Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, August 06, 1914, Image 4

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autos when approaching the railroad
crossings. Following makes inter­
esting reading.
Why not start war on pig tail eggs?
“Pacific Coast pedestrians, auto­
mobile drivers and team drivers ex­
The fight started at Blair.e last ercise more care this year in approa­
ching railroad grade crossings than
week. The German lost out.
they did in 1913, though there is still
Emperor William is the autocrat plenty of room for improvement. The
with the big stick who started the fast it shown in figures gathered by
the Southern Pacific Company in
dogs of war.
connection with its campaign for the
If F.mperor William would not rec­ conservation of human life and the
ognize the neutrality of Belgium, he prevention of accident.
"The company has made every ef-
would not recognize the Monroe doc­
trine if he had trouble in South Amer­ fort to educate earless pedestrains
an<l vehicle drivers as to the danger
of approaching railroad tracks with
i out first ascertaining the safety of
The war in Europe will cause some
ktagnation in the United States in crossing, hi this connection, obser­
several lines of industry. For instance vation tests were made in widly sep­
in lumber »nd fish, which are being arated localities in August, Septem­
shipped to Europe in large quantities. ber and October, 1913. Of the 17.021
motor vehicles observed, the drivers
The snap shot man remembers the of 11,836, or 69JS percent, looked
Franco-German war, and the slogan neither to the right or left before
of the Frenchmen was "On to Berlin” crossing-the tracks; 2.7 percent look­
In a few months the Germans were ed one way only; and but 27.8 percent
in Paris, and the Emperor of France looked in both directions. The aston­
was a prisoner of war. Such are the ished number of 3,301, or 19.3 percent
of the total number of drivers obser­
uncertainties of war.
ved, ran over the crossings at a reck­
This is going it sortie in a few days: less rate of speed, and only 35 driv­
ers stopped their machines before
Austra declares war against Servia. crossing the tracks to see that there
Germany declared war against Rus­ was no train appraoching.
“Of the 4,889 drivers of teams, 39.4
war against percent looked in neither direction;
Germany declared
8.6 percent looked only one way; and
war against 52 percent looked in both directions.
Germany declared
Of 6,301 pedestrains, 3,082, or 49.1
war against percent, looked in both directions; 15
Germany declared
percent in one direction only; and
Germany sent Italy ultimatum, and 35.9 percent in both directions.
threatened to declare war on that
"Of the total number
of 28,211
country if the latter did not join her drivers and pedestrians checked, 16,-
io the fight.
844, or 59.8 percent looked neither
way before passing over the crossing;
The crowned heads of Europe are 6.3 looked one way; and only 33.8 per­
responsible for starting the most cent looked in both directions.
horrible war in the history of the
“To find out just what effect its
world, Emperor William blames Em­ safety first campaign is having, the
peror Nichols and Nicholas blames Southern Pacific in June in this year i
William. It it to be hoped that after made similar observations, at the I
the war is over that these autocratic same crossings where checks were J
rulers will lose their power, for, as made last year, and also at additional .
we view the situation it was rank crossings. The comparative state- !
foolishness to plunge Europe into ment of the result of the two checks
such a deplorable condition. We be­ shows the following encouraging re­
long to those who hold the opinion sults:
that those who make wars should
“Twenty-three percent more driv­
fight it out between themselves.
It ers of automobiles are looking in ;
may be however, that anarchy has both directions before crossing rail­
impregnated itself into the people of road tracks than did last year, and
Russia, Austria and Germany, that twelve per cent are now looking one .
the crowned heads had to do some­ way.
thing to prevent the spread of it.
I "The number of drivers of teams .
looking both ways shows no improve- '
It is fortunate that the vast major­ ment, both years being 52 percent; ;
ity of publishers and the people of but 6 percent more are looking one
the United States generally do not way than did last year. Pedestrians
share the view of Vice President show an increase of 29 percent look­
Marshall, who has just told the edit­ ing in both directions, but 5 percent
ors of Virginia that “there is no free less looking one way, indicating a
press, no public opinion and no free new improvement of 24 percent.
speech any longer in America.” This "Taking automobile and team driv­
we consider a very gloomy view of ers and pedestrians together, the im­
the situation. In isolated instances it provement of 26 per cent more look­
rnay be true that papers are dominat­ ing both ways, and 6 percent looking
ed by their adversities, as Mr. Mar­ one way is shown.
"The Southern Pacific’s chief sug­
shall suggests, but we are thankful to
say that the rank and file of publish­ gestion to those crossing railroad
ers, particularly in the country sec­ tracks is to stop, look and listen be­
tions, say what they want when they fore crossing. Were every one to
want to. And why is the vice presi­ do this, company officials say, prac­
dent of the United States sad because tically every crossing accident would
publishers are today selling their be prevented.”
space instead of giving it away to a
lot of grafters who think they have a
mission ?
The Southern Pacific Co. has cant- I
piled some useful information in re­ 1500 WATER MELONS SHIPPED
gard to people taking proper precau­ US BY MISTAKE MUST BE SOLD
tions in approaching railroad cross­ TAKE YOUR PICK FOR 20 cents.
ings. It is a well known fact that
people as a rule do not look after
their own safety as much as they
Tillamook, Oregon.
should, especially those who' drive R. C. BACON, Manager.
Editorial Snap Shots
tilllamook county fair
SEPTEMBER 15-16-17-18,’14
We want every Man, Woman and Child in the County
to make an exhibit and help make this lair agiaid success.
with the problem of buying Hornet,»
you will find it distinctly advanta­
The Grounds and Buildings have been prepared.
geous to cotne and do your eelect
ing here You will get the best
qualities, the moet thorough and
conscientious worktnaaship and be
This is your Fair, and we want to prove to he world
charged the most reasonable prices.
We can supply’ single or double
that Tillamook County has products of the Farir, the Sea
Sets or any single article that you
may be in need of.
and the Forest that cannot be excelled.
W.A, Williams* Cc.
■ ■ m ■ • a at
* 9 *
Call on or write the following Superintendeits of De­
partments and let them know what you have to exhibit :
Ocean Crest
Dr. J. E. Reedv. Superintendent of Live Stock.
F. W. Christensen, Superintendent of Milk aid Cream
IF« rnished for light house-
II. Booth, Superintendent of Poultry.
Light, airy and
■ ¡keeping.
R. Y. Blalock, Suprintendent of Vegetables aid Fruit.
Good water in
Jevery kitchen. Rates rea­
I sonable.
» W • a < Si nr 1 ft IB IB'
Mrs. II. Crenshaw, Supt. of Needlework, Crociet, etc.
Mrs. Anna Billings,Superintendent Domestic laking.
Mrs, Lola M, Slirode, Supt. Painting and Photigraphy.
Your Friend’s Car at
Mrs. Mary F. Dunstan, Supt. Better Babies Ccntest.
Half Price.
The above, together with the members of the Fair
? Board and County Expert Jones, are at ^our service.
The Secretary will give your inquiries prompt a tention
your friend with a
were to offer
you his car as it stands for
half what he pa!d
for it, you would no doubt
think it a
worth considering, and yet
we are uble to make you
even a
better proposition
from the stock of ” used"
cars now listed at *' under­
valued” prices.
Every car on the list,
of them
self - starting
six - cylinder
th or-
overhauled by Win­
ton experts
in the
shops and brought up to the
Winton standard.
With a given
amount to
spend for an automobile, ask
question be-
isn’t it better to buy a high­
grade ’* used” car of estab­
lished reputation and proved
to spend the
same amount for a new car
of cheaper
construction, es­
pecially when you know that
a short seasou's use will put
the ” second-hand"
class ?
You will be interested in
over our late bar-
1 i s t
of high-grade
• used”
write for it now.
Down With the Dairymen.
Portland, Oregon.
Double Gold Bond Trading Stamps on all Cash Purchases Every Friday
Along on its Home Stretch with Greater
Economies in More Powerful Bargains !
This sale has proven the biggest and most drastic Whirlwind Sale
Tillamook has ever seen, coming as it has in the height of the season. But
now prices that have seemed real bedrock prices will look large in com­
parison with the price»’ we quote now in this vital effort to clear stocks iti
time for the new fall merchandise.
We Must Hurry !
So Must You !
Invoices shipping receipts are arriving daily telling us that the new Fall
Merchandise will begin to arrive in a few days, in fact, some of it has
arrived already. Bigger and better lines will be shown this season than
ever before
This means that we must clear the decks in the next few
«lavs to make room for the new Fall Goods.
Therefore These Home-Stretch Prices.
Every Article in the Store Reduced
J. H. DUNSTAN, President
WM. G. TAIT, Secretary
— M V’ -MV1 -MU -M U » MV—*^MV**^^V»**—
Yours for a Great Big Get Together Fair
A few contract goods excepted.
By far the greatest price reductions now prevail in every department in
our store. As the stock has lessened so we find it most imperitive to cut
prices even a notch lower to effect a more speedy clearance.
Likely enough, the Oregon farmer
I and dairymen, who has been face to
face with the disturbances and de­
moralization of his
own market
through free trade in foreign butter,
will appreciate the following copious
extract from a recent speech in Con­
gress by Representative Hamilton, of
| In a speech recently made at Bing­
ham, Me., ex-Governor» Ferna'd, of
Maine, speaking from an intimate
knowledge of conditions,
that Maine dairy farmers are losing
$7000 a day.
Governor Fernaid owns a creamery,
and in March 1913, he was paying
farmers 33 cents a pound for butter­
fat, but in March 1914, under the new
tariff law, the price of butterfat was
forced down by Canadian competi­
tion to 23 cents a pound, and the far­
mer stands the loss.
Governor Eernald told his audience
that in one day he counted 29 car­
loads of Canadian hay at Danville, on
their way to Boston, and ever since '
the new tariff law was passed the
Maine farmer has been receiving $2.50 1
less a ton for hay than theretofore,
and the importer takes the profit and '
the farmer and the Treasury stands 1
the loss.
The Michigan Manufacture and Fi­
nancial Record says:
"Michigan farmers are up in arms
over the injury done the dairy inter­
ests by the new tariff law. The bot­
tom has dropped out of the market
for dairy products and prices have
lowered about one-third in the last
three months.
“ ‘ Cream, or butterfat,
butterfat has dropped
....... from $1 90
from 32 to 22 cents; milk
PAr hundred
,1Undrc<1 J.°
$,’3S delivered
to .$,*\ per
to $1.35
at the tactones at Obv and Bad Axe
One farmer stated
that his milk
checks for March were $30 less for
same ;* quantity 7* than
t the
Significant and unanswerable'
unanswerable. The
,, ullv
pax check tells no lies. Here is
!nstai?cc where the Democrat Admin­
istration has fulfilled its promise of
reducing the cost of living
living. But it
r same timc-woefullv
at the
.. .—
J of living,
for not.hing .
better should have been expected'* of
a tariff which inriches the importer
and the middleman and impoverishes
the producer, without helping the
McKinley & Vance
<1 Ground Floor.
Arci a .1 Built
Floor, Cornrn
Opposite Todd Hotel,
If you want to sell or trade your ranch (
or city property, list it with us.
■ ’
Netarts Hotel ready for business. I
First-class cooking. Meals at all hours. |
Rooms and good beds.
G. W, DORR. Proprietor.
Flashlights !
You Choice
How’s This ?
Wc offer Ox* HrtMtt D oll »*. R* w »» o
for »nr ea»c of Catarrh that cannot ba cured
by Hall'a Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHBXBY A CO.. Teletlo. O.
We the under«igne<l have known F I
< henry for the la.t 13 year», and believe
him pcvWctly honorable in all bu»ine»»
tranaaction. amt Anancialiv able td carry
out any Obligation» made by hi» »rm.
the electric store .
See Window Display.
Toledo. o.
Halt. Catarrh Cure i> taken internally,
acting dinytly upon the blood an« I mucoua
the ayatem. Testimonial» »ent
five trice .3 cents per bottle. Sold he all