*Tillarnoo1c Picss Flashlights. M U.K iillNM il ( ....prf't slogan lor the show is like 4 good iliaci i< i»y »8 i « ill invrti'io is •<> »ini’, ‘r .t li i> i wonder it had Il r y r r been Here I« a parody go < over p| b. lore SII il.« r woild I - ihlii't br bad .1 we ter ««« th r r«Hilati«l tote » ’• I el< photic ■litici \ n«l' ih» r. r the «« Ui |*«»W iwt I II II PRODUCTION OF WkST I.HN EUROPE Its Cosi A t Compared With it» Cost In Amer le a Nev»» Rrpor lie tom«- < urrrtt We've I il IV H p‘ I I plO|< ara Jinar> idc •«■ «lcd io »rt 'plrtm «n in A ne» rung?» ■er ihr itnmol giirate lion to k htw id is in i tan h miliar ties 0 ■und» •> I ihou,' rrnlual' lelioM') Th«r< >pea« » « it »tai ..nfined I II d«H> .¡temili nd. I« |i •tip trot, rek, ar 1 Ing arai nen, art' ood tup hing». I «hui, si’ h/nged he emisi »r eeryll ret the I he heart >t the p. base, of ti JW h’ir r Il <• I roper pia l pu < ok iti» EG ni bit r »I- r t nJ M * ilher «|>«r i h h ili II I y hrtr arr hj \stor I «» <>rn t ■»PI ilenli In evxverdrn lot be coniumed at home tries 1» turned over to iirrr* • Í condensed milk, ie«*e, of will« Il large l»iiug sent to the Unit- tat r 4 auiparmv «• price» received by I ur'«praii and Amr rican farmers for ltx> pminds of milk i whic h it equal 10 forts six and one half quart») arc at follow » too It « \v prier r < ir t man K aiser certainly >1 >vt ¡..itlur. with h nb jerl». H< " «> ' > I ■ I ' I 4* ill Germán, stami f«»r telligent i> ruler* wl care «o huir for the flesh and Moo. I of thrir subject» and * * boundless ambitions much for to rule.— ' rw» Timet. •V cd r* N Ife/iillitflit. I 44 I-ng land OS ** Ireland 09 •• - Holland 5$ ” ’* Switzerland ** ** Germany 44 JO “ ** Denmark CO " “ Norway - M Sweden Il car br readily seen that t of milk b' rrun <»l thr State to g«» *»ul of business limili» non 1 hai it woul1 antl drn*rr at a disadvantage in thr mat­ fattori r<>ute fot thè traveI. ter of milk cost*, but he 1» also f<»rct<1 of locai interest», wa» hi» to pax about one cent more • a pound l »111 ir that hr use», I and from r II rrms to U* that «(he inten SI X f«»rtv to *i«t> per cent more for the otistrucl along thr route la' or nete**ary to manufacture his 1» |O offrr thr brwl grades ompared with his T uropern thr road wili br of benefit wh 1 c competitor». to the greatest possible number Ihe All of thr*r Condition» tend to drive i» not advocating a ny particu the \mrritan manufacturer of con- >utr, will leave this matter to densrd milk to lox« er the standard of in position to judge of the rc pay to the farmers producing milk, merit* ar demerits of thr pro­ who in turn, competing with the for­ posed r routes. Later we may find it (Mites eign milk producer, will have to re­ advisable to champion »orne route. «luce the pay of American farm hand» but for the present wr will endeavor from $30 per month and board to $8 to discu*« the matter from thr various per mc»nth ami board If we fail to angles it may present \\ illaniiua protect the interests of the American I line». milk pr<»«li:cet ami the American con­ -O..... — denser of milk bv restoring the tariff In (hr Ameritan paper*, the (»cr­ on milk, many economies ami changes man press bureau is working over- in mo»!« of lining will be necessary to turn h it Hide fatigable untiringly enable u« to compete, interview mg for our instruction gen rrals, chance Hors, ami princes, and Notice to Creditor». unw rai ingly slaving for its own prof- ------ o i.— it and pleasure millions of the cnem V In thr District ( ciurl of the I nited \ftcr f’ ■ ling the press bureau stuff,, State», for the district of Oregon. one is surprised IO find that the <«cr« In the matter of I ouis V Albert, ex hl li»* hst armed foe hasn't rea Bankrupt. No 3189 in Bankruptcy. «I tn this annihilation of p.red Notice 1* hereby given that on the llu d7tli das of January A D iqh , Louis lies, it is plainly evident th I li. I bureau pen i* mighlic r th \lb< rt, of Pacific C’ity, Oregon, the «Miiril Bill while the German bankrupt above named, was »hily ad* bureau it rullili't.ly laying indicated bankrupt, and the fir*t hutiilreil, of thoutanil tli.il i- not it« iniiti purpo.e I he clnt l > ml oi llo pre,« bureau man |. to .how Io Ihe ckeptieal that the Kai.er I. a inilit, pintle, peace Iovine man, who hail war tliu.t on him In (■teat Brittan'« "contemptible little .ii-in" ami I rattcc'« uutniltlarv fori-' of untrained hoy« ami litti| iti|{ grand father« That the pre.« bureau forget, it, con.i.tincy in it, dr.irc Io prove tin- unbclii vablc i« thown when it m ike. it. ihanrrllor tell 11« that the allic. were intent on dv«troyiug the toriii.in empire with armies which it. general, «ay are untrained ami unfit Surely the nation that hail in mind the ill Irtietion of a. great ami war- like .1 power a. Germany w ould have prepared for Ihe job by raising and properly training ami equipping rtinry 4, IDT.~í. To Whom It May Consern O— Ihr following blank Kir» Inaurane/ 861057, W.iosH, Hr,io'9. Policies No's 8i/io6u, V i KX j I, H6iu6d, H6 i < j 6 j ,861064. 861065, 861 <166. 861U67, M/.K/4, 86106 j. 861070, 861071. 861074, H6|«»7 J. 861074 W.1077, 8610 '4 861076. 86 » 07 St 861079, 8610K0, 861081, WHO«/. 86IO8 I. 8/1KX4. 86108$, V ho V., H610K7, 861088. KAiOql, 861099, 86 io»/ », 861 oM»z. 861094« 86¡OQb, 86 i (>■/>. 861097, 861098, Brun». 86lOnhr a favor on \\ \\ Alverson, the Western Manager, 374 Pine Street, Sa«» 1 rancuco. Cal. By A M Lovelace, Special Agent EMPIRE MILKING MACHINES Are best yet. A. J. Carpenter, Agent Some of the Reasons Why Notice of Sheriff'» Sale. A yuu CAtL Notice is hereby given, that vuanl to an execution and order of . ' f ■' -r. !i- *. e-«ry day. year uu ; 9»n h-.n-xr. < t t-*« I*..»t trisu-raua. .' Outwear» Three Ordinary Range« 7^>« o»!> rnnff^ nmdu tnhrtly ' f thatr>>al and mallMUt «r«n. htaiUub^ i/vA cj.-i 't braah iharcoal trot» un>n't rt—t Uba nt—J- < ircuit 4 ourt f the Mate c H Crenshaw*. Sheriff of I illamook Counjy, See me and I Will prove it Economical In Fuel ! f t-e viaatad fnrA put with J , . . altvar* ramatn air tight, r' • • r. - • 1 «'?••• "a them. Th* MayaaOc /.«•-/ 1’ . ' ’ ' para aabaatr->a buard. • y sn - -,*n —on can it — and — ,4. * Ar tight >r.n-.a and pur« a - • • . • ».-> « ’.n ng h--at. aa«nnjr >/n«-ha!f th« t-¿aL t -• d 'jp f u rigid »ha'tat hu aprtnga. » hakk I tg wLatr «7 r tLry 0x1 io..n. The Great Charcoal and Malleable Iron R ange Lined with Pure A »beato« Boa I J oí C harcoal bow. »ddiftf X 0% lila of XLEX. McNAIR & CO Pan tra c Summon». ■...... O ■ ■ In (hr Circuit Court of the Slate of ( >rcgoti for 1 illamook County, Jell D. Matney, plaintiff, vs. Lizzie Matney, defendant To l line Matney, the above named defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby repuired to appear and answer the complaint filed again­ st ) uu m the above entitled court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for the service of summons by publication herein, and if you fail to so answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded 111 the complaint, namely, for x decree solving the bonds of matrimony Kling between you and said plaintiff, Jeff D Matney, for the recovery bv plaintiff of his costs and disburse ments m said suit, and for such other ami further relief as to the court max seem meet, right and equitable. l his summons is served upon von bv publication thereof by order of the Honorable Homer Mason, County Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon, in the absence of the Honorable H H Belt, Judge of the (. ircuit Court above named, which said order is dated the 12th day of January, IQIS» and thr date of the first publication hereof is the Jtst day of Jan, 1Q15, and the date of the last publication hereof, and the last date on or before which you are required to answer this summon«, ia the 4th late of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun ly, her final account as the adminis trator of the estate of Charles Burke, deceased, ami that said Court lias appointed Friday, the 5th (lav of February, IQ15, at 10 o’clock a m. of said day, at the court room of sai I Court, in Tillamook City, Tillamooi; County, State of Oregon, as the time and place for the hearing of said ac count, and any and all persons in­ terested in said estate, are hereby rc quired to appear ^t said time and place and make their objections, it any they have, to said account, and a settlement of said estate. Dated January 7th, IQ15. Mary Burke, Administrator of the Estate of Charles Burke deceased. John Leland Henderson, Attorney for said Estate. The first publication is January 7th, 1Q1 5« The last publication is February 4th, | »QIS. r ntir« I op L>oor« and B»»dr oí H Ua't break Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the point on the paper which is to receive the type impression is stationary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to write capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—not the carnage The only movement of the carriage is back and forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— and this does not take place while the print is being made. There is no lifting of the carriage. This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ writ ini’ is free from blurs and every letter in the right place. Ask for liemonstration L. C. Smith 6/ Bros. Typewriter Co. Hum« OfftM and Factory: SYRACUSE. N Y. 306 0 k st., Portland, Ore I