TILLAMOOK, OREGON, |i jo PER YEAR. AUGUST 19, New City Hall, tQ Cost $20,000 SERVICE Ask any of our customers about F irst National service They are all Pleased with it and can tell you why THE - ¿fAAFPUrS First National Bank, Tillamook, Ore *ALL HE CAN SPARE /N THE BANK FOR THAT RAINY DAY I lie 1 illamook Meat Co. pays th, highest cash price tor hides. « First National Bank vs. C. C. Byer? is a suit filed in the circuit court tc recover $147.41. The NET RESl LI of a year’s work is what Counts- Girl wanted to learn to run ma­ 11 uii«7 intuì etui. if one mail earns $10,000 a y ear and spends it all. |le chine—Apply at the Crystal Laundry, < I does not really make as much as the man who earns Tillamook Oregon. $0.000 and has $2,000 in our bank at the end of the year. John Harter vs. Clrarles R. Soule et al is a suit filed in the circuit court Put your money in our bank and let it STAY there ; to recover $700 growing out of the J I this is the one SURE way to get ahead. sale of property at Netarts. \\ H. F.asom vs. Eliza T. Evans et Make OUR bank YOUR bank. al is a suit filed in the circuit court to We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayinjjs Deposit. recover $500 on account of property transaction. Marriage licenses have been issued to Charles A. Sailing and Mrs. Lea THE OLD RELIABLE. E. Howard; Faunta A Wood and Mary E. Bailey; ^ind Albert B. Mc­ Dowell and Bertie Friend. We have made special arrange- inents with the Telephone Co., to c >nnect you directly with our office, I you wish any of our GOOD TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Peter Heisel and wife left on Tues­ inlcase day for San Francisco to visit the COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W A. Li. Ammer, of the new Alum r fair, and they will visit at the home of Houses to Rent, see Watson. * Furniture Company, was an arrival Hans Heisel, at an Loranzo. on the Wednesday evening train, ac­ Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. C. C. Croston of Gresham, will Clough Co. * preach in the M. E. Church on Thurs­ companied by his family. They have rented the Hadley house and expect For your Sunday roast call Sani­ day evening at the Wilson River to move in by the first of the week. school house on Friday evening. tary Market. For sale or trade for Tillamook Ace Robinson, formerly the drug­ land, 100 acres, 5 miles southeast of Get free Kodak instructions at C. I. gist in Lamar ’ s store, accompanied Harrisburg, Oregon. 30 acres in clov­ Clough Co.’s. * by his brother Lee Robinson, were in er, balance in wheat and oats, all fine All kinds of lunch meats at the from Dallas the first of the week. •roil, house and barn on place. Ad- Sanitary Market. Young man wishes position on dress Chat. McCart, Harrisburg. Lime builds up the soil—it restores ranch in Tillamook County, Good Oregon. impoverished lands. .,’rs. W. L. Campbell, who is sup- milker and teamster. Write to G. K. erin endent of the textile departinent, Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- Garibaldi, Oregon. announcement ♦ Harry Maloney and wife, of Port asks as to make the mook County Bank. land, arc visiting at the home of that those who have fancy needle­ The place to eat is at Morris Schnal, having been on a work to display at the County Fair, should leave same at the Fair grounds Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. wedding trip to San Francisco. not later than Monday evening. Mrs. Louis I.aborwitch and daugh­ We are in a position to make s-unc Wanted to trade or sell house and long time farm loans. First National ter returned from San Francisco on Jot in Tillamook or in Portland for Sunday, accompanied by Mrs. Ray Bank. * . ccond hand auto; 2, 20 and 50 acre Frye mother of Mrs. Laborwitch. Judge Gatens, and a party of friends tr;Act3 of land for sale—Apply to J. S. Dr. Wendt and family left on Mon­ from Portland have been fishing up day for San Francisco, and Dr. Stt v.'iens & Co., Room L, Commercial the Wilson river. * Steelhammer, of Portland, is attend­ Bull -lii’g. Tillamook, Ore. Sharp’s Restaurant now running at ing to the practice while he is away. I In rhe bowling contest between the Happy C»mp, Netarts, Ore. Sunday dinners a specialty. Wanted to lease farm, some stock visitit. y Led Men and local braves at Fitzpatrick’s Tuesday even­ etc, cash or will trade Hillsboro Casev Try one of our fancy dressed chick­ property for same, address owner. ing, the ' latter won an easy victory ens for your Sunday dinner.—Tilla­ Fred Everest, Box 45, Hillsboro, Ore. with a «core of 1692 as against 1334 in two james. There were five men mook Meat Company. * Protect your valuable papers from on each tide artd the average score For Rent—Furnished rooms 5 and the unexpected fire by renting one of was 169 22.10 and tJ3 4->o respectively 6 dollars a month. Inquire of Mrs. our safe deposit boxes. Only one Business' changes seem to have dollar per year. Tillamook County been the 1 irder of the day in Clover­ Cornforth, Tillamook. Bank. • dale recently. Last Saturday after­ Two five roomed cottages, furnish­ Mrs. Swan Hawkinson, Mrs D. C. noon the pfresent editor and manager ed complete for rent. Enquire at Hap- Baker and Geo. Burkhart took the of the Clotnerdale Cornier took over, py camp, Netarts Oregon. the . examination on Saturday for the po­ under lease: from Chas. Ray. Mrs. M. A. Armestrout of Forest sition of postmaster of Bayocean in owner, the office and material, busi- Grove. Ore., is visiting her son F. S. this city. ness, etc, of the Courier and in the Armcnstrout, of Hemlock. future is to. have full control. Next Monday and Tuesday evening Saturday Specials:—Link Sausage, at the Star Theater the late catastro- Peaches have been selling in this Pork, Veal and old fachioned country phy of the excursion boat “Eastland ' city from 40c. to 45c. a box, the ith growers not making more than 5c. which turned turtle at its’dock « with sausage.—Tillamook Meat Co. a box, after boxes, transportation, thousands of people aboard. and commissions are paid. With these The heavy breakers of the past few daily The .Sanitary Wagon makes figures availabfc, our Democratic weeks have washed out considerable fresh calls at Netarts camp with of the sand at Bar View. friends ought to be able to prove they home made bread and pastry, milk, have carried out the Democratic plat­ Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- eggs and vegetables. E. P. Larson, form and reduced the cost of living. * sey "Good Eats.' .” M. A. Olson for Netarts. Oregon. •Tillamook and Bi.’ City will again • merly of the Spanish Kitchen. Prof. G. L. Martin, of the Dairy cross bats next Sunday August 22nd, Department of the Montana Agricul ­ at the Fair ground«. Druhot and Sale or Trade—cheap, fine quarter tural College, was in the city the first sawed oak 6 octave Kimball organ— of the week, studying dairy condi­ Armbruster who were the battery in last Sunday’s game for I illamook A.ddress “Organ” care of this paper. I tions in this county. will again do the honors. As the score A Farmers’ Union was organized Next Wednesday and Thursday at last Sunday was 4 to I in favor of on the Wilson River on Friday and the Star Theater, the “Montana Tillamook, Bay 'City will no doibt another will be organized at Blaine. i Round Up” a two reel special feature ■come back str