■ ■ g / ! -’I J * Vol. XXVI No. 35. <1 5*3 I1.50 PER YEAR. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY IS, 1915, ’jaaraEiË!iaara®aiaf^^’a®a^œ^ja.,aiaiEjaËE.asiaafaEiaiajai3.r3ffi/aEiaiaaiaaaiEr: E. C. Lockwood, W. L. King, M. J. Rex Beache’s novel, “The Spoiler--," O’Donnell and E. J. Wood, of Bay­ at the Star Theatre, giving one per­ ocean, were in the city again yester­ formance in the afternoon and two day, being interested in the Bayocean performances in the evening of thi-> j wonderful production in moving pic- road. ■ tures. Owing to the extra cost of pro , Protect your valuable papers from ' curing these pictures it is necessary 0 *—* Acquaintan ce the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one to raise the price of admission, to dollar per year. Tillamook County and 25c. Two games of basket ball will be Not tilt least of the aSOQOOOQOO0& small water power on their places, that more of these plants will no doubt be installed because of the price of these plants are within reach of most of the farmers in the county. When you consult Drs. Lowe & Turner, you receive the combined skill of the trained eye specialist and optician. They devote their entire time, energy and effort exclusively to the eye. They have had years of hard practical experience and know their business thoroughly in all its branches. They give your eyes a most thorough searching and scienti­ fic examination and when they pre­ scribe glasses, it is with positive and absolute certainty that they are the best and only kind suited to your eyes. Their glasses arc guaranteed to give entire satisfaction whether they cost $2 or more. One charge covers en­ tire cost of examination, frames and lenses. Consult them at Jenkins Jewl- cry store Friday and Saturday, Match 5 and 6. * School Holidays. As many inquiries have com« to the office from teachers of the county as to whether or not Washington’s Birthday is a school holiday, we answer through the columns of the Tillamook Headlight that all teachers may know our interpretation of the law on this matter. In substance the Oregon School laws of 1913, Sec. 234, page 103, reads as follows: I.incoin's birthday, Washington’s birthday, and Columbus Day shall not be school holidays, but a portion of each of said days shall be set apart and be observed in the public schools of the state by appropriate exercises. W. S. Buel. Co. School Supt. Thc American may miss his trip to Europe this summer, but by waiting for another year he will have some fresh ruins to visit.