il. Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTERMBER 2. |i.5c PER YEAR. 1913, eon y &. Bremer Co. vs. Ole Eggc and children, two brothers and three 't’<| Harry L. Simmons is a suit filed sisters. Lewis Johnson, Tom Johnson soil, house and barn on place. Ad­ fames Murphy, Emmett Jenkins, dress Chas. McCart, Harrisburg. Eugene Jenkins, Miss Vine Jenkins, Oregon. Miss K. Witherell and George With­ Í > The Yamhill Milling Co. have open­ ered.One son William Witherell was ed up a flour, grain and feed store in drowned some few years ago. i Deceased had been quite sick for Thé five concrete piers for the city­ the Commercial building, with E. T. TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS bridge across Hoquarton slough are Ullmann as manager, lhe company some time, and her death did not complete and ready for the upper makes a specialty of the Morning come as a surprise. She was a woman Star, Y Family Blend and Oregon who was well liked in the community Houses to Rent, see Watson. ♦ work. and her death deprives the county of Flower blends of flour. For rent — House, 4 rooms, pantry, Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. another of its early settlers. also furnished house. Rents reason ­ Payne and daughter, Miss Geo. Clough Co. * Funeral services were held at the able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb Alice, of Sheridan, are visiting at the home on Tuesday afternoon, conduct­ For your Sunday roast call Sani­ Schrader dock. * home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walthers, ed by Rev. D. L. Shrode, which was tary Market. Ralph Moore and family, who have of Hemlock. Mr. Payne formerly largely attended by friends and neigh­ Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. been visiting at the home of Mr. and owned property at Hemlock but is bors. ______________ Clough Co.’s. Mrs. Alex Watt, left for McMinnville now engaged in the hardware busi­ ness at Sheridan. High School Secures Agricultural All kinds of lunch meats at the on Wednesday. Expert as Teacher. Married on August 25th, at the Sanitary Market. Young man wishes position on Christian Church parsonage, Freder­ Safe deposit boxés tor rent. Tilla­ ranch in 'Tillamook County. Good ick W. Meyer and Miss Bessie Leslie, The School Board elected Mr. Geo. milker and teamster. Write to G. K. mook County Bank. the ceremony being performed by F. Sanders to fill the vacancy caused Garibaldi, Oregon. * Rev. H. A. Van Winkle. These parties by the resignation of Mr. Jesse Cren­ The place to eat is at the “Good Mrs. Malcom Marcclliott, of Forest were from Yamhill County, and shaw. Mr. Sanders is a graduate of Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * Grove, who located at Jaw Bone in drove in from Nehalem to have the the Oregon Agricultural College, w here he specialized in soils and hor­ Lime may be spread to advantage this county in 1885, is visiting at the nuptial knot tied in this city. home of W. H. Hoskins. ticulture with considerable work in any time of the year. Two games of base ball will be dairying. Since his graduation he has Wood Sawed — Call me up on the played at the Fair grounds in this city Spring calves for sale—J. W. Jen­ Mutual phone and 1 will do the rest— on Saturday, Sept. 5th and Monday, been engaged in practical farming at nings, Kilchis River. Prompt, careful work. In town or in Sept. Oth, between the Harriman The Dalles, Oregon. He also had charge of the school gardens of the Born, on Sunday, to the wife of the country. Henry Nelson. duo of Portland and Tillamook. schools of The Dalles last spring. Ansel Lonimcn, a son. These will be two fait games as the The Gray Eagle saw mill, a small Mr. Sanders is prepared to teach Clifford Jopc, who formerly resid­ mill near Fawcett creek, was destroy­ Harriman Club is one of the fastest [(tactical farinipc A entir«* in, soils amateur clubs of Portland ed here, is in from Roseburg. ed by (ire 011 Monday morning. There and general agriculture will be given Sharp’s Restaurant now running at was no insurauce on the plant. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walthers, of this fall and other courses as there is Sunday .1 _o of the ' ; “Ladies Hemlock, Ore., have returned from a demand for them. It is hoped that The first meeting Happy Camp, Netarts, Orc. “ * Guild” of the Presbyterian Church their trip to lhe Panama Exposition. young men from outside the town of T---- dinners a specialty. Sept 7th- All They report having had a line time Tiilamook will take advantage of this wilt meet Tuesday, to make srnne We are in a position members are requested to be present. and met a number of old friends. Mr. opportunity. Since the county high long time farm loans. First National school went into effect, high school W. J. Carter, on the Soon place, has and Mrs. Walthers were married in work is free to any resident of the Bank. eight cows and two heifers for sale. San Francisco twenty eight years ceuintv. Young men of some matur­ The County Court is in session this All will be fresh in January next. Will ago and they spent their anniversary ity will be permitted to enroll in these week, this being the regular monthly sell at right price. Near Pete Jacobs.* this year taking in the fair. special courses even though they meeting. have not graduated from the gram- We have a letter from Miss Lizzie Wanted to lease farm, some stock Mrs. Lee M. Travis, with Miss etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro Erickson, saying that she has chang­ mar school. Fredericka and Gould left for Eugene property for same, address ow-ncr. ed her name to Mrs. Olof Rapp. It Other courses will be given a more this morning. Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Orc. must be that Miss Erickson and Mr. practical side. More general carpcn- Rapp fell desperately in love and try will be included in the tnanual Wanted to let a contract for haul­ Protect your valuable papers iron ing tics. Enquire at Coats Lumber the unexpected fire by renting one of the latter popped the momentous training course. Mechanical drawing question which was readily accepted. will be added for those who want it. Co., Tillamook. our safe deposit boxes. Only one However we wish the young couple Tillamook County a long life of happiness and prosper­ The first rain of the season came on dollar per year. School Opens Tuesday. Tuesday night, with showery weather Bank. ity. \V ednesday morning. The ladies of the German Congre­ The School Board decided to open On Tuesday . orning two campers, Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ gational Church will give a chicken R. Dundas and F. Rutpcrlip, of Ore­ school Tuesday, Sept. 7, instead of ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla- dinner on the