Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 05, 1914, Image 1

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Financial Growth.
A large, strong bank does not lose
dignity or conservatism when it en-
courages the small depositor.
The large balances of the future are
having their beginnings today in modest
We want to place within the reach of
all, the privileges of an association with
a strong, helpful bank.
No serious
[ minded person who has a regular in-
B come and a desire to conserve it, need
hesitate to become a depositor here.
Tillamook County Bank
1 ■ '
. 1
. S. Clark, auctioneer.
rader Co.
sit boxes for rent.—Tilla-
ty Bank.
T. Hal tom was in Spokane this
k on a business trip.
ay Work Wanted, Mrs. Wheatley,
>ne 126 R. Tillamook.
eadquurtera for auto livery.—
aS Hadley, phone 11W.
ill up the Mutual Phone fora
------ 1 gt tbe Tillamook Studio.
>rn Ml Friday, to the wife of
|989nty Clerk J. C. Holden, a eon,
128 D. Severance and wife left on
sday on a business trip to Port-
ra. Andy Nolan is in from Port-
I, 443* viaiting her sister, Mrs. B. C.
.752 bb chickens wanted at the Tilla-
k Meat Company’s Market, 12c.
■r aale, twocows, will be fresh in
nai*we«ke, Otto Walther, Hem.
e are iu a position to
n ne long time farm loans.
II. Vonal Ba nk.
| p| Kienberg Bros, will give you
. price* on all kinds of hay and
f. in ton lote.
inted, a positron of cook or
^ atal house work. Apply at the
nil flight office.
_ our work does Tiot suit you tel)
f it does tell your friends. City
s Roee nl ■erg's for prices on
infer Company
and hay.
Largest stock in
□took Co unty.t
ing your chick ens to the Tilla-
k MeMCompatry's Market We
ry. 12c. per pound»
xall ^Rheumatism
a or
money ‘ refunded at
gh’a,«ti. reliable druggist. .
ant Thgyer will pay you the
— eat each price for your hides,
i, fWKrubber, sa cka, old brass.
e TUtamook llose Company
give a dance and BfiCial at the
It I Commercial Club on
__ JI.
_uy 18-iech wall paper in the
leforNc., double roll. IamaFa
ety Stare. "Drop jn and look
<ry Winona Whale.»- and A. J.
ley vs. Ceci la Alice )Oavie et al,
suit filed in the cit cuit court
vide polperty and it a ska that a
ee be appointed. .
treonflk’os. will meet all trains
b«,M.d will handle passen-
and baggage to all t »art»’ of the
■ Call or phone at tl te Livery
oa 2«M Ave East.
•• Morence Stranah tn gate
fhfiejr party today (Th ureda}.)
IS the fitt e lady's 7th b. 'rthday.
»wee Attic guests help td her
Olfiflfcfihe occasion.
Get Methylene Blue, the new
drug for the prevention and cure
of abortion of milk cow’s, at
For sale, Stock of Men’s Furniah-
ing and Shoes ; also cash register
—The Toggery, E. J. Claussen,
Jason Powell has sold his prop-
erty here to Emil Larson, and will
soon leave with his family for
Buhl, Idaho.
C. W. Matthews vs. J. W. Freder­
ickson and wife is a suit filed in the
circuit court to recover $2,600 on a
promissory note.
The United Artisan lodge of this
city have Bent out invitations for
a ball Saturday night at the Tilla­
mook Commercial Club.
A. M. Hare has rented his place
on the Wilson river to Mr. Hansen,
of Newberg. Mr Hare will make a
trip to Southern Oregon.
Pay your taxes by check. It’s an
advantage to the tax collector as
well as to the bank and youreelf.
Tillamook County Bank.
Attorney C. W. Talmage has dis­
posed of his residence property on
First St. to the M. E. Church, the
consideration being $25C0.
The highest price for cheese was
reached on Saturday when a num­
ber of cases were sold at 20c. per
pound by Carl Haberlach.
C. A. Smith and family came in
from Cloverdale on Monday,on their
way to Corvallis, where they have
bought property and will reside.
Protect your valuable papers from
the unexpected fire by renting one
of our safe deposit boxes. Onlyone
dollar per year. Tillamook County
G. A. Chaphe vs. R. H. Ashcroft
et al, is a suit filed in the circuit
court to recover on a lien for fixtures
at what was known as the Palm
Alex McNair returned from Port
land last week, leaving Mrs. McNair
in Portland for medical treatment,
who was thought seriously sick but
is now improving.
Mistress of Fernleigh
Grange,’’ a drama in three acts,
will be played in the academy hall,
Feb. 21, at eight o'clock p.m . also
the Indian drill Admission 25c.
Charles Kunze and J. J. Rupp left
Tuesday for several places in Wash­
ington in the interest of the Tilla­
mook Holstein Breeders' Associa­
tion, and they expect to procure
some blooded stock.
Albert Olds vs Ole Egge William
Phillips is a suit filed in the cir­
cuit to recover $428.16 due the
plaintiff for moving the Gray Eagle
Saw Mil), clearing land and Jog-
■C. C. Smith has bought out the
picture show parapernalia at the
Gem Theatre and took charge on
Sunday. In future the two moving
picture shows will give four reels
eich evening, with a change four
times a week.
pop in and book Around ”
dough's circulating library of
the copyrights books. Buy a book
for $1.50, exchange it as often and
as many times as you wish for 10c
a change. If you wish to withdraw
keep your book.
Reed has expended about $80,060 in
improvements and he feels some­
what discouraged by the apathy of
Tillamook County iu uct providing
roads fortlie beach resorts, and also
to the opposition that is manifest at
The adjourned annual meeting of Nehalem. Mr. Reed says one can­
the Masonic Building Association not imagine what the travel into this
of Tillamook will be held next Wed­ county would be if the county would
nesday, when the matter of increas­ improve the; roads to the beach re­
ing the capital stock of the corpor­ sorts, and he says it is a shame that
ation will be considered.
Bayocean, which pays such a large
W. J. Pritchard, manager of the amount of taxation, is deprived of
East Side Plaining Milla at Portland, a road, and for that and ¿other rea
came in on Friday, on a visit to his sons, he thinks those who have in­
brother-in-law, Architect Stranahan. vested money improving beach pro­
He was greatly pleased with the city perty and beach lots are not receiv-
Is Now Located in its NEW BANKING ROOM,
ing a square deal.
and its future prospects.
We are sorry to announce the
The H.O.A. Club met with Mrs.
death of Mrs. Jennie T. Gallentine,
Kd. Snodgrass on Thursday after­
sister of Attorney C. W. Talmage,
noon. Those present had an enjoy­
which occurred in Tillamook City
able time, and were delightfully
Anil invites the Public to call and make an
on Thursday afternoon, after a
served with dainty refreshments.
The ladies then adjourned te meet
inspection of the room and its equipment.
born in Kendal County, 111., on
with Mrs. S. W. Anthes in two
September 6, 1851, and came to Ore­
gon with her parents, Mr. and'Mrs.
The Sue H. Elmore came in Mon- C. Talmage, who located in Wash­
day and left out Thursday, The ington County, the following year.
captain reported that there is a good, She was married to William P.
straight channel across Tillamook Gallentine at Amity, Yamhill Co.,
bar, the best in many yearB at this Ore., in 1868 and twa children sur­
season of the year, there being 18 vive her, Mrs. Dahlgren, of Tilla­
feet when he crossed in, which is mook, and Mrs. Hopkins, of Milwau
26 feet at full tide.
kee, Ore. For the past five years
The Fairview Birthday Club met she has been living with her
at the home of Mrs. Stillwell, jr.,Jan. brother, Attorney C. W. Talmage,
30th. The afternoon was spent in of this city. The remains I will be
sewing and conversation, after taken to McMinnville on Saturday
To Taxpayers«
Fairview Grange.
which a sumptions lunch was served and hurried in the family lot there.
now due and payable. 1;
by MeadameB Stillwell, Naegerli aud The deceased was a kind, good
MapeB. There were 16 members woman, beloved by all who knew Fairview Grange meeting on Feb. paid in full before April first 1914 will
12th :
be received at face. All tax including
preBent and three visitors.
her, and she possessed the true
Song by the Grange.
half payments remaining unpaid April
The bereaved
Warren Glaze will publish two Christian graces.
Call—Response—quotation first will be collected with an interest
new musical compositions in the family have the sympathy of the from favorite authors.
charge of one per cent per month un­
Song—Mrs. Maynard.
near future. Mr. Glaze has com- community.
til September first when all tax be­
posed over 300 musical com posi-
Recitation—Mrs. Ed. Weston.
comes delinquent and an additional pen­
tions of all descriptions, Some of Contract Let for Garage.
Song—Mr. and Mrs. Billings.
alty of ten per cent will be added.
his publications are said by m ue-
Recitation—Mrs. Bester.
A contract was let on Tuesday
Debate : Resolved—"That a man Please give a complete list of all prop­
ical experts from abroad to rank
evening by Charley Kennedy to working in the house is a bigger erty you wish to pay taxeB on when
with the best of their kind pub­
Delsman & Dolan to construct a nuisance than a woman working writing for statement.
Affirmative :
modern concrete garage 40 x 70 feet out doors."
B. L. lleals,
The registration in Tillamook on a site recently purchased by Burton, Mrs. V. Ilolden, Mrs. G.
Tax Collector.
County, which was delayed on ac­ Kennedy on 2nd Ave. and Vth Bester. Negative : Win. Maxwell,
Ed Weston, Morrison Mills
Good Dairy Farm for Sale Cheap.
count of the failure of the registra­ Street The location is a good one
Song—Thread Durrtr and Oscar
tion books to reach here, is pro­ and is on the main route of travel Tittie.
For Sale, n fine dairy ranch, con­
Recitation—Joe Durrer.
taining 110 acres 100 acres of which
gressing slowly. Up to Thursday through the city.
is river bottom land, with 16 head
morning only 77 had registered,
The building will be of solid con­
Song—Morrison Mills.
of cattle. A new seven roomtd
viz. Republicans. 54 ; Democrats, crete construction, 40 x 70 feet, with
house. The place will keep 40 cows
8. Progressives, 2; Prohibtionists, walls 10 feet high and 6 inches
when all cleared. To be sold for
$7,(XX) on easy terms. Purchaser
6; Independent, 7. The two Pro­ thick, the floor being of solid con­
gressives who have registered are crete 0 inches thick. The building
Notice is hereby given that we must deal direct with owner, and
will not be responsible for the by doing so real estate agents com­
Attorneys Henderson and Goyne.
will be well lighted with numerous following policies numbered 20241 mission will be saved to ttie pur*
The two performances given by and generous size windows.
and 20242 from our Tillamook Ore ClMMr.—Enquire at the Headlight
the Dramatic Club, “ When Smith
The contract calls for the building gon Agency, which are lost or mis office.
Buying to Save Money.
Left Home,’’ drew two full houses to be completed within forty days. placed and unaccounted for, and
all liability thereunder, if any, is
Buying Foley’s Honey and Tar
an Friday aud Saturday evening,
Charley Kennedy’s present gar­ herewith derived the holder or
Compound saves money because
the Star Theatre not being large age is too small to accommodate holders thereof from this date.
just a few doses stops the cough
enough to hold all those who his rapidly growing business, and
Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, and cold and one bottle lasts a long
desired to see the play the last the present building he will move Feb. 2nd, 1914.
time. It quickly heals raw and
inflamed surfaces, stops tickling
evening. It was one of the best across the street and in the rear of
G ermania F ire I nsurance C o .
threat, harsh, rasping coughs,
plays put on by the dramatic club, the building he has just let the con­
of N.Y.,
croup hoarseness, bronchial and
and the young amateurs came in tract for. There arc at present over By P er I. ee W elty . Special Agent. la grippe coughs. For sale by all
Care of A. If. B irrei .L C o ,
for a good deal of applause The a hundred autimobiles in Tillamook
Portland, Oregon.
audiences were well pleased with the and vicinity anil the tourist travel
each year is increasing into thia
The second "500" party given by county on account of good roads,
decided to locate in Tilla­
the Tillamook Commercial Club and we are of the opinion that Mr.
took place Thursday evening, when Kennedy lias made a move in the mook I will accept a limited
number of piano students who are
there was a good attendance. Mrs. right line________________
willing to work. Lessons will be
O. A. Schultz and Will Spalding
Parent-Teacher’s Society.
given at the home of Geo.
carried off the honors and were
each awarded a prize. The remain­
On Friday a large number of our munds.
Leave word at the music store or
der of the evening was spent in a people met at the Assembly room of
social way and dancing. Ancther the new high school building and or­ Tillamook Mercantile store.
Over four years experience
party was announced for two ganized a Parent —Teachers Society for
weeks, when there will be several this school district.
musical numbers.
The ladies'
During the meeting, Supt. Buchanan
committee havin'r these parties in acting as chairman of the meeting,
Diploma from Chicago Musical
charge serve light refreshments
called on the clergymen present, and College, under Karl Reckzeli, grad­
In a monthly report of Dairy and several others for remarks in regard uate Royal Conservatory of Leipsic.
Food Commissioner J. D. Mickle, to the subject in hand, all of whom ex­
Babies will grow and while they
he says:
"Within the last few pressed themselves as being much in
are growing, you should have them
months the dairy industry of the favor of the movement.
Wanted, position as manager or photographed often enough to keep
state has felt a new influence ; Ore­ J The following officers were elected assistant, with view of partnership,
a record of each interesting stage
gon butter has encountered a new for the ensuing year:
' in general store, small town or
Mrs. A. C. Everson, president; Mor­ county, by young man of excellent of their chiklhocd. You will prize
competitor. Owing to the reduction
of the import duty on foreign ns Schnal, vice-president; Mrs. W. S. record and thorough business train- the collection of baby’s pictures
more and more as thejreara go by
butter, New Zealand and Austral Buel, secretary.
I ing. Worth investigating.
Monk's Studio.
ian butter has been coming into
Address H 1. Headlight, Tilla-
Parents, patrons, teachers and
our state in conaiderablequantities.
citizens of Tillamook interested in ' inook, Oregon.
Over 65,000 pounds, or 32Vi tons
the welfare of the public school
Call for County Warrants.
were received during the months
are invited to attend the first meet­
of November and December.”
All general fund warrants out-
ing of the Parent-Teacher's Circle,
The Trask River Literary Society to be field in the High School audi- standing will be paid upon pre­
met last Thursday evening in the torium on Monday, February 0, at Mentation.
Interest ceases February 2, 1014.
old I. O. O. F. Hall. An entertain­ 7 30 p. m.
On your front porch can be lit
B. I*. B eals ,
ing program was rendered. The
The following provisional pro­
every night until midnight
County Treasurer.
subject for debate was "Resolved gram is announced :
anil register not over
That a Farmer is of More Benefit to
fifty cents per month
For Sale by Owner.
on the meter.
The World Than a Manufacturer,’’
tution and Bye Laws.
7 room bungalow, full basement
which was decided in favor of the
Ejection of officers and Com­
on lot 53 by 124, 3 blocks from elec­ T illvook E lk « mir L ight and
negative unanimously. The main mittees.
i F uki . C ompany
tric depot. For terms address P.
Remarks by President elect.
feature of the evening was a pie
W ill S palding , Manager.
social. The rest of evening was
Reading—Miss Florence Chap­
spent in playing games, everyone man.
having a delightful time. The next
Solo—Mrs. MacKenzie.
Violin Solo—Mi»s DeBar.
meeting will be on the coming Sat­
Remarks—Mr. Buel.
urday evening at the home of Frank
Round Tal>le- Mr. Buchanan.
Paul in this city.
S. G. Reed was in the citv Thurs­
For Sate
day from Nehalem, lie thinks the
One and two year old rosé bushes
county is making a great mistake in
not improving the Necarn»« moun 25c. and up, alao Japanese gold
banded lily bulls«.
tain road and the roads to other
M b *. C ornforth .
beach resorts, for all (>ar«e of the
Dry Short Wood $2,00 Load.
Fot Sate.
county would l»e greatly lienefited
by the summer travel by opening
Barred Plymouth Rocks dressed
the Necarney mountain r ad. win, h cr alive, also a trio of Youloiise
I for scenic beauty cannot tie stir- g»eee.
Men. CoKNroKTii.
passed anywhere in Oregon. Mi.
The First National Bank
of Tillamook
A 15 Watt Mazda
Four Foot Fir Slabs
$3.00 per Cord.