Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 02, 1916, Image 8

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Notice of Hearing on Petition To
I those people who live in towns. He
Form Drainage District.
I advocates, for instance, the closed
•--- —O—.
I season" for rabbits in order that they
In the County Court of the. State of
I may increase so there may be more Oregon, for the County of Tillamook.
Mother, I’ll tell you what’s the mat­ sport for the hunters. He says: “The
Notice is hereby given that hearing
ter with city women today it’s this 1 complaints from the hayseeds that on the following petition will bj held
the kitchen has been taken away ; Brer Rabbit is a nuisance, eating up at the Court House in the City of
from them. Woman's heaven is in her more than his share of green stuff Tillamook, County of Tillamook,
kitchen, whether she wants to believe and garden sass and fliestroying fruit State of Oregon on the 22nd day ot
it or not, and as soon as she leaves it trees should not be considered for a March, 1916, for the purpose of de­
she becomes wretchedly discontented. moment.” In the same paper I read termining whether the prayer of said
'The accumulation of money in large that the state of Deleware is leading petition shall be granted.
masses has taken the city worn in the way in a new and English reform. To the Honorable County Court ot
from the frying pan. Their grand­ J T here it is unlawful for a farmer to
Tillamook County, Oregon:
mothers have never thought of leav­ kill a fox by shooting, snaring, pois-
'The undersigned, being the ow-ners
ing all the work in the house to 1 oning or any other expeditious way, 1 of more than fifty per cent of the
others. If they needed help they got I presume that if any farmer there has land in Tillamook County, Oregon,
it, but they worked too. But now bus­ I a suspicion of Brer Reynard ap­ hereinafter described, do hereby
bands make a lot of money, and proaching on his hen roost, he may petition your Honorable Body and
wifey thinks it is her duty to spend it put on a red coat, gather a pack ot pray that you cause to be organized
and mount
his hunter and formed a drainage district for
and to ruin herself as a human being. hounds,
She gets a big house, employs many i and chase Brer Reynard for twenty the purpose of having said lands re­
servants and gives a bridge party | miles or more, and perhaps miss claimed and protected in the manner
whenever she can get anybody to the tricky fellow after all. It is a pic­ herein set forth from the effects of
come. She invites a lot of , young turesque and delightful I way for the water, for sanitary and agricultural
’ : benefit and
wives, whose husbands haven t much farmer to get rid of the ; foxes without purposes, and for the
money yet, and who really wouldn t killing them and thus depriving the welfare of the public, and for the
have much time for bridge if they city sportsman of that pleasure. The public utility and benefit.
For the purpose of this petition we
were keeping up a ri al home. I hese average city sportsman looks on the
young wives move into flats with farming region as a game reserve state the following facts, as required
five or six rooms and a bath. 1 he that lie may wander < over with his by Chapter 340 of the General Laws
work is so easy it almost does itself, gun and trained dogs, killing the of Oregon for the year 1915.
1. The name proposed for the dis­
and if it doesn’t they get Annie two game or taking the fish that the far­
days a week, and have the janitors mer has been forbidden to take under trict which is herein prayed for is
little daughter do the dishes for them. severe penalty until the vacation Little Nestucca Drainage District.
,2. The boundaiy lines of the pro­
A little canned soup, some salad season of the sportsman at which
greens and a pound ot cold boiled ham time the farmer is usually busy with posed district are as follows:
Beginning at a point 773 feet South
in the ice box, and hubby is satisfied. his work The game laws are enforced
That gives them plenty of time for with rigor that would be credible if of the Sixteenth Section corner at the
bridge—oh, no it isn’t gambling; the it were against the crime of arson, Southeast corner of the Southwest
dime ante is just to make the game burglary and murder. Did you ever quarter of the Northwest quarter of
interesting! Some are even worse stop to think of that, unless you are Section 9, Township 5 South, Range
than that. They don’t want to mix the a sporting man, you may never hope 10 West of Willamette Meridian, in
salad or heat the soup so they take to taste venison, quail or any other Oregon, running thence in a North­
hubby off to an apartment hotel, 1 game or fish protected by our absurd westerly direction a loti” the high
where they can sleep till noon, eat I game laws or unless given to you by water line as follows:
Thence North 76 degrees West 440
some hodge-podge cookery for lunch ¡some sportsman? If there were no
and rush off to the party. After din­ I laws for the protection of game dur­ feet; thence North 38 degrees East
ner being perfectly bored because ing the breeding season they would 852 feet thence West 4O5 feet to the
corner; thence
their minds are turning to rust soon become extinct and hence such sixteenth section
through disuse, they sit down oppos­ laws are necessary for their protec­ North 332 feet; thence North 65
ite the provider in a sort of I-dcfy- tion and preservation. But the laws degrees West 1460 feet; thence West
you-to-entertain me attitude, and I now in force in nearly every state 510 feet; thence North 29 degrees
when he, tired of the day’s strife leans were made to suit the city sporting West 1670 feet; thence North 42%
back to read or nod to sleep, they clubs, and it is seldom that our degrees West 970 feet; thence South
claim they are neglected. Aren't you legislators can be made to see those 8t degrees West 665 feet; thence
glad, mother you live in the country? laws from the standpoint of the farm­ South 86)4 degrees West 660 feet;
But you wouldn’t be like those but­ ers, whose young orchards are de­ thence South 73 degrees West 182
feet; thence South 33 degrees West
terflies if you lived in the city, be­ stroyed by the rabbits.
361 feet; thence South 30 degrees
cause you are of superior mentality
and better training has made you real A Device f°r Leading the People to a West 369 feet; thence North 72 de­
grees West 90 feet; thence North 67
ize that the kitchen is the throne
Free Trade Policy.
degrees West 217 feet; thence North
room of the queen of the home, and
that the woman who avoids its duties
The president now asks for a "Tar­ 34 degrees West 340 feet; thence
and responsibilities is unfit to be a iff Commission." Any tariff commis­ South 85 degrees West 250 feet;
wife and mother.
sion which President Wilson would thence South 66 degrees West 296
appoint would have an easily control­ feet; thence South 50 degrees West
Sister Sue, yesterday I met an ling majority of university professors 294 feet; thence South 38 degrees
Irishman, fresh from the sod, from and importers. It would be an official West 563 feet; thence South 63 de­
whose talk about how the Irish peo­ body steadfastly working for free grees West 190 feet; thence North
ple, or at least many of them, feel trade and the employment of spies to ¿4 degrees West 24 feet; thence South
about the war, I infer there is much pry into foreign industries in the 58 degrees West 336 feet; thence
opposition to the English way of hope of protecting our people from South 33J4 degrees West 214 feet;
thence north 65 degrees East 120 feet;
conducting it. His talk showed the the consequence of free trade.
unusual amount of interest the folks
I he Republican policy is for an thence North 18 degrees East too
at home in Ireland Irave for their rel­ adequate protective tariff and freely feet; thence North 31 degrees East
atives in the trenches. He said that admitting any products by "dumping" 167 feet; thence North 23 degrees
some time ago all the pipers carried or otherwise which can get past our East 286 feet; thence North 28 de-
grees East 1 220 feet;
' ;, thence
the story of Michael O’Leary, who tariff.
was awarded the Victoria Cross for
That is the policy under which 2iJ4 degrees East 446 feet; ; thence
grabbing up a machine gun from its this country has always prospered -North 25 degrees East 1538 feet;
tripod and advancing on the run. Hi­ and which the Republican party will thence North 26 degrees East 360
killed eight Germans and saved llis restore as soon as it regains control feet; thence North 48 degrees East
320 feet; thence North 3 degrees East
company ,for which he got the V . C. •of the government.
Several Irish soldiers invalided at
It always has been and now is 216 feet; thence North 41 degrees
home went through the town in coun­ a strongly contested political ques­ West 536 feet; thence North 53% de­
ty Kerry, where
Michael lived. tion. It must always remain so. If it grees East 766 feet; thence North 48
'1 hey stopped at a public house where be not a political question, there is no degrees East 450 feet; thence North
<> degrees East 590 feet; thence South
his lather was treating a number of political question.
friends, and told the old man about
The proposal to “take the tariff out 81 degrees East 55 feet to the left, or
Ins son’s deed. Michael had always of politics” is always a proposal of South bank of Little Nestucca River;
1 hence in a Southeasterly direction
been a general good for nothing at tree traders, made with intent to de­
home. He was never known to work ceive and in the hope and expecta­ along the left bank of said river to a
point North of the place of beginning;
and was an all-round scapegoat. tion of securing free trade.
hen his dad heard about the deed
1 he president brings that much- thence South 1160 feet to the place of
lie said: ”1 always had some respect overworked term "scientific” into the beginning.
The lands described and contained
for the Germans as fighters, but if discussion. There is and can be no
Mike licked eight of them I hopi such thing as "scientific trade," ¿o- within said boundaries constitute a
contiguous body of swamp, wet and
they lose the war." When Mikes inestic or international.
mother was told of the deed she said
Trade is the result of the give and overflow lands.
J. 1 he total acreage included in
"Mike did? Where is he," She was in­ take of opposing interests under con­
formed that lie was fighting with an stantly changing conditions. It is a said proposed district is 345,614 acres.
4. The names of the owners of
expeditionary force somewhere in question of expediency between the
France and said: “Well 1 don’t know parties to the trade. It lends itself to land in said district as shown by the
anything about it, but 1 hope which­ the control of no economic laws records of I illainook County, Oregon
ever side the British are fighting for whatever, and the introduction of the and acreage owned by each ’ of said
owners is as follows:
gets beat."
term "scientific” is for humbug.
I he Republicans say that trade John Fox and Charles Fox 67.1 acres
Uncle Bill, it seldom occurs that a shall be wholly free within the 1 H. Renter, S. A. Renter 59.3 acres
man’s statement is disproved as boundaries of the United States and William Henry Craven, Jes­
quickly as was the case the other eve­ that our domestic trade shall be pro- se A. Craven, Mary L.
ning when 1 was in the city with a 1 ectcd from outside interference up to Craven, Birdie L. Craven
certain drunken fellow who bad ap­ 1° the limit set by the protective John L. Craven, Orby Crav­
en and Clair G. Craven, as
parently started out to see just how ’a"(f r r 1 1 "'y ProP°si to enact
much liquor his stomach would holil
1 he I resident and the Democratic devisees of J. K. Craven de
He attracted a lot of attention at party propose to sweep away every ceased, ................................. 11.24 acres
Sixth and Market streets and a large vest me of I’rotection, except’ such as K Craven, deceased ........ 11.24 acres
crowd of people gathered to watch is inctdently and reluctantly riven bv Lester Ray ........................ 39.70 acres
his antics In a short time a police the imperative demands for'revenue W. J. Lyons ...................... 11.2 acres
man was drawn into the gathering to provide for steadily increasing ex­ D. H. E’lctcher.................. 8.4S acres
M. W. Harrison................ 53-25 acres
When the officer saw the attraction penditure.
he laughed and ordered the individual
1.00 acris
The Treasury Department and the Charles Ray ......................
to move on. 1 he drunk explained he Committee of Ways and Means al­ L. J. Redbcrg....................
9.00 acres
was a brother to 1 eddy Roosevelt ways have been able to get all the in­
2 5.03. acres
and taught Napoleon how to fight, formation there is bearing on Tariff
56.60 acres
but failed to impress the officer, who matters, and it is got by the cupos- F .J. Carver ....................... 1.79 acres
gave him the choice of taking hi- mg efforts of red-blooded fighting
.063 acres
boastings elsewhere or a free ride to nrotectionists ami free traders in­ I. A. Forter and Condessa
the police station. He decided to stile stead of l>y anemic university profes­ ‘
..................................031 acres
1.86 acres
step the calabose and staggered up sor s trying to find "science" where II. Gage ..............
5. 1 he proposed reclamation and
ou Market street. W hen he got sever none is and eternally harping about
protection of said lands is for sanitary
al squares from the scene of his for­ the long run.**
and agricultural purposes, and such
mer adventures lie suddenly divided
Proposed reclamation and protection
he was a fit match for Jesse Willard
will be conductive to the public health
and had a lew things on John I Sul
and welfare, and of public utility and
ivan in his palmiest days This would Hillsboro Testimony Remains
Un- benefit.
have been alright had he kept it to
6 All of the said lands included in
himself, but he meandered up a side
Time is the best test of truth Here
street and proceeded to inform the is a Hillsboro story that has stood - nd proposed district are properly
world of his fighting abilities in a the test of time. It is a story with a included therein, and will be benefi­
loud voice. Out in the center of the point that will come straight home to cially affected by the operation of the
proposed district,
street he stood, shouting it to the many of us.
7 I he benefits of such proposed
world, and finally he added he could
William Wolf, Icfferson St. Hills
lick any man living on that street boro, Ure, says: "My back was so reclamation and protection will ex­
Suddenly a window was raised up a bad that 1 could hardly get around ceed the damage to be done, and the
slam-bang ami a deep voice hissed, Doan’s Kidney Fills brought me al­ best interests of the land included
"You can huh’,. Then a beer bottle most immediate relief. After 1 had mil of the owners thereof as a whole
came hurling through the air, landed finished one box, my back was all md ot the public at large will be
on the fighters head and the ground right.( There is nothing equal to promoted by the formation and pro­
came up ami hit him in the face. I bis Doan’s Kidney Rills for the cure of posed operation of such district.
I he formation of a drainage
sobered him wonderfully, and with sidney trouble." (Statement Riven
di'tnct under the provisions of Chan­
the aid of a passer-by, he got on a Sept. 23, 1911),
street car, forcgetful of his wonder
Over a year later, Mr. Wolf said ter 340 of the General Laws of Ore-
for.IQ‘5’ “".»•«■ the provisions of
ful fighting qualities That reminded "The cure Doan's
Pills which this petition is presented, is a
me of what my Uncle Toby used to brought has been permanent.”
say of garrulous people when they
l’rice 50c., at all dealers. 1 Don’t proper and advantageous method of
overflow: "A bee’s tongue was made ■•imply ask for a kidney remedy /—get iccomphshmg the reclamation and
for honcy-suiking, a dog’s for lap Doan s Kidney Fills—the sa me that protection of the lands included in
'.nd proposed district.
ping and an ass’ for braving."
Mr. Wolf
— twice
» - publicly
--------- j reconi-
9. The proposed plan for the rec
— o------
rec- ­
'»ended 1-oster-Milbourn Co. Procs
,1.. N
lamation and protection of property
Cousin Tom
I seldom ten! any
"i the proposed district is, that a dyke
thing on the sporting pages of news­
shall be constructed along the South
For County Treasurer.
papers that is about games, but I oft­
bank of the Little Nestucca river
en glan ce at the articles on huntinc
hereby announce mvsclf as a where the same borders upon the
and fishing, which is about the onlv
proposed district. Said district bord­
the office
of Í County
amusement of the kind that interests candidate
IV -
, _..,r
........ '■*
me 1 was just reading an article in measurer of Tillamook County <uh- ers upon said river, and as said
this morning's paper bv a city sports- icet to the will of the Republican vot­ lands are now situated the same are
»p overflow at times of
man, from which I infer that he be- ers al the 1916 primary election.
high tides and freshets, and the con­
Heves that the wild game should be
struction of a dyke along the bank of
«|<Mtrvcd fur the sole benefit of
B. L. Beals.
said nver will protect said lands from
Uncle Silas Says.
j inundation, and the land will thereby
be rendered more fit for cultivation,
and much more productive.
to. The signers of this petition
agree that they will pay any and all
expenses incurred, and any tax or
taxes that may be levied against
_____ _________
their respective
lands for ___
the purpose
of paying the expenses of organizing,
or attempting to organize the propos­
ed district, such expense to be taxed
against the signers in proportion to
the number of acres owned by them
and affected by the proposed drain­
age district.
11. Wherefore, your petitioners
pray that the lands described herein,
or such thereof as may be found by
the court to be properly included in
the proposed district, either perman­
ently or until further investigation
and surveys may permit elimination,
shall be declared organized into a
drainage district under the provisions
of Chapter 340 hereinbefore referred
Dated this December 14,
Lester Ray.
2. D. H. Fletcher
3- T. H. Renter
4- John Fox.
5- Chas. Fox.
6. L. J. Redberg.
7- Ole B. Redberg.
8. T. A. Porter.
9- G. A. Etzwiler.
IO. Chas. Ray.
11. M. W. Harrison.
State of Oregon, County of Tilla­
mook. ss.
I, D. H. Fletcher, being first duly
sworn, say: That I have read the fore
going petition: that 1 believe the al­
legations thereof to be true; that the
signatures appearing to said petition
ire the true and proper signatures of
the persons whose names appear as
signed thereto, and that each and all
of said signers are owners of land
within the proposed district as set
forth in said petition.
D. H. Fletcher.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 18th day of December, 1915.
H. T. Botts,
Notary Public for Oregon.
My Commission expires Dec.
26. 1915.
All persons owning or claiming an
interest in lands described in said
petition are hereby notified to appear
at said place on said date and show
cause, if any there be, why the prayer
in said petition should not be granted.
J. C. Holden,
Clerk of the County Court.
To the Republican Voters
mook County.
of Tilla­
I am a candidate for the Republican
nomination for Circuit Judge on the
19th Judicial District
Tillamook and Washington Counties
at the May 19th, 1916 primaries.
Geo. R. Bagley.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidate for County Coroner on the
Republican ticket at the primary
election to be held in May.
Dr. S. M. Wendt.
Use Good Judgment in Buying
and Sporting Goods.
Quick Meal Ranges,
Building Material,
Wall Paper,
Du Pont Blasting
Don’t Throw Away
Your Prescription
By taking it where it may not be accu­
rately filled—where part of the ingredients
used may be so old as to have lost their
freshness, strength and purity.
Get the full value of your doctor’s ser­
vices by bringing your prescription to us
—where you know it will receive all the
exact care and honest attention that our
pride of reputation—backed by experi­
ence, training and the most complete,
modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly-
tested and well-kept stock of prescription
drugs—-can possibly give it.
Reliable Druggist,
Tillamook, Ore.
To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty.
I hereby announce myself a candi­
date for Sheriff on the Republican
icket, subject to your approval in the
May primaries.
John Aschim.
We are Still Selling
To The Voters of Tillamo°k County.
I wish to announce myself as a
candidate for the office of Joint Rep­
resentative for the Counties of Tilla­
mook and Yamhill at the Republican .
primaries in May.
F. A. Rowe.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for nomination for the office of
County Sheriff, on the Republican
ticket. If nominated and elected I
shall endeavor to enforce the law with
efficiency, and economy.
W. L. Campbell.
To The Voters of Tillamook County.
------ o------
I hereby announce myself as a
Democratic candidate for the office
of County School Superintendent
subject to the primary election to be
held in May, 1916.
H. M. Cross.
at 20c per pound
Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb.
Fancy Breakfast, 26c. per lb
Bacon Backs, 18c.
Full Line of
Bulk Pickles,
eni Oysters'
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I hereby announce myself as a can­
didate for nomination for the office
County Clerk, on the Republican
ticket, at the primary election to be
held in May, 1916.
J. C. Holden.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
I herewith announce myself as a
candidate to succeed myself as county
surveyor. If nominated and elected I
vill continue to enforce the same
policies practiced by my office in the
jast, that of conducting it strictly on
in Engineering basis, efficiently and
• •_________ R L. Shreve. .
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
Candidate for nomination second
term, on the Republican ticket, at
primary election in May, for County
____________ C.
t. A. Johnson.
To The Voters of Tillamook County.
1 hereby announce that I am a can­
didate for the nomination for the of­
fice of County School Superintendent
at the primary election to be held in
Geo. B. Lamb.
To the Voters of Tillamook County.
------ 0------
I hereby announce myself as a can-
didate lor the office of County Sheriff
on the Republican ticket at the pri­
mary election to be held in May.
Fred H. Mimch.
Start the New Year Right !
By Trading at Mason's
Genuine Bargain Store
I Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of
Gent.’s Fashionable Boots 8P Shoes.
Cannot be Surpassed for Comfert and Wear.
Dress Goods and Underwear.
I Carry a Complete Line of First Class
And You will Save Money in Your Grocery!
Bill by Trading this Year with
e^Wasoruc Building.