TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY '3. 1917. IAD MMWBIU. GROW IN FAVOR TILLAMOOK SCRAPPERS” HAVE A GET TOGETHER “ SCRAP.” board acting in conjunction with the than shifting the taxes from the tim­ and the most serious road problem in County Court. By this method the ber to the farm as has been done or Tillamook County will be solved and roads would be made immediately the timber interests paying taxes on the taxpayers of the County will be available for use, heavy and rapidly only 19 billion feet of timber when it saved a vast sum of money in con­ increasing maintenance charges is said that they have 30 billion feet of struction and maintenance charges. ■ would be eliminated, and 20 per cent, timber in the county, which, if assess­ It is not conceivable that the voters Ins Supprt When It It according to best authorities, -saved ed at a reasonable figure would result of Tillamook County will do Other- in the cost of construction over the , in a reduction of 30 to 40 per cent in wise than loyally support the State ShowR TKM Will Not so-called pay-as-you-go plan, where the farmers’ taxes, and county bond measures. Bo leroaoed. small sums are expended annually. | Our Fairview friend and his asso- On Wednesday evening between 50 Mayor R. T. Boats thought that if On the other hand we will assume J ciates are horrified at the suggestion eration what a hard surface highway L M p general publfe ■ndor- and 60 business men of this city got through the county will mean to the that the suggestion that has been of bonds that are at this time propos- taxation was cut down it would be f. that t> extra tax on automo- together for the purpose of discussing business life of this city? 1 want to made that we expend $60,apo. annual- ! ed largely for the benefit of the fami­ an inducement to people to start in­ Lwlll pa for th® hard-surfacing matters pertaining to the business life tell you that is is going to double the ly from the road fund on hard surface ers; they are drifting into a condition, dustries here. He took up the side­ [he high’”* ,n the Pr0POM<1 trunk oi the city, which proved to be an in- business of this city, and it behooves roads be carried out and what would however, if General Dougall’s leader­ walk question and pointed out the dif­ r 0„r t» jtate, friends tor tho ,.eres2ing ,,leetin8- The Ladies’ Aid of you to get behind the bonding meas­ be the result? ship is as successful in the future as in ficulties they had encountered in L r0Bd. lovement ------------- Increase. . The the Christian Church served a most ure. 1 do not know w'hether you are Years would elapse before wc would the past, where they will be in a making these improvements, and it a black eye as L tt the 1» gave ‘‘ - - excellent banquet which was L u It apeared. The word “bond" ing feature of the event, the a pleas* aware of it that Tillamook County get the same number of miles of hard state ofc bondage that will be fastened thought that the city should be pro­ room in fared better than any other county in surface roads to be had in a few to them and their posterity for cen­ vided with better fire apparatus. Ldlv forces. Good roads are friend, what will they do when aboard, and __ .. it was __ while whil returning IT desirable in time of peace but they get the power? They use their tion of said road shall be excepted 'the engine became dead and the ■tiveiy indispensable when from the classification as a post road power, when their interests are to be •ntry is in a state o< war. launch butted into the concrete pier, served, to bond the Port of Bay City, and such portion shall then be class- and it was keeping the laungh from up­ * * * _ • ified as a paved road. ” with a valuation of less than $6,000,- -otnmenting on the selection of Her- setting that Winslow 000, in thc sum of $407,ocx>, only ; The construction placed upon this t Nunn as State Highway Engineer, 1 drowned. B Murdock, roadmaster for Coos ; $5,000 less than it is proposed to bond provision by those who drafted it He is a brother to Attorney Wins- “nty, pays the following high trib- ! the thc entire county for good roads with and an« *>y ’>y lawyeers who wno have nave since ex- -« t >s-z i iic ti< it 1 of 11 U h in 00 k CzOunt^ low of this city, and has a wife and to the qualifications of Mr. Nunn an assessed valuation of over $20,000,-amined it is that it is mandatory up- HE T arters of Million Dol- three children. By executive and technical training ' I do not wish to be understood 000, 1 _____ ___ „ _ ______ ____ ' °n the State Highway Commission to I experience, he is easily the best as opposing this bond issue, as it was immediately pave 20 or more miles in ilified man in the State of Oregon, j totaled ab< t 'e 'f,r_ aI1 ill(.reil!»e of Two Pomona Grange Postponed. justified, but merely to point out that length of the post road between I ill- lot on the Pacific Coast, for the po- , u" h ” d Thoncai.d3 Dollars. Other dairvin« . they are bond advocates when bonds amook and McMinnville when 1 state pn which he has recently been . H'«*’dred. .?'rdillJilv. Yon will lind The First The Pomona Grange has been Plnted to fill. The Commission is serve their interests. Wonder how the requirements are met by I , Tillamook activities grew a . .e |(M>. Its facilities and ¡.'County. This construction absolutely postponed until the 19th of .May. r® c°tnpllmented upon their choice pay-as-you-go plan, 20 rods per an X““™1 "ui" !» I"«'"' ”n'' I'he state upon its good fortune in ‘ removes any discretionary power on num, on thc jetty would strike them?, ring Mr. Nunn's services.” The new game and fish law will Will they some day. when they have ' the part of the Highway Commission ♦ * * take effect May 21, 1917, and on and the political power, annex Fairview to as to when improvemecnets arc to be pners of automobiles will be re- farming or comnu njKECTOHS : their Port and bond it to the limit ■ made, which is not the case in other after that date the license will be p Heisel. Farmer. pi to pay the increased license with long term bonds, improve the , counties, therefore, if the State Bond $1.50 each for hunter’s and angler’s ,4. W nunn\f'a^rc Power Co. J. C. Holden. Vice Pres [Whether the road bond bill passes C. J Edwards. C l J()hn M„rgan. Farmer. lower harbor leaving the upper har-1 Measure carries and we prepare our- license. Ft- On the other hand, if the road B. C. Lamb. Build^g ^reri^ r* are voted at the June election, bor, the one the farmers are fatally in- selves by bonding the County to Mr. aryl Mrs. Frank Schmieder for­ fl start will be assured in giving terested in, without improvement, re- [ promptly finance the state require- mer residents of Portland, Ore., have r* state a system of permanent move their timber and leave the far-|ments as to preparation of road bed take over the restaurant in the Green fw*ys eanstrueted from automo- mer to pay the bonds? How much we will be in a position to immediat- Tree Hotel at Garibaldi, Ore.. We llicense fees and without lacreaa- more injustice would there be in that ely avail ourselves of this provision serve the best, and ask you to test. • Fhe general tag Hard Surfaced Highway for Tillamook Countykand Other Subjects Discussed. I I I I 1 -