18, 1915. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER A Free Gift Saturday with every Purchase of $1.00 or Over. FOUR DAYS Thanksgiving Waists for Thanksgiving Festivities. Whether it be Voile, Organdie, Hardanger Voile, Mercerized Pop­ lin, Tub Silk, Crepe de Chine, Jap Silk or Pure Irish Linen you favor, you will find a waist here your liking. GREAT SALE THANKSGIVING LINENS, For Four Days Only. 1 - - - - EXTRA SPECIAL. Actual $1.00 and $1.25 Embroid­ ered Squares and Runners, 59c. Not more than two of each to one customer. Center Pieces and Runners with broad hem­ stitched borders, and finished with dainty em­ broidered designs. A Bargain for home use or for 'Xmas Gifts for home loving friends. On sale only during the Thanksgiving Sale. THANKSGIVING LINEN TABLE SETS. Full size Pure Linen Table Cloths, with 6 Napkins to match. Beautiful quality and finish, and woven in exquisite designs. $6.25 for Sets priced at $7.75 7.98 for Sets priced at 9.50 THANSKSGIVING LINENS AND NAPKINS. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 20, 22, 23 and 24. Sensational Reductions for four day's only---Wonderful Bargains in Thanksgiving Linens---Tremendous Savings on e on coi expense i *100.00 to *ide by ; pm. Of 4gned "A whereby i on' year fi Prefer anc *>re full H the excl on t kould anytl ’ leave it Leland B. 1 bfl D