
a most ure. 1 do not know w'hether you are
the past, where they will be in a making these improvements, and
L tt the 1» gave ‘‘ -
excellent banquet which was
L u It apeared. The word “bond" ing feature of the event, the a pleas* aware of it that Tillamook County get the same number of miles of hard state ofc bondage that will be fastened thought that the city should be pro­
room in fared better than any other county in surface roads to be had in a few to them and their posterity for cen­ vided with better fire apparatus.
L<j ther stiff It la now being
C. 1. Clough, who is an enthusiast
Lratood hat ths I road money that the Masonic Building being draped the amount oi hard surfaced roads. I months by the bonding plan. In the turies. I refer to the conditions that
been »vailable In the different with the stars and stripes.
will mention only a few counties. meantime automobiles are multiply­ will exist in this county when the on harbor improvements, showed the
D. L. Shrode ably filled the posi- Clackamas county gets 20 miles, ing, road destruction increasing, timber is removed and the burden of necessity of having the channel im­
h distrts is not : interfered with
Lr theproposed clan, bat is paid tion as toastmaster and in his brief Washington 40 miles and Tillamook maintenance charges mounting higher taxation is shifted from the timber proved from the bay. He said if we
tb iacreased assessment on opening remarks pointed out the
between 50 and 60 miles. Considering and higher and instead of having the 1 largely to the farms, the farms now wanted to remain a small country
Lnobl* The bond issue then be-
necessity of pulling together. He our population and the amount of as­ funds expended by a capable County paying only 11 per cent of the total town the harbor improvements were
L, apply the ,tate
lit tsget the good roads now, and stated that the Commercial Club had sessment, 1 illamook county was ex­ Court, such as we now have, aided tax. \\ ith the rocky, mountainous dis­ not necessary, but if we wanted to
■he »tra auto tax pay for them as been planning that meeting for a long ceedingly fortunate. As 1 previously and safeguarded by an advisory board tricts of this county denuded of their grow it was imperative to have a
. ar being used. The proposition time.
stated some persons wanted to know who can say who might get into of­ timber there will be but very little deep channel from the bay.
[roeng in favor as It is under
H. T. Botts spoke on get together
| what the Commercial Club was doing. fice in the course of politics in the value left in the land, and that, to­
¡¿.-Hubbard En’erpriso.
Get Behind the Commercial Club.
In the state bond measure, as origin­ years that would intervene and how gether with the other property values spirit and Prof. Kirk on the com­
Fred C. Baker, president of the ally drawn, the only hard surfacing much graft and incompetency the tax­ will not in the aggregate much exceed munity spirit, both of which were to
I Commercial Club, was the first provided for was from the Clatsop payers might have to stand for?
an assssed valuation of $7,000,000.
the point; James Feeney took up the
speaker. He said there is one thing county line
In any event the plan is out of the
Taking the budgets for the last subject of shipbuilding, who told of
to somewhere near
j that Tillamook City lacks, and that is Wheeler, or to be more correct, question as the funds could not be three or four years as a criterion to what was being done to get that in­
1, 1 road 1 bond laaue, should It bo a live, progressive Commercial Club, Garibaldi beach, Which could have spared from the road fund without judge the future it will cost not less dustry started here; and C. J. Ed­
E| will ba taken ear« of by the ' and what 1 have to say I hope will
been construed to terminate at the sacrificing the development of the than $350,000 per annum to meet the wards made a talk on new industries,
Car mill state road tax and auto- arouse more enthusiasm amongst
mouth of the Nehalem river. When county. Such a policy appeals to but necessary expenses of the county and and in doing so illustrated what ad­
Le lleenaee. Both must be paid
business men to make this not only the Tillamook scrappers got busy very few thinking people but has thus we are sinking deeper into the mud vancement the state of Washington
Ler the bond« carry or not. To us
Laie the bond laaue should be ta- an attractive business center but an they put quite a different complexion far admirably served the purpose of each year. With an assessed valuation was making in the dairy business,
j industrial center as well. This cannot on the situation. Thanks to Senator those who have but few interests in of only $7,000,000 to bear the burden which was largely attributed to hard
n by all.—Hermiston Herald.
I be obtained without the co-operation Handley the point was extended to common with the resident taxpayer of this expense every farm in the surfaced roads in the state.
• * *
he attitude of the State Highway I of business men, and I believe it is Garibaldi post office. But that of far of the county and are evidently seek­ county will be paying an annual tax
At the close of the meeting it was
Ltieelon tn reference to the dtatri- ' the duty of every business man to dc- greater importance to this city and ing. by such suggestions, to quiet the charge of 5 per cent on its assessed decided to hold a get together meet­
In of the H.dOO.uC? state bond la- ! vote at least one evening a month to
county was the successful effort in public demand for better roads until valuation. Our Fairview friend, asses­ ing and banquet once a month, and
(will be to show no undue prefer- ' ; discuss matters which are of vital im­
having the road south of this city to such time as the political power of sed with $11,600 would then have to the next get together meeting will be
I re any particular section of the
the Yamhill county line made part oi the county passes into their hands pay $580, annually on his farm and Friday evening June 1st.
I ever another,” comments ths
burg Review. "It la their Inten- ture prosperity of this city. But, the state plan. I want to express my when they will graciously hand out would have worse roads than he has
|to co-operate with all the counties ' gentlemen, you have not done so in thanks, as President of the Conimer- to us what they think is fit and prop- now.
Obituary Notice.
On the other hand, if the county
kghout the state, not with a few, the past, nor have you backed up cial Club, to Mr. F. R. Beals, who was er that we should have and in lieu of
■any have been led to believe your Commercial Club like business at Salem at the time and engineer-d taxes our county can expect to event­ was to be bonded at this time as pro-
Laura Jane Johnson was born in
Lgh opponents to the bond issue. men in other cities. 1 have been this addition to the state highway ually have handed to it worthless posed, for $412,000, we would get Pennsylvania, January 31st, 1854; died
Mas County should not lag a mo- •frequently asked: “What is the Com- plan, and to some of our business men rocky hills denuded of timber. The without state aid approximately 30 at Bay City, Oreegon, April , 30th,
I until some action is taken where
State of Washington is said to have miles of hard surfaced roads that 1917. aged 63 years, two months and
Lr road Interests will be mater- ' mercial Club doing?” The correct way at home who got busy and pulled
had packages of this kind handed to would cost him 2 per cent of his as- 28 days.
I benefited by the proposed bond
On December 25th, 1868, she was
1 your business men "What have you have the bill amended. They were D. it containing 11,000 acres to the sessed valuation and 88 per cent of
| whjch would be paid for by property married to A. V. Brown and to this
* a *
been doing the past 12 months to help L. Shrode, C. J. Edwards, H ,H. package.
I am informed that a deciple of the other than farms, and the timber union were born two sons, Guy and
'111 It not be far better to •ell thc Commercial Club?” 1 will answer Rosenberg, H. T. Botts, Judge Hare
proposed bonds and begin our the latter question by saying that and others, and I think we owe them timber interests residing in Fairview f would be paying its just share of the William. Guy died at the age of
work by a common-sense system
a debt of gratitude for what they did. has gone so far as to say that he development of the county, These seven years. William is yet living.
to dribble it out in small sums ' when meetings have been called the
favor- roads,
____ . ___
=______ by
_ proper
. .
traffic Her husband died in 1878.
This shows, however, what co-opera­ would not permit any . person
year to year and in the end ae-
On July loth, 1879, she was married
■liah nothing?" inquires th« Hoodjance were the president and secretary. tion between business men can do.
i To our shame, gentlemen, the women The Tillamook Commercial Club took argument in its favor or discuss the and the farmers of the county would to Albert E. Nichols, who survives
* * *
[belonging to the Womens Civic Im­ an active part also and paid the in­ subject with him because of the fail-'get immediate and lasting benefits, her. To them was born three children,
^Bia time Oregon wax getting out of provement League are having inter­ cidental expehscs. Before breaking ure of the County Court to adopt the On the basis of a seven million dollar two of whom died in infancy, The
Mrr.iit comment! the Tillamook esting meetings and striving to make away from this subject, I want to sug­ McLeod-Dougall pay-as-you-go meth-1 valuation should wc seek to get the third is Mrs. Edith Todd who was
^Hld. California and Washington
gest that this city start an active cam­ od of financing hard surface road same number of miles of hard surface with her mother when the end came.
^B both made large appropriations this a live, progressive city. 1 do not
construction. This individual and his roads as wc are now seeking to jjet,
She is survived by her husband,
^Beod roads during the past few know of a time when a live Commer- paign in behalf of the $6,000,000 state associates has, with childish faith, instead of it costing our friend 2 per
daughter and son, and »0 grand child­
while Oregon has stood still, citl Club was more needed than it is
The speaker touched upon delicate followed the leadership of the Me-J cent of his assessed valuation it would ren and three great grand children**
^■bonding bill which will come up today, so it is up to you whether you
^Konslderatton in June is an oco- * are going to take hold with more vim ground when lie made a comparison Leods and Dougalls for years and cost him nearly six per cent.
Also two sisters and one brother. For
[ Referring to the timber owners and
^Bc business proposition.
and determination or remain indifier- of the large amount of money busi­ with what result?
many years Mr. and Mrs. Nichols
An examination of the tax rolls for lumber men I desire to say that
■ ent as to the future progress and ness men wasted in advertising stunts
been residents of Bay City
annual license on all automo-
and calendars and the small amount 1910 will disclose that his farm was with very few exceptions they are and were well known and highly
■ has been doubled. The fees from business and industrial development
they contributed towards the Com­ assessed at $5,800; that the assess- broad minded, just, public spirited respected by a wide circle pf friends.,
^■source will be adequate to pay the of the city.
Club, and he thought the ment was raised in 1914 to $1 t.too and ' intn who are dppdsfd to such meth-
Gentlemen, there should be a great­
^•est and the principal of the $6,-
Mrs. Nichols was a member of thé
^BOC road bonds. Automobile own- er co-operation between businss men business men could mgke a great sav­ has since been raised to $r 1,600 where otjs as I have pointed out. I hold Bay City Presbyterian church, and a
^Bre willing to pay the increased 11- today because conditions have chang­ ing by cutting out some of this, and it now stands; that certain tracts of these men in the highest esteem. No prominent member of Unity Daught­
^Bp but ask that the money raised ed. Take the mail order business. closed up by saying he wanted to ask timber land« were likewise raised in (man has done more for Tillamook ers of Rebecca Lodge of Odd Fel­
Mffrom shall be spent In road con-
the business men to support their value; that the assessment thereon ! county than has Cole Wheeler, of the
I '
^Btion. Why not? They are going Probably you have never realized that Commercial Club. Don’t starve it for was thereafter reduced nearly one I Wheeler Lumber Company;
^Bay the bill. And it will not be these mail order houses are gradually 1
! Coats Lumber Company is a very im­
■ssary to raise general taxes, either. crowding out the country stores and lack of your assistance. Every busi­ to a class, to-wit: the farmers who
on Tuesday, Rev. Youel preached
■ for the bonds.
'stores in small towns like ours. It is a ness man should belong to the club, pay taxes on valuations 79 per cent
the funeral sermon. Interment took
w * *
' fact, and it is stated by those who ap­ for it is united co-operation that will greater now than they were in 1910. This class of people, however, do not place at the Bay City I. O. O. F.
'maintain artful individuals in the var­
■tom a series of investigations, the pear to know that in certain lines help to make this a much bigger
A further search will disclose that ious counties where they have timber cemetery.
B- Department of Agriculture has they have captured 20 per cent of the business center. Get behind your
values in Tillamook City have been . holdings, who devote their time and
Md that, following the improvement business, and arc liable to make still Commercial Club.
increased 95 per cent in the last five I energies exclusively to tax questions Attorney Winslow's Brother Dorwns.
Be main market roads, the increase
Bhe selling price of tillable farm further inroads into your business. A Plea for Hardsurfaced Roads and or six years, Bayoccan from $6,550 in and legislation that when analyzed is
■s served by the roads has amount- You know that there are persons who
1907 to $295,600 in 1916, or 4.512 per Lund Io b^ wholly in the interests of
Salem, Or. April 26.—By making a
Bonding for Same.
B° from one to three times the total send to mail order houses when they
supreme effort, which probably saved
Lake Lytle from $6,000 in 1909 thc class they represent.
B of the improvements.
have money and when they nee
to $45,994 in 1916, or 766 per cent;
the lives oi 15 men and women help­
* * ♦
credit you carry them on your books. tive part in advocating a hard surfac­ Rockaway from $4,800 in 1909 to I Tillamook County, with the possi­ lessly adrift in a frail gasoline launch
Be construction of hard-surfaced Can you business men hope to com­ ed highway through the county, took
$94,266 in 1916, or 1,963 per cent; I
Bs that will enable th’e farmer to
up this subject. He said:
is the best taken care of county in in tribulent midstream on the Will­
want you to carefully note that thgre
Bh the Columbia River with his bat that state of affairs if you won t
amette River, H. R. Winslow sacri-
Bn and other products will give the get together and devise plans to ported our traffic very satisfactorily has been an increase in farm prop­ thc state under the provisions of the ficed his own life this morning. Win­
Bucers of Eastern Oregon the full overcome this menace to your busi­
erty value since 1910 of 79 per cent, State Bond Measure to be voted on slow was a wood dealer and well
Bfit of water competition in mar- ness? 1 believe that people prefer to prior to the advent of thc automobile but how about timber land? A careful June 4th, of this year, as, in addition known in Marion and Polk counties.
M'g their products and will ulti- trade in a live, wide awake city, but it have entirely given way under thc investigation will show that it has to 60 miles of post road and hard sur­
I he little shell of a launch, which
Bly bring about, a reduction of ex- takes wide awake progressive business strain of the automobile traffic and been raised less than 27 per cent.
face road provided for in the measure
precipitated its load of human
Bv,‘ freight rates that are now in mCn to make a real live town and there is but one remedy and that is to
Continuing the search you will find thc following provisions are made:
freight into the seething waters of
Bt over the various branch railroad
B on which the farmer is now de­ business center, and when you do tha subjected to heaviest traffic. In my that in 1910 timber land paid 78 per prepare anil make ready for paving the river, had been pressed into ser­
I people are not so apt to send to mail
Bent for transportation.
judgment the most feasible method cent of the total taxes of the county according to thc requirements of the vice when the engine on the tugboat
♦ ★ ♦
and that it now pays less that 67 per
order houses.
which operates the regular ferry be-
P" fact that the United States is at
I will now take up thc matter of for bringing this about is to bond the cent of the total tax, the result being State Highway Commission twenty twen the Polk and Manon County
► with a foreign foe only furnishes thc proposed state road bond meas­
that the, burden has been shifted to
• additional argument in support of ure, and try to impress upon you the valuation, as provided by law, and the farms that now pay a large per­ road between Tillamook and Mc- sides of the Willamette here gave
safeguard the expenditure of thc
I good roads bond bill. Improved
• Minnville, and if such portion of said way and the ferry suspended opera­
importance of this to this city. Have
I serviceable highways are a mili-
funds thus created by an advisory centage of the total tax than in 1913. road is so prepared that the same tions.
If some of the timber interests
P necessity in time of war. In their you ever given it any serious consid-
Men and women gathered on the
could put over a thing of this kind in
Bent condition, even the main trunk •
State Polk county side of the river unable
broad daylight, with the farmers of to the requirements of the
Bs in this state are entirely inade- j
said to cross, and as a last resort the little
Be to meet the situation should
the county dominating its politics,
I launch Olympia was sent t to that side,
■fie Coast ever be attacked by
while hob-nobing with our Fairview Commission shall immediately
j where the passengers were taken
B>dlv forces. Good roads are
friend, what will they do when
aboard, and
__ ..
it was
__ while
IT desirable in time of peace but
they get the power? They use their tion of said road shall be excepted 'the engine became dead and the
■tiveiy indispensable when
power, when their interests are to be
•ntry is in a state o< war.
launch butted into the concrete pier,
served, to bond the Port of Bay City, and such portion shall then be class- and it was keeping the laungh from up­
* * *
with a valuation of less than $6,000,-
-otnmenting on the selection of Her-
setting that Winslow
000, in thc sum of $407,ocx>, only ; The construction placed upon this
t Nunn as State Highway Engineer, 1
B Murdock, roadmaster for Coos ;
$5,000 less than it is proposed to bond provision by those who drafted it
He is a brother to Attorney Wins-
“nty, pays the following high trib-
! the
thc entire county for good roads with and
an« *>y
’>y lawyeers who
wno have
nave since ex-
t >s-z i iic ti< it 1 of 11 U h in 00 k CzOunt^
low of this city, and has a wife and
to the qualifications of Mr. Nunn
an assessed valuation of over $20,000,-amined it is that it is mandatory up-
arters of
Million Dol-
three children.
By executive and technical training '
I do
not wish
to be
000, 1
___ „
_ ______
____ ' °n the State Highway Commission to
I experience, he is easily the best
as opposing this bond issue, as it was immediately pave 20 or more miles in
ilified man in the State of Oregon, j
totaled ab< t 'e 'f,r_ aI1 ill(.reil!»e of Two
Pomona Grange Postponed.
justified, but merely to point out that length of the post road between I ill-
lot on the Pacific Coast, for the po- ,
u" h ” d Thoncai.d3 Dollars. Other dairvin«
. they are bond advocates when bonds amook and McMinnville when 1 state
pn which he has recently been
. H'«*’dred.
.?'rdillJilv. Yon will lind The First
The Pomona Grange has been
Plnted to fill. The Commission is
serve their interests. Wonder how the requirements are met by
I , Tillamook
activities grew a
.e |(M>. Its facilities and
¡.'County. This construction absolutely postponed until the 19th of .May.
r® c°tnpllmented upon their choice
X““™1 "ui" !» I"«'"'
I'he state upon its good fortune in
‘ removes any discretionary power on
num, on thc jetty would strike them?,
ring Mr. Nunn's services.”
The new game and fish law will
Will they some day. when they have ' the part of the Highway Commission
♦ * *
take effect May 21, 1917, and on and
pners of automobiles will be re-
farming or comnu njKECTOHS :
their Port and bond it to the limit ■ made, which is not the case in other after that date the license will be
p Heisel. Farmer.
pi to pay the increased license
long term bonds, improve the , counties, therefore, if the State Bond $1.50 each for hunter’s and angler’s
,4. W nunn\f'a^rc Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres
[Whether the road bond bill passes
C. J Edwards.
C l
J()hn M„rgan. Farmer.
harbor leaving the upper har-1 Measure carries and we prepare our- license.
Ft- On the other hand, if the road
B. C. Lamb. Build^g ^reri^
r* are voted at the June election,
bor, the one the farmers are fatally in- selves by bonding the County to
Mr. aryl Mrs. Frank Schmieder for­
fl start will be assured in giving
terested in, without improvement, re- [ promptly finance the state require- mer residents of Portland, Ore., have
r* state a system of permanent
move their timber and leave the far-|ments as to preparation of road bed take over the restaurant in the Green
fw*ys eanstrueted from automo-
mer to pay the bonds? How much we will be in a position to immediat- Tree Hotel at Garibaldi, Ore.. We
llicense fees and without lacreaa-
more injustice would there be in that ely avail ourselves of this provision serve the best, and ask you to test. •
Fhe general tag
Hard Surfaced Highway for Tillamook
Countykand Other Subjects Discussed.