Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 18, 1915, Image 1

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    ■ ■
! -’I
No. 35.
E. C. Lockwood, W. L. King, M. J. Rex Beache’s novel, “The Spoiler--,"
O’Donnell and E. J. Wood, of Bay­ at the Star Theatre, giving one per­
ocean, were in the city again yester­ formance in the afternoon and two
day, being interested in the Bayocean performances in the evening of thi->
j wonderful production in moving pic-
■ tures. Owing to the extra cost of pro
, Protect your valuable papers from
' curing these pictures it is necessary
Acquaintan ce
the unexpected fire by renting one of
our safe deposit boxes. Only one to raise the price of admission, to
dollar per year.
Tillamook County and 25c.
Two games of basket ball will be
Not tilt least of the a<i vantages of having a checking
in this city on Friday and Sat-
account at this hank is the acquaintance which it promotes
Mrs. Alex McNair who has been
the opera house, when Port-
IS between the depositor and our officers.
A turned home on Saturday, greatly im­ I I land Academy will meet the Tilla­
litis acquaintance enables our officers to get in touch
proved in health. Mr. McNair met her mook Hgh School team. Portland
I with the interests of the depositor, and to lend all the co­
Academy is in the same league with
in Portland.
1 Jefferson Hgh, which team played in
-operation consistent with conservative banking.
The Fairview’ Birthday Club will ' this city on February 5-6, defeating
Our officers gladly welcome the opportunity to extend
have a special meeting at the home the home team with a score of 34 to
g the facilities of the bank to new depositors.
of Mrs. H. Schield’s on Wednesday, 16. On February 7 Jefferson defeated
February 24th. All are expected to Portland Academy 43 to 12. This will
help with the program.
be an interesting and close fought
made special arrange- game.
The editor of the Herald was in
ments with the Telephone Co., to
connect you directly with our office, Salem last week and this may account
I in case you wish any of our GOOD for this startling news which appear-
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W ed on Tuesday under the caption of
“Nestucca Cows are Tested: Farmers
Anyone having the leather calander
in South part of county take interest
stands given away by this Agency in
in up-to-date methods,” appeared a
1914, can have calander pads for 1915,
whole raft of paragraphs like this.
by calling at this office.—Rolle W.
“Eaton bill for $20,000 for employ­
Watson the Fire Insurance Man. *
ment bureaus was killed,” "Two story
The second quarterly meeting of the annex will be built to hospital,”
Beaver circuit will be held in the Free “Chambermaid sues Crabill Hotel for
TILLAMOOK JOTTINGS Geo. Chaphe, .'of the West Coast Methodist church at Beaver on Feb­ $5,680 personal injuries,” etc As the
Electric Co., made a business trip to ruary 19th, 20th and 21 st, over which District Attorney accompanied the
Portland on Wednesday.
W. N. Coffee, of the Salem district editor it is not out of place to ask
I Houses to Rent, see Watson.
what was the newspaper man’s fav­
I Born to the w’ife of A. G. Larson, a
day from Salem where he had taken
The School Board re-employed K. orite brand while he was outside.
a prisoner to the penitentiary.
W. Onthank as principal of the public
The West Coast Electric Supply
I Safe deposit boxes for rent. Tilla-
school. This is a wise move on the Co. is making a specialty of installing
Zi 00k County Bank.
east where he went on account of the part of the School Board for Mr. On­ electric light plants with the water
The place to eat is at the “Good sickness and death of his father.
thank is giving general satisfaction.
available in the neighborhood. A large
ats,” Ramsey Hotel.
number of the dairymen can install
Jake Pesterfield is building a hand­
[ A heavy team? wagon and harness some new cottage on the corner oi on Monday the report of the board to electric light plants if they will utilize
for sale. See Shrode.
assess damages for improvements on the water power in the vicinity, and it
4th Ave. East and 9th street.
First street was read for the first often happens that several can use the
The Tillamook Meat Co., is paying
18 to 20 M feet, mostly 1 inch lum­ time and will be acted upon at the same power. The company has in­
ten cents for green hides.
ber for sale cheap if taken soon. next meeting.
stalled a plant at Bar View for R. E.
Jackson, using water from the water
Money to loan on farm mortgages. Mutual phone, Goldsworthy.
F. R. Beals, Tillamook, Ore.
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ my own farm, 9899-100 percent puri­ power at that place, which is suffici­
ent to furnish the people of that place
f A fine quality of Tillamook made sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for ty and 85 per cent germination test.
with all the lights they have use for,
Shingles at the Tillamook Feed Co. *
18c. per pound in lots of 100 pounds including the summer tourists. There
Wanted to rent a dairy by an ex­ or more F. O. B. Forest Grove.—M. are already ten subscribers to this
B Spray your trees! 50 gallons of
* plant with one mile of polls. Another
spray for 35c., Tillamook Feed Co. * perienced dairy man. Inquire of Elmer S. Shrock.
Ball's blacksmith shop, Tillamook. ♦
Elder R. Y. Blalock and J. I.. plant will be started for the Gists,
Mg Mrs. Fred Burton left on Monday
I will sell 35 acres on the South Sampels will hold services in South near Cloverdale. There are so many
to visit in Portland and McMinnville.
side of my ranch in Owens.—Write Prairie school house next Sunday, ranches in this county which have a
fe Electric irons, special $3.50 irons,
to C. Lutmon, Lookinglass, Ore. * February 21, at 11 a.m., and in the
this week, only $3.00. Electric Store.*
Adventist church this city at 3 p.m.
For Sale—A span of well matched
SF. We are in a position to make some
Every body invited to attend.
black geldings, 8 years old, weight
long time farm loans. First National
« 2250.—Eastman Wilson Co., Beaver, County Surveyor Shreve returned
* from surveying at Dolph and reports
■ Wood! Wood!! Wood!!! of all
FOR SALE—Team, harness and that an easy grade to the Yamhill
kinds, and fence posts, for sale. See
for $150.00. Team weighs 1950. county line w’as surveyed, which is
Mutual phone. L. S. Johnson, Tilla­ only about one mile. It will be for
Yamhill county to survey to this
6 For sale five months’ old pigs, H. mook.
W. Wright on the Miami. Phone 30F2
Born, on Saturday to the wife of
Bay City.
For Sale, block I and block 6, Park
Frank Long, jr., a son; and on Tues­
■ Mrs. H. M. Cross was operated on day to the wife of Claude Christen­ Addition, consisting of 12 lots be­
tween 3rd and 5th sreets. Will some­
by Dr. Boals in the hispital on Tues- sen a son.
body make me a cash offer on these
Miss. Stella Goyne, of Tillamook, lots for immediate sale?—Rollie W.
I A marriage license : was issued to has been chosen vice-president of the
Watson, Todd Hotel Bld., Tillamook,
■Bobbie A.
\ Jones
i < 111 cs mid
and Annabel
Brown- Freshman class at Willamette Uni­
I «ng.
versity, Salem.
The friends of S. W. Conover, to
B For sale new rag carpet at 45c. per
MILK—Delivered to any part of the number of about 25, gave him a
H^rard. Apply to Mrs. A. Billings, Till- the city at 6c. per quart in advance or
surprise party on Wednesday evening
. amook.
7c. on time. Tillamook Dairy, Both the occasion being his birthday. 1 he
I Wc will soon have several cars of phones.
evening was enjoyable spent, 500 be­
ijhay for sale from the car. See Shrode
Arthur Rogers is building a well ap­ ing played, after which a dainty sup­
¿for prices.
pointed residence on Park Street per was served.
I “Electric
irons at The Electric Bales & Erskine have the contract for
Found! A line of buggies with the
EStore, next to Gem Theatre, all this this work.
quality, that we can sell in competi­
I week, $3.00.
WANTED—Herdsman to handle a tion with the mail order business and
I Monday, February 22, being a legal large dairy. Man familiar with milk­ save you money. Bring your cata­
logues and come in and compare
hiloday both banks in this city will be ing machines preferred. Address Box
prices. Every buggy fully guaranteed.
Eclosed all day.
—Tillamook Feed Co.
Choice seashore
lot, Brighton
I F. D. Small returned to the city on
«Saturday from Astoria, where he had Beach at a bargain. It’s worth $700.
now only $450 cash. \\ rite to Peter
gone on business.
Daniis, St. Helens, Ore.
* Tuesday evening when a most pleas­
1 Attorney T. H. Goyne and Editor
ant evening was spent. The amuse­
All persons owing me arc requested ment of the evening was 500, and the
[Trombley returned on Friday from a
to call and pay the same before Jan­ game proved enjoyable to the invited
! trip to Salem.
uary 31st. 1915, otherwise credit will guests. The hostess served a dainty
White Plymouth Rock eggs $2.00
cease.—W. A. \\ illiams.
lunch which all enjoyed.
and $1.00 per setting of 15 eggs. w. s.
Land plaster will help you to clean
Coates, Tillamook.
The Fairview Birthday Club met at
out the Yellow Weed and at the same the home of Mrs. Wm. Maxwell on
Would like to purchase 15 or 20
time fertilize your Oat, Clover and Wednesday,
February 17th. A de­
choice milch cows. Write or call 1. B.
Co., lightful afternoon was spent in sew­
Grass crops. Lamb-Schrader
Mead, Garibaldi, Ore.
Hello 28W.
ing, readings and songs. Delicious re­
For Sale—Range and household
Rosenberg Bros, are about to build freshments were served by the hos­
goods. Call at the Burr Beals resi­
a concrete garage 7ij4xio5 feet on tesses. Those assisting Mrs. Maxwell
dence, Stillwell Ave.
* their property recently bought of the were Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Tin-j
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Edmunds are at­ Munson’s on the corner of Second nerstet.
tending the Retail Grocers' Associa­ Ave. East and Sth street. The new
At a meeting of those who are in­
tion in Portland this week.
structure will cost $6,000. We under­ terested in the starting of a mission
For Sale—A number of good milk stand the work will be done by day in the city in connection with the
cows also one yearling Holstein Bull, labor. Rosenberg Bros, taking charge Episcopal church on Tuesday even­
of the work themselves.
ing, it was decided to make an effort
pure bred.—John Schild.
with that object in view, as there are
quite a number of persons in the
county who belong to that church.
Advantacje of a
Checking Account iuBank
Tillamook County Bank.
variety store .
” Drop in and Look Around-”
Senators Hollis and Vinton have in­
troduced a bill authorizing two or
more counties to create a road-build­
ing district and allowing money to be
appropriated therefor. This is for
the proposed road improvement by
the courts of Polk and Yamhill to
have access into Tillamook County.
Next Saturday the management of
the moving picture shows will give
Ask any of our customers
about First National service
They are all Pleased with
it and can tell you why
First National Bank
Tillamook, Ore.
small water power on their places,
that more of these plants will no
doubt be installed because of the price
of these plants are within reach of
most of the farmers in the county.
When you consult Drs. Lowe
& Turner, you receive the
combined skill of the trained eye
specialist and optician. They devote
their entire time, energy and effort
exclusively to the eye. They have had
years of hard practical experience and
know their business thoroughly in all
its branches. They give your eyes a
most thorough searching and scienti­
fic examination and when they pre­
scribe glasses, it is with positive and
absolute certainty that they are the
best and only kind suited to your eyes.
Their glasses arc guaranteed to give
entire satisfaction whether they cost
$2 or more. One charge covers en­
tire cost of examination, frames and
lenses. Consult them at Jenkins Jewl-
cry store Friday and Saturday, Match
5 and 6.
School Holidays.
As many inquiries have com« to the
office from teachers of the county as
to whether or not
Birthday is a school holiday, we
answer through the columns of the
Tillamook Headlight that all teachers
may know our interpretation of the
law on this matter.
In substance the Oregon School
laws of 1913, Sec. 234, page 103, reads
as follows:
I.incoin's birthday, Washington’s
birthday, and Columbus Day shall
not be school holidays, but a portion
of each of said days shall be set apart
and be observed in the public schools
of the state by appropriate exercises.
W. S. Buel.
Co. School Supt.
Thc American may miss his trip to
Europe this summer, but by waiting
for another year he will have some
fresh ruins to visit.