ßllawnk * TILLAMOOK, OREGON, FEBRUARY 5, Financial Growth. A large, strong bank does not lose dignity or conservatism when it en- courages the small depositor. The large balances of the future are having their beginnings today in modest accumulations. We want to place within the reach of all, the privileges of an association with a strong, helpful bank. No serious [ minded person who has a regular in- B come and a desire to conserve it, need hesitate to become a depositor here. ! CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $80,500, Tillamook County Bank 1 ■ ' . 1 ashWLMOOK JOTTINGS n- . S. Clark, auctioneer. uipty sacks wanted—Lamb* rader Co. ife sit boxes for rent.—Tilla- >k ty Bank. • T. Hal tom was in Spokane this k on a business trip. ay Work Wanted, Mrs. Wheatley, >ne 126 R. Tillamook. * eadquurtera for auto livery.— aS Hadley, phone 11W. ill up the Mutual Phone fora ------ 1 gt tbe Tillamook Studio. >rn Ml Friday, to the wife of |989nty Clerk J. C. Holden, a eon, 128 D. Severance and wife left on sday on a business trip to Port- [- ra. Andy Nolan is in from Port- I, 443* viaiting her sister, Mrs. B. C. —ib. .752 bb chickens wanted at the Tilla- k Meat Company’s Market, 12c. pound. * ■r aale, twocows, will be fresh in nai*we«ke, Otto Walther, Hem. Df'Ore- e are iu a position to n ne long time farm loans. II. Vonal Ba nk. make First | p| Kienberg Bros, will give you . price* on all kinds of hay and f. in ton lote. itiu '• inted, a positron of cook or ^ atal house work. Apply at the nil flight office. * _ our work does Tiot suit you tel) f it does tell your friends. City • s Roee nl ■erg's for prices on infer Company and hay. Largest stock in □took Co unty.t ing your chick ens to the Tilla- k MeMCompatry's Market We ry. 12c. per pound» * xall ^Rheumatism Remedy a or money ‘ refunded at gh’a,«ti. reliable druggist. . ant Thgyer will pay you the — eat each price for your hides, i, fWKrubber, sa cka, old brass. e TUtamook llose Company give a dance and BfiCial at the It I Commercial Club on __ JI. _uy 18-iech wall paper in the leforNc., double roll. IamaFa ety Stare. "Drop jn and look nd.«* le- Mr. Buchanan. Paul in this city. S. G. Reed was in the citv Thurs­ For Sate day from Nehalem, lie thinks the One and two year old rosé bushes county is making a great mistake in not improving the Necarn»« moun 25c. and up, alao Japanese gold banded lily bulls«. tain road and the roads to other M b *. C ornforth . beach resorts, for all (>ar«e of the Dry Short Wood $2,00 Load. Fot Sate. county would l»e greatly lienefited by the summer travel by opening Barred Plymouth Rocks dressed the Necarney mountain r ad. win, h cr alive, also a trio of Youloiise I for scenic beauty cannot tie stir- g»eee. Men. CoKNroKTii. passed anywhere in Oregon. Mi. The First National Bank of Tillamook I.O.O.F. BUILDING, A 15 Watt Mazda Lamp Four Foot Fir Slabs $3.00 per Cord. Delivered. A. F. COATS LUMBER CO.