Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 22, 1915, Image 5

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Stite'Press Flashlights.
Th Los Angeles minister recently
decided to discuss the
“Wh ere are the dead?” And a smart
par>gr.ipher on the Times answered
that they could be found in the busi­
ness places that do not advertise.—
News Reporter.
average draft is on the narrow tired
wagons that pass over the road is
heavier than would be required had
all the wagons been equipped with
wide tires. It is likely with the in­
creased sums being spent for good
roads and the maintenance bills that
will keep coming in, the wide tire
argument will grow in force just as
the silo propaganda until finally it
will become universal in acceptance—
Rural Spirit.
Republican Deserters Return.
Little Bo-l’eep has lost her shc<p.
And doesn't know where to find
Let them alone and they will come
Wagging their tails behind them.
The little Bo-Peep therein referred
to is the Republican party, many of
whose sheep, have browsed on the
progressive weed, wondering away
from the fold a couple of years ago.
But they are all coming home again—
Poindexter of Wajisington, Clapp of
Minnesota, Burton of Kansas, Me
Cormick of Illinois, l'redergast of
New York, Roosevelt, of Oyster Bay,
and others.
In the return of the wonderers, I.it-
tie Bo-Peep is snowing only a modi-
fied solicitude, The cause of the re-
turn, however, excites interest. The
cause is found in the fact that the
progressive party, into promising pas­
tures Little Bo-Peep’s foolish sheep
strayed, has ceased to exist It was a
one man party. Behind it was neither
tradition nor principle; it had no
pride of ancestry nor hope of perpet­
uity. It was founded on hatred and
nourished by revenge
!i promised
large rewards to those who abandon­
ed Republicanism, and its leaders
were deserters from the p:-.rty that
had showered honors on them an J
traitors to the princip’es they had
professed. Progressivism died in its
one achievement—the defeat of the
Republican party. It was like tl.e
wasp whose sting temporarily incon­
veniences its victim, but which .lies
itself from the loss of its poisoned
The deserters and trai’o.s arc re­
turning to the Republican party, a id
have announced themse’v ?s as can­
didates for official favor-. at the hands
of Republican voters. They should re­
ceive no honors from the party they
betrayed, and their re-inlistment in
the party ranks should be hedged by
such conditions that if they should
ever desert again it will be merely as
During the past two years there has
bee« a decline of $6,000,000 in the in-
tei 1 revenue on intox,cants. Such a
loss, however, has its compensating
Alabama and Washington are fol­
features, for it indicates the people of lowing the Texas idea and erecting
thislcountry are spending less for cottages for the teachers of the rural
booze -Polk County Observer.
schools. The idea is to do away with
the old and never satisfactory plan of
In reporting a church service, a . "boarding ’round,” a relic of pioneer
Portl and daily gave the topic of a days. In Texas the school directors
sermon in a leading church as “My erect these cottages near the school
Father's Mouse.” for "My Father’s house and one county has six of
House Now if it had been a coun- them. In one town citizens bought
try weekly that made the blunder, the land and erected the house by pub­
wouldn’t the daily pitch into it.—Car- lic subscription. This place has six
lton1 Sentinel.
acres of land around it. In other
places the teachers have five and six
The woman at Los Angeles who room cottages, live together on the
refuse to wear clothing unless she co-operative plan an dhire a woman
was released from jail, is springing to do the house work. Texas has over
nothing new as many of our society ioo teachers’ cottages. The plan gives
buds can testify. One of us ordinary the teachers a chance of privacy and
mortals would blush with shame if al­ a touch of home life that is lacking
lowed to gaze upon one of the extra under the system in vogue in other
upper-class at a dress rehearsel. — places. It is likely that the plan will
Ione Journal.
continue tp extend in other states.—
News Reporter.
Jack Johnson will not be allowed to
------ o------
travel under the passport of an Amer­
Oregon is 90 per cent non-Catholic
ican citizen, nor will he be allowed to yet Catholic institutions are getting
return to this
country unless in away with a gootl big share of the
charge of an officer and under arrest. public funds. In four years ending
Poor,old Jack, expatriated, the glam­ with 1914 there was paid out of the
our of being the champion of the state funds for the care of wayward
world in the pugilistic circles gone, girls $21,399. The House of the Good
no wonder the erstwile golden smile Shepherd got all but $132. During the
has vai ished.—Umpqua Valley News same for years $100,000 was appro­
priated for homeless and orphan
The lot of a neutral is not a happy- and homeless children. Catholic in­
one, with Germany protesting be- stitutions received
$60,851 of the
cause the United States permits the amount. How do the Romish insti­
sale of war supplies to the allies and tutions get the sw-ag of the church is
Great Britian seeking to prevent de- not in politics?—The Menace. Grant­
livery of food stuffs to Germany. And ing that the figures are correct, and
when you come to think of it neither calling it politics a charity, our ex­
can be blamed, for there are many planation of the above would be that
yet living who remember the feeling the Catholics
devote more time,
in the north during the civil war effort and money to charity and their
when, foreign ships slipped through church activities than the non-Catho-
the blockade with supplies for the lics. One needs to attend some of
In the Circuit Court of the State of
south and prolonged the length of the their services and note the ritulastic Oregon, for Tillamook County’.
struggle —Hillsboro Independent.
and ceremonial performances to con­ Tillamook County Bank, a
vince him that they work at their re­ corporation,
The fact that the moving picture ligion.—Telephone Register.
now speaks a "universal language” to
I Francis D. Mitchell and Ida
the largest audience ever enjoyed by
Every day the women are breaking J. Mitchell, G. W. Rice
any public medium without doubt is away from the old bonds of precedent I and Jane Doc Rice his wife,
in large part due to its early accept­ and prejudice, demanding more rights
ance of rigid censorship. The “movie' and liberties—and getting them. This
To G. W. Rice and Jane Doe Rice,
like vaudiville, soon found that the week comes a new jump. Attorney his wife, of the above named defend­
cheapest way to get a laugh was not General Brown gives it out there is ants:
the way to enduring popularity. The no law compelling a woman to carry
In the name of the State of Oregon
elimination of the vulgar and demor­ the name of her husband through this you arc hereby required to appear
alizing has been sound business as vale of tears, and that Jennie Jones and answer the complaint filed against
well as good morals. Members of the may be Jones just as long as she you in the above suit on or before
national board of censorship are en­ cares to, regardless of her marriage the cxi ¡ration of six weeks from the
titled to the everlasting gratitude of to John Smith. We obejet to this It date of the first publication of this
those who are gaining wealth from cision. It isn’t good law, and is c’ass summons, and if you fail to so appear
moving pictures. —Polk County Ob­ d'eision. What right has .» women to and answer, for want thereof plaintiff
two perfectly good names t ■ be t red will apply to said court for the relief
at I er pleasure, while her poor old demanded in the complaint, which is
In commening on the proposition of hubby has to jog along with one? that the plaintiff have judgment
government ownership of steamship, And springing this decision just alter against all the defendants named for
railroad and telephone and telegraph the
given the sum of $1,173.00, with interest
lines a prominent man recently said: the ballot looks mightly snspidoi s thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per
“It will be up to the American people against the legal gentleman o’ Rose­ annum from July 3rd, 1914; for the
to open their eyes and choose be burg. It looks as if he had gone ovei further sum of $125.00 attorney’s fees,
tween privately-ow’ned business under to the skirts and deserted the men and for the costs and disbursements
the species cf regulation which is who gave him the position that he of this suit, upon a promissory note
now established and socialism, under now uses to drftble-cross with. Either executed by the defendants Mitchell,
which they would be mere parts of a Attorney General Brown should dig and for a decree of foreclosure of a
machine embracing the whole nation up something that will permit we mortgage executed by said defend­
and directing every activity of such poor men to take on another handle ants Mitchell to secure the payment
indhridu 1. This is the condition in or he should be recalled—Bento" of said note, which mortgage is re­
the warring European nations today, County Courier.
corded in book “U", page 413 of the
L e. the government controls every­
Record of Mortgages of Tillamook
thing:in the interest of war opera
The Bend Bulletin calls attention to County, Oregon, and that the prop­
tions. It can hardly be imagined th.v. a law (Section 6317, Lord's Oregon erty in said mortgage described, to-
a free people like ours will consent to Laws) making mandator/ the erec­
wit: Lot 44 of Block 54, Bayocean, in
having their right of private entet- tion of plainly lettered guide posts at Tillamook County, Oregon, be sold
prise usurped in this manner. —News every crossing of public roads in the and the proceeds of said sale applied
state. The law further provides that to the discharge of said judgment,
until such signs are properly placed and barring and foreclosing the de­
That the Multnomah bond issue the supervisor can draw no pay from fendants and all of them of all right,
carried two to one evidences the fact the county treasurer for any services
title, interest or estate in or to the
that the general public is at last be­ rendered. Such signs must have upon said property, except statutory right
ginning to realize the value of good them the distance to the next town or redemption, and for general re­
roads. There was a time when the or public place on such public high­ lief.
person who did not use the road said way, with such other information as
This summons is published in pur­
“I Kould worry” or the equivalent is necessary. The Bulletin says:
suance of an order therefor made by
expression current in those days. But
Under these provisions we believe the Honorable A. M. Hare, County
all that has changed. The non-road there probably is not a single road
Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon,
user recognizes that he pays for poor supervisor in Crook County who is
made and filed on the 13th day of
roads in the goods he purchases and entitled to his pay from the County
April, 1915, and the time thereby pre­
in the isolation of the community. Court. And with our road situation
scribed for the publication thereof is
Good roads are the ties that unite as it is we believe that the court
once a week for a period of six week«
communities and make commerce would be doing a real service to the
and the first publication thereof is
profitable. As every city needs streets public if it hereafter enforces to the
made this April 15th, 1915.
so do<- every county need roads and letter this section.
H. T. Botts,
so does the state need counties with
Crook County officials arc not alone
Attorney for Plaintiff.
roads This is no new* truth, it is as in derelication as to the law. Every
Last publication, May 20, 1915.
aa«ient as the Garden of Eden—wc road traveler can point to places in
are just beginning to realize it, that s other counties where such signs are
badly needed, but are not in evidence Beware of
Ointments for
In fact some road supervisors ignore Catarrh that Contain Mercury
The wide-tired wagon propaganda the law entirely, much to the incon­
as mercury will surely destroy the aenae
will not down. The mechanical ex­ venience and annoyance of travelers. ofamell and completely deranze the whole
perts will tell us that the wide tired Yet these supervisors have their bills ayatem when entering it through the
wng< on any kind of surface wil audited and paid regularly by the mucous surfaces. Such article* should never
be used except on prescription* from repu­
»tarage less draft to move a ton than County Court. Hence these officials table
physicians as the damage they will
is ten' fold to the good you can possibly
with the narrow tired wagon. The are as guilty as supervisors.—Oregon­ derive
front them.
Hall'» Catarrh Cure
manufactured by F. J.
Cheney St Co.,
narrow tire has just one merit. It cuts ian.
Teledo. O-, contain* no mercury, and is
dow- -hrough a soft surface road tc
taken internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the ¡system
the hard surface below easier than
But it will still be permissible to In l iving Hall's Catarrh < ore tie sure you
get the genuine. It is taken internally and
does the wide tired travel. The first
use the phrase, “drunk as a lord, m ide in Teledo. Ohio, by F J Cheney Sc Co.
few who use the road are fortunat
Testimonials free.
just as we continue to say,
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per bottle,
Bjfithe time several narrow tires pas«
fake Hall's Family Fills for conatipation.
■hg the way, the road is cut so the ■ like a Turk.”
Notice of Hearing of Final Account
and Ol jecticns Hereto.
In the matter of the estate of Ella
R. Hays, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un­
Jcrsigned have filed in the County
Court of the State of Oregon for Till­
amook County, their final account as
executors of the estate of Ella R.
Hays, deceased, and that Court has
tppointed Tuesday, May II, 1915, at
io o’clock a.m. of said day, at the
Court room of said Court, in Tilla­
mook City, Oregon, as the time and
place for the hearing of said account,
and any and all persons interested in
said estate, are hereby required to ap­
pear at said time and place and make
their objections, if any they have,
said account, and a settlement
said estate.
Dated April 6, 1915.
R. Blaine Hays,
Thos. Roberts,
Annie Roberts,
Executors of the last will and
tament of Ella R. Hays, deceased.
Carl Haberlach, Attorney for said
First publication is April 8. 1915.
Last publication is May 6, 1915.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Tillamook County.
In the matter of the Guardianship
of Francis Xavier Mercau (Frank
To the next of Kin and all persons
interested in the person and Estate
Personal attention to every detail makes onr
of said Ward.
custom tailoring supreme in fit, style and comfort.
Whereas, on the 7th day of April,
Fry ns to-day.
1915 the County Court of said county 0
in the above entitled matter made and
Your choice of over 500 fabrics Spring Suits
entered the following order, to-wit:
$¡’>0 00 up.
This matter coming on regularly for
hearing on this 7th day of April, 1915,
Cleaning and Pressing.
upon the petition of N. McMillan,
Guardian of the person and estate of
J. IV. EDWALL, Tillamook,
Frances Xavier Mereau (Frank Mar­
Cor. of 1st Street and 2nd Avenue.
Phone J 27.
ey) praying for an order citing the
next of kin and all persons interested
in said estate and in the land herein­
after described, to appear and show 0©©©©©©©@©©©®©©©©©©©©©@©©®i®®©©®©
cause why a license should not be Dr
granted to said N. McMillan, as such ©
guardian, to sell the interest and es­ ©
tate of said ward in and to said de­ ©
scribed real property, the same being ©
described as follows, to-wit: Begin­ ©
ning at a point 58.16 chains west and ©
On Second.Ave. East. In Williams Bldg.
42.15 chains south of the northcast ©
corner of Section 21, T. 1 N., Range ©
10 West of the Willamette Meridian, ©
thence North 74 degrees,
East 7.08 ©
No chance for our Beef to be infected with tub­
chains for an initial point of tract •¡e
erculosis; we »ell only U. S. Inspected Beef. No
herein conveyed, said point being the ©
stag hogs go with ui
We sell the best country
Southeast corner of what is known as ©
the Ralston 5 acre tract, thence ©
hog» only
North 16 degrees West 220 feet, ©
thence South 74 degrees, West 23.456 ©
Now open and ready for business
feet to the Northeast corner of tract ©
We will deliver to all parts of the city
sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to ©
Frank Marey by deed dated October ©
10, 1902 and recorded in Book “Z" of ©©©©©©®©©©®©©©©0©©©0©©©©©©©©GO0©
deeds page 31, records of Tillamook
County, Oregon, thence South 16
degrees East 220 feet to Southeast
corner of Marcy tract, thence North
74 degrees, East 32.456 feet to the
initial point, all in Tillamook County,
State of Oregon.
And it appears to the Court that the
allegations of said petition are true
and that it is necessary and expedient
and for the best interest of said ward
! V
and estate and all persons concerned
■- ■ : ■'
that said property be sold.
/talrar«»» absolutely clr-nendable. every day, year in,
year out. Built on honor, of th« bent materials.
It is therefore ordered and Adjudg­
ed, that citation issue herein to the
Outwear» Three Ordinary Ranges
T’tt» nnfy ■ anra me de entirely cf charcoal and malltabh iron,
next of kin of said ward and all per­
tdallaaule • on car.'t break charcoal iron won't ru»t like eteeL
sons interested in said estate, citing
Economical In Fuel
them and each of them to apj ear be­
TUn Kami of t. c Afa/eeftc are riveted (not put together with
fore the above named court on the
i ■ t .¡r.d • '<
putty)—they will alutay» remain air tight,
lx u«*e neit mr heat nor cold B<Tect* them. The Majeatic
4th day of May at 11 o’clock in the
G’■ II is Ltf'l throughout with pure aebettoe board,
f Jd in plar ■ by an open iron grating you can xceit —and
forenoon of said day at the Court
y j L' k * e always. Air tight joints and pure esbeetoe
¡in nj< rt“ii.irn an even Imk'nsr heat, saving one-half tho fuel.
House in Tillamook City, Tillamook
All doore drop to form rigid »halve». No »pring».
County, State of Oregon, and show
Malleable iron o.rn rack» Slide out automatically» hold«
in.; whatever they contain.
cause, if any they have, why said
guardian should not be granted a
license to sell all the right, title and
interest of said ward in and to said
real property described herein. It is
further ordered that said citation in­
cluding this order be published in the
Tillamook Headlight, a weekly news­
paper published in Tillamook County,
Oregon, and of general circulation
therein, for a period of three succes­
sive weeks
’ m nlt tr nere revrvo'r wl.uh hrat« IJ c a '■•«»
thmuirh »
Now therefore you and each of you IJr*d
’ !■; • r fFx . t ataiuiied from - ,ie ;..<-> »• of copp« *
kit h ■ <1 l'i.inu ut fin» boa. li '.<»iia J5 vallona or water in a v' tv
are hereby notified and required to
Lwi-ylxuni re. A h ax .lunve
ni» <!
f.alure. i.’pcnrr l
t. » t*an
aw y ». ih gltvvr ng aahe» venftfutel
appear at the above specified time, Aibestus
pir pi - /"ntartrx/f from catch np f'-n
rwp r&'■ ! • - >< >.
/»»a uj lo
yt>u tlig greatmt ImgrovmnrMt
place and court and show cause if any Board
»ver f>ut in a r mve
Don’t buy th«- rni tr« jrwi exnrrt lo I- »t a 1
you have why said license should not
t’r»a “unaiii’ t, iinws.n,’* <
< -
r « mz ih« C.r«,.»
be granted.
MUo of
.11 JIMI
5/bav« I*« ir > ’jr < - la«iva franar »»•
pia r. ■ i flnd out ai y t • M.i'rriic la 2'^ •
Witness the Honorable A. M. Har<, Charcoal
tha'. allr»h»-r raiF”*'
r »al
»• v
1 • k » e t" -t
o ut, a.,/ pi .«.a uud U
Judge of the County Court of sai l Iron,
bn m ¡fOut
add inff
Tillamook County, Oregon and the
seal of said court affixed this 7th day life of
« Z..-T. »
of April, 1915.
Date of first publication April
Date of last publication April
J. C. Holden, Clerk.
By K. Mills, Diputy.
City Meat Market
John Dannials, Prop.
Sams of the Reasons Why
The Great
, Charcoal and Malleable Iron
i1 ’
Mr. Wilson says ehat ;io m.i i is
wise enough to pass judgment on the
European war. Is the president
ing to make enemies of all the
who have passed judgment’
Entire « < p
P® w« <i.a
■Mbd« of
n tbrcZft