Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 18, 1915, Image 8

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    18, 1915.
A Free Gift Saturday with every Purchase of $1.00 or Over.
Whether it be Voile, Organdie,
Hardanger Voile, Mercerized Pop­
lin, Tub Silk, Crepe de Chine, Jap
Silk or Pure Irish Linen you favor,
you will find a waist here
your liking.
For Four Days Only.
- -
Actual $1.00 and $1.25 Embroid­
ered Squares and Runners,
Not more than two of each to one customer.
Center Pieces and Runners with broad hem­
stitched borders, and finished with dainty em­
broidered designs.
A Bargain for home use or for 'Xmas Gifts
for home loving friends.
On sale only during the Thanksgiving Sale.
Full size Pure Linen Table Cloths, with 6 Napkins to
match. Beautiful quality and finish, and woven in exquisite
$6.25 for Sets priced at $7.75
7.98 for Sets priced at 9.50
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
November 20, 22, 23 and 24.
Sensational Reductions for four day's only---Wonderful Bargains in
Thanksgiving Linens---Tremendous Savings on <ykfen’s, Women’s,
and Children’s wearing apparel suitable for Thanksgiving festivities.
This Ad. can only begin to tell of the wonderful savings we are offering
for the four days preceding Thanksgiving we therefore urge every eco­
nomical Housewife, every thrifty man and woman to come to the store,
investigate the Bargains advertised and examine the hundreds of others on
view in the departments.
Every dept, has contributed its quota to the event, each trying to outdo
the other in points of value and savings.
Shop Saturday and secure a free gift with your purchase if it amounts to
one dollar or over. No gift worth less than 25c.
Double Gold Bond Trading Stamps given with every purchase Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday, November 22nd, 23rd and 24th.
Embroidered Pillow Cases and
Shams Greatly Reduced.
For your Thanksgivings Guest's Bedchamber nothing
could be so tasteful as these dainty Embroidered Pillow Cases
and Shams.
Shown in Pft*e Blue and Pink, as well as in
plain W lute.
Actual 50r pniow Cases for 37\c.
Actual f,9c. Pillow Cases for 58c.
Actué [ 88C' Pillow Shams for 75 c.
Men's, Young Men's
and Boys'
Wearing Apparel.
Every man and boy should look
his best during the Thanksgiving Fes­
tivities, and if you need a new suit,
overcont, raincoat, shoes neckwear,
etc., here is an opportunity for pur­
chasing such at genuine, worth while
Men's & Young Men's
Fall Suits,
For Values up to $17.50.
' '
------- _
ME lia
Great Thanksgiving Sale
Women's Ready-to-Wear.
Every woman’s dress in the House is greatly reduced in price—
practically every Suit in the store is selling for lese, some at great reduc­
tions—every Child’s, Misses’ and Woman's is purchasable at a wonderfully
reduced price, blit only for the four days of the Thanksgiving Sale.
Owing to ill health Miss De Par is compelled to take a vacation of a few
months duration and we are taking this opportunity to clean up our entire
stock of Ready-to-Wear before she leaves for California, as during her
absence the dept, will be temporarily closed.
Those who would like to have Miss De Par’s attention and advice
should make a point of making their selections during this sale.
Women's Dresses.
A complete range of sizes to choose from and such fashionable fabrics
as Serges Poplins, Crepes and Corduroys. We can fit the 16 year old girl
as easily as the Matron requiring a 40 bust.
$2.90 for values up to $ 5.85.
$3.98 for values up to $10.00.
Women's Coats.
Absolutely the latest 1915 Fall Styles, sizes 16 years to 44 Bust and
fabrics that are perfect in color and weave—Repps, Diagonals, Zibelines,
Tweeds, Corduroys and Salt’s famous fur cloths.
$8.85 for actual values to $12.50
$9.85 for actual values to $17.50
13.45 for actual values to 2500
Women's Suits.
Up-to-date styles in Women’s Fall Suits in Serges, Poplins, Tweeds,
etc., and sizes 15 years to 47 Bust. Practically every Suit in the House
Purchasable for less.
$11.45 for actual values tc $17.50
15.85 for actual values to 22.50
Children's Coats,
Absolutely correct in styles and
colors, these suits represent remark­
able suit values at the regular prices.
(. boose yours during the Thanksgiving
Sale and save up to 14.00 on your pur-
citase. All sizes in stock.
Coats for Children 2 to 6 years of age and for Girls 6 to 14 years and
shown in absolutely Fall 1915 styles only.
Men's & Young Men's
and Balmaccaans,
cAll New Fall
For Values up to $13.50.
Plain n nd fancy mixture fabrics in the newest and
most up to date style Balmaccaans, for this season’s wear,
as well ns ».he ever popular regular overcoats in becoming
Buy now and save real dollars.
Men's and Boys'
Kenyon Raincoats greatly Reduced,
No need to describe Kenyon Raincoats—the name is snf-
flcient guarantee of the quality nnd value.
Buy yours and
the boys’ now ot n saving.
Reg. $7.50 Men’s. $5.95
Reg. 15.00 Men's. 12.30
Reg. $10.00 Men ’s, $7.65
5.00 Boys’, 3.95
Every month sees a new shipment
of these famous Waists displayed on
the Waist Bargain Table on the
Main Floor and every month they
come in prettier and dainter styles
than the preceding month.
This month they are represented
in several new fabrics and are shown
in designs you will find in no other
town west of Portland.
Withmor Waists are always
One Dollar.
Withmor Waists are always
Worth More.
7 •*
Every yard of Table Damask and every Napkin in the
House is.on Sale lor four days at a saving every housewife
will want to benefit by.
F'or instance, 64 inch to 74 inch
Damasks are priced as follows :
50c. Mercerized Damasks are now
- 39c.
$1.00 All Linen Satin Damasks are
- 89c.
1.19 to $1.39 Pure Linen Satin Damasks
1.83Jo $2.25 Pure Linen Satin Damasks $1.59
$1.69 per doz. for Napkins priced at $2 00
1.98 per doz. for Napkins priced at 2.50
2.19 per doz. for Napkins priced at 2.98
2.59 per doz. for Napkins priced at 3.25
4.98 per doz. for Napkins priced at 6.90
$2.48 for values to $4.00
4.48 for values to 5.75
Millinery—O ne-third Off.
Every Lady’s Fall Hat in the store is purchasable at one-third less than
the marked price.
$7.50 Hats are now only $5.00
6.00 Hats are now only 4.00
4 50 Hats are now only 3.00
One-third Off All Furs.
Here’s a splendid opportunity to buy Collars, Muffs and Sets for ladies
and children. Every piece purchasable for just one-third less than the
marked price. Even the new Marabou Melon shape Muffs are included at
Sale Prices.
A $4.50 Collar is now only $3.00
A 6.00 Muff is now only 4.00
A 2 75 Child's Set is now 1.84
A Better Blouse at $2.00
To see these Welworth Waists is
to exclaim "How beautiful and only
$2.00?” When introduced to them one
lady remarked "but these Crepe de
Chines are not $2.00?” “How can
they make them for that?” By scien­
tific production and a modern dis­
tributing service is the answer.
Come and see them for youisclf
Five minutes spent in examning
their exquisite beauty, superb quality
and excellent finish will convince
you quicker than an whole page of
Ad talk.
Welworth Waists are always
Two Dollars.
Welworth Waists are onty
sold here.
Special, 4c. each.
7 for 25c.
Snowhite Cambric Handkerchiefs
of dainty quality and finished with
% inch hem.
A splendid Bargain in Handker­
chiefs for personal use or for gifts
to children for Xmas.
New Barrettes, 25c. and 33c.
Blocki Perfumes, 25c. to $4.
The famous
“Sally Walker”
For Growing Girls
and Women.
Priced Specially
and $3.75
New lasts in shoes for Growiry 1
Girls and Women, in Gunmetal, anu
Patent Colt with Matt and Cloth
tops and shown in both lace and 1
button styles as well as in English I
Walking Shoes.
Come and be fitted now while the
size selection is complete. Widths, |
A, B, C, D, and E.______
Shirt Special
For Values to $1.50
Men’s Golf Shirts in the very latest
patterns. All sizes in stock. Choose
yours now and effect a saving of
nearly half the regular price.
Dress Shoes,
Priced Specialty.
Gunmetal . Button and Blucher
Dress Shoes for Men. All sizes and
widths in stock and a great value at
a worth while saving
will pay
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Leland B. 1