S iici , of i > ei . incluent I AXI s Ol RIAL I’KOI■! R I Y IN •ULAMOOK COUNTY )| LGON. I OK THE YEAR Jenuir« I fuiii», liait No. 57, a» described in liait book, page X», Sec (Kill jj , I own •hip I N, Range io W < » I I .•Ml Parker, interest, and yi W S l «tue < mi« re al. N W . I . hdloMing Usi of real pfoprlly G« oi Seciioii ¿5, I ownahip 1 «ird H» I lllainooh I ouilly, Stat* * Rangr io W est. . »tegoli, I» hrieby adtrttiaed I«»» Mi» I I Sihlry, Itaci No uqtoiii laacs .»aacaatd fur the Ucscribed ni traci hook, I 19IJ I Ina advci ll»ciliviit 1» au l’*»g» JX Sedioli 47, I own- 11/id hy an ait embodied mi »hap »hip 1 N , Rangr IO Wr»t iui of the General Laws ol <>ie Sarah I Petlrys, Iract No. pa»sed l»y the tyij session of tot, a» dcactihrd mi (lai! hook i . gisiativ« Assembly. E«ge SS» Sedioli jh, I own* Ihr Uses «m the following advri •hip 1 ,S .Kange io West I list of real property became de Giace il. iloyt and Jame» ¡u< nt September I, I914. and ate A h hnt Rceliet, S. '< ol b E. pit to a penalty ol IO pun»lMp 2 N , i mínales iuired by hw Mill issue I Range 8 W eil i »• IliBjur«I» ) agam»l Ihr laid prop (•rorgia < >'< Utili* II. St ol > lot «I« Imqur lit läse» Ihr «ani Sr< Ihm JI, I <»W J N. «liti« ale» ol liehnqurucy Mill bear Range M kScftt 't«»t al ihr rate «»I is per ceni per F «I m ar«| I Rub H<»f N U 1.11111 until ihr I rrtilicatr» are re* of S.E. ’ 4, Sectioi 16, I <*W II* »hip J N , Range 9 Weal i itird \n» lune alter ihr eapiratlou ul I 12 Hawk. N W J 4 ol N I are Irotu the hr»l «late ol dé­ K. Sedioii iK, I uw lifthip J lai included m a X . Range «j W r»l Drhnqurmy the x 4iii|-t.«,||. W ’ , fti S E. ( militale may I # <»f N W '4. üycciion to be served i <1 w 11»h 1 p 4 N, Range 9 I property deaciib* st r » mm« .»lr, notllyMig the ». t hr will apply ht Jhc V It* ot ihr c*mnty in wl«i«h is ftituatcd for a ticcrcc th« h* n a» *iii»i the prop I Hi sud« I rrliliratc. «. S. Pi of \\ I ow nship N . I a «pritw lion ¿<», Tract No 163, as de scribed mi tract hook, page 9S. Section jf», L«*ii, 4, s, ö. to, 11, Ir»» lour A< rr •, Sc * * ¿5 lion 46, I. o I b ij, IX U. S“ lion X>, Lots s, <», 7, Section ¿7« lowiithip J N , Range 10 W c • t 20 '•3 205 ■/' I- loir i II (»ray, ’¡rad in S E I Î4, S 't ol S I (4, Section JJ, I ownship j N, Range 10 11 Writ JOO llanirl ( roncn I* »tate, Lot 6, arid I idrland I and A. on •amt 1rs» part platted. Sec II 40 lion jx Township j N, Range io W e»I ¡500 I 1> Barrett, S W •< ol N VV. JU 6 $ u. Section jx I ownship j N . Range to Writ.. I J 7o «»I Way, Sedioli J$, I l«trlall Nehalem Harbor ( <>, 9J 8 • • 1 i.w. y . I» -• * R R _ y. Section jX 1 ownship 3 N , Range 10 West, 13.48 77 J < >rrg«»n and ( alitorma R R ( o. N I ‘4. Section n>. S E. <4 of N W *4. Section 19. S. 4 J8 V» Section 19, S F. I -W usi Ip I «, , Range 6 West IOS 4 . 'regem am! < aiifornia R R K 52 < < ». s ' i « » 1 s w ‘ 4, s < < , j . u l<»wiisbip i, S, Range 7 ; tai / jo 70 >r* gon and ( aliform.« R k I8 hu < ■», N I ’ i of N.I Srd»*’h ¿ . S LN *4. Sedion 2X township 1 570Í» Range 7 West I« gon and ( .»lifornia R Ij« I'1 io Mo < o , N b Section ¿7. S W. N. ’4. Section 27. Town sii ip i S, R?ngr 7 VV rsl 74 *<» M. '5 R R 'regon and ( alilornh Is 4. 5 40 Co., S. <4 oí S W ’4. Section < I N , 11, I ow n»lnp I S , Range 7 M 5S Weit 19 os ants Fe I'arilic R R Co. N k 11 <»f N F G. Section J2, S. *4 ot S F 'i, Sedion 32, Township 1, S, Range 7 83 ço WM 46 Mo • Irrgon and California R R (O, 1 ot X Section I. Town­ ship 1 S . Ramige 8 West 2QV .«ma 1 l’.Hpiet, SI G of N F G. S*c»i*»n u, Township Ot jt> 1 S, Range 8 W est 7 3* W S VGIion, F G of S W. G. Section 1 «a» Towmhip t S.. 1305 Range 8 West ’ r< gon and ( . lifornia F R 1.50 C«>. W ' » of W 54. Se ction m 1. i 1 ir. Fract No 11 ce, ;«• •i. Township 1 S. Range 8 «t» scribed i 7000 West ’ . - . « • M, 1 «»MUftl.ip J, N ,*»»n sud Californi» R R Range IO \ 3 75 (W of N F G. N W 1 1 • x rhipiiirnt ( <> , G *>f F. G, S W G of S W. Cl No 1099 a» dea G, Section je. Township 1 S, m iihrd in tract b- k. page yO (M? Range H VV i «t »ehip I N , Range G ..t \ W G. 1 • ’ S W I- • , \l o( S F ' . and G. Srctidn ¿7, W G oí SE. Si ' ..t » 1 G. «Sedioli jx intrrrftt, l> Mar* Section - rowtiflhip ’ s. Townahip 2 N , Range 10 rat ' . Range 8 W est 27 vo W rat 86.25 nnfthip I S kailge ! t »•> s < ! G’• -. 1 -ii. s W », ■ t 33 <» \ M.thnr, N F G, Section Q. S W '4, Section ¿8, Town- *1 owti*hi|i j N , Rangr h Traci No v*»J. »hip t S . Range 8 W est. 2. CO ¿<»00 Weal. in traci hook, »' n* < Hanson, S 1of S F 1 Garbr. N i of N.F » , N F >ection A. I ownship G. Si'dicm ¿9, Township 1 S , Section 10, •i oi N U ' I • ngc io VV » »1 ¿C» oc H.1 ng» 0 W « st Ilici s • >X» I. a* ’! Townahip ,1. \ , Range !» Weat 17.88 ' 1 • Fo I<1 S G OÍ «S G. SrC- « tiac I l»<> >k, page 9, ti «i u. 1 i»xx nship t S . Range W (• lh’ |i’!«t, ' ’ of S F '4 T«»xs «i »hip I N , 20 OO K W< *t Section ». S W <4 «f S ! I 53 > W MI lltn» ’««, X W '4 c»f 14»x» nshjp N Range 8 W est 42.2 c 'G» - i « Ile t », Iract No 8 3 1, N F G Section 32, Town­ ( Hx «»t \storia, L<»l» 1 and 2. «ihed in traci hook, Section 10, r«>wn«i’ip 3 n . ship 1 S, Rangr K West 15.00 et1 o>n <». 1 «• w riftliip Range K W r »I î 4 63 H H Bell. S W G. «d SW G e 10 VV. si 3 8. W’ G Dwiq ht SW M «>f N Section 3. S F G *»f SI- G « Rock« I and Com Section t. Toxxnship 1 S. W ' t I <»l 1. Section il, ’0 Irei oi l .«»t 1, lei» I’O1'. s 9.6.1 Toxx iifthip Rang« 9 W’rst .1 N , Range 8 1 a radi fi Id that part Weit JQ 2C ( latid« \cklry, Tract No. qçj . hr< lion «», T om nshlp l N , Vf ol s W as described in tract book. J 8-’ S F Hoevrt N ’ ranÿce 10 W est pige IJO, 1 rad No 746, as M. E. H ni N W G, Section I,■ l ill > irok ■ -I Bn ft ( oinpany, described in trad book, page 1 Township 3 N , Range q X A\ •4 1 < • *.f t X \\ ’. 1 n >rt N W West ¿12, Sedion jo . Township 1 4*7< platted, Section H. Township 4Q2O S Rani»«- u \\ rst Ida ( oridit, NV 1 i of N W*. I X„ Range 10 wr,| W alburga lacobs, E of S. of N.I N.I M it cut, S W •4 I lte.il» th I W ’4, Sedion 22, Towtisbip *-f N I ’1, Section 7, Town­ \\ i ' of Si' ' 4, ■ of X I 22-.OO 1 S. Range q West ship l N Range q W est St.IS I S F. I s w *4. S p < tion 8. I’rlrr Rax 11« II. S »j of S I Ren lacobs, W 1 'j of W ! j of I T< Range iu .» I N , N.E *4. Lr*s 2 Acres, Sec­ M. S E ’e of S W ' i. Sec* 61 (X ■ W r tion 22, Township 1 S . Range tion 14, Township 3. N. of S |- 1 4 Jt.UI« ••»•»I. S 87.00 Range Q W« s’ 9 West. |6.JS ' SI . f S W •4. Section t »eo \ I-’ I udtke, I ot 6, South Ren lacobs. N F 14 of N F ’ j , Range to i to, Townchip I F of N W »i of N F of Counts Rn:id SV’ !4 of S. L WrM 9 7« ’ Section J¿. Township t W *4, Lol 7, 8, less »«»Id. I ract No 14. ( I- Kennedy, S., Rang* Q W’est 7.2« Tlnlher on lot 5 Secti<»n 31, J as described in tract book, Sophia Srx etance Estate, Lots Townslit 1 N, Rangr 9 I page 11, Section 11, T< wuship 4. 5. 6, 7, Section jj . Town­ W’est 46 SO f 1 N , Ran -* m W’est 97 so 8 70 ship 1 S . Range o West. Andrew Gmtrnhnrg. Lot 3, J<»s M Harris*»»«, S VV ’4 of Tillamook Waler Company, Section .• Township 3 N t S.E. *i, Section it, 1 N., 'Tract No 22>, as described in Range 10 W’est 4 4 00 tft 25 Range 10 W’est tract book, page 133, Section 1 . •> W. J Jos M Harrison. VV ’C <»f N. ¿6. Township I S, Range Q 1 •' Section c. Township 3 N., F ’4, N !•' ’i of NV r«, Sec­ 2 50 R mgr to West West............................... ................. 31 OO tion 14, I oxvnship 1 N. Range M E. Parkhurst, Trad No. T H Comerford, Lots 4 and c, IO Writ. ..................... 07 50 jji , as described in trad baak Srrli«m 6 Township 3 N., I Frank Forsblnm, l h.it portion page 136, Section J7. Town* Range to West........................... 10 21 of the S.W. 4 of S VV 54 be­ 12.00 ship 1 S , Range 9 West.......... $ G Reed, T ots r, J, 3. 4, and tween County rond and Geo. A. Glover, Tract No 232, 5, Section 18, Lot !, Section Miami river, Section 14. as described in trad book, to, N E less 5 Acres, Sec- Township 1 N., Rangr to page 136, Sections 27, ¿8, JX 20. F. 1 j of N.W f4, T.ots 1, \\ flfll 2.95 14. Township I S., Range 9 2, Section jo , I ots s an.MB«at, on page 15, Section jo , Township 168.30 Writ.............. 2 Acre Tract, Section 20, I ' ■ -o \\ . u 1770 Arthur Marolf, Tract No 1066 Townihip j N., Range to Geo R F«lner, Tract No. 17. an described in tract book, ♦ 00 We I as described in tract book, 29, page 173 A.. ,, Section ! No. Nrlialem Co»1 Co, page 18, Section Ji, Town- Tow nab ip t S., Range 9 at described N trae! 120, I Ship 1 N , Range 10 Writ 737 5.80 Weat..................... 8 —M i sa m, hook, page ____ 7n_ . Anna F Paquet, Trad No. Tillamook Connie Mutual Tel­ ■aagr tà Towniliip 1 S I as described in tract book, ephone Company, Improve­ 'Vent................ . 7 5» I pare 17, Section Jt, Town* ments on tract No JOJ, a» de \V Tjcobn. Tra«* Wo t.17. hil 1 N " .fl,.« 10 W< »f 11 . Ro scribed in tract book, page ’ -ribeil in kook, V\ It'*' Vi'lih.»Igb. ’\ interest, KQ. Section *o, Township I pH.- '' 1, Section M. Tewn- and Schanabrl Investment r.oo S . Range o Weef..................... I ss t N R mm >0 (’<»., ’/» inter« st in Trad No. Carl Haoerlach, The Fast M I (amnioml I umber Ce Timber 22. as d« "ribed in tract heek, !-5 feet of tract yoa, page on that portion of » • M of • ige 16, Section ji , Tows- 150, Section to, Town ah ip 1 S W 'f ami S W V af S F shit» 1 N. Range to West ... ir 70 17 so S.. Range Q WeM '1. Ivin» W an f !» arf Caante lark Ton« Estate, I ract Me. J. A Rrant, H interest in Tract R<»aJ Section •< Town,hl, co, asdrscribed in trad b«»k, No tot, aa described in taact 4 94 t N Rear» t» Went parr jc , Section Tflwa book, page 160. Section JO, *|>in ’ N Fanpa tn We-t 34 32 5 90 sh»n ’ N Range >• Writ Townahip t S . Range q West. 3-25 Carl A Hiraple, I nt a aeN Tide H F Noble. Tract No ^6, at F R R*aU. ’/» intereat in Tract Uml F and A. na aome í S 1- G. 'M’ciion J. lownihip 2 N , R a «»K" 10 W est. i ha. H Mead. Iract N«» iox ** described in trait hook. |>a« C7. Section J, r<>wn«hip 2 \ , R angr 10 W rat Nihalrtu H.tibor < ompany. S 1 , ..t N.W •», S \\ li of N I- • t, and Lot J Ir»* trail »old and platted. all tidrlatiti F and A «> t. ! ot j k«« R R. w.»y. Section j. 1 «>wn*lnt» 2 N . Range to Weil ¡ 1 H.m i!t■ »1», i *>l J. lews R R lu- ht • d MJ y, 1 idrlamt F ami V OU Lot 2 k*» R R fight - Holt 4, 1 owtfthip 2 N . Rang 10 Wc»l 1 Ir . 1 B.» Park 1 and C<». 97. a» described «n page OT», Section M, »hip j N. Range 10 I uwiifthlp I South, Range 9 W est. 5-<5 J. R Eldridgr, A »trip ul land 56 irrt wm J c ofl mîbi side tract JI9, .hvitiun jo, I own- • hip i ?>., Rang* 9 Weil 3 So <. F. Hurtori, lia«! No jjj , as d* h » Irait b<2«ik, p-«ge ibs, Section Ji, I <>wn»hip l S, Range •/ W r » !. art Go Arthur Marulf, Iract No. i I . I Morn»oti, Tract Nu. 331, a» deftcribed in tract book, page 171, Section» ¿8 and 3X Iract No 3J2, a» dctcriLvd in tract l»ook, page 171, Sec- tion JX 1 ownship 1 S, Range 9 W c » t 4 (Ml Edith L E ramer, irait No. 3S^‘, as denribed in tract book, page 1H1, Section J, I ownship 1 South, Range 10 W m 8 2 S. E Pettcys, Tract No. 363, dcMtibrd mi tract book, page *83. Section 2, Township 1 S, Rangr 10 West. 10 20 Win I kirfenberg, Iract No. 367, as described in tract book, page 187, See lion 3. Town»hip I South, Range 10 W«»t 5 10 W I) Wood, *1 ract No. iuo*>, as described in tract book. page 190 IE, Section 3 fuwii- •hip I , Range 10 W< »1 3* R H »pcnccT, I J intere»! Tract No ». IOl6, aftdctCfibrd I- . in tract hook, page Section I H, Townahip I S, R angr IO U cat 4 *■ inttreat, S W. Lem I'atk r, !. 4, Sr< ti-»n 17, I om nshlp l Uj Ju South, Range 10 West A X I Holm* s. Tract No. 7.’3, as dr..«ilicd in tract book, page ¿.jO. Section ¿5. Town­ ship 1 South, Rangr to West. 7 8? ('annir M W ard estate, J-J interest, ,1 Herd and \ erne I) Bam 1 t interest. Tract N-» 7.4, as described in tract 1 1 k, | ag* Jj6, Section ¿5, loMtiship I South, Range IO W » »1, 4 V> h \! Hopfield, I ract No. 10X1. a* dr sc 11 bed in tract book, page A , Section 25 Township l South, Rang* 10 Wed 175 W 0 <>la<)Mt|l, Lot 12, less sold. Section ¿5, Township 31.50 I South. Range IO West. Etlqp S Lamb. Tract No |6l, as described in tract b >ok. page 2^2, Section, ¿5, 45, T Town- ship l So nth. Range 10 Writ. 4200 \ Ramsey Tract No. 468^ aa described il in tract book, page 2 31, Section gc. Town th ip I South, Range 10 Writ............ > J JS rmth " I’hdps, Lot 4, lesa i • d<*. Section 31, Townahip 1 JO 00 I * *uth. Rr.tigc 10 Weal I’ L. McC «»well. Tract No, 743. is de tihrd in tract book, I 148, '‘•dion 31, Town* pi'C i South. Ringe to W eit. 7 20 «'nMph \cklry, fratt No. 103s. .is *h scrib' d in tract hook, p.'gc ¿40, Section 31, Town­ ship 1 So ilh. Rangr !0 W est. 2 40 lanics \ Biggs, Tract No •9», ns «It scribe*! in tract hook, l»ngr ¿48, s ction 31. Town­ ship 1 South. Rtngc 10 Writ. 10.80 h-»«*ph Herne. 'I ract No. 1130. as described in tract hook, page ¿<.0, Section 31, Town­ 6 OO ship 1 South. Range to W est. l< *Mr I Sherlock, Lol» 3, 4. and 6. Section 34, Township 10 80 1 South, Range 10 \\ <«t. I k, I ol J. See­ tion 34. I‘< • tvnship 1 South. 4*. Rangr 10 \\ rst. . ........ .. la".ir< T. n \ Tract No. 5IQ, as described in tract book, page -•61 I ract No sjo, as 4 of S W •$, of S.E. Section 19, Township 2 South, SS 30 Rangr 6 West. . L H Fir Id, S. ’! of S E. M. N F H W «S of S W’. of S.W. M. Section 4, Town- 52 2S ship a South. Range 8 Writ N E 4. I.. H Field, S.E. '4 oí of N.E Lots 1, ¿. and x S W. U of N \\ ’4. Si-ction 4, Township 68 '» 2 South. Range 8 west. ’ H. Field, 9.W. M N w ( S »ction I'oxxnship 2 Southx Rangr 8 W’est 137S L H Field. S E. M of N W. 54, S. ’4 of N.E V4, Section 6. Township 2 South. Range 20.62 8 Wtflt I.. H. Field, Lots I, 2, X X Section 6. Twnship J t8 75 South, Rangr 8 West L H Field. N.W. '4, S W. M W M of N. F M, Section 0, Township J South, Range 105.87 8 West Oregon A California R R Co., W. of N W. M. Section 13. Township a South, Range 8 4R0 West, ........ Oregon A California R R CoM F U of S.W ’4. S K of S F. *4, Section at. Towmbip 960 a South, Range 8 W’est. ... Oregon & California R R Co.. W MJ of W Vi. Section J7. Township 2 South, Range 8 39 IS Wflflt N N Fredd Crockett, Tract No 103J as described in tract book, pagi 170, Section ao, Town­ ship a South, Range 8 West B O Snuffer S of N W. • 4 n ‘. f S.W M. >•< ”‘>i’ ¿9, Township i South, Range « 3* 8 West ......... Oregon & California R R Co., NF KF M of W W M. S W U of N W. M. S W M S F K Section tt. Township 40 80 j South. Ran~e 8 West Ernest W’ Knight Alt of N F. VV of N.E. M. West of Track River, Section 6, 'lownahip J South, Rangr 9 Writ. E. Hurton, I ract No 545, aa detcribrd in tract book, page w'/O, Section 6, I own»hip J .Sottlb, Range 9 V\c»t 1 W. Byer» ar , I ract .No. 1165 a» deatfibed in tract book, page ¿da. Section 7, lown- •hip j S<4ith, Range 9 VS eat. Preat in Marolf, Tract Nu. 1075 a» described in tract book, page 2^ , Section» M and 17, I own»hip j South, Range 9 .. * I G B Lamb, E. Li of SW. leas 10 Acre», Section 9, 1 owiifthip 2 >wrrit, S. W. % of N.W'. l/4. N.W M of S.W. G, Sec- tion 10, Puw n»hip 2 South, Range 9 V\ cat. Hugh Johnson, N E J4 of N E. ’4. Section 11, N.W. ’4 of N. VV ‘4, Section u, Townhftip 2 South, Rang* 9 West. C H Maginnis, S W. !4. Sec- tion 14, , 1 ownship 2 South, Range « 9 \A cat. Isaac C. I Quick, S. f i oí N.W. cu««u . 5, i um nu,ip 2 Kang- r 9 W est. . Quick, ì ract No. H44, in Iract book. I » I • a *, I * j w n - ship 2 .south, Rangr 9 W eit. arrie VLiroh, Tract No. 1076, a» described in tract hook, page j 88, S< elioni •6 A 17. Township 2 South, k 9 West. Preston Msrolf, Tract No. 1080 .. i described in tract book, page j«/u. Section 17, Town- «hip 2 South, Range 9 Weit. Eunice E Hollopeter, W. M of S.W. '4, Section 27, 7 own- •hip 2 South, Range 9 W e»t.. Jas Christensen, ’4 interest. Blanch L. Beach, V , interest, Tract No. 747, as described in tract book, page 499, Sec* lion ¿v, loMtiship 2 South, Range q West. Jas Christemcn, W. ’ 1 6 of S W . M. N.I •. of S w ’i» Sec- tion jx Township i 2 South, Range 9 W est. Ja» I one estate, S E 54 of S. W ' Section 3, 'l awnship 2 South, Rangr 10 W'cit. s. S Phelps. Lot 6, less part platted. Section 6, Township 2 South. Range 10 West. c K. Henry, I ots 2, 3, and 4, Section 6, Township 2 South, Range io West. M E Griner, Tract No. 577. at dese ribed in tract book, page JOQ, Section 8, Township 2 th. Range 10 West Cha R Eunk S E ’< ot S \\ . h I S ction 1.'. 10 .Acres in N. f ■; of x W ’-4 Section IX Tow ncliip 2 South, Range 10 Weal. C. F fllack, to Acr s oÍ i.ast 4. side of N.VW M of X W to Acree off South side X F. ’4 of S.W. g, Section I 3, Township j South, R'litX- •O \\ C • êred Hargrcavc« F 1 rd X.F'. 11. Section 13, fo.-.ti'i.i:» .- South. Range to We.l 1 in» in Investment Co.. S.F. 1, of S W. 5$. Section 20, To. i.hip 2 South. Range to /rtgua At Califc - •. « k R Co, N E >4, A.W. 54» • s. w. %, s. E. *24, Section •u * a nshlp J Soutn, Range i M I9.JO ir-, go i A- 1 4IÍÍQ >rni.. N.E. 74, *S.W. ‘ 4» ¿ 16’20 E. \ 4, ’« < »on . SOU in. Range , 21.60 G*«aitam, T oí \\ »n 4 bainomi.« K.R. Co, N.E. Li, ............ N.W. J/á, S, W. L», S. E ’/4 Sec. ¿X N.E. % N.W. '4 S.W '/i, N V 54, S ction ¿X U JO NE Lt, N.W. Li, N., J4, S E. 54, «s< ction 27, Township 3 South, Rang»- 7 West. 57.60 ( & < aliiorni.i. R R Co, 14 40 N E. «/4. N.W. »4, N.W «4. S. E. 5* .‘X.C., ¿9, N E Ncction 31, Township 3 South, Range 7 W vit. ¿4.OO 2H Hu I Oregon A California ER. C N.W. %. S W «/4, S E. Section jl, N.E. Li, N W. ’i, 825 S.W '4, S E J4, Section 33, N E L N w ■», s W. ML 5. E. %, Section 35, Township 3 South, Range 7 West. 52 80 5500 VV. G. Lwight. N E J4, ot N. VK 54. Section ÿtt, Township 3 South, Range 7 West. I.JO Oregon A < alifornia R R. Co, 3300 S. ol S^E, %, S.W. 54, Sec­ tion I, lownihip 3 South, Range 8 West. I 40 00 jt> 40 Oregon A < alifornia R R Co., N.E. «4. . & E. Sc ction x Township 3 J*' 4 k ange 8 VV est. joo 00 Jrtgc 'ifornia R.R Co.. X W 54, Section 9, M.F. Township 3 South, Range I 8 S3> Walton. N of N VV. %. N W •4 of N E. »/j. Sec. tion to. Township 3 South, Range 8 W est. .......................... i860 IJ 30 < >rerun A C lifornia R R. Co., N W. «4. S W >£ S. ■ E. *4, Section 11, Township JO 40 3 South, Range 8 W’est. 264 00 ■I Orrpon ' ■ ’ifornia R R Co., N E. 54, N.W. »4. S W 54. S. E. ’i, Section ix Township 3 South, Range 8 West. Oregon A California R R Co . S 'J of N E Vt, N.W. 54. S. W 54, S.E. 54. Section 21, N. E ’4. NW. «4. SW. «4 SE. 54 J j 6. io V 480 i j -”1 j6o I « 11.2* ! i , c 7.2O C \\ Brown, S.W Section 27. Township 2 South, Range 10 West.................................... I ha« Rlutn. W. 1 1 of S F F 1 of S W. ‘a, Section -5. Township 2 South. Range 10 West Lincoln I'ne.lmml Co., X. of N F «4. N.E. % oí N.W. Section ¿O, Toxxnship 2 South. K.inge to W est. New t'-n H < ulvrr. N. 1 of S. W of S E «i. S E W Section ¿Q. ’ . • N W Township 2 South, Range to \\ . «t. r w Roa«, N 1 3 5 00 7 5° 48 00 80.OO . X F g of S W. 1 a. Section JI, Town­ ship 2 South. Range to West. 95.80 I incoin lnve«tincnt Co. X F. g. E i \ w ! I, X E g of S.E. <>f S W, 51 >i. N.W. 11 ................. 5|, Section J3. Township J 8j 20 South. Range to West Cha«, and Minnie Riunì, X F.. 'i of N.E. M, Section 36, Township 2 South. Range to \\ e«t................................. 1440 I II Caples, Timber on N F. 'a of X F. *i. Section 36. Township 2 South, Range to 800 \\ • M................................... Oregon X California R R Co., X F «4, N.W. 5L S W 'i. S. E. «4. Section 7, N F N. W tf. S W H, S F «L Sec­ tion to, N F 'L N W M. S. W M, S F M, Section 31, Township 3 South. Range 6 West. ......... 408 00 Oregon X California R R. Co., S.W. ’L S. E. 5|. Section 5, Township 3 South. Range 7 38400 West W S. Walton N S of N.E. >i F »4 of N.W. «4. Section 8. Township 3 South, Range 7 57 60 West............................................... Oregon X- California R R Co.. N F '4. N.W. %, S.W. ’L S. F «4, Section 7. Township 3 308-10 South. Range 7 West Oregon A California R R Co., NF K N.W. U. S W. 'i. S. F ’4 Section 9. Township 3, 60.00 South, Range 7 West.............. Qrepon X California R R Co.. N F «4. N W «4. S W. W. S. F U. Section ft, Township 3 06.00 South, Range 7 West.............. Oregon A California R R Co , N F «4. N.W U. S W '4. S F '< See t > NF <4 N.W. 54 SW. «4. S.F 34. Section 13. Townahip 3 South, Range 7 West................................................. 48.00 Oreron A California N R Co, V F '4. N W *i S W. 'i S F «4. Section 17 Township 3 19.20 South, Range 7 West................ S W ’4, S E ’4, Section 2X Township 3 South, Range 8 Weit................................................. 4 Oregon A California R R. Co^ N E «i. N.W «4. S VV K4. S. E ’4. Section 27, Township 3 South, Kan^c 8 West............ I [Heron A California R R. Co, N E «4. N W '4. S W 4. S. F 14. Sedion 3X N E. 54. N. W ’ .. S W %. S F. 5L Sec­ tion JX Township 3 South, Rang-- 8 West ................... . F M Nelson. W of N.E. Section 36. Township 3 South, Range 8 W’est. ......... Jas Cl Lots 4 and 5, Section 4, Lots I and 8. Scc- tion x Township 3 South, Range o W« *t W m. R Sw ope. S F. xi of N. NF *4, E. ’4 of S.E. :4. Sec­ tion x Township 3 South, Range ç West. ................. .. M C. \aron, S. ’ i of S W. T4, Section Township 3 South, Rzinrc 0 W est.............. ........... Clara I Reas . Tract No. 5Qt, as di scribed in trad book, page 33X Section' 7. Town­ ship 3 South, Range 9 West.. To! o’ Oberb.umcr, S r4 of N. F U. S E '4. of N.W M. N. F. T « of S.W. :4, Section tx T >xxn*hip 3 South, Range*) West................................................. W G Dw ight. N W. l4 of S. F » N F ’ 4 of S W x4. N. ’ of N W «4 of N F. »4. s. \\ • N V '■ ci N F • I, 5. F. ' 4 of N.W 1 ». Section 16. Township 3 South, Range 9 West G W Wallace. F ’ T N E. » less 780 Acres. NW fN.1 \ v N W. »1. less 18 Acres, Section IÄ, Township 3 South. Range o West. ...................... I O Hovt. S W 1 j of Section 6. F «i of N.W. VI. W. 14 N E. V4, Section 7, Township 3 South, Range to West. Lucile Mevers. N.F ’4 of N F. M. Section 7. Township 3 South. Rangr to West Randol: h 1 «mb. F % of S.E. » . SW. ’iofSE. »4. Sec­ tion 11, Township 3 South, Range to West ...................... Randolph Lamb. N. \V ^4 of S W. v«. Section 12, Town­ ship 3 South, Rang«* to W’est. Geo R Ridgeway, N F. M of S E. <4. S V, of N.F. vL N. F-.’T of N.E. 14. Section ix Toxxnship 3 South, Range 10 West. Conrad P. Olson, S. of S.E. ’4, Township 3 South, Range io West........................................... Otis F Farmer. S. <4 of N.W. ' » of N 1 3- ction 17, Township 3 South, Range to West................................................. Charles K. Henry. Lot 4, Sec­ tion io. Township 3 South. Range to West............................ Emil Enna. Tract No. 104«, described in tract book, page 360. Section ¿0, 'T'iïxvmhip 3 So* th, Range to West. ............ Marv F Dimond VV 54 of S. F Vi. F <4 of S W M tion at. Township 3 South, Range 10 W’est............................ Conrad T Olson, N M sf N I ’4, Section 24, Township 3 South. Ranre to West. ......... John Walin, I nt c Section xa Township 3 South, Range ifl Wed. ........... Charles K Henrv. I ots J. X 4. V. and 6, Section 30, Town­ ship 3 South, Rang* to W’est, Henrv Schults Jr . S W of 9. W *4. Section 36. Township 3 South, Range 10 Wdat Oregon 8- Galiforni’ R R Co^ NF N W «4 S W M S. F. M, Section - ^ 'wnship 4 Femfh. Range 6 W’est. ... 72 00 19.20 48.00 240 ¿4.00 4.80 16 80 J.60 7 20 1780 3».» '34-40