Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 19, 1915, Image 1

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|i jo PER YEAR.
New City Hall, tQ Cost $20,000
Ask any of our customers
about F irst National service
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
First National Bank,
Tillamook, Ore
I lie 1 illamook Meat Co. pays th,
highest cash price tor hides.
First National Bank vs. C. C. Byer?
is a suit filed in the circuit court tc
recover $147.41.
The NET RESl LI of a year’s work is what Counts-
Girl wanted to learn to run ma­
if one mail earns $10,000 a y ear and spends it all. |le
chine—Apply at the Crystal Laundry,
< I does not really make as much as the man who earns
Tillamook Oregon.
$0.000 and has $2,000 in our bank at the end of the year.
John Harter vs. Clrarles R. Soule
et al is a suit filed in the circuit court
Put your money in our bank and let it STAY there ;
to recover $700 growing out of the
J I this is the one SURE way to get ahead.
sale of property at Netarts.
\\ H. F.asom vs. Eliza T. Evans et
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
al is a suit filed in the circuit court to
We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayinjjs Deposit.
recover $500 on account of property
Marriage licenses have been issued
to Charles A. Sailing and Mrs. Lea
E. Howard; Faunta A Wood and
Mary E. Bailey; ^ind Albert B. Mc­
Dowell and Bertie Friend.
We have made special arrange-
inents with the Telephone Co., to
c >nnect you directly with our office,
you wish any of our GOOD
TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Peter Heisel and wife left on Tues­ inlcase
day for San Francisco to visit the COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W
A. Li. Ammer, of the new Alum r
fair, and they will visit at the home of
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Furniture Company, was an arrival
Hans Heisel, at an Loranzo.
on the Wednesday evening train, ac­
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
C. C. Croston of Gresham, will
Clough Co.
* preach in the M. E. Church on Thurs­ companied by his family. They have
rented the Hadley house and expect
For your Sunday roast call Sani­ day evening at the Wilson River to move in by the first of the week.
tary Market.
For sale or trade for Tillamook
Ace Robinson, formerly the drug­ land, 100 acres, 5 miles southeast of
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
Oregon. 30 acres in clov­
Clough Co.’s.
by his brother Lee Robinson, were in er, balance in wheat and oats, all fine
All kinds of lunch meats at the from Dallas the first of the week.
•roil, house and barn on place. Ad-
Sanitary Market.
Young man wishes position on dress Chat. McCart, Harrisburg.
Lime builds up the soil—it restores ranch in Tillamook County, Good Oregon.
impoverished lands.
.,’rs. W. L. Campbell, who is sup-
milker and teamster. Write to G. K.
erin endent of the textile departinent,
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- Garibaldi, Oregon.
Harry Maloney and wife, of Port asks as to make the
mook County Bank.
land, arc visiting at the home of that those who have fancy needle­
The place to eat is at
Morris Schnal, having been on a work to display at the County Fair,
should leave same at the Fair grounds
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
wedding trip to San Francisco.
not later than Monday evening.
Mrs. Louis I.aborwitch and daugh­
We are in a position to make s-unc
Wanted to trade or sell house and
long time farm loans. First National ter returned from San Francisco on Jot in Tillamook or in Portland for
Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Ray
. ccond hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre
Frye mother of Mrs. Laborwitch.
Judge Gatens, and a party of friends
tr;Act3 of land for sale—Apply to J. S.
Dr. Wendt and family left on Mon­
from Portland have been fishing up
day for San Francisco, and Dr. Stt v.'iens & Co., Room L, Commercial
the Wilson river.
Steelhammer, of Portland, is attend­ Bull -lii’g. Tillamook, Ore.
Sharp’s Restaurant now running at ing to the practice while he is away.
I In rhe bowling contest between the
Happy C»mp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday
dinners a specialty.
Wanted to lease farm, some stock visitit. y Led Men and local braves at
Fitzpatrick’s Tuesday even­
cash or will trade
Hillsboro Casev
Try one of our fancy dressed chick­
property for same, address owner. ing, the ' latter won an easy victory
ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Ore. with a «core of 1692 as against 1334
in two james. There were five men
mook Meat Company.
Protect your valuable papers from on each tide artd the average score
For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and the unexpected fire by renting one of was 169 22.10 and tJ3 4->o respectively
6 dollars a month. Inquire of Mrs. our safe deposit boxes. Only one
Business' changes seem to have
dollar per year.
Tillamook County been the 1 irder of the day in Clover­
Cornforth, Tillamook.
dale recently. Last Saturday after­
Two five roomed cottages, furnish­
Mrs. Swan Hawkinson, Mrs D. C. noon the pfresent editor and manager
ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap-
Baker and Geo. Burkhart took the of the Clotnerdale Cornier took over,
py camp, Netarts Oregon.
examination on Saturday for the po­ under lease: from Chas. Ray.
Mrs. M. A. Armestrout of Forest sition of postmaster of Bayocean in owner, the office and material, busi-
Grove. Ore., is visiting her son F. S. this city.
ness, etc, of the Courier and in the
Armcnstrout, of Hemlock.
future is to. have full control.
Next Monday and Tuesday evening
Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, at the Star Theater the late catastro-
Peaches have been selling in this
Pork, Veal and old fachioned country phy of the excursion boat “Eastland ' city from 40c. to 45c. a box, the
ith growers not making more than 5c.
which turned turtle at its’dock «
sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co.
a box, after boxes, transportation,
thousands of people aboard.
and commissions are paid. With these
The heavy breakers of the past few
figures availabfc, our Democratic
weeks have washed out considerable
of the sand at Bar View.
friends ought to be able to prove they
home made bread and pastry, milk, have carried out the Democratic plat­
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- eggs and vegetables. E. P. Larson,
form and reduced the cost of living.
sey "Good Eats.' .” M. A. Olson for Netarts. Oregon.
•Tillamook and Bi.’ City will again
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Prof. G. L. Martin,
of the Dairy cross bats next Sunday August 22nd,
at the Fair ground«. Druhot and
Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter
tural College, was in the city the first
sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ— of the week, studying dairy condi­ Armbruster who were the battery in
last Sunday’s game for I illamook
A.ddress “Organ” care of this paper. I tions in this county.
will again do the honors. As the score
A Farmers’ Union was organized
Next Wednesday and Thursday at last Sunday was 4 to I in favor of
on the Wilson River on Friday and the Star Theater, the “Montana Tillamook, Bay 'City will no doibt
another will be organized at Blaine. i Round Up” a two reel special feature ■come back str<mgcr than ever for the
next game.
Owing to other matters the City will be shown which is a thriller.
Expert eye examination is
Council meeting was adjourned until Other pictures of interest will com­
plete the program.
—absolutely necessary to de­
next Monday.
C. I. Clough and Mrs. Clough and termine the proper kind of glasses to
Rev. Father Van Clarenbeck went
and Fred C. Baker and wife use. Selecting them by any other
to Portland on Monday, where he returned on
Sunday after a visit to method may result in permanent in­
will attend a retreat at the Columbia Southern Oregon, which proved a jury to your sight. When Drs. Lowe
most interesting auto trip extending and Turner prescribes glasses, it is
with absolute certainty that they are
For rent—House, 4 rooms, pantry, over 12 days.
best and only kind suCed to your
also furnished house. Rents reason­
Don’t forget those busted castings. ■gyes. If you <1
do ........
not — nc<d glasses, then
able. Apply, Elmer Baker, Lamb
Can be welded for half. Goods sent we most positively w II not rccom-
Schrader dock.
by parcel post and express promptly mend them. Drs. Lose and Turncr
For sale, cheap, one 10x12 foot
will be at Jenkins Jewelry
tent and 12x14 foot fly and one camp returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
,,cu.,e»v.a7, Thursday and
stove. Address E. J. Aren ', box 172, Oregon.
August 35-26 and 27- At «Cloverdale
Tillamook Oregon.
Augu«t 23 ami 24. At Bay City
28 and 29 Remember th<- daf Be
ware of
these going from house to
»1 UH,*'-
di'ining to be Drs. Lowe and
house claiming
Turner agents, they arc frauds and
you will be humbuged. Be ‘ure and
'call and let them show- you that new
invisable double v-.t-m glass for
reading v<l do* w -rk and distant
t »
vision, all in one, which looks like a
single pair, yet answers the purpose
of two.
___ _ ___ _
Henrv James should find that being
a hyphenated Amcrican-Eng ishman
is as av.kv ard as it sounds. k
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook, Oregon.
“ Drop in and book Rnound
Loaned in Tillamook.
A complete report of the loans
nade by the Equitable Savings and
Loan Association of Portland, shows
that more than seventy-five thousand
dollars has been loaned in Tillamook
in the past two years.
This large sum of money has gone
toward new construction in the build­
ing up of a larger and better Tilla­
mook, represented by the building of
new homes, and modern business
blocks, and has thereby created em­
ployment and a payroll. This sum of
money represented has been paid fol
labor and material.
Fred M. Rowley the Equitables
Special ntan now stopping at the Till­
amook Hotel says, that the associa­
tion has every confidence in the fu­
ture of Tillamook and stands ready
to loan twice the amount already
loaned on approved securities.
In addition to making guilt edge
loans the Equitable issues a savings
certificate whereby a small monthly
savings invested in one of these cer­
tificates will return to the investor
a rate of interest which in the past
twenty-five years has never been less
than sevçn per cent.
During the past quarter of a cen­
tury the association by its eminent
and capable management has return
ed to its investors, more than four
million dollars.
Many Tillamook people have avail­
ed themselves of the opportunity of
investing in these savings certificates
thereby realizing as high a rate of
interest on their small monthly sav­
ings as is usually made on a large
sum of money loaned.
Low Round Trip Fares
To the
Tillamook County Fair
AUGUST 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th.
Fares to Tillamook and Return
From Wheeler
........... $1 20
From Brighton............... 1.10
From Manhattan Bench 90c.
From Rcckaway ......... 8?c.
Ocean Lake Park .............
Hur View................................
Garibaldi ..............................
Bay City .. •
60 c,
from other points.
Community Development to be Dis­
cussed by thé Mayor of Newberg
'The following programs have been
arranged for the County Fair for
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings,
and it is hoped that the community
at large will take a keen interest in
all that is being done to make the
fair a success.
Tuesday Evening.
Music by the Cloverdale Band.
Address, Community Development,
Hon. Jesse Edwards, of Newberg
Music ................ McGhee’s Orchestra
Readings ............ Rev. Van Winkle
Community Sing.
Wednesday Evening.
Music by Cloverdale band.
Readings ... Judge J. L. Henderson
Violin Duet .......... Chester McGhee
and Lloyd Edwards.
Vocol Solo .................... John Ebinger
Sommunity Singing.
The songs selected for the Com­
munity Sing are as follows, and the
public is urged to join heartily in the
“Old Black Joe.”
"Valley of the Moon.”
“Swanee River.”
"Silver Threads Among the Gold."
"Star Spangled Banned."
“My Old Kentucky Home.”
“Old Oken Bucket.”
"Auld Lang Syne.”
Drowned in Trask River.
Another sad drowning occurred on
Sunday, when Harry Nelson lost his
life in Trask river at the Earl place.
In company with a number of young
friends Nelson went boating on the
river, and when in about three feet of
water the boat capsized, throwing the
occupants into the wati r, and it was
while wading in the river that Nelson
seems to have slipped into a deep
hole and disappeared. His compan­
ions iuffncdiatcly pulled him out. but
it is thought that the shock caused
heart failure. He was a good sw im-
uer, and was the cheese maker at the
Long Prairie factory. Dr. Wendt
was called, and an effort, extending
over two hours, was made to restore
lif-, but of no avail The deceased
was a son of Axel Nelson, of Clover­
dale, and was aged 26 yr» . 9 mo., and
22 days He was a young man greatly
respected in th- community and hi»
•ntiffiily death r? grcatlv deplored.
The body v
r»moved to Hebo
«here it wa* bqried on Monday.
New York’» new court house start»
1 perturbing, perhaps
question; Why should all building» be
Anything v ill do to gamble on.
ven war stocks; but why i» Wall
Full particule ra from nearest Agent.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore
To Introduce the Aluminum Ware
subscribers to the Headlight can
obtain a
PERCOLATOR for $1.00
At the Headlight Office.