T’ilTamoolc Stite'Press Flashlights. Th Los Angeles minister recently decided to discuss the question: “Wh ere are the dead?” And a smart par>gr.ipher on the Times answered that they could be found in the busi­ ness places that do not advertise.— News Reporter. average draft is on the narrow tired wagons that pass over the road is heavier than would be required had all the wagons been equipped with wide tires. It is likely with the in­ creased sums being spent for good roads and the maintenance bills that will keep coming in, the wide tire argument will grow in force just as the silo propaganda until finally it will become universal in acceptance— Rural Spirit. Headlight, Republican Deserters Return. Little Bo-l’eep has lost her shc0 00 up. This matter coming on regularly for hearing on this 7th day of April, 1915, Cleaning and Pressing. upon the petition of N. McMillan, Guardian of the person and estate of J. IV. EDWALL, Tillamook, Frances Xavier Mereau (Frank Mar­ Cor. of 1st Street and 2nd Avenue. Phone J 27. ey) praying for an order citing the next of kin and all persons interested in said estate and in the land herein­ after described, to appear and show 0©©©©©©©@©©©®©©©©©©©©©@©©®i®®©©®© cause why a license should not be Dr © granted to said N. McMillan, as such © © guardian, to sell the interest and es­ © © tate of said ward in and to said de­ © © scribed real property, the same being © © described as follows, to-wit: Begin­ © © ning at a point 58.16 chains west and © © On Second.Ave. East. In Williams Bldg. 42.15 chains south of the northcast © © corner of Section 21, T. 1 N., Range © © A fine line of FRESH and SMOKEDJMEATS andJFISH 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, © © thence North 74 degrees, East 7.08 © 0 No chance for our Beef to be infected with tub­ chains for an initial point of tract •¡e 0 erculosis; we »ell only U. S. Inspected Beef. No © herein conveyed, said point being the © stag hogs go with ui We sell the best country © Southeast corner of what is known as © I the Ralston 5 acre tract, thence © hog» only North 16 degrees West 220 feet, © © thence South 74 degrees, West 23.456 © Now open and ready for business © feet to the Northeast corner of tract © We will deliver to all parts of the city © sold by Geo. W. Kiger and wife to © © Frank Marey by deed dated October © 10, 1902 and recorded in Book “Z" of ©©©©©©®©©©®©©©©0©©©0©©©©©©©©GO0© deeds page 31, records of Tillamook County, Oregon, thence South 16 degrees East 220 feet to Southeast corner of Marcy tract, thence North 74 degrees, East 32.456 feet to the initial point, all in Tillamook County, State of Oregon. And it appears to the Court that the allegations of said petition are true and that it is necessary and expedient and for the best interest of said ward ! V and estate and all persons concerned ■- ■ : ■' that said property be sold. A /talrar«»» absolutely clr-nendable. every day, year in, year out. Built on honor, of th« bent materials. It is therefore ordered and Adjudg­ ed, that citation issue herein to the Outwear» Three Ordinary Ranges T’tt» nnfy ■ anra me de entirely cf charcoal and malltabh iron, next of kin of said ward and all per­ tdallaaule • on car.'t break charcoal iron won't ru»t like eteeL sons interested in said estate, citing Economical In Fuel them and each of them to apj ear be­ TUn Kami of t. c Afa/eeftc are riveted (not put together with fore the above named court on the i ■ t .¡r.d • '< putty)—they will alutay» remain air tight, lx u«*e neit mr heat nor cold B »• of copp« * kit h ■ <1 l'i.inu ut fin» boa. li '.<»iia J5 vallona or water in a v' tv with t / m r :t- and Ly tomitiff a lev -r il e trarr,e an'l r»*ervoir ino* are hereby notified and required to Lwi-ylxuni re. A h ax .lunve ni» < >. /»»a uj lo yt>u tlig greatmt ImgrovmnrMt place and court and show cause if any Board »ver f>ut in a r mve n Don’t buy th«- rni tr« jrwi exnrrt lo I- »t a 1 you have why said license should not t’r»a “unaiii’ t, iinws.n,’* < ture < - a ’ 'polnt«d. < «/me to o»»r aU/re, «nd r « mz ih« C.r«,.» be granted. MUo of .11 JIMI 5/bav« I*« ir > ’jr < - la«iva franar »»• pia r. ■ i flnd out ai y t • M.i'rriic la 2'^ • Witness the Honorable A. M. Har<, Charcoal tha'. allr»h»-r raiF”*' r »al »• v . 1 • k » e t" -t o ut, a.,/ pi .«.a uud U Judge of the County Court of sai l Iron, w bn m ¡fOut i, add inff L OR SALE OY Tillamook County, Oregon and the <0 seal of said court affixed this 7th day life of ALBX. McNAIR & CO. « Z..-T. » Rant« of April, 1915. ’■v Date of first publication April 1915. Date of last publication April »QIS- J. C. Holden, Clerk. By K. Mills, Diputy. City Meat Market John Dannials, Prop. Sams of the Reasons Why The Great ? MAJESTIC .is , Charcoal and Malleable Iron ANGE I i1 ’ Mr. Wilson says ehat ;io m.i i is wise enough to pass judgment on the European war. Is the president ing to make enemies of all the who have passed judgment’ Entire « < p P® w«