Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 28, 1915, Image 9

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    S iici ,
i > ei . incluent
Jenuir« I
fuiii», liait No. 57,
a» described in liait book,
page X», Sec (Kill jj , I own
•hip I N, Range io W < » I
I .•Ml Parker,
interest, and
W S l «tue < mi« re al. N W .
I . hdloMing Usi of real pfoprlly
G« oi Seciioii ¿5, I ownahip 1
«ird H» I lllainooh I ouilly, Stat*
* Rangr io W est. .
»tegoli, I» hrieby adtrttiaed I«»» Mi» I I Sihlry, Itaci No
uqtoiii laacs .»aacaatd
fur the
Ucscribed ni traci hook,
I 19IJ I Ina advci ll»ciliviit 1» au
l’*»g» JX Sedioli 47, I own-
11/id hy an ait embodied mi »hap
»hip 1 N , Rangr IO Wr»t
iui of the General Laws ol <>ie
Sarah I
Petlrys, Iract No.
pa»sed l»y the tyij session of
tot, a» dcactihrd mi (lai! hook
i . gisiativ« Assembly.
E«ge SS» Sedioli jh, I own*
Ihr Uses «m the following advri
•hip 1 ,S .Kange io West
I list of real property became de
Giace il. iloyt and Jame»
¡u< nt September I, I914. and ate
A h hnt Rceliet, S. '< ol b E.
pit to a penalty ol IO p<i «mt
‘4. Sedimi 31. 1 om n»hip 4 N,
I interest at the rate »»I la per Cent
Rangr J Ur»|
aiimim until the 1 said tases »hall I aftictn Investment Company,
berti paid
I Muhrr
Mlibtt 011 S W
G ol Sei
H«»n ji ,
ulHr !■ hereby lí
| i V e H that •I«
i UWIIillIp 2
itht after
Range J West.
ti»i the (tdlowitig Irai
Itturgia < )‘C tHinrII, S W ks, of
became deliiMiuvnt th* Sheriff •»
Smi*'»i ij , |t>un»lMp 2 N ,
iuired by hw Mill issue I
Range 8 W eil
i »• IliBjur«I» ) agam»l Ihr laid prop (•rorgia < >'< Utili* II.
St ol
> lot «I« Imqur lit läse»
Ihr «ani
Sr< Ihm JI, I <»W
J N.
«liti« ale» ol liehnqurucy Mill bear
Range M kScftt
't«»t al ihr rate «»I is per ceni per F «I m ar«| I Rub H<»f
1.11111 until ihr I rrtilicatr» are re*
of S.E. ’ 4, Sectioi 16, I <*W II*
»hip J N , Range 9 Weal
i itird
\n» lune alter ihr eapiratlou ul I
12 Hawk. N W J 4 ol N I
are Irotu the hr»l «late ol dé­
K. Sedioii iK, I uw lifthip J
lai included m a
X . Range «j W r»l
x 4iii|-t.«,||. W ’ , fti S E.
( militale may
# <»f N W '4. üycciion
i <1 w 11»h 1 p 4 N, Range 9
I property deaciib*
r » mm« .»lr, notllyMig the
». t hr will apply ht Jhc V It*
ot ihr c*mnty in wl«i«h
is ftituatcd for a ticcrcc
th« h* n a» *iii»i the prop
I Hi sud« I rrliliratc.
«. S. Pi of
I ow nship
N .
I a «pritw
lion ¿<», Tract No 163, as de
scribed mi tract hook, page
9S. Section jf», L«*ii, 4, s, ö.
to, 11, Ir»» lour A< rr •, Sc *
* ¿5
lion 46, I. o I b ij, IX U. S“
lion X>, Lots s, <», 7, Section
¿7« lowiithip J N , Range 10
W c • t
20 '•3
205 ■/'
I- loir i II (»ray, ’¡rad in S E
Î4, S 't ol S I
(4, Section
JJ, I ownship j N, Range 10
llanirl ( roncn I* »tate, Lot 6,
arid I idrland I and A. on
•amt 1rs» part platted. Sec
II 40
lion jx Township
j N,
Range io W e»I
I 1> Barrett, S W •< ol N VV.
JU 6 $
u. Section jx I ownship j
N . Range to Writ..
I J <JfJ
( A Himplv, Lol 1, Section
»4 *d Si
K Lots
J4. NF
*. 4. 5. 6, 7, Lr»» R R right
«»I Way, Sedioli J$, I l«trlall<ls
I and A. on ¡.oil ».
I 4. S 6,
7, Sedion JX Lots J, . 3. Se<
liuti jc, ¡(»wnsiiip
3 N.
Range 10 West,
93 '•>
Nehalem Harbor ( <>,
9J 8
• • 1 i.w. y . I» -• * R R
y. Section jX 1 ownship 3
N , Range 10 West,
77 J
< >rrg«»n and ( alitorma R R
( o. N I ‘4. Section n>. S E.
<4 of N W *4. Section 19. S.
4 J8
Section 19, S F.
I -W usi Ip I «, ,
Range 6 West
IOS 4 .
'regem am! < aiifornia R R
K 52
< < ». s ' i « » 1 s w ‘ 4, s < < , j . u
l<»wiisbip i, S, Range 7
; tai
jo 70
>r* gon and ( aliform.« R k
I8 hu
< ■», N I ’
i of N.I
Srd»*’h ¿ . S
*4. Sedion 2X township 1
Range 7 West
I« gon and ( .»lifornia R
Ij« I'1
io Mo
< o , N b
Section ¿7. S
’4. Section 27. Town sii ip i S,
R?ngr 7 VV rsl
74 *<»
M. '5
'regon and ( alilornh
Is 4.
5 40
Co., S. <4 oí S W ’4. Section
< I N ,
11, I ow n»lnp I S , Range 7
M 5S
19 os
ants Fe I'arilic R R Co. N
11 <»f N F G. Section J2, S.
*4 ot S F
'i, Sedion 32,
Township 1, S, Range 7
83 ço
46 Mo
• Irrgon and California R R
(O, 1 ot X Section I. Town­
ship 1 S . Ramige 8 West
.«ma 1 l’.Hpiet, SI G of N
F G. S*c»i*»n u, Township
Ot jt>
1 S, Range 8 W est
7 3*
W S VGIion, F G of S W.
G. Section 1 «a» Towmhip t S..
Range 8 West
r< gon and ( . lifornia F R
C«>. W ' » of W
54. Se ction
m 1. i
1 ir. Fract No 11 ce, ;«•
•i. Township 1 S. Range 8
«t» scribed i
’ . - . « • M, 1 «»MUftl.ip J, N
,*»»n sud Californi» R R
Range IO \
3 75
of N F G. N W
1 1 • x rhipiiirnt ( <> ,
G *>f
F. G, S W G of S W.
Cl No 1099 a» dea
G, Section je. Township 1 S,
m iihrd in tract b-
k. page
yO (M?
Range H VV i «t
»e<ti«m 9. 1 «*w «»»lin» 2 N .
ha* H Him. . W
G <»f N
¿8 Ko
-X w
\î a « i 1 «
SW G of N W
S-ction ¿/, l«»Mn*hip I S.,
. \
. ••« s W G. Section
R.» nge M W est
¿4, Itoxiiftliip j N , Range |O
I) Mar
’r« gon
'«-1 ( .«lifornia R R
W r.t
rr»t, N I ’4, ScC-
M 40
Co, SW G <4 N F. G. S F.
Il 1 ( r n. ’
s !
' »
>hip I N , Range
G ..t \ W G. 1
• ’ S W
I- • ,
o( S F ' . and
G. Srctidn ¿7, W
G oí SE.
Si ' ..t » 1 G. «Sedioli jx
intrrrftt, l> Mar*
Section -
rowtiflhip ’ s.
Townahip 2 N , Range 10
' .
Range 8 W est
27 vo
W rat
nnfthip I S kailge
! t »•> s <
! G’• -. 1 -ii. s W
», ■ t
33 <» \ M.thnr, N F G, Section Q.
S W '4, Section ¿8, Town-
*1 owti*hi|i j N , Rangr h
Traci No v*»J.
»hip t S . Range 8 W est.
2. CO
in traci hook,
»' n* < Hanson, S 1of S F
1 Garbr. N
i of N.F » , N F
>ection A. I ownship
G. Si'dicm ¿9, Township 1 S ,
Section 10,
•i oi N U '
• ngc io VV » »1
¿C» oc
H.1 ng» 0 W « st
Ilici s •
>X» I. a* ’!
Townahip ,1. \ , Range !»
17.88 ' 1 • Fo I<1 S G OÍ «S G. SrC-
« tiac I l»<> >k, page 9,
ti «i u. 1 i»xx nship t S . Range
W (• lh’ |i’!«t, ' ’ of S F '4
T«»xs «i »hip I N ,
20 OO
K W< *t
Section ».
S W <4 «f S !
I 53
> W MI
lltn» ’««, X W '4 c»f
14»x» nshjp
N Range 8 W est 42.2 c 'G» - i
« Ile t », Iract No 8 3 1,
N F G Section 32, Town­
( Hx «»t \storia, L<»l» 1 and 2.
«ihed in traci hook,
Section 10, r«>wn«i’ip 3 n .
ship 1 S, Rangr K West
et1 o>n <». 1 «• w riftliip
Range K W r »I
î 4 63 H H Bell. S W G. «d SW G
e 10 VV. si
3 8.
W’ G Dwiq ht
SW M «>f N
Section 3. S F
G *»f SI- G
« Rock« I and Com
t. Toxxnship 1 S.
' t
I <»l 1. Section il,
’0 Irei oi l .«»t 1, lei»
I’O1'. s
Toxx iifthip
Rang« 9 W’rst
.1 N , Range 8
1 a radi fi Id
that part
JQ 2C ( latid« \cklry, Tract No. qçj .
hr< lion «», T om nshlp l N ,
Vf ol s W
as described in tract book.
J 8-’ S F Hoevrt N ’
ranÿce 10 W est
pige IJO, 1 rad No 746, as
M. E. H ni N W G, Section
I,■ l ill > irok
■ -I Bn
( oinpany,
described in trad book, page
1 Township 3 N , Range q
X A\ •4
1 < • *.f t X
\\ ’. 1
n >rt
¿12, Sedion jo . Township 1
platted, Section H. Township
S Rani»«- u \\ rst
Ida ( oridit, NV 1 i of N W*.
I X„ Range 10 wr,|
W alburga lacobs, E
of S.
of N.I
M it cut, S W
I lte.il» th I
W ’4, Sedion 22, Towtisbip
*-f N I ’1, Section 7, Town­
\\ i ' of Si' ' 4,
■ of X I
1 S. Range q West
ship l N
Range q W est
I S F.
I s w *4. S p < tion 8.
I’rlrr Rax 11« II. S »j of S I
Ren lacobs, W 1 'j of W ! j of
I T<
Range iu
.» I N ,
N.E *4. Lr*s 2 Acres, Sec­
M. S E ’e of S W
' i. Sec*
61 (X
■ W r
tion 22, Township 1 S . Range
tion 14, Township 3. N.
of S |- 1 4
••»•»I. S
Range Q W« s’
9 West.
' SI
. f S W
•4. Section
t »eo \ I-’ I udtke, I ot 6, South
Ren lacobs. N F 14 of N F ’ j
, Range to
i to, Townchip I
of N W
»i of N F
of Counts Rn:id SV’ !4 of S.
9 7«
Section J¿. Township t
W *4, Lol 7, 8, less »«»Id.
I ract No 14.
( I-
S., Rang* Q W’est
Tlnlher on lot 5
Secti<»n 31,
J as described in tract book,
Sophia Srx etance Estate, Lots
1 N, Rangr 9
I page 11, Section 11, T< wuship
4. 5. 6, 7, Section jj . Town­
46 SO
f 1 N , Ran -* m W’est
97 so
8 70
ship 1 S . Range o West.
Andrew Gmtrnhnrg. Lot 3,
J<»s M Harris*»»«, S VV
’4 of
Tillamook Waler Company,
Section .• Township 3 N
t S.E. *i, Section it, 1 N.,
'Tract No 22>, as described in
Range 10 W’est
4 4 00
tft 25
Range 10 W’est
tract book, page 133, Section
. •>
J Jos M Harrison. VV ’C <»f N.
¿6. Township I S, Range Q
1 •' Section c. Township 3 N.,
F ’4, N !•' ’i of NV r«, Sec­
2 50
R mgr to West
West............................... .................
31 OO
tion 14, I oxvnship 1 N. Range
M E. Parkhurst, Trad No.
T H Comerford, Lots 4 and c,
IO Writ.
07 50
jji , as described in trad baak
Srrli«m 6 Township 3 N.,
I Frank Forsblnm, l h.it portion
page 136, Section J7. Town*
Range to West...........................
10 21
of the S.W. 4 of S VV 54 be­
ship 1 S , Range 9 West..........
$ G Reed, T ots r, J, 3. 4, and
tween County
rond and
Geo. A. Glover, Tract No 232,
5, Section 18, Lot !, Section
Miami river,
as described in trad book,
to, N E
less 5 Acres, Sec-
Township 1 N., Rangr to
page 136, Sections 27, ¿8, JX
20. F. 1 j of N.W f4, T.ots 1,
\\ flfll
14. Township I S., Range 9
2, Section jo , I ots s an<! 4.
Hans I rstind, N.E. *4 of the N.
q 6 00
\\ m
T ess platted and sold. Sec-
F *i, Section !$, Township
Sophia Severance Estate, Tract
1 M, l*M S Acre*,
I N , Range 10 West................
No. 2$#, as described in tract
Section 20. Town •w» 3 N..
Mrs I. I Handley, Tract No.
book, p.igc I 148, Section jq ,
Ranjfe to Writ
17, ns described in tract book
Rang« Q
Township i
W F Cain. hnpri>.MB«at, on
page 15, Section jo , Township
2 Acre Tract, Section 20,
I ' ■
-o \\ . u
Arthur Marolf, Tract No 1066
Range to
Geo R
F«lner, Tract No. 17.
an described in tract book,
♦ 00
We I
as described in tract book,
page 173 A.. ,, Section
page 18, Section Ji, Town-
Tow nab ip t S., Range 9
described N trae!
Ship 1 N , Range 10 Writ
8 —M i sa m,
hook, page
____ 7n_
Anna F Paquet, Trad No.
Tillamook Connie Mutual Tel­
■aagr tà
Towniliip 1 S
as described in tract book,
ephone Company, Improve­
'Vent................ .
7 5»
pare 17, Section Jt, Town*
ments on tract No JOJ, a» de
\V Tjcobn. Tra«* Wo t.17.
hil 1 N " .fl,.« 10 W< »f
11 . Ro
scribed in tract book, page
’ -ribeil in
V\ It'*' Vi'lih.»Igb. ’\ interest,
KQ. Section *o, Township I
pH.- '' 1, Section M. Tewn-
and Schanabrl Investment
S . Range o Weef.....................
I ss
t N R mm >0
(’<»., ’/» inter« st in Trad No.
Carl Haoerlach, The Fast M
I (amnioml I umber Ce Timber
22. as d« "ribed in tract heek,
!-5 feet of tract yoa, page
on that portion of » • M of
• ige 16, Section ji , Tows-
150, Section to, Town ah ip 1
S W 'f ami S W
V af S F
shit» 1 N. Range to West ... ir 70
17 so
S.. Range Q WeM
'1. Ivin» W an f !» arf Caante
lark Ton« Estate, I ract Me.
J. A Rrant, H interest in Tract
R<»aJ Section •<
co, asdrscribed in trad b«»k,
No tot, aa described in taact
4 94
t N Rear» t» Went
parr jc , Section
book, page 160. Section JO,
5 90
sh»n ’ N Range >• Writ
Townahip t S . Range q West.
Carl A Hiraple, I nt a aeN Tide
H F Noble. Tract No ^6, at
F R R*aU. ’/» intereat in Tract
<l< ,crib* «l in trad beok. page
No. 308. aa described in tract
Tract Na. 162, aa described
Township 1
book, page 160, Section 30
N., Range to VVest....................
\\ in H
I- ili nbrrg< r, F • » «>í
S 1- G. 'M’ciion J. lownihip
2 N , R a «»K" 10 W est.
i ha. H Mead. Iract N«» iox
** described in trait hook.
|>a« C7. Section J, r<>wn«hip
2 \ , R angr 10 W rat
Nihalrtu H.tibor < ompany. S
, ..t N.W •», S \\ li of
N I- • t, and Lot J Ir»* trail
»old and platted. all tidrlatiti
F and A «> t. ! ot j k«« R R.
Section j.
1 «>wn*lnt» 2 N . Range to
¡ 1 H.m i!t■ »1», i *>l J. lews R R
lu- ht • d MJ y, 1 idrlamt F ami
V OU Lot 2 k*» R R fight
- Holt 4, 1 owtfthip
2 N . Rang 10 Wc»l
1 Ir . 1 B.» Park 1 and C<».
97. a» described «n
page OT», Section M,
»hip j N. Range 10
I uwiifthlp I South, Range 9
W est.
J. R Eldridgr, A »trip ul land
56 irrt wm J c ofl mîbi side
tract JI9, .hvitiun jo, I own-
• hip i ?>., Rang* 9 Weil
3 So
<. F. Hurtori, lia«! No jjj , as
h » Irait b<2«ik, p-«ge
ibs, Section Ji, I <>wn»hip l
S, Range •/ W r » !.
art Go
Arthur Marulf, Iract No. i<X«s,
a» dcicribed 111 tract b<*ok,
page « 7 j A Sedion < j , Town­
ship l S, Rang* 9 xSrit.
6 M>
I . I Morn»oti, Tract Nu. 331,
a» deftcribed in tract book,
page 171, Section» ¿8 and 3X
Iract No 3J2, a» dctcriLvd
in tract l»ook, page 171, Sec-
tion JX 1 ownship 1 S, Range
9 W c » t
4 (Ml
Edith L E ramer, irait No.
3S^‘, as denribed in tract
book, page 1H1, Section J,
I ownship 1 South, Range 10
W m
8 2
S. E Pettcys, Tract No. 363,
dcMtibrd mi tract book, page
*83. Section 2, Township 1 S,
Rangr 10 West.
10 20
Win I kirfenberg, Iract No.
367, as described in tract
book, page 187, See lion 3.
Town»hip I South, Range 10
5 10
W I) Wood, *1 ract No. iuo*>,
as described in tract book.
page 190 IE, Section 3 fuwii-
•hip I
, Range 10 W< »1
»pcnccT, I J intere»!
Tract No ». IOl6, aftdctCfibrd
I- .
in tract hook, page
Section I H, Townahip
I S,
R angr IO U cat
4 *■
inttreat, S W.
Lem I'atk r,
!. 4, Sr< ti-»n 17, I om nshlp l
Uj Ju
South, Range 10 West
A X I Holm* s. Tract No. 7.’3,
as dr..«ilicd in tract book,
page ¿.jO. Section ¿5. Town­
ship 1 South, Rangr to West.
7 8?
('annir M W ard estate, J-J
interest, ,1 Herd and \ erne
I) Bam 1 t interest. Tract
N-» 7.4, as described in tract
1 1 k, | ag* Jj6, Section ¿5,
loMtiship I South, Range IO
W » »1,
4 V>
h \! Hopfield, I ract No. 10X1.
a* dr sc 11 bed in tract book,
A , Section 25
Township l South, Rang* 10
W 0 <>la<)Mt|l, Lot 12, less
sold. Section ¿5, Township
I South. Range IO West.
Etlqp S Lamb. Tract No |6l,
as described in tract b >ok.
page 2^2, Section, ¿5,
45, T
ship l So nth. Range 10 Writ. 4200
\ Ramsey Tract No. 468^ aa
described il in tract book, page
2 31, Section gc. Town th ip I
South, Range 10 Writ............
> J JS
rmth " I’hdps, Lot 4, lesa
• d<*. Section 31, Townahip 1
JO 00 I
* *uth. Rr.tigc 10 Weal
I’ L. McC «»well. Tract No, 743.
is de tihrd in tract book,
148, '‘•dion 31, Town*
i South.
Ringe to
W eit.
7 20
«'nMph \cklry, fratt No. 103s.
.is *h scrib' d in tract hook,
p.'gc ¿40, Section 31, Town­
ship 1 So ilh. Rangr !0 W est.
2 40
lanics \ Biggs, Tract No •9»,
ns «It scribe*! in tract hook,
l»ngr ¿48, s ction 31. Town­
ship 1 South. Rtngc 10 Writ. 10.80
h-»«*ph Herne. 'I ract No. 1130.
as described in tract hook,
page ¿<.0, Section 31, Town­
6 OO
ship 1 South. Range to W est.
l< *Mr I Sherlock, Lol» 3, 4.
and 6. Section 34, Township
10 80
1 South, Range 10 \\ <«t.
k, I ol J. See­
tion 34. I‘< • tvnship 1 South.
Rangr 10 \\ rst. .
........ ..
la".ir< T. n \ Tract No. 5IQ, as
described in tract book, page
-•61 I ract No sjo, as <L scrib-
• d in tract hook, page ¿61
Tract No. ?ci, as described in
tract book, page ¿<»1, Section
30. Township 1 South, Range
ie Weal
¿9 QO
W IL (»l.idxxell, Tract No 531,
as described in tract book,
page ¿05, Section 36, Town­
ship 1 South. Rangr 10 W est. IO1 50
)rcgon and California R R
Co.. N W of S W
S I- >4 of S W •$,
of S.E.
Section 19, Township 2 South,
SS 30
Rangr 6 West.
L H Fir Id, S. ’! of S E. M.
W «S of S W’.
of S.W. M. Section 4, Town-
52 2S
ship a South. Range 8 Writ
N E 4.
I.. H Field, S.E. '4 oí
of N.E
Lots 1, ¿. and x S W. U of
N \\ ’4. Si-ction 4, Township
68 '»
2 South. Range 8 west.
’ H. Field, 9.W. M
N w
S »ction
I'oxxnship 2 Southx
Rangr 8 W’est
L H Field. S E. M of N W.
54, S. ’4 of N.E V4, Section
6. Township 2 South. Range
8 Wtflt
I.. H. Field, Lots I, 2, X
X Section 6.
Twnship J
t8 75
South, Rangr 8 West
L H Field. N.W. '4, S W. M
W M of N. F M, Section
0, Township J South, Range
8 West
Oregon A California R R Co.,
of N W. M. Section 13.
Township a South, Range 8
West, ........
Oregon A California R R CoM
F U of S.W ’4. S K of S
F. *4, Section at. Towmbip
a South, Range 8 W’est. ...
Oregon & California R R Co..
W MJ of W Vi. Section J7.
Township 2 South, Range 8
39 IS
Fredd Crockett, Tract No 103J
as described in tract book,
pagi 170, Section ao, Town­
ship a South, Range 8 West
B O Snuffer
of N W.
• 4 n ‘. f S.W M. >•< ”‘>i’
¿9, Township i South, Range
« 3*
8 West
Oregon & California R R Co.,
NF KF M of W W M. S
W U of N W. M. S W
S F K Section tt. Township
40 80
j South. Ran~e 8 West
Ernest W’ Knight Alt of N F.
VV of N.E. M. West of Track
River, Section 6, 'lownahip J
South, Rangr 9 Writ.
E. Hurton, I ract No 545, aa
detcribrd in tract book, page
w'/O, Section 6, I own»hip J
.Sottlb, Range 9 V\c»t
1 W. Byer» ar , I ract .No. 1165
a» deatfibed in tract book,
page ¿da. Section 7, lown-
•hip j S<4ith, Range 9 VS eat.
Preat in Marolf, Tract Nu. 1075
a» described in tract book,
page 2^ , Section» M and 17,
I own»hip j South, Range 9
.. * I
G B Lamb, E. Li of SW.
leas 10 Acre», Section 9,
1 owiifthip 2 ></uth. Range 9
G. B Lamb, W. H of S E. J4,
leaa 20 Acre», Section 9,
1 ownahip 2 South, Rang* 9
VV R. Owcria, S J4 of
Section 9, lownship
Range 9 West.
M H < >wrrit, S. W. % of N.W'.
l/4. N.W M of S.W. G, Sec-
tion 10, Puw n»hip 2 South,
Range 9 V\ cat.
Hugh Johnson, N E J4 of N E.
’4. Section 11, N.W. ’4 of N.
VV ‘4, Section u, Townhftip
2 South, Rang* 9 West.
C H Maginnis, S W. !4. Sec-
tion 14, , 1 ownship 2 South,
Range « 9 \A cat.
Isaac C. I Quick, S. f i oí N.W.
cu««u . 5, i um nu,ip 2
Kang- r 9 W est. .
Quick, ì ract No. H44,
in Iract book.
I » I • a *, I * j w n -
ship 2 .south, Rangr 9 W eit.
arrie VLiroh, Tract No. 1076,
a» described in tract hook,
page j 88, S< elioni •6 A 17.
Township 2 South, k
Preston Msrolf, Tract No. 1080
.. i described in tract book,
page j«/u. Section 17, Town-
«hip 2 South, Range 9 Weit.
Eunice E Hollopeter, W. M
of S.W. '4, Section 27, 7 own-
•hip 2 South, Range 9 W e»t..
Jas Christensen, ’4 interest.
Blanch L. Beach, V , interest,
Tract No. 747, as described
in tract book, page 499, Sec*
lion ¿v, loMtiship 2 South,
Range q West.
Jas Christemcn, W. ’ 1 6 of S W .
M. N.I •. of S w
’i» Sec-
tion jx Township i 2 South,
Range 9 W est.
Ja» I one estate, S E 54 of S.
W '
Section 3, 'l awnship 2
South, Rangr 10 W'cit.
s. S Phelps. Lot 6, less part
platted. Section 6, Township
2 South. Range 10 West.
c K. Henry, I ots 2, 3, and 4,
Section 6, Township 2 South,
Range io West.
M E Griner, Tract No. 577. at
dese ribed in tract book, page
Section 8, Township 2
th. Range 10 West
R Eunk S E ’< ot S \\ .
h I S ction 1.'. 10 .Acres in N.
f ■; of x W ’-4
Section IX
Tow ncliip 2 South, Range 10
C. F fllack, to Acr s oÍ i.ast
side of N.VW M of X W
to Acree off South side X F.
’4 of S.W. g, Section I 3,
Township j South, R'litX- •O
\\ C •
êred Hargrcavc« F 1 rd X.F'.
11. Section 13, fo.-.ti'i.i:» .-
South. Range to We.l
1 in» in Investment Co.. S.F.
1, of S W. 5$. Section 20,
To. i.hip 2 South. Range to
/rtgua At Califc - •. « k R Co,
N E >4, A.W. 54» • s. w. %, s.
E. *24, Section •u * a nshlp J
Soutn, Range i M
ir-, go i A- 1 4IÍÍQ >rni..
N.E. 74, *S.W.
‘ 4» ¿
E. \ 4, ’« < »on .
SOU in. Range ,
G*«aitam, T
oí \\
»</ii ao. Township 3 South
2 40
Range 7 West.
r* g«>n 4 bainomi.« K.R. Co,
N.E. Li,
N.W. J/á, S, W. L», S.
E ’/4 Sec. ¿X N.E. % N.W. '4
S.W '/i, N V
54, S ction ¿X
NE Lt, N.W. Li, N., J4, S E.
54, «s< ction 27, Township 3
South, Rang»- 7 West.
& < aliiorni.i. R R Co,
14 40
N E. «/4. N.W. »4, N.W «4. S.
E. 5* .‘X.C., ¿9, N E
31, Township 3 South, Range
7 W vit.
2H Hu
I Oregon A California ER. C
N.W. %. S W
«/4, S E.
Section jl, N.E. Li, N W. ’i,
S.W '4, S E
J4, Section 33,
N E L N w ■», s W. ML 5.
E. %, Section 35, Township
3 South, Range 7 West.
52 80
5500 VV. G. Lwight. N E
J4, ot N.
VK 54. Section ÿtt, Township
3 South, Range 7 West.
Oregon A < alifornia R R. Co,
ol S^E, %, S.W. 54, Sec­
tion I, lownihip 3 South,
Range 8 West.
I 40 00
jt> 40
Oregon A < alifornia R R Co.,
N.E. «4.
. &
Sc ction x Township 3
J*' 4
k ange 8 VV est.
joo 00
'ifornia R.R Co..
X W 54, Section 9,
Township 3 South, Range I 8
< )rrg< n A California k.R Co.
’4, Section 9,
Tounship 3 South, Range 8
W . M
30 00 W > Walton. N
of N VV.
%. N W •4 of N E. »/j. Sec.
tion to. Township 3 South,
Range 8 W est. ..........................
IJ 30 < >rerun A C lifornia R R. Co.,
N W. «4. S W >£ S.
E. *4, Section 11, Township
JO 40
3 South, Range 8 W’est.
264 00
■I Orrpon
' ■ ’ifornia R R Co.,
N E. 54, N.W. »4. S W 54. S.
E. ’i, Section ix Township 3
South, Range 8 West.
Oregon A California R R Co .
S 'J of N E
Vt, N.W. 54. S.
W 54, S.E. 54. Section 21, N.
E ’4. NW. «4. SW. «4 SE. 54
j 6. io
i j -”1
I «
! i , c
C \\ Brown, S.W
27. Township 2 South, Range
10 West....................................
I ha« Rlutn. W. 1 1 of S F
F 1 of S W. ‘a, Section -5.
Township 2 South. Range 10
Lincoln I'ne.lmml Co., X.
of N F «4. N.E. % oí N.W.
Section ¿O, Toxxnship 2
South. K.inge to W est.
New t'-n H < ulvrr. N. 1 of S.
of S E «i. S E
Section ¿Q.
’ .
• N W
Township 2 South, Range to
\\ . «t.
r w Roa«, N 1
3 5 00
7 5°
48 00
. X F g
of S W. 1 a. Section JI, Town­
ship 2 South. Range to West. 95.80
I incoin lnve«tincnt Co. X F.
g. E
i \ w ! I, X E g
of S.E.
<>f S W, 51
>i. N.W. 11 .................
5|, Section J3. Township J
8j 20
South. Range to West
Cha«, and Minnie Riunì, X F..
'i of N.E. M, Section 36,
Township 2 South. Range to
\\ e«t.................................
I II Caples, Timber on N F.
'a of X F. *i. Section 36.
Township 2 South, Range to
\\ • M...................................
Oregon X California R R Co.,
X F «4, N.W. 5L S W 'i. S.
E. «4. Section 7, N F
W tf. S W H, S F «L Sec­
tion to, N F
'L N W M. S.
W M, S F
M, Section 31,
Township 3 South. Range 6
......... 408 00
Oregon X California R R. Co.,
S.W. ’L S. E. 5|. Section 5,
Township 3 South. Range 7
W S. Walton N S of N.E. >i
F »4 of N.W. «4. Section 8.
Township 3 South, Range 7
57 60
Oregon X- California R R Co..
N F '4. N.W. %, S.W. ’L S.
F «4, Section 7. Township 3
South. Range 7 West
Oregon A California R R Co.,
NF K N.W. U. S W. 'i. S.
F ’4 Section 9. Township 3,
South, Range 7 West..............
Qrepon X California R R Co..
N F «4. N W «4. S W. W. S.
F U. Section ft, Township 3
South, Range 7 West..............
Oregon A California R R Co ,
N F «4. N.W U. S W '4. S
F '< See t > NF <4 N.W. 54
SW. «4. S.F 34. Section 13.
Townahip 3 South, Range 7
West................................................. 48.00
Oreron A California N R Co,
V F '4. N W *i S W. 'i S
F «4. Section 17 Township 3
South, Range 7 West................
S W ’4, S E ’4, Section 2X
Township 3 South, Range 8
4 Oregon A California R R. Co^
N E «i. N.W «4. S VV K4. S.
E ’4. Section 27, Township
3 South, Kan^c 8 West............
I [Heron A California R R. Co,
N E «4. N W '4. S W 4. S.
F 14. Sedion 3X N E. 54. N.
W ’ .. S W %. S F. 5L Sec­
tion JX Township 3 South,
Rang-- 8 West
................... .
F M Nelson. W
of N.E.
Section 36. Township 3
South, Range 8 W’est.
Jas Cl
Lots 4 and 5,
Section 4, Lots I and 8. Scc-
tion x Township 3 South,
Range o W« *t
W m. R Sw ope. S F.
xi of N.
NF *4, E. ’4 of S.E. :4. Sec­
tion x Township 3 South,
Range ç West.
................. ..
M C. \aron, S. ’ i of S W. T4,
Township 3 South,
Rzinrc 0 W est.............. ...........
Clara I Reas . Tract No. 5Qt,
as di scribed in trad book,
page 33X Section' 7. Town­
ship 3 South, Range 9 West..
To! o’ Oberb.umcr, S r4 of N.
F U. S E '4. of N.W M. N.
F. T « of S.W. :4, Section tx
T >xxn*hip 3 South, Range*)
W G Dw ight. N W. l4 of S.
F »
N F ’ 4 of S W x4. N.
’ of N W «4 of N F. »4. s.
• N V '■
ci N F • I,
5. F. ' 4 of N.W 1 ». Section
16. Township 3 South, Range
9 West
G W Wallace. F
T N E.
less 780 Acres. NW
\ v
N W.
»1. less 18 Acres, Section IÄ,
Township 3 South. Range o
I O Hovt. S W 1 j of Section
6. F «i of N.W. VI. W. 14
N E. V4, Section 7, Township
3 South, Range to West.
Lucile Mevers. N.F ’4 of N F.
M. Section 7. Township 3
South. Rangr to West
Randol: h 1 «mb. F % of S.E.
» . SW. ’iofSE. »4. Sec­
tion 11, Township 3 South,
Range to West
Randolph Lamb. N. \V ^4 of
S W. v«. Section 12, Town­
ship 3 South, Rang«* to W’est.
Geo R Ridgeway, N F. M of
S E. <4. S V, of N.F. vL N.
F-.’T of N.E. 14. Section ix
Toxxnship 3 South, Range
10 West.
Conrad P. Olson, S.
of S.E.
’4, Township 3 South, Range
io West...........................................
Otis F Farmer. S. <4 of N.W.
' » of N 1
3- ction 17,
Township 3 South, Range to
Charles K. Henry. Lot 4, Sec­
tion io. Township 3 South.
Range to West............................
Emil Enna. Tract No. 104«,
described in tract book, page
360. Section ¿0, 'T'iïxvmhip 3
So* th, Range to West. ............
Marv F Dimond
VV 54 of S.
F Vi. F <4 of S W M
tion at. Township 3 South,
Range 10 W’est............................
Conrad T Olson, N M sf N I
’4, Section 24, Township 3
South. Ranre to West. .........
John Walin, I nt c Section xa
Township 3 South, Range ifl
Charles K Henrv. I ots J. X 4.
V. and 6, Section 30, Town­
ship 3 South, Rang* to W’est,
Henrv Schults Jr . S W of 9.
W *4. Section 36. Township
3 South, Range 10 Wdat
Oregon 8- Galiforni’ R R Co^
N W «4 S W M S.
F. M, Section - ^ 'wnship 4
Femfh. Range 6 W’est. ...
72 00
16 80
7 20