Tiliamoolc Headlight, February 4, 101“. Mr Ray Taylor and Miss Emma Ban I , Mr Tvson is in the employ of ttu ! P R it N. Itoilway Co-, Bt >’-ir K 1 and the young people will res.de a’ | that place. I Mrs Bacon, Mrs. Franklin and Mrs O A Schultz were hostesses at a card party Tuesday evening for th. I Prescilla club members and their hu> I bands. The invited guests were Mr 'and Mrs. Plank. Mr and Mrs. Purd< Mrs Shay and Mr. Frederick. Mrs Carl Schultz and Mrs. Carpenter were ; the prize winners. A FIRE INSURANCE | POLIC Y May He Your Only A sset in Case of I'ire. Attorney H T Botts returned last I week from a business trip to Portland I and Salem. He informs us that tn con iversation with Attorney General Brown, that that gentleman upholds the county court it its action in pro­ viding two miles of the Bayocean road being constructed instead of ha . a mile. Let us Write Your Ne.xt Policy Promise Yourself that this I 'ear zuill he Your Best and then make it so. ROLL IE W. WA ISON, rhe Insurance Man. TILLAMOOK JOTTINC Born to the wife of Burr Drutiner to-day a son. Editor Taylor, of Cloverdale, was in the city on Tuesday. Attorney ' olving, repn s< nting the ailroad, was in the city this week ind made a protest to the County ~ourt on account of some of the taking in A’hceler-( iaribaldi road some of the railroad land. The new boiler for the A F Coates L.umbi r Co.’s saw mill arrived on Wednesday . and this will give the The Prescilla club will meet with saw mill three large boilers, the new Mrs. J. F. Stranahan, Friday after­ one to be placed beside the present boilers. noon. Born, on Monday, to the of Anton Hurliman a son. wife of Mrs Robert Stillwell underwent an For sale five months' old pigs, H AV. Wright on the Miami. Phone 30F2 operation for appendicitis by Dr. W endt. She was out the previous day Bny City. and Monday she was taken very sul­ Rev. Van AA inkle of the < Kristian lenly with a severe attack of appen- Church left Monday to attend a licilis Ministers’ convention in Portland The Coninu rcial Club will give a Mrs Andy Nolan who was visi’ing I ’ rognssivr “500” cant parly this Ker sister Mis R ( l.amb, I ft for her home in Portland on W ednesday ( Ihursday) evening, followed by a uarried folks dance, which is confin­ Th«- members of the W R C. took ed to club members thtir families and tin ir him h and sp- nt last W 1 dnes l.i guest s. afternoon witl Mrs Dick, w'10 i .1 Found' A lii.e of buggies with the shut-in. qualify, that we can sell in competi- Th*, patriotic organiiations of the’ ti-i:: with the mail older business and citv will celebrate I incoin’s birthday,' s-vc v<'i mom y Riing your cata­ Feb. 12, with appropriated exercises logues and conic in and compare at the Gem Theatre. I pric s I v< ry bui-'.-y fully guaranteed. * A bill has been introduced to i-i- -—Tillamook Feed Co. pose a tax of 5 per cent upon gross Join Guest, who is 77 years of age, Receipts from firms giving, tradi . land father of W. II. Guest, was op- stamps with merchandise. I er led on for cancer of the neck by The Y F F. Club of Fairview was entertained pleasantly at the home ol Helena Durrer, Jan . 28. 1 wo mem­ bers were added to the list. After the usual order of business had been dis posed of a dainty luncheon was serv­ ed The club was invited to hold Its next meeting at the home of Pnska Neigcr in the afternoon of Eriday, February 12. The Adjustment Bureau of the Portland Association of Credit Men vs B. L. Beals, jr„ is a suit filed tn the circuit court to recover $8 q 8;4C growing out of several accounts will the Union Oil Co., the Shell Co^ Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., and I -.slier Thorsen & Co., the defendant being indebted to these parties for 01 and other merchandise. The natatorium at Bayocean will be open and in operation next Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 6th, and 7th- 1 K- launch Henrietta will leave Tillamool Saturday evening at 7 Pm-i Bay City 7:45 p.rn.. returning will leave Bay ocean on Saturday night at 11 pm The Henrietta will leave Tillamook at 9 a.m. Sunday morning; Bay City 9:45 a.m.; and returning will leave Bayocean at 3 p.m. Ada Wilson vs. James Wilson is ? divorce suit filed in the circuit court These parties were married in I ilia mook on December 31, 1895. an‘l tw< children were born to the union. The grounds upon which plaintiff seeks .1 divorce is for cruel and inhuman treatment on the part of defendant and drunkenness on the part of I.-1 latter, at which times plaintiff was abused. Plaintiff also asks for th< custody and care of Floyd AA ilson, and that she have and recover ol the personal property the sum o The city council will decide o 11 Di Boals I the hospital on Monday. $410.00 and onethird part of the shar Monday evening whether it vili J l on<