Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 21, 1915, Image 2

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I.egal Advertisements.
First Insertion, per line.
$ . to
Each subsequent insertion, line.
Business and professional cards
one month ...............................
Homestead Notices ... ............
'1 imber Claims ............................ '
I ocals per line earb insertion.
Display advertisement, an inch,
one month.................................
Ail Ri solution* of C ondolence
and Lodge Notices, per line .
< ards of Thanks, per line..........
Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
ceeding five lines......................
• 25
ty every year ami reduces the bank
accounts of the dairymen, it may be
that free Iridt anti Democratic de­
pression will force the dairymen into
raising roots for their dairy herds,
anti the dairyman who is unto his
job will do so this year, for the out­
look for a good market for cheese
this year is not nearly so bright as it
was twelve months since. This is a
iiat'er that every dairyman should
consider right now, not leave it too
'ate in the season and when it is too
late to grow roots. If every dairyman
in the county would plant several ac­
res to roots it would greatly reduce
the shipment of feed into the county,
There appears to be a desire on the
part of the State Legislators to re­
duce taxation. Several of the expen
sive Commissions which came into ex­
istence under the West regime, are
doomed, and several soft jobs will be
cut off from the political pie counter
Announcing that the county and citv
taxes were too high in various parts
of the state, Senator Bingham, of
Lane County, will make a determined
fight for a bill he is preparing which
will curtail the local tax-levying pow­
er. He also insists that the counties
he divided into districts and that
Commissioners be elected from them
instead of the county at large Senat­
or Bingham ought to know that the
State Legislature have fixed laws in
such a way that it is mandatory on
county officials to make certain levies,
ind about the only curtailment that
an be made is in road building.
Where Senator Bingham should start
in to curtail taxation is in the State
Headlight, January
chances, according to Mr. Boyer, ate
very good for its establishment. Mr.
Boyer is spending much time an J
money in an effort to get the great­
est possible influence to bear on the
question. He claims it will cut the
grade very much and shorten the dis­
tance and that influential men of
Portland and other cities are endors­
ing the plan unreservedly. Mr. Boyci
was in town Monday on his way to
meet with the county commissioners
of Polk County. He says he has the
support of the commissioners of Till­
amook and that there is great en­
thusiasm shown —Willamina Times.
21. Ï01
' State Press Flashlights.
Another homicide is reported in tht
Important Changes in Circuit and
lispatches today, as having happened
County Cou; ts.
in the state, when one farmer shoots
and kills his neighbor, after a heated
dispute over the etenral war question
Had it not been for the saving lines
of despatch, one might add this to .
list of casualties suffered by this
country on account of the war, but
the closing sentence says that both
men had been drinking. There is the
real answer to the cause, and further
comments are unnecessary.—I mpqua
Valley News.
ths p >int and leave no room to ■
loubt that he means every word u|
hem. The governor strives fOr I
more c.ireful conduct of county
lirs; he wants the enactment of 4
,tatc banking law that will ettatyU I
facilities to aid the farmer; in rvgar,i I
to prohibition he asks the legislature I
for laws that will effectively enfCrct I
he will of the people. Economy
effectiveness is the keynote of Go». I
•mor W ithvcombe’s message—ecoil. H
iniy that carries with it the abolish. I
lient of useless administrative math. I
•lcry and effectiveness in effecting the I
ity ol the legislative and admin». ■
rativc arms of the state government I
And the governor has not forgotten
the roads; he makes practical provii.
ion for a good roads policy which
will count for something more
One of the important bills to come
before the legislature will provide for
a revision of the courts of the state.
The chief author of the measure is the
President of the Senate, W. Lair
Thompson, but it is known that he
has counseled with some of the ablest
lawyers and judges of the state.
Chief among its provisions are abol­
ishment of the county judgeships,
creation of a court of appeals, aband­
onment of the fixed jury-term system
Not to be outdone in their theatre
Conference Between Yamhill and and the establishment of several new of war, both Russians and Germans
circuit judgeships so that long periods who arc fighting the battles in Po­
Polk Court».
between court terms in the remote land, make claims that the battles of
the Lodez have been the bloodiest of
(Strictly in Advance.)
counties will be avoided.
(Telephone Register.)
the whole war. L p to this time the
Judge Pearce and commissioners
One year ....................................... $1.50
Expense Not Entailed.
in Belgium and
Six months ........................................... 75
Sitton and Allen, were in Dallas on
The Stcry of Jane.
One attractive feature of the bill is armies fighting
Three months.................... ;................. 50
Tuesday to confer with the Polk the fact that all this is to be accom­ France have absorbed all the glory
County court and representatives of plished without actual additional ex­ that goes with the greatest death list,
Jane was a good girl, but
Tillamook County Court with ref­ pense to the taxpayer. The existing and the largest rivers of gore, so it been an only child and it had made 1
erence to the construction jointly of a County Judges are to become County was probably necessary for the east­ difference to the bad.
new road leading from Willamina Commissioners and draw the per dieia ern armies to get busy and send out
Editorial Snap Shots.
Then, too, Jane’s mother had the
through Polk county into Tillamook
something to offset these and get at­ foolish idea that it was fine to slave
fixeel for such officials. Eleven new
tention their way.—L mpqua \ alley in the kitchen, washing dishes and
county. Th« conference practically
Circuit judgeships are created, but it
reached an agreement that if the three
peeling potatoes, while Jane, dolled
is figured that the saving in the salar­ News.
counties could get permission from
that corrupt system was
up, sat in the front room and read
ies of County Judges will more than
the legislature to cooperate as a road
offset the additional cost of the new military authorities have issued an trashy novels or thumped rag-time on
district each county would expend
----- o------
order prohibiting troops in the field the piano.
$15,000 for the construction of this Circuit Courts.
Dairymen have been advised that
Then when Jane grew older and
The Circuit Court of Appeals newly from fraternizing the forces of th>
the price of butter is to be reduced
created by the proposed law is to con­ enemy, it being stated that the order had to be “educated” of course noth­
State Highway Commission to the ex­
Well, they know that mill feed is
sist of two departments. Department was caused by the fact that at one ing would do but a polishing school,
tent of one half the cost, or $45,000
higher now than it ever was before,
where they teach you most everything
making a total of $90,000. The course No. I is to hear cases appealed from place Germany and English soldiers
an<l their profits are about all gone.
except the things that are really im­
of the proposed road would follow Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, Clac played football Christmas day and
Some of the State Legislators arc-
very closely the survey of the Port­ kamas, Washington, Yamhill, Tilla­ agreed to suspend hostilities for two portant.
So, after all, it was not Jane’s fault
desirous that the Governor should be
land & Coast Railway Co., and the mook, Lincoln, Polk, Benton, Marion, days. Men who are willing to play
when she had arrived at woman­
games with those they have been
given authority to remove officials, s<
new road would be built within the
boundaries of Polk county, west to Jackson, Lake and Kalamath; Depart­ trying to kill are not bitter enemies hood and was ripe for home of her
as to save cost of recall elections
junction with Tillamook county, ment No. 2 will preside over appeals at heart, and it would appear that if own she didn’t have a single qualifi­
They must have heard of Tillamook
making a much easier grade, though from the remaining counties of the the settlement of the war were left cation for running one and was as
County's dilemma.
a little longer distance than the pres­ state.
to those who are doing the actual helpless, almost as a doll.
Besides, she had never been taught
fighting and who must pay the cost
Speaker Selling says the steam rol­
The Court of Appeals in the first it would end in short order.—Hills­ to save. She was an extravagance
ler is not to be used at this session of I ippose the plan to levy a I mill tax as the Grand Ronde road. If this road
that no ordinary man could afford.
the legislature. It takes some general I for state aid of roads .Yet the mem- is constructed it will do away with district is to sit at Portland; in the boro Independent.
She, therefore, had to either marry
ship to know how to run a steam rol­ I bers of the grange—average farmers the toll road now in existence be­ second district, at Pendleton. The two
become an “old-maid,” or
ler, but I'at at the previous legislat­ I —will vote annually a 10-mill road tween the Bee ranch and Dolph, and courts are to have jurisdiction over all
ure knew how to handle it.
iax for their respective road districts, will leave the road from Grand cases appealed from the Circuit Court “George do it” and do their little part take desperate chances of breaking a
I and make no objection. It is a curi- Ronde to the Bee ranch to be kept up where the amount involved does not in boosting for Forest Grove, pay poor man’s pocket book and heart.
What really happened was that
It is now taxpaying time. If taxes I ius logic that approves construction by this county. There is probably no exceed $500 and where the cause does more attention to the interests of the
come high, blame the Oregon System I of local roads, attended often by great single highway in the state of Oregon not involve title to real property or city as a whole, and make it one Jane met the right man and came
for part of this, for they have been I waste, yet objects to scientific and where a like amount of money would the liberty of any person, or any ques- grand unanimous chorus of boosting down from ’er high horse. She learn­
c limbing up ever since the state went I economical investment by the state in be more wisely expended than this tion under the constitution of Gov- for your town, this fine city will ed to cook, to plan and to save—after
crazy on new fangled ideas It was I permanent highways. The money for proposed thoroughfare, connecting, ernment of state, which has not here- eclipse all records of the past in ¡915. marriage, at great expense.
But wouldn’t you think .a common
claimed that the Oregon System I state roads and for local roads comes as it would, the counties of Polk and tofore been decided upon the sante Make it unanimous.—Times News.
If the millions of men who are fight­ sense scheme of education w ould have
would bling about better conditions I out of the same pocket, and both are Yamhill with the entire coast country points. No appeals from the decisions
to the west. It would be one of the of the Court of Appeals are to be ing and dying in Europe would lay made sure of these vital things earl­
reduce taxation and eliminate politi I or common use.
cal bosses Many of the taxpayers
The State cf Washington has levied most extensively traveled roads in the permitted except upon the sole ques­ down their arms and quit the slaught­ ier?—News Times.
think, instead of improving conditions I 1 z’T-mill tax for roads, and the couii - state, both for business and excur­ tion of the jurisdiction of that court. er, the war would end tomorrow. If
they are worse and that taxation con I lies are expending large sums. Cali- sions to the coast.
The Court of Appeals is to be made these men would go on a strike, de-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
tinues to pile up.
I ‘ fornia has appropriated $18,000,000
up of three Circuit Judges in each dis­ clar they would not kill another man
ADVISE trict, the Chief Justice of the Sup­ or distrdy another piece of property, Oregon for Tillamook County.
for roads and the counties are like- AID
The editor of the Gossip, whicn I .vise issuing read bonds in consider-
and make it stronger by declaring Jeff. D. Matney, plaintiff,
reme Court designating them and
will appear occasionalv, will pay his I able amounts.
Sending in News Courtsey to Dis­ changing them from time to time as they would not pay a dollar of war Lizzie Matney, defendant.
respects to Bro. Trombley in the next
debts—how very quick the war would
To Lizzie Matney, the above named
What is Oregon going to do?
trict, says Mr. Allen.
court business in the several districts
issue. The snap shot man thinks that
end. But the poor devils in the defendant;
Good roads arc a sound investment
shall require.
In the name of the State of Oregon,
Bro. Trombley is so sanctimonious now, for many reasons;
trenches must not only fight, but they
"It is not enough for a live com­
you are hereby repuired to appear
that he cannot enjoy a little innocent
(1) Good roads arc everywhere munity that advertising should be cor­
and answer the complaint filed again­
joke. He is he only grouchy individu­ needed.
Probate subjects now within the gon City Courier.
rectly used to stimulate business and
st you in the abov.e entitled court and
al who is criticising the Gossip. Say,
cause on or before the last day of the
(2) Labor and materials are cheap.
to promote general prosperity. The preliminary jurisdiction of the County
Bro. Trombley, you are evidently too
No acre of arable land in Oregon time prescribed in the order for the
(3) Labor needs the work now, and home newspaper is a social and intel­ Judges are to go drect to the Circuit
sanctimonious to live in this wicked the state and the counties cannot ig­
lectual thing as well as a medium of Court. The Circuit Judges are to be or Washington should be left untill­ service of summons by publication
world much longer, and we move that nore their obligation to use all ap­
ed, unseeded and unharvested this herein, and if you fail to -so answer,
business. One cannot serve the com­ apportioned as follow's:
the plaintiff will apply to the court
a subscription list be started to buy I propriate means to provide employ­
year. The warring nations are so for the relief demanded in the said
munity better than by seeing that in­
the political Hopper a pair of wings.
complaint, namely, for a decree dis­
teresting items get to the editor. The mas County, one judge; Clatsop and
(4) Good roads take people front editor is no mind reader; call him up Columbia counties, one judge; Coos they will not have time to plow, har- solving the bonds of matt imony ex­
isting between you and si id plaintiff,
Governor Withycombe swatted one city to county for a livelihood.
and tell him. To do so is the neigh­ and Curry counties, one judge; Crook ; row and reap the blood-sodden lands Jeff D. Matney, for the recovery by
graft system when lie asked State In­
(5) The investment
slate, borly thing, the kindly thing—a court­
plaintiff of his costs and disburse­
surance Commissioner Ferguson to county and city in roads is for all
esy not to the publisher alone but to Douglas County, one judge; Grant will turn for the grain to feed tliem- ments in said suit, and for such other
resign. It co»t the counties three classes and is permanent.
everyone in the district who might be and Harney counties, one judge; Jos­ . selves and horses. Here is work that and further relief as to the court may
times as much to audit county books,
ephine County, one judge; Kalamath falls pat to the hand of the O. W. R. seem meet, right and equitable.
Why should Oregon hold back?
interested in your little item.”
This summons is served upon you
with inexperienced auditors, as it did
Whenever Eric W. Allen, head of County, one judge; Lake County, one & N. Company, whose president, with by publication thereof by orde r of the
formerly, so the new governor told
the department of journalism at the
Honorable Homer Mason, County-
the Commissioner he wasn't going to
judgps; Linn and Marion counties, erature, and gifts of seed, has increas­ Judge of Tillamook County, Oregon,
si Old for any more ot that kind of | Salem Has Laid Many Miles of Street University of Oregon, speaks in a
town he urges the citizens to get be­ two judges; Gilliam and Sherman ed the crops of this section of the in the absence of the F onorablc H.
graft. Bully for Withycombe, for this
I About ten years ago, Salem, Ore­ hind their home paper in both a busi­ counties, one judge; Umatilla County, country fourfold. Mr. Farrell should H. Belt, Judge of the ‘Circuit Court
above named, which -said order is
will save lillamook County a thou­
one judge; Union and Wallowa coun- continue his campaign for more ex­ dated the 12th day of January, I9I5.
sand dollars .1 year, which can be pul gon, started to lay paving and since ness and news way on the ground
one judge; Wasco and Hood River tensive farming along a new I nc—the and the date of the fit st publication
to better service on our county roads. that time the ritv has laid upwards of that the newspaper can be made a
forty miles. It has experimented with wonderful agency for building up a counties, one judge; Washington cultivation of every avadable acre in hereof is the 21st day of Jan., IQ15.
County, one judge; Yamhill and Till­ the two states. It does not matter anfl the date of the lust publication
Another foolish idea has taken hold Afferent kinds of pavement, both community. By a “successful com­
amook counties, one judge; Polk and what grain is planted now; there will hereof, and the last da te on or before
of some of the “drys." They are ad­
Lincoln counties, one judge, and be a ready market for it at a good which you are ■requit ed to answer
this summons, is the 4th day of
vocating a penitentiary sentence for pavement in Salem was Bitulithic on the community whose business men
Multnomah County, six judges.
price in the fall. There need be no March, 1915.
those who sell liquor 1 lie voters of streets havng heavy traffic car lines men arc prospering, and whose labor­
fear that we shall have an oversupply Dated this 12th
Oregon, when they passed the prohi­ on them. The ties were embedded in ers are all at work, but the communi­
day of January, 1915.
of any of the cereals; if with all the
Geo. P. Winslow,
bition law had no idea that the a concrete base with a vitrified brick ty that is a real social and intellectual
additional acreage planted we shall
Attorney for Plaintiff.
"drys" would go to that extreme. It wearing surface between the rails and center. He looks to the home paper as
The Gresham high school affirma­ not be on half rations by October we
the most powerful means within
is not nccman to send a violator of on the outside to the end of the tics.
l ater came the concrete streets reach of bringing about this kind of tive debaters. Miss Marguerite Vol- shall be very fortunate. The farmers
the prohibition law to the penitentai
given, that the
breclit and Miss Shipley, defeated the in the grain-growing sections of Ore­
ry. A large proportion of the voter«
County Court of Tillamook Conty,
negative team of the James John high
t • ” pf 1' i' 1. .11 1 j the t- \|«| v*»’-
crete streets came price cutting by into the way of voluntarily pouring school team, of St. Johns, Carlyle opportunity of becoming rich in the Oregon, will receive sealed bids for
purpose of putting saloons out of bus* -
the moving of four houses belonging
the contractors, with the result that these interesting scraps of news into Cunningham and Ferris Swisher, Fri­ next eight months.
n»’ss, ,iu,t| thu v.mt g tine . hl I
Rufus L. Sampson, in Ocean Lake
in many instances the city received a the weekly paper you will add im­ day night, in the Gresham hgh school
----- o------
' - ■
pu sent the
Park, F. L. Sappington, Geo. H.
mensely to the general friendliness of on the ownership of railroads.
of liquors in the state.
ial utterance shows what kind of a Sampson and Mary D. Sampson, in
the community," says Mr. Allen. “You
*— *■■-0— ■ —
At lillamook the Gresham negative
I he results are now beginning to will be helping to make your town the
man is he who is now chief execut­ Rose City Beach, T illamook County,
I wo suspicious characters were in
team won against the Tillamook affir­
Oregon, also for the cleari ng of
tne city last week with advertising I «how and what was cheap pavement kind of place where people want to mative. Gresham was represened by­ ive of the state of Oregon, clean com­
sufficient for moving henises
stay and to which former residents Miss Ellen DeHaven and Stanley posite, calm and sensible—exactly
schemes to fleece the business men.
necessary trees, acccTd-
will want to come back
One had the gall to go to business
Stinsman and Tillamook by Erwin
lar time and in that particular place. ing to the specifications on file wi.’*1
"So try to get ideas into the paper Schnelle and Lee Doty.
men, claiming that he represented the in the long run The first paved
His message to the people, brief, bus­ the County Clerk, a-nd F. L. Sapping­
Headlight W r believe that the two streets in this city and those having Write a little for it once in a while.
At St. Johns Friday night the Till­ iness like and strictly to the point, ton, at Rose City Beach.
men were crook» or safe crackers, the heaviest traffic were laid with Don’t let the editor do all the thinking
amook debating team. Thomas Coates fully justifies the high regard in which
Said bids to be filed with the Coun­
who were using the advertising trie); bitulithic with vitrified brick between for the town If you publish idea«,
and Miss Areta Everson, affirmative, he is held by the people of his state ty Clerk, on or before February 4th,
the rails of the car tracks These
for a blind Surely it is time tha> ti e
vou start others to thinking, and you
streets arc today, without question, raise by just so much the general lev­ won the debate over the James John and shows that he is possessed of a tqij, at to o’clock a.m., and at that
business men
booted advertising
high school team, William Teutsch comprehensive plan of administration, time opened andread.
the best streets in the city and nearly el of intelligence
schemer« out of their stores, for they
and Rott Larson.
Each bid shall be accompanied by 3
which, if adhered to by the legislat­
have been imposed upon so often
Encourage the home paper to be a
check made payable to Tilla­
Oni of these grafters was going to
ure, will bring success to his admin­
busincM. social and intellectual
-—I cent-
mook County, for an amount equal to
print a write up of the city on letter
er of the community. It will riclily re- Johns, Gresham and Tillamook will istration in the sense that it will pro­
debate the winners of the debate be- mote the welfare of the great com­ 5 per cent of the amount of such bid,
heads taken from a book printed
State Highway Proposed
tween A.Mori.1 and Scappoose high monwealth he heads. The governor which shall be forfeited to the County
twelve year» ago It is safe to say the
----- o------
in case an award is made and the bid­
busincs» men would have been «0 dis­
Racked by the co-operation of the
Another pair of "twins" has been school teams for the championship of has intimate acquaintance with the
gusted that they would never have us
-------- 1 River district of the needs of Oregon and he demon- I der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a
Portland Auto Club and the Com discovered in the House. They are the Columbia
period of 5 days after which the
cd th< m
merctal Club and ably assisted by in Thomas B. Handley, < of * Tillamook.
________ , State High School Debating League. strates this fact prominently in his '
fluentt.il men of Polk and Tillamook and William G Hare, of Washington. The winners later will compete for first address to the legislature. He award is made to enter into a con­
I he feed problem in Tillamook counties John Boyer is nuking a Both were born on the same date__ the championship of the state league. displays a keen insight into Oregon’s tract and file a bond satisfactory to
the Court as by law required.
County would be partly solved if the strenuous to secure the building of a
needs and his every expression gives
April 10. 1882— and in the same town
I he County Court reserves the right
dairymen would raise more roots. great State Highway via Bentlv. Bear
evidence of determination to devote
— Hillsboro Neither knew of this in­
an<l a great deal of money saved. It < amt and the 1 ittle Nestucca to He­
to reject any and all bids. By order of
hi» efforts, not to political aggrand­
the County Court.
takes a w hole lot of money to pay for bo This is claimed to be the most teresting coincidence until they began
izement. but to constructive develop­
to compare notes after coming to Sa- I
the feed that is «hipped into the coun direct and passable route and the
Fit Glasses at ment. There is no floundering or falt­ Dated this the tjth day of Jan., 1915.
1er’ —Oregonian.
Reasonable Prices. Guaranteed ering; his sentences arc sensible and
J. C. Holden,
few W-
County Clerk.
C. I