Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 02, 1915, Image 1

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|i.5c PER YEAR.
eon y &. Bremer Co. vs. Ole Eggc and children, two brothers and three
't’<| Harry L. Simmons is a suit filed sisters. Lewis Johnson, Tom Johnson
<n inc circuit court to recover $*»74,79, I Mrs. Etta Higgenbotham, Mrs. Eva
1 i
the balance for material and Leach and Mrs. Lottie Hunt. De-
a oik furnished by the plaintiff.
| ceased was greatly respected and be-
Mis. Jacoby, mother of Theo Jaco­ ’ovei by a large number of friends,
by, died at Bay City on Wednesday. and they mourn her death.
She was 89 years of age and leaves I
thr^e sons and one daughter. The
Beware of Fruit Peddlers.
funeral service was hold to-day.
Wanted—Furnished dairy
Several complaints have been made
near Tillamook cr Cloverdale.
Li------ i-L. __
Per- about fruit peddlers who come into
tentage basis. Experienced cow man this county with fruit«It is not gen­
and farmer. References. Chas. E. erally known that some oi them are
Clorc. R.F.D. No. 2 Beaverton, Ore. * buying culled fruit and bringing it to
At a recent meeting of the litigants tiilamook County, selling it at prices
in the- [lavement case, they voted to that is altogether out of proportion
pay F. R. Beals, A. G. Beals and W. to what it is worth, to far ,.ers and
G. Dwight $1,500 each for their work others. For instance, they have been
in prosecuting the case against the selling culled fruit at from $1.25 to
$1.50 a box, while, at the same time,
\\ arren Construction Co.
ihe grocery and fruit stores in this
Clyde Brock, wife and family, who city have been selling good fruit at
are stopping at Saltair, w re in the iioni 75c. to 85c. a box. VV’-c simply
city 011 Wednesday. Mr. Brock is mention this to put people on their
cashier of the First National Bank of guard, for quite a number of our citi­
Heppner, Ore., and it is 12 years zens have been "soaked” buying cull-
since lie was in Tillamook.
d fruit from peddlers. There is an
A complaint was sworn against abundance of fruit this year, selling
George W. Rossman, who swindled it remarkably low figures, and there
several persons in this county out oi is no reason why our citizens should
money. He was arrested on Monday oe paying fancy prices for culled fruit
f at Vancouver, Wash., where he is ■vlien they can obtain the best at less
held on a similar charge.
noney at the local merchants.
"The Sea W oolf" by Jack London,
The one way to keep the sun of prosperity always
in six reels will be shown at the Stai
Early Settler Passes Away.
shilling on you is to always have MONEY IN OUR
Theater Saturday, Sept 4th. You
should arrange to see this picture as
We have to announce the death of
it is one of the strongest of its kind Mrs. Thos. Jenkins, which occurred
Too many make the mistake of saving fora while
ever shown in this city.
on Monday morning at her home on
and then investing in some deal and LOSING all they
river. Deceased came
carne to
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Pennington re­ the Wilson liver.
have. They’ then also lose their COURAGE, No one
turned from Northern Idaho on Fri­ Tillamook 42 years ago and she was
can ever make a mistake by PILING UP money in the
day, after a month’s vacation, Miss 07 years of age last April. She crossed
Laura Small, sister of Mrs. Penning­ the plains in 1841 with her parents,
bank and constantly making his balance bigger.
I ton, came with them and will remain who settled in Yamhill County, and
Make OUR bank YOUR lank.
in 1870 was married to Thos Jenkins.
here during the winter.
She bad been previously married to
We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit.
For sale or trade for Tillamook Mr. Witherell. She leaves a husband
land, 100 acres, 5 miles southeast of And eight children to mourn her
Harrisburg, Oregon. 30 acres in clov­ death. Her children are Mrs. Sollic
er, balance in wheat and oats, all fine Smith, Mrs.
Dan Murphy, Mrs.
» b
<> soil, house and barn on place. Ad­ fames Murphy, Emmett Jenkins,
dress Chas. McCart, Harrisburg. Eugene Jenkins, Miss Vine Jenkins,
Miss K. Witherell and George With­
> The Yamhill Milling Co. have open­ ered.One son William Witherell was
ed up a flour, grain and feed store in drowned some few years ago.
Deceased had been quite sick for
Thé five concrete piers for the city­ the Commercial building, with E. T.
across Hoquarton slough are Ullmann as manager, lhe company some time, and her death did not
complete and ready for the upper makes a specialty of the Morning come as a surprise. She was a woman
Star, Y Family Blend and Oregon who was well liked in the community
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
and her death deprives the county of
Flower blends of flour.
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
another of its early settlers.
Clough Co.
Funeral services were held at the
able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb Alice, of Sheridan, are visiting at the home on Tuesday afternoon, conduct­
For your Sunday roast call Sani­ Schrader dock.
home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walthers, ed by Rev. D. L. Shrode, which was
tary Market.
Ralph Moore and family, who have of Hemlock. Mr. Payne formerly largely attended by friends and neigh­
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. been visiting at the home of Mr. and owned property at Hemlock but is bors.
Clough Co.’s.
Mrs. Alex Watt, left for McMinnville now engaged in the hardware busi­
Secures Agricultural
All kinds of lunch meats at the on Wednesday.
Expert as Teacher.
Sanitary Market.
Young man wishes position on
Christian Church parsonage, Freder­
Safe deposit boxés tor rent. Tilla­ ranch in 'Tillamook County. Good ick W. Meyer and Miss Bessie Leslie,
The School Board elected Mr. Geo.
mook County Bank.
the ceremony being performed by F. Sanders to fill the vacancy caused
Garibaldi, Oregon.
Rev. H. A. Van Winkle. These parties by the resignation of Mr. Jesse Cren­
The place to eat is at the “Good
Mrs. Malcom Marcclliott, of Forest were from Yamhill County, and shaw. Mr. Sanders is a graduate of
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Grove, who located at Jaw Bone in drove in from Nehalem to have the the Oregon Agricultural
w here he specialized in soils and hor­
Lime may be spread to advantage this county in 1885, is visiting at the nuptial knot tied in this city.
any time of the year.
Two games of base ball will be dairying. Since his graduation he has
played at the Fair grounds in this city
Spring calves for sale—J. W. Jen­
Mutual phone and 1 will do the rest— on Saturday, Sept. 5th and Monday, been engaged in practical farming at
nings, Kilchis River.
Prompt, careful work. In town or in Sept. Oth, between the Harriman The Dalles, Oregon. He also had
charge of the school gardens of the
Born, on Sunday, to the wife of the country. Henry Nelson.
duo of Portland and Tillamook. schools of The Dalles last spring.
Ansel Lonimcn, a son.
The Gray Eagle saw mill, a small
Mr. Sanders is prepared to teach
Clifford Jopc, who formerly resid­ mill near Fawcett creek, was destroy­ Harriman Club is one of the fastest [(tactical farinipc A entir«* in, soils
ed here, is in from Roseburg.
ed by (ire 011 Monday morning. There
and general agriculture will be given
Sharp’s Restaurant now running at was no insurauce on the plant.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walthers, of this fall and other courses as there is
.1 _o of the
' ; “Ladies Hemlock, Ore., have returned from a demand for them. It is hoped that
The first meeting
Happy Camp, Netarts, Orc.
* Guild” of the Presbyterian
Church their trip to lhe Panama Exposition. young men from outside the town of
dinners a specialty.
Sept 7th- All They report having had a line time Tiilamook will take advantage of this
We are in a position
members are requested to be present. and met a number of old friends. Mr. opportunity. Since the county high
long time farm loans. First National
school went into effect, high school
W. J. Carter, on the Soon place, has and Mrs. Walthers were married in work is free to any resident of the
eight cows and two heifers for sale. San Francisco twenty eight years ceuintv. Young men of some matur­
The County Court is in session this All will be fresh in January next. Will ago and they spent their anniversary
ity will be permitted to enroll in these
week, this being the regular monthly sell at right price. Near Pete Jacobs.* this year taking in the fair.
special courses even though they
not graduated from the gram-
We have a letter from Miss Lizzie
Wanted to lease farm, some stock
Mrs. Lee M. Travis, with Miss etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro Erickson, saying that she has chang­ mar school.
Fredericka and Gould left for Eugene property for same, address ow-ncr. ed her name to Mrs. Olof Rapp. It
Other courses will be given a more
this morning.
Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Orc. must be that Miss Erickson and Mr. practical side. More general carpcn-
Rapp fell desperately in love and try will be included in the tnanual
Wanted to let a contract for haul­
Protect your valuable papers iron
ing tics. Enquire at Coats Lumber the unexpected fire by renting one of the latter popped the momentous training course. Mechanical drawing
question which was readily accepted. will be added for those who want it.
Co., Tillamook.
our safe deposit boxes. Only one However we wish the young couple
Tillamook County a long life of happiness and prosper­
The first rain of the season came on dollar per year.
School Opens Tuesday.
Tuesday night, with showery weather Bank.
\V ednesday morning.
The ladies of the German Congre­
The School Board decided to open
On Tuesday . orning two campers,
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ gational Church will give a chicken R. Dundas and F. Rutpcrlip, of Ore­ school Tuesday, Sept. 7, instead of
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla- dinner on the <Jth of September at the gon City, found the body of a man Monday, which is Labor Day.
All pupils and especially all children
• Presbyterian Guild Hall. All are in­ on the beach in the South part of the
mook Meat Company.
county. It could nri be identified on who will be in the beginning class
Dan Murphy and wife returned
The vVoman’s Civic League will account of the body being so decom­ should enter on this day. The teach­
from a visit to the Fair on Sunday, meet on Saturday afternoon at the posed. Owing to the absence of the ers will be very glad to have the
making the trip by auto.
new quarters of the 1 illamook Com- coroner, Justice of the Peace Taylor mothers of younger children especial­
did not think it was necessary to hold ly come with them so that facts re­
Next Monday being Labor Day, mercial Club opposite the Ramsey j an inquest.
garding age, previous schooling, etc.
and a legal holiday, school will not Hotel.
i On Wednesday, Andreas M. A. may be more readily and accurately
convene until Tuesday.
Mike Yonker who was arrested for
Heiseth, a tramp, and a Norwegian
High school students, especially
For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and hunting without a license, pleaded by birth, was arrested by Sheriff
6 dollars a month. Inquire of Mrs. guilty over the phone, and Justice oi 1 Crenshaw. He is charged with assault those entering high school this year,
the Peace Stanley fined him $25.00
arc urged to confer with the princi­
Cornforth, Tillamook.
I and battery on the daughter of Rus- pal regarding their courses before the
and $5.00 costs.
Fred G. Buchtel, who has charge
Burton Rice vs. F. H. Wilkins is a 1 him over to the grand jury, placing opening of school. Several new cours­
of weights and measures in this dis­
filed in the circuit court to re­ his bond at $500. T he man is 42 years es will be given if a sufficient num­
trict, was in the city last week.
cover $16^.00 for goods furnished by of age and appears to be a degener­ ber register for them. It is necessary
to know as soon as possible whether
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, plaintiff, the defendant failing to pay ate.
they were wanted in order to make a
Pork, Veal and old fachioned country the promissory note.
Attorney II. T. Botts attended the program.
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
Don't forget those busted castings. Bar Association meeting in Portland
The principal will lie glad to con­
last week, and while there was taken fer with parents regarding lines of
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Can be welded for half. Goods sent a trip on the Columbia Highway, work that they wish their children to
sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for by parcel post and express promptly which is one of
_ the ___
most beautiful follow, or that they are best fitted
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, highways in Oregon. Mr. Botts did for, »0
so that courses most suitable
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
not see anything as attractive and may be selected. He will he in the
in the high school I building
Merrel J. Smith and wife,
beautiful as the scenery from Necar-
We have made special arrangc- ncy Mountain, and, like the Editor,
Friday and Saturday afternoons 1 and
motored to San Francisco, and were
gone 24 days, returned on Saturday.
ments with thc Telephone Co., to he believes that the county should all day Monday.
! moun-
Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter connect you directly with our office, continue the road around the
tain, which would attract thousand»
Card of Thank».
sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ— in case you
of tourists every year.
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call
Address "Organ" care of this paper.
I wish to thank the many kind
We are sorry to announce the death friend* who rhewed »0 much ___
of Mrs. John Embum which occurred n*ss and •'mpathy on account of kind-
at Dr. Boal's hospital on Saturday. death of my beloved wife.
The funeral service» were held at
John Embum.
the home on Trask river on Sunday,
conducted by Rev. D. L. Shrode, and
the burial was in the Johnson ceme­
The Pacific Highway through Linn
tery. The deceased was Jessie Viola County is only a small part of a gi­
road svstem, yet the tourists
Johnson and was born in Tillamook
county October 11, 1896. She was v'10 trivet it leave money in everv
Harried to John E. Embum October town. But then the improvement of
is. 1885. Three children were born this road is not for the benefit of the
to this union. Mrs Rhoda Easter tourist* alone. The value tn our pco-
Errol L. Embum and Clarke E. Em­ rd* is worth the cc»t.—Harrisbu-g
bum. Shs leaves besides her husband Bulletin.
Ask any of our customers
about First National service.
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why.
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore
< ’
. Tillamook County Bank Î
i i
Tillamook, Oregon
Drop in and book Anou
Methodist Church Services.
Sunday School 10 o’clock;
minute sermon to children 10:45 a.m.
Morning worship, 11 a.ill., 1 heme
of sermon, “The V oice in the Blood. ’
Class meeting 12 in.
Evening worship 8 pan., Theme of
sermon, "Choice of Life.”
Good music, old hymns. A cordial
Edward Gittins, Pastor.
¡■hasis placed upon the educational,
social and industrial phases of per­
sonal life and religion. -
New Ford Story.
dcrstand that W. Boscow, the popular
derstand that R. Boscow, tile popular
____ of the Newport branch of
the \ aquina Bay Electric Light and
t elegraph service, lost his Ford car
while on a trip to Toledo the other
day and the circumstances are said to
he peculiar. He left the car standing in
Christian Church.
front of a business house while lie
went in to transact some business. In
Autumn Sunday School rally next the meantime a farmer came along
Sunday morning.
tied a dog to the machine. The
A convocation sernpon in the
dog thought someone had lied a can
terest of the opening of school
to his tail and started for home on
be preached in the evening,
the run, with the car. The car was
will be reserved for all 1
finally located and except for a sore
graduates and teachers of the school spot on the dog's tail everything ap­
who attend.
Music by McGee’s orchestra. All pears to be all right.
who do not attend church elsewhere
arc cordially invited.
Notice of Appointment of Adminis­
Presbyterian Church Services
"Christian Culture and Its Social
Uses" will be the subject of the pas­
tor’s sermon next Sunday at 11 a in.,
and in the evening at 8 the services
will be appropriated to the obser­
vance of Labor Day with an address
on the subject ‘The Gospel of Earnest
Work." Vvith the conclusion ot tn*
vacation period and the opening of
me scliool year it is liopcu that on
next Sunday all the members of the
church and congregation, as well as
many otheis who have not yet decid­
ed ll|MMt their church home but know
they ought to do so. will li.ul tin ir
way to the church. This is not-increly
an announcement but a most earnest
and cordial invitation to the public,
who are at liberty to do so, to at­
tend and participate in thix- services
in which there will be special
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern; that by an order of
the County Court, of Tillamook
County, Oregon, made and entered of
record therein on the 1st day of
September, 1915, the undersigned was
appointed the administrator of the
estate of Jasper W. Buckles, deceas­
All persons having claims against
-.aid <sta,e arc hereby notified to
present them, verified as requird by
law to the undersigned as said ad­
ministrator at the office of Webster
Holmes, in Tillamook City, Oregon,
within six months fli the date of this
Dated tlu, 2nd day of September,
• 9'5-
II. Crenshaw,
Administer ol said estate.
First publication Sept and, 19ir.
Last publication Sept, jo, 1915.
I want my suit
tailored-to-order !
Yes! We do have customers
with dec’Jed preferences and,
being in business to suit our
patrons instead of ourselves,
we gladly recommend
Ed, V. Price & Co.
Merchant Tailor»
who make clothes of surpassing
excellence —as you want them,
at a price you can readily
afford to pay—delivered when
you want them. Call tod ay
and leave your measure.
Exclusive Agent for Tillamook, Oregon.