Tillamook ADVERTISING RATES. I.egal Advertisements. First Insertion, per line. $ . to ■OS Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and professional cards one month ............................... Homestead Notices ... ............ '1 imber Claims ............................ ' I ocals per line earb insertion. Display advertisement, an inch, .50 one month................................. Ail Ri solution* of C ondolence and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 •05 < ards of Thanks, per line.......... Notices, Lost, Strayed or Stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines...................... • 25 ty every year ami reduces the bank accounts of the dairymen, it may be that free Iridt anti Democratic de­ pression will force the dairymen into raising roots for their dairy herds, anti the dairyman who is unto his job will do so this year, for the out­ look for a good market for cheese this year is not nearly so bright as it was twelve months since. This is a iiat'er that every dairyman should consider right now, not leave it too 'ate in the season and when it is too late to grow roots. If every dairyman in the county would plant several ac­ res to roots it would greatly reduce the shipment of feed into the county, o There appears to be a desire on the part of the State Legislators to re­ duce taxation. Several of the expen sive Commissions which came into ex­ istence under the West regime, are doomed, and several soft jobs will be cut off from the political pie counter Announcing that the county and citv taxes were too high in various parts of the state, Senator Bingham, of Lane County, will make a determined fight for a bill he is preparing which will curtail the local tax-levying pow­ er. He also insists that the counties he divided into districts and that Commissioners be elected from them instead of the county at large Senat­ or Bingham ought to know that the State Legislature have fixed laws in such a way that it is mandatory on county officials to make certain levies, ind about the only curtailment that an be made is in road building. Where Senator Bingham should start in to curtail taxation is in the State Legislature. Headlight, January chances, according to Mr. Boyer, ate very good for its establishment. Mr. Boyer is spending much time an J money in an effort to get the great­ est possible influence to bear on the question. He claims it will cut the grade very much and shorten the dis­ tance and that influential men of Portland and other cities are endors­ ing the plan unreservedly. Mr. Boyci was in town Monday on his way to meet with the county commissioners of Polk County. He says he has the support of the commissioners of Till­ amook and that there is great en­ thusiasm shown —Willamina Times. REVISION 21. Ï01 OF COURTS ' State Press Flashlights. Another homicide is reported in tht Important Changes in Circuit and lispatches today, as having happened County Cou; ts. in the state, when one farmer shoots and kills his neighbor, after a heated dispute over the etenral war question Had it not been for the saving lines of despatch, one might add this to . list of casualties suffered by this country on account of the war, but the closing sentence says that both men had been drinking. There is the real answer to the cause, and further comments are unnecessary.—I mpqua Valley News. ths p >int and leave no room to ■ loubt that he means every word u| hem. The governor strives fOr I more c.ireful conduct of county I lirs; he wants the enactment of 4 ,tatc banking law that will ettatyU I facilities to aid the farmer; in rvgar,i I to prohibition he asks the legislature I for laws that will effectively enfCrct I he will of the people. Economy I effectiveness is the keynote of Go». I •mor W ithvcombe’s message—ecoil. H iniy that carries with it the abolish. I lient of useless administrative math. I •lcry and effectiveness in effecting the I ity ol the legislative and admin». ■ rativc arms of the state government I And the governor has not forgotten the roads; he makes practical provii. ion for a good roads policy which will count for something more hitherto.—Astorian 1 One of the important bills to come before the legislature will provide for a revision of the courts of the state. The chief author of the measure is the President of the Senate, W. Lair Thompson, but it is known that he has counseled with some of the ablest lawyers and judges of the state. Chief among its provisions are abol­ ishment of the county judgeships, creation of a court of appeals, aband­ onment of the fixed jury-term system Not to be outdone in their theatre Conference Between Yamhill and and the establishment of several new of war, both Russians and Germans circuit judgeships so that long periods who arc fighting the battles in Po­ Polk Court». between court terms in the remote land, make claims that the battles of RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. the Lodez have been the bloodiest of (Strictly in Advance.) counties will be avoided. (Telephone Register.) the whole war. L p to this time the Judge Pearce and commissioners One year ....................................... $1.50 Expense Not Entailed. in Belgium and Six months ........................................... 75 Sitton and Allen, were in Dallas on The Stcry of Jane. One attractive feature of the bill is armies fighting Three months.................... ;................. 50 Tuesday to confer with the Polk the fact that all this is to be accom­ France have absorbed all the glory County court and representatives of plished without actual additional ex­ that goes with the greatest death list, Jane was a good girl, but THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. Tillamook County Court with ref­ pense to the taxpayer. The existing and the largest rivers of gore, so it been an only child and it had made 1 erence to the construction jointly of a County Judges are to become County was probably necessary for the east­ difference to the bad. new road leading from Willamina Commissioners and draw the per dieia ern armies to get busy and send out Editorial Snap Shots. Then, too, Jane’s mother had the through Polk county into Tillamook something to offset these and get at­ foolish idea that it was fine to slave fixeel for such officials. Eleven new tention their way.—L mpqua \ alley in the kitchen, washing dishes and county. Th« conference practically Circuit judgeships are created, but it reached an agreement that if the three peeling potatoes, while Jane, dolled is figured that the saving in the salar­ News. counties could get permission from that corrupt system was up, sat in the front room and read ies of County Judges will more than A press dispatch says that German the legislature to cooperate as a road offset the additional cost of the new military authorities have issued an trashy novels or thumped rag-time on district each county would expend ----- o------ order prohibiting troops in the field the piano. $15,000 for the construction of this Circuit Courts. Dairymen have been advised that Then when Jane grew older and The Circuit Court of Appeals newly from fraternizing the forces of th> road, asking the cooperation of the the price of butter is to be reduced created by the proposed law is to con­ enemy, it being stated that the order had to be “educated” of course noth­ State Highway Commission to the ex­ Well, they know that mill feed is sist of two departments. Department was caused by the fact that at one ing would do but a polishing school, tent of one half the cost, or $45,000 higher now than it ever was before, where they teach you most everything making a total of $90,000. The course No. I is to hear cases appealed from place Germany and English soldiers an ti e vou start others to thinking, and you streets arc today, without question, raise by just so much the general lev­ won the debate over the James John and shows that he is possessed of a tqij, at to o’clock a.m., and at that business men booted advertising high school team, William Teutsch comprehensive plan of administration, time opened andread. the best streets in the city and nearly el of intelligence schemer« out of their stores, for they and Rott Larson. Each bid shall be accompanied by 3 ten years use has had apparently no which, if adhered to by the legislat­ have been imposed upon so often Encourage the home paper to be a certified check made payable to Tilla­ effect on them — Pacific Coast Man i- The winners of the debate at St. Oni of these grafters was going to ure, will bring success to his admin­ busincM. social and intellectual -—I cent- facturer. mook County, for an amount equal to print a write up of the city on letter er of the community. It will riclily re- Johns, Gresham and Tillamook will istration in the sense that it will pro­ debate the winners of the debate be- mote the welfare of the great com­ 5 per cent of the amount of such bid, heads taken from a book printed pay" State Highway Proposed tween A.Mori.1 and Scappoose high monwealth he heads. The governor which shall be forfeited to the County twelve year» ago It is safe to say the ----- o------ in case an award is made and the bid­ busincs» men would have been «0 dis­ Racked by the co-operation of the Another pair of "twins" has been school teams for the championship of has intimate acquaintance with the gusted that they would never have us -------- 1 River district of the needs of Oregon and he demon- I der shall fail, neglect or refuse for a Portland Auto Club and the Com discovered in the House. They are the Columbia period of 5 days after which the cd th< m merctal Club and ably assisted by in Thomas B. Handley, < of * Tillamook. ________ , State High School Debating League. strates this fact prominently in his ' fluentt.il men of Polk and Tillamook and William G Hare, of Washington. The winners later will compete for first address to the legislature. He award is made to enter into a con­ I he feed problem in Tillamook counties John Boyer is nuking a Both were born on the same date__ the championship of the state league. displays a keen insight into Oregon’s tract and file a bond satisfactory to the Court as by law required. County would be partly solved if the strenuous to secure the building of a needs and his every expression gives April 10. 1882— and in the same town I he County Court reserves the right dairymen would raise more roots. great State Highway via Bentlv. Bear evidence of determination to devote — Hillsboro Neither knew of this in­ an