Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 04, 1915, Image 3

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Picss Flashlights.
iillNM il ( ....prf't slogan lor the
show is like 4 good
iliaci i<
i»y »8 i « ill invrti'io is •<> »ini’, ‘r
.t li i> i wonder it had Il r y r r been
Here I« a parody go
< over p| b. lore
SII il.« r woild I -
.1 we
««« th r r«Hilati«l tote » ’• I el< photic
\ n«l'
ih» r.
r the
«« Ui
Its Cosi A t Compared With it» Cost
In Amer le a
Nev»» Rrpor
lie tom«-
< urrrtt
We've I
idc •«■
io »rt
«n in
A ne»
■er ihr
lion to
k htw
id is in i
tan h
ties 0
■und» •>
I ihou,'
>pea« »
« it »tai
I II d«H>
nd. I« |i
•tip trot,
rek, ar 1
Ing arai
nen, art'
ood tup
hing». I
«hui, si’
he emisi
»r eeryll
ret the I
he heart
>t the p.
base, of
<• I roper pia
t nJ
M *
i h
hrtr arr hj
In ev<ry community you will firn!
men who belie»« in luck and
whobelirvr HI pluck Io w bit b class
do you b< lo»'b’ I1 Ihe man who believe«
in hick inf 1* about like a ship with-
out a niddr r, always on the way. but
never gc’tmu mywherr, driven one
way for
while, then another
hoping that hr may come up on
goose th t lavs the golden egg
man wh<* drifts xsill always be a
one, Th «»nlv drifter that came out
right W» Noah, but he had thè \l
mighty [<oi his side
bring! b< ii- 1 .ind xx tlili \ man with
pluck lax 1 lie plan» 1 -1 thr future,
and kno*
xx here lie stands < i « rv
minute In the day. You cannot kill a
duck that 1 -.itting on the xvatrr bx
shooting int«» the kx, nor «m x«»n
with cert miry drift from Next York
to Liveri onl Yon must hax «
.in <d»
jeetivt point, tr« .it propjlc fairly, ami
be hone*i. not because it is the best
policy, but l»( ( all o it is right.
The jitney Im««, the .iiilftmol'ile
that comix'li a wuh thi Sturt tars,
haa made it. appearance in the larger
citie«, (h'di n, Seattle and I'urtl.ind.
end ia creating a rttrore The jitney
ia HOI likely to invade the am ill
town» though it might be welcomed
by nui.v
It depend, on big patron
age to be a ■ III << ..fill venture Till
street car rompanicx, however, ar
yelling their head« off In c iti.c of tin
n»w tjompelitor I lie people, however
ar«going to reap «nine benefit by the
i4nv*8tion In Portland the atreet car
«< rvic. has from lime to time been
latnba ed by the people.
The »trap
hunger, have no love for an inadc-
ctiate «Irt ct i it .i rvi.
i if course it
li) to be a.sitnud that llif .c jitney,
will |'iv their proportion of a license
t|X. Antox should pay for a tax in
pr<»p<n timi to their horst power for
comparison 1 iiurmuu»
milk, m rxerss of re­
it fluid milk hi title» ar íd
du« I m T ngland,
srk, Holland, N or wa v,
1 hr tur
it»«! >xverdrn
lot be coniumed at home
tries 1» turned over to
iirrr* • Í condensed milk,
ie«*e, of will« Il large
l»iiug sent to the Unit-
tat r
4 auiparmv «• price»
received by
I ur'«praii and Amr rican farmers for
ltx> pminds of milk i whic h it equal 10
forts six and one half quart») arc at
follow »
too It «
\v prier r<c in I ’nited States, II (6
The C
in their ■
i. on» ve
On a ?
a lumdrr
raiser a ddfrssrd hi
ion »her
\\ • arc ■
troop» h.
1 hey wish t
for the In
ut 1 Ml, if we win
kill Gem
1 a new rmpirc aha'
and we n
did than thr worl Id
ariae inc «I1
R otnan < «etman rm
ever a»w
i.<:i rule thr world, an <1
pire whl<
II h •r happy M It wr d
the wort.1
with the
not aymi
plana of < > < ir t man K aiser
certainly >1 >vt ¡..itlur. with h
jerl». H< "
«> ' > I ■ I ' I 4* ill
Germán, stami f«»r
telligent i>
ruler* wl care «o huir for the flesh
and Moo. I of thrir subject» and * *
boundless ambitions
much for
to rule.— ' rw» Timet.
I 44
I-ng land
** Ireland
•• - Holland
’* Switzerland
** ** Germany
“ ** Denmark
" “ Norway
- M
Il car br readily seen that t
of milk b'
rru<r in the cost
I he | tic rn in Holland and Denmark
(these lw« countries bring thr largest
exporter« to the United Slates) a»
comparrtl with that in America, is a
t rc mend chi * factor in the business of
the American farmer and condrnsed
Nearly every
milk manufacturer
ccaintry that produce* milk in large
quantities protects it« farmers by a
tariff «r import duty on milk and milk
Ihe I nited States, for
vrar* until ih » w , ha« levied a tariff or
iml-« ft duty on condense«! milk com­
ing int»» this country which was high
enough to prevent Furopean manu­
facturer* ft »m *rn«ling thrir ware* to
this country ami forcing the Ameri­
can manufacturer (»1 condensed milk
4 vor of a g frat
ay Io (hr coati, bul said
1 ju»l whirrr it
atr«l wa» a matter that
r«tirrly v rilhin thr juris-
I ih r \ ambili County ( «»urt
rt had bill little lo say
Sir (
s I tllamook and P«»lk
ul< rrt|, and, bring a
ay. thr work carne largr
1er the «uprr%i*i«>n <»l thr State
to g«» *»ul of business
limili» non 1 hai it woul<l
N«»t only 1* the American milk con-
a sirw to thè b *>1 antl
drn*rr at a disadvantage in thr mat­
fattori r<>ute fot thè traveI.
ter of milk cost*, but he 1» also f<»rct<1
of locai interest», wa» hi»
to pax about one cent more • a pound
From all we are able
fur lh> »111 ir that hr use», I and from
r II rrms to U* that «(he inten
f«»rtv to *i«t>
per cent more for the
otistrucl along thr route
la' or nete**ary to manufacture his
1» |O offrr thr brwl grades
ompared with his T uropern
thr road wili br of benefit
wh 1 c
to the greatest possible number Ihe
All of thr*r Condition» tend to drive
i» not advocating a ny particu
the \mrritan manufacturer of con-
>utr, will leave this matter to
densrd milk to lox« er the standard of
in position to judge of the rc
pay to the farmers producing milk,
merit* ar demerits of thr pro­
who in turn, competing with the for­
posed r routes.
Later we may find it
eign milk producer, will have to re­
advisable to champion »orne route.
«luce the pay of American farm hand»
but for the present wr will endeavor
from $30 per month and board to $8
to discu*« the matter from thr various
per mc»nth ami board
If we fail to
angles it may present
\\ illaniiua
protect the interests of the American
I line».
milk pr<»«li:cet ami the American con­
-O..... —
denser of milk bv restoring the tariff
In (hr Ameritan paper*, the (»cr­
on milk, many economies ami changes
man press bureau is working over-
in mo»!« of lining will be necessary to
h it Hide fatigable untiringly enable u« to compete,
interview mg for our instruction gen
rrals, chance Hors, ami princes, and
Notice to Creditor».
unw rai ingly slaving for its own prof-
------ o i.—
it and pleasure millions of the cnem V
In thr District ( ciurl of the I nited
\ftcr f’ ■ ling the press bureau stuff,, State», for the district of Oregon.
one is surprised IO find that the <«cr«
In the matter of I ouis V Albert,
hl li»* hst armed foe hasn't rea
Bankrupt. No 3189 in Bankruptcy.
tn this annihilation of
Notice 1* hereby given that on the
llu d7tli das of January A D iqh , Louis
lies, it is plainly evident th
I li. I
bureau pen i* mighlic r th
\lb< rt, of Pacific C’ity, Oregon, the
«Miiril Bill while the German
bankrupt above named, was »hily ad*
bureau it rullili't.ly laying
indicated bankrupt, and the fir*t
hutiilreil, of thoutanil
tli.il i- not it« iniiti purpo.e
I he
clnt l > ml oi llo pre,« bureau man |.
to .how Io Ihe ckeptieal that the
Kai.er I. a inilit, pintle, peace Iovine
man, who hail war tliu.t on him In
(■teat Brittan'« "contemptible little
.ii-in" ami I rattcc'« uutniltlarv fori-'
of untrained hoy« ami litti| iti|{ grand
father« That the pre.« bureau forget,
it, con.i.tincy in it, dr.irc Io prove
tin- unbclii vablc i« thown when it
m ike. it. ihanrrllor tell 11« that the
allic. were intent on dv«troyiug the
toriii.in empire with armies which it.
general, «ay are untrained ami unfit
Surely the nation that hail in mind
the ill Irtietion of a. great ami war-
like .1 power a. Germany w ould have
prepared for Ihe job by raising and
properly training ami equipping <i n
adequate military force. Instead, we
fiml the German pre«« bureau’, gen­
eral. declaring that the allies have no
armies worth the powder to blow
them to piece» and that Germany
alone among thr European nations
Ihe German
was prepared for war.
pre,« bureau not only protects too
much, Iml is proving a great deal
more than the Kaiser would have us
Call for Warrants.
All outstanding county warrants
will be paid upon presentation. Inter­
est ceases I’rbiiiary 2, !QI,5.
B I . Beals,
County Treasurer.
meeting of his err litors will
.1! mv 'dire, IL'iinn R10R41
be held
Oregon, on the 11 th day of Februars.
at w 'licit time »aid
1 qi 5. at 3 p in
creditor» may attend, prove their
claim«, appoint a trustee, examine
the bankrupt, and transact such other
busiiH s* .1« max properly come before
said meeting.
( laim* must be presented in form
rcpiiiretl by the Bankruptcy Act, and
sworn to.
The schedule filed discloses doubt­
ful assets.
A M. Cannon,
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Dated January .’ q , IQ15.
Such ultimate consumers as have
favored an embargo on foodstuffs will
not be very enthusiastic over brini;
taxed to furnish shipping facilities.
The handling of the controversy
over the American consuls in Belgium
shows that the state department now
has a graceful side stepper in its em­
There being no recent developments
in the earthquake situation, the cor
respondent at Rome has resumed his
work of sending out exclusive stories
of the sinking of Austrian cruisers.
I he bill to permit minor children
to elect which parent shall have cus­
tody of them is based on the theory
that children arc more capable of de­
termining whether they are bring
propci ly brought up than a disinter
rated court.
Fel>rtinry 4, IDT.~í.
To Whom It May Consern
Ihr following blank Kir» Inaurane/
861057, W.iosH, Hr,io'9.
Policies No's
8i/io6u, V i KX j I, H6iu6d, H6 i < j 6 j ,861064.
861065, 861 <166. 861U67, M/.K/4, 86106 j.
861070, 861071. 861074, H6|«»7 J. 861074
8610 '4
86 » 07 St
861079, 8610K0, 861081, WHO«/. 86IO8 I.
8/1KX4. 86108$, V ho V., H610K7, 861088.
KAiOql, 861099, 86 io»/ »,
861 oM»z.
861094« 86¡OQb, 86 i (>■/>. 861097, 861098,
86lO</9. an»l 16»I IOO, OÍ thr N
X.|«k birr
Insurance ( ompwn K» °f
. » r a Brunswick, New Jersey, have
been lost, slolm r destroyed, while
White h</U»e,
H the Agency of S B
You are
<1 *1 illamook ( ity, Orrg<»n
hereby notified that the New Brunt
. i<k hire Insurance Company of N» a
Brunswi'k. New Jersey, hereby us
time no liability under the abovr
r mmerated polices Any information
« f the return «4 the above blank
policies, will tf>nhr a favor on \\ \\
Alverson, the Western Manager,
374 Pine Street, Sa«» 1 rancuco. Cal.
By A M Lovelace,
Special Agent
Are best yet.
A. J. Carpenter, Agent
Some of the Reasons Why
Notice of Sheriff'» Sale.
yuu CAtL
Notice is hereby given, that
vuanl to an execution and order of
' f ■' -r. !i- *. e-«ry day. year uu
; 9»n h-.n-xr. < t t-*« I*..»t trisu-raua.
Outwear» Three Ordinary Range«
7^>« o»!> rnnff^ nmdu tnhrtly ' f thatr>>al and mallMUt «r«n.
htaiUub^ i/vA cj.-i 't braah iharcoal trot» un>n't rt—t Uba nt—J-
< ircuit 4 ourt f the Mate <d Oregon?
fur I illamook I ounty, and under the
«al thereof, bearing date Dccemles
a6th, 1914. upon a judgment and dr*
1914. in
tree dated December 44th,
the case in the court wherein (. harlcf
kun re 1» plaintiff and Mary J. Dun-
»tan, Henry Dunstan, P. B. C Luca <*.
Alineda Luca«. I -red Balmer and N *
tucca \ alley Bank, a corporation ar«
dclendant*. t - me duly dirreted. F
have levied upon and will, on Monda
the 8th day of I rbruary, 1915, at th
court house dour, in 1 illamook Cilj
I illamook County Oregon, at thé
hour of 10 o'clock am sell at publi?
in hand, the iollowing described
real property, to-wit
Lot» J and 4 of Block ¡5. of
Thayer's Addition to
within the corporate limit» of Tilla-
tnook City, Oregon), the same brin^
situate in I illam* 100k County, 4 he gon.
For thr purpose of satisfying the
judgment in »aid cause, to-wit For
the sum of $1.083.80 with interest at
the rate of 7 per cent per annum front
December 24th, 1914. the further sum
<1 $ 1
• as att < •! nr \ * fee - th* < •
and disbursements of the suit taxed at
$jo 00 and the cost and cm pente of
the sale
All of the interest of defendants a*
of the date of the mortgaged fore­
closed in said suit, to wit
The firsf
day of October, i</oj, or subsequently
acquired will be sold
Dated this January 7th ¡9>c
H Crenshaw*.
Sheriff of I illamook Counjy,
See me and I Will prove it
Economical In Fuel
t-e viaatad fnrA put
. . altvar* ramatn air tight,
r' •
r. - •
1 «'?••• "a them. Th* MayaaOc
/.«•-/ 1’
' ’
para aabaatr->a buard.
• y sn - -,*n —on
it — and
— ,4. *
Ar tight >r.n-.a and pur« a - •
. • ».-> « ’.n
ng h--at. aa«nnjr >/n«-ha!f th« t-¿aL
-• d 'jp
u rigid »ha'tat
hu aprtnga.
I tg wLatr
r tLry 0x1 io..n.
The Great
Charcoal and Malleable Iron
R ange
A »beato«
Boa I J
C harcoal
X 0%
lila of
Pan tra
■ ■
In (hr Circuit Court of the Slate of
( >rcgoti for 1 illamook County,
Jell D. Matney, plaintiff,
Lizzie Matney, defendant
To l line Matney, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby repuired to appear
and answer the complaint filed again­
st ) uu m the above entitled court and
cause on or before the last day of the
time prescribed in the order for the
service of summons by publication
herein, and if you fail to so answer,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded 111 the
complaint, namely, for x decree
solving the bonds of matrimony
Kling between you and said plaintiff,
Jeff D Matney, for the recovery bv
plaintiff of his costs and disburse
ments m said suit, and for such other
ami further relief as to the court max
seem meet, right and equitable.
l his summons is served upon von
bv publication thereof by order of the
Honorable Homer Mason, County
Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon,
in the absence of the Honorable H
H Belt, Judge of the (. ircuit Court
above named, which said order is
dated the 12th day of January, IQIS»
and thr date of the first publication
hereof is the Jtst day of Jan, 1Q15,
and the date of the last publication
hereof, and the last date on or before
which you are required to answer
this summon«, ia the 4th <hy of
March, 1915.
Dated this uth day of January, iqi '.
Geo. i’ Winslow,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Hearing of Final Account
And Objections Thereto.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, For l ill.iinook County.
In the matter of the estate of
Charles Burke, Deceased,
Mary Burke, Administrator.
Notice is hereby given to all whom
it may concern, that the undersigned,
has filed in the County Court of the
>late of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun
ly, her final account as the adminis
trator of
estate of Charles
Burke, deceased, ami that said Court
lias appointed Friday, the 5th (lav of
February, IQ15, at 10 o’clock a m. of
said day, at the court room of sai I
Court, in Tillamook City, Tillamooi;
County, State of Oregon, as the time
and place for the hearing of said ac
count, and any and all persons in­
terested in said estate, are hereby rc
quired to appear ^t said time and
place and make their objections, it
any they have, to said account, and a
settlement of said estate.
Dated January 7th, IQ15.
Mary Burke,
Administrator of the Estate
of Charles Burke deceased.
John Leland Henderson, Attorney
for said Estate.
The first publication is January 7th,
1Q1 5«
The last publication is February 4th, |
r ntir« I op
L>oor« and
B»»dr oí
Ua't break
Printing Point Does Not
Bob Up and Down
In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter
the point on the paper which is to receive the
type impression is stationary at the instant the
type hits. The carriage does not bob up and
down when the shift is made to write capitals.
Because the type is shifted—not the carnage
The only movement of the carriage is back and
forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways—
and this does not take place while the print is being
made. There is no lifting of the carriage.
This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­
writ ini’ is free from blurs and every letter in the right
Ask for liemonstration
L. C. Smith 6/ Bros. Typewriter Co.
Hum« OfftM and Factory: SYRACUSE. N Y.
306 0 k st., Portland, Ore