Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 04, 1915, Image 10

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    Tiliamoolc Headlight, February 4, 101“.
Mr Ray Taylor and Miss Emma Ban
I , Mr Tvson is in the employ of ttu
! P R it N. Itoilway Co-, Bt >’-ir K
1 and the young people will res.de a’
| that place.
Mrs Bacon, Mrs. Franklin and Mrs
O A Schultz were hostesses at a
card party Tuesday evening for th.
I Prescilla club members and their hu>
I bands. The invited guests were Mr
'and Mrs. Plank. Mr and Mrs. Purd<
Mrs Shay and Mr. Frederick. Mrs
Carl Schultz and Mrs. Carpenter were
; the prize winners.
May He Your Only A sset
in Case of I'ire.
Attorney H T Botts returned last
I week from a business trip to Portland
I and Salem. He informs us that tn con
iversation with
Attorney General
Brown, that that gentleman upholds
the county court it its action in pro­
viding two miles of the Bayocean
road being constructed instead of ha .
a mile.
Let us Write Your Ne.xt Policy
Promise Yourself that this I 'ear zuill
he Your Best and then make it so.
rhe Insurance Man.
Born to the wife of Burr Drutiner
to-day a son.
Editor Taylor, of Cloverdale, was in
the city on Tuesday.
Attorney ' olving, repn s< nting the
ailroad, was in the city this week
ind made a protest to the County
~ourt on account of some of the
taking in
A’hceler-( iaribaldi road
some of the railroad land.
The new boiler for the A F Coates
L.umbi r Co.’s saw mill arrived on
Wednesday . and this will give the
The Prescilla club will meet with saw mill three large boilers, the new
Mrs. J. F. Stranahan, Friday after­ one to be placed beside the present
Born, on Monday, to the
of Anton Hurliman a son.
Mrs Robert Stillwell underwent an
For sale five months' old pigs, H
AV. Wright on the Miami. Phone 30F2 operation for appendicitis by Dr.
W endt. She was out the previous day
Bny City.
and Monday she was taken very sul­
Rev. Van AA inkle of the < Kristian
lenly with a severe attack of appen-
Church left Monday to attend a
Ministers’ convention in Portland
The Coninu rcial Club will give a
Mrs Andy Nolan who was visi’ing
“500” cant parly this
Ker sister Mis R ( l.amb, I ft for
her home in Portland on W ednesday ( Ihursday) evening, followed by a
uarried folks dance, which is confin­
Th«- members of the W R C. took ed to club members thtir families and
tin ir him h and sp- nt last W 1 dnes l.i guest s.
afternoon witl Mrs Dick, w'10 i .1
Found' A lii.e of buggies with the
qualify, that we can sell in competi-
Th*, patriotic organiiations of the’ ti-i:: with the mail older business and
citv will celebrate I incoin’s birthday,' s-vc v<'i mom y Riing your cata­
Feb. 12, with appropriated exercises logues and conic in and compare
at the Gem Theatre.
I pric s I v< ry bui-'.-y fully guaranteed.
A bill has been introduced to i-i- -—Tillamook Feed Co.
pose a tax of 5 per cent upon gross
Join Guest, who is 77 years of age,
Receipts from firms giving, tradi . land father of W. II. Guest, was op-
stamps with merchandise.
I er led on for cancer of the neck by
The Y F F. Club of Fairview was
entertained pleasantly at the home ol
Helena Durrer, Jan . 28. 1 wo mem­
bers were added to the list. After the
usual order of business had been dis
posed of a dainty luncheon was serv­
ed The club was invited to hold Its
next meeting at the home of Pnska
Neigcr in the afternoon of Eriday,
February 12.
The Adjustment Bureau of the
Portland Association of Credit Men
vs B. L. Beals, jr„ is a suit filed tn
the circuit court to recover $8 q 8;4C
growing out of several accounts will
the Union Oil Co., the Shell Co^
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., and
I -.slier Thorsen & Co., the defendant
being indebted to these parties for 01
and other merchandise.
The natatorium at Bayocean will be
open and in operation next Saturday
and Sunday, Feb. 6th, and 7th- 1 K-
launch Henrietta will leave Tillamool
Saturday evening at 7 Pm-i Bay City
7:45 p.rn.. returning will leave Bay
ocean on Saturday night at 11 pm
The Henrietta will leave Tillamook
at 9 a.m. Sunday morning; Bay City
9:45 a.m.; and returning will leave
Bayocean at 3 p.m.
Ada Wilson vs. James Wilson is ?
divorce suit filed in the circuit court
These parties were married in I ilia
mook on December 31, 1895. an‘l tw<
children were born to the union. The
grounds upon which plaintiff seeks .1
divorce is for cruel
and inhuman
treatment on the part of defendant
and drunkenness on the part of I.-1
latter, at which times plaintiff was
abused. Plaintiff also asks for th<
custody and care of Floyd AA ilson,
and that she have and recover ol
the personal property the sum o
The city council will decide o 11 Di Boals I the hospital on Monday.
$410.00 and onethird part of the shar
Monday evening whether it vili J l on<<lering it was a large growth of
of real property.
stand suit with Mrs. Gondspeid for cancer and the advanced age of the
Frank Long, sr., administrator of
datnagi s in the improvement of First ; patient, he rallied in good shape.
the estate of William Campbell, plain­
Henry D. Temple, post office i ti­
tiff and respondent, vs. Pacific Rail
Mrs. Albert Olds was operated
1 spector, came in on Tuesday, for the
way & Navigation Co., defendant and
for tuburcular infection of the hip on purpose of receiving proposals for a
appellant, appealed from Tillamook
Saturday by Dr. Boals, who also re ; lease for the post office in Tillamook.
moved a tuluircular abscess from nii- ISeveial proposals have been made, county to the supreme court, on re­
hearing, original opinion sustained
der the right kidney.
j Whoever obtains the lease will have
This was a case where Campbell was
The P. R. X N. and all similar rail
killed on the railroad at Wheeler and
roads belonging to the Southern Pa­ ' \\ . N Bays of Beaver, has closed the jury assessed the damages at tw<
cific Co, arc to be imigcd into tirai a deal between I J. I’owell and P. J. thousand dollars. The supreme court
company in the near future, and they I Trobongh whereby Mr. Powell se­ held that Campbell was a contrubut-
will be operated under one depart- cures Mr. I robough's ranch and stock ing cause to the accident and reversed
[at Beaver and Mr. I robough gets the the decision of the lower court, and
; Powell property in this city at the upon plaintiff asking for a rehearing,
The Tillamook Commercial
corner of 8th Street and 2nd Avenue the supreme court sustained its pre­
gained 22 new members the
vious decision in the case.
week, and expect to gain as
Married on Sunday afternoon, Jan.
more in the next few weeks,
.list, at the M E. Parsonage in this Tillamook County Sunday School
the dues will be reduced to $i.<
ritv, R< v Edward Gittins officiating
The annual meeting of the Tilla-
mook County Sunday School As so­
ciation will be held in this city on
Friday and Saturday, the program for
which is as follows;
Fridav Evening 7:30.
Song and Devotional Service Mrs. B.
E. King.
Address of Welcome. Rev MacKenzie
Rev. Ford.
.... United Cho:r.
Rev. C. A. Thipps.
Saturday Forenoon, 10:00 a.m.
Praise Service
Rev Gittins
l he Sunday Sch< ol, a Factor in Char-
actet Building, . . Rev. A an Winkle.
Rev. C. A. Phipps
Social Adjournment.
Saturday Afternoon i jo p.ni.
Rev. White.
Address, ..........
Rev. Gittins
I Solo....................
Mrs. Trombley.
inclemency of (In* weather. a- well as the ; Round Table, .
Rev. C. A. Phipps
consequent delay in completing preparations for ■ lhe Sunday School Needs, Mrs.
this event, occasioned by stock taking, It.is com-
Address ...
Rev MacKenzie
pelled us in fairness to our many ciisttnness to ex-
Address, . . ........ Rev. C. A. Phipps.
tend this great sale for another wt ok
Saturday Evening. 7 .to pm.
The Sale will therefore close on Sat unlay. Eebru-
1‘raise Service,Mrs. H. AA R. Holmes
ary 13th, instead of February <11 h.
Solo, ........................ Mrs. MacKenzi
Rev. C. A Phipps.
As previously announced we an featuring the
Sunday Afternoon. 2 30 p m.
celebrated "Dove” Brand of I 'mkrwear. ami these
Address to Boys, Rev. C A. Phipps
garments together with the splendid Bargain* in
Sunday Evening, 7 30 p in.
Staples offer unprecedented 1 opportunities for
Song Service
J. V Baird.
. United Choir.
making worth while savings.
Scrip-urc Reading. Rev. A'an AA inkl<
See windows .and special displavs in Dry Goods
Mrs Mimch anil Aliss Bulev
Department anti oil the Balcony.
Rev. C A. Phipps.
All meetings except the Sunday
Also watch for our Announcement offering After­
Inventory Bargains next week. You must not evening meeting, will be held at the
M T < hurch. and the Sunday even­
miss those
ing meeting will be held at the Chris­
■!! ti ‘t Ch-rch,
Will Continue for
One Week More.
Court Takes Immediate Action to
Have Road Surveyed.
The County Court on Wcdnesdav
levoted considerable time to the m it­
er of the survey of the Dolph county
road, to connect with a road that is
.urveved in Polk county, which cuts
jut the toll road and Dolph and what
lave always been an eye sore to Till-
imuok County, what is known as the
Grand Rondo reservation road. Yam-
lill and Polk counties are greatly in­
terested in this improvement, for it
gives those counties a good road to
the coast, and it will eventually be­
come part of the great State High­
way. It will be also a great benefit to
them. The project will cost between
$8o,ooo and $100,000. Tillamook, Yam­
hill and Polk Counties will appro­
priate each, $15,000 and the state $45,-
><x) and the Portland Automobile
Club will contribute something to­
wards it, it is said about $10,000. Two
lelegations attended the meeting of
he court, one favoring the Bear
Camp route and the other the Sour
Grass Creek route. J. J. Read repre­
senting the Portland Automobile club
was present and advocated this im­
provement and promised financial aid
After considering the matter the
court made this order:
This matter coming on to be heard
is to the continuation of the survey
of the Dolph county road, from Pet­
erson place, by way of Baxter's to
the Tillamook County line, to connect
the Polk County survey, at Bear
Camp, and the court being fully ad­
vised it was ordered that R. L. Shreve
county surveyor, J. M. Baker and
Forrest J. Ayer, be and they are here
by appointed as a board of countv
road viewers, to make a survey from
the Peterson place, on the Dolph
county road, by way of the Baxter
place, the county line between Polk
ind Tillamook Counties, to Conner'
with the survey ma'de by the Poll
county board of surveyors at Bear
Creek; also to run a line 'by way of
Baxter place up the Sour Grass creek,
o connect with the present road, at
ar near what is known as the Bee
ranch, said board of county viewers
to meet at the Peterson place on
4th of February, 1915.
So that no time should be lost
getting quick action, the court set
Jute for the board of viewers to meet
today, and (. ounty Surveyor Shreve
with his crew left this morning.
Presentations at I. O. O. F. Lodge.
On Tuesday evening, over 400 Odd
Fellows and Rebekahs assembled at
he I. O. O. F. Temple to witness the
presentation of Veteran Jewels to
Bros. J. S. Diehl and J. H. Ellison in
good standing for twenty-five years.
The following progran] was a success
in every particular:
Selection, by Jenkins’ (Orchestra.
Vocol Solo, by Mrs. Page.
Recitation, by Mrs. Wade.
Selection, by Jenkins' Orchestra.
Instrumental duet, by Misses Wade
and Maddux.
Recitation, by J. I.. Henderson.
Selection, by String Orchestra.
Vocol Solo, by D. E. Robinson.
Recitation, by Mrs. Van Winkle.
Presentation of Jewels.
Step Dance, by Powell Bros.
Violin Solo, by E. F.. Koch.
After the program a Banquet was
uiven in the banquet hall, and, as us­
ual, the tables were loaded with good
things to cat. The committee on ar­
rangements are to be complimented
on the success from beginning to end,
as everything was moved through
without a hitch in any way. All seem­
ed well pleased with the program
and hope- to see the same kind pulled
of at some future time.
A Comparison.
To the Editor, Tillamook Headlight
I notice in the last issue of the
Headlight report covering Red Clover
Creamery's work for the last year.
AA’ ould you please publish extract
from our report? This was the first
year the South Prairie factory receiv­
ed more milk than Red Clover, put­
ting South Prairie fourth place among
the cheese factories in this county.
Following are given for comparison
Reel Clover—Milk received, 2,527,-
162 tbs ; Cheese produced, 280.687 lbs.
Average- too pounds of milk, $1.52.
South Prairie—Milk received 2,527,-
709. Cheese produced, 283,855; Aver­
age it» pounds of milk $1.534.10.
..... that while South
Thus , you .............
will note
Prairie received
but t 547 tbs. more
_____ ___
milk, it produced over 3.100 tbs. more
To these that know conditions her :
it seems funny that these people
should want to publish showing their
good work, especially in the face of
the fact that their bell weather, Lee,
tried so hard last season to convince
Tillamook people that cheese prices
were altogether too high.
South Prairieite.
(For the information of our
respondent the Headlight will 1
lish all th« reports of the cheese ,
factories in a few weeks when a com
parison can be made of the output
and prices received at the different
Kill Kare Study Klub.
On January 21st the Kill Kare
Study Club was entertained at th<
home of Mrs.
Christensen. Mrs.
Christensen and Mrs. Poorman weri
hostesses of the day, and proved theii
ability in giving the Klub a splendid
. The
, hour was certain!1,
njoyed by* all, the paper prepared bv
Mrs. Bales, on Helen Keller, was
very interesting indeed.
Here is a letter found in the post
office this morning, and the owner
may have the same by applying [ and
proving their property. “Dear Fred
Meet us at the next show given by
the Dramatic Club at the Operr
House. .As this is the only time wi
can meet I will have Maude along
so bring your friend. We had a dandy
time at the last one, and enjoyed i;
very much. I was disappointed that
you were not there. I saw in the pa­
per that the next show is to be a fun­
ny comedy in 3 acts, entitled “Other
Peoples Money” and will be present
ed Friday and Saturday, February 1.
and 13, so do not fail to be there as I
want to see you very much. Yours as
ever, Mabie.
new members, both active and h0
orary, be present.
The New Lime Industry.
The plant for the development 0(
lime deposit« south of Tillanu ..k Cft.
will be in operation in about tw'i
weeks and ready to fill orders for
The buildings are being designed
mil built and the machinery installel
by U. G. Jackson, a thoroughly cai.
ible engineer, whose practical know,
ledge of the problem involved
sures success to the enterprise.
Our people have not yet fully re»',
ized what this development really
means to this county. To have an
ample supply of good lime for agri-
cultural purposes immediately avail-
ible at prices that all can afford,
means that our prairie lands wj||
igain be grow ing clover and similar
crops as abundantly as they did 30
years ago. Lime in the soil will make
possible far better crops on bottom
Several thousand
dollars being
spent in this enterprise and we wish
'.he promoters success. They have re­
ceived numerous letters from people
outside of Tillamok County as to the
ime already, and it is probable that a
shipping market will also be obtained.
Eye Specialist,
^Fit Glasses at
The regular meeting of the Wom­
en’s Civic Improvement Club will be Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed.
Women’s Civic Club.
held, Saturday, Feb. 6, at 2:30 at the
Commercial Club.
It is the purpose of the members of
the club to acquaint themselves with
all the issues and conditions that con­
cern the city and community in gen­
eral, and at, and at this meeting some
one that is thoroughly competent, will
explain the Port of Tillamook, giving
a comprehensive explanation of the
abject and benefit to be derived from
the furtherance of the work as now
Other matters of importance will be
taken up and a large attendance is
urged. It is especially desired that the
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cure in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hill's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment.
Hall’s Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous surfaces of the system,
thereby destroying the foundation of the
disease. Had giving the patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature in doing its work. The proprietors
have so much faith in its curative powers
that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any
case that it fails to cure. Send for list of
Address H. S. CHENEY & CO., Teledo
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation
Stock Tonic
Carbolic Compound
Let us prove to you POSITIVELY that our
STOCK TONIC will put your animals
in a thriving condition, make the
ailing ones healthy and expel the
worms, and that CLOUGH'S CAR­
BOLIC COMPOUND will keep your
stock free from disease and your barn,
stables, sinks, drains and outbuildings
sanitary and sweet smelling.
The Reliable Druggist.
Wter Sprechen Deutsch.
I Oregon’s School for Oregon Teachers
Monmouth, Oregon.
PURPOSE : The training of Teachers for pro­
fessional work.
FACULTY : Every member professionally
DEPARTMENTS : For fitting Elementary
Teachers for city and rural schools.
COURSES : Professional, Supervisera, Rural,
tion of twoyears’high school work or its equivalent.
GRADUATION : Completion of Elementary
or Standard Courses leading to State Certificates
------ • * •
without examination
TERMS BEGIN: Regular, Februar}’4 ; Short,
April 5 ; Summer, June 21.
INFORMATION : For further information
write to Registrar.
Is now ready to take
any Contract in the
Cement and Building