$ autos when approaching the railroad crossings. Following makes inter­ esting reading. Why not start war on pig tail eggs? “Pacific Coast pedestrians, auto­ mobile drivers and team drivers ex­ The fight started at Blair.e last ercise more care this year in approa­ ching railroad grade crossings than week. The German lost out. they did in 1913, though there is still Emperor William is the autocrat plenty of room for improvement. The with the big stick who started the fast it shown in figures gathered by the Southern Pacific Company in dogs of war. connection with its campaign for the ------o----- If F.mperor William would not rec­ conservation of human life and the ognize the neutrality of Belgium, he prevention of accident. "The company has made every ef- would not recognize the Monroe doc­ trine if he had trouble in South Amer­ fort to educate earless pedestrains an taken internally, acting dinytly upon the blood an« I mucoua aurfacc» the ayatem. Testimonial» »ent five trice .3 cents per bottle. Sold he all 1 Ç I $ I