Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 11, 1913, Image 3

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    Tillamook Headliyi
».¿..to. Ha, Many U ms .
1» the *uo,t lu>PUTtaut flr®-
material known. Its fibrous
’"Qms adapts It to a wide range of
’“Ltlona-from woveu fabric», such
"’heater curtains and urtieles of
Not HI, Death Warrant.
A pUlee magistrate in Pans had .
queer experience uot loug aa. uhi s
to asbestos shingles. Btucco,
***»7 asbestos "wood" uud various
“,e olBeBr-,i d«k uud
forms of buildlug material that with pathetic gesture wailed: "Save
ur structures thoroughly fireproof, blur! Save him!"
n^btuesa. strength, durability and I Tbe official thought he had no In-
wulatit« properties ugnlust beat aud wne person before him. hot picked up
LtrieitJ Si«® It special advantages
be paper, which looked like a letter
J7use m constructing cara and elec- I It began In letters larger than the
X motor subways. The most common 'No'bin ‘h.VOtuIUeU,: “You
L, of asbestos are for asbestos pa- i N?.A
111 8ave -vou! Vo“ «»ust die!”
millboard, pipe covering and lag-
He has always been a good man
l L io inclose beat pipes, furnaces , mid the little we owe we can pay at
locomotives in order to preveut any time.” tbe woman said between
C, of beat in transmission.
As a •ot». “and now there is a conspiracy
Lcooductor of beat It may be used against him."
wt only 1“ the preparation of fireproof
While she was protesting tbe magis­
ufe, and vaults, but also for cold trate read tbe letter and, handing It
aorsge aDd cooling structures. Houses back, said: “Go home to your family­
-aje of asbestos materials or coated read the rest of this letter. It is a life
•Itb asbestos throughout are not only Insurance advertisement.”
,arn>er iu winter, but cooler in sum- j The woman then told the magistrate
she could not read, that a neighbor
had read for her, and so many people
were being killed, and she was so
If it were customary or possible for
toe king of Great Britain and Ireland
rigidly to exercise his royal preroga-
ttve« be would In the course of a few
months become the owner of many ve­
hicles. especially motorcars, that tra­
verse tbe streets aud roads of his king,
jom. since he Is entitled to all deo-
jjnds. A deodand is “an article which
bas proved tbe immediate and-acci­
dental occasion of the death of any
reasonable creature.” This right was
for uandreds of yea'-« enforced as a
means of swelling tbe royal exchequer
and. legally speaking, could still be en­
forced. If " mnn were killed by being
mo over the vehicle and Its contents,
■i well as tbe horse, became the king's
property. The number of “reasonable
creatures (and dogs might be Included
by mme within this category) run over
by motors In Englund would keep tbe
Ung In automobiles until be would be
•bilged to construct many garuges.—
H.rper's Weekly.
A Plea For the Kitchen.
Tbe kitchen should be the refinery,
the laboratory, the factory of the home
nd the pivotal poiDt about which the
activities of the home revolve. Costs
ibould be considered thoughtfully: no
wrap of food should be wasted. It all
can be and should be used again in vari­
ous ways. By buying staple food sup­
plies In large quantities from 15 to 30
percent can be saved. Any one wishing
to do so may economize in this way.
Housewires must not look upon their
srtas mere drudgery; they must bring
education, intelligence and concentra­
tion Into practice. They should learn,
is manufacturers have, that the best
results are to be obtained in a work­
shop that is well lighted, properly ven­
tilated and comfortably large, suitably
furnished and sanitary In all its equip­
ments—Dr. Adeline G. Soule in Les-
Rowing and Morality.
From the moral standpoint there Is
no branch of athletics which is such a
character builder as trying for a place
In an eight oared shell. I've heard a
’Ide variety of college critics say that
rowing get, out the finest class of men
vho try for any team. Certainly the
Iona period of training offers little to
the flasuy type of man who must have
the prospect of Immediate reputation.
There Is no branch of athletics which
«o truly teaches tbe lessons of life.
Steady, consistent effort, cheerful work
aoder discouraging conditions, good
romradesblp and good sportsmanship
vtien tbe race goes to another college,
these »re the habits which working for
• place In the varsity shell instill Into
AtPerlcan undergraduates.—James
«lee In Outing.
Glass Cutting.
The iayoMUi who is introduced to the
for me
the nrst
-- --------------- ot - Tutting glass vur
time is amazed at the amount of work
that tbe workman does entirely by his
eye. Tbe first stage of the bowl which
, Is to be cut finds it in a perfectly plain
| condition, not a scratch upon it and
, only a balf dozen or more marks In red
'chalk, which mean absolutely nothing
to the unpracticed eye. But to tbe
! workman they mean the whole pat­
tern. Perhaps the dish is a salad bowl.
| Tbe marks In chalk will run from tbe
| edge, five intervals apart, down to tbe
center of the bowl at the bottom. In
t one of the divisions of tbe bowl thus
' marked there may be a little further
marking in tbe shape perhaps of a dia­
mond. This indicates the pattern into
which the bowl is to be cut, and it will
be repeated in each of the five divi­
sions. All the intricacies of the design
the workman has in his head, and they
develop on tbe glass In a way which
seems to the looker on absolutely mar­
velous.—New York Times.
Very Particular.
A rii
* RMdy ’’•tort-
“Pat” said a gentleman who was
tor, , Row Professor n I ways had the
M rmbenC?es lD hls c,R!,»roora arrang­ watching an Irish gardener at work,
level than the lower, “why are you digging out that hole in
occasion a student entered the ground?”
“I'm not digging out a hole," replied
wn,re was In progress and
«o»t h D?.isl,y ,0 • »eat on the top- Pat “I'm digging out the earth and
“Gentlemen," remarked the I'm leaving a hole.” — London Tele­
be flxe<1 hls eye on the °f- graph.
tp- L. he •cum always rises to the
What She Want,d t» Know.
» tbe hnn'
“You are going to marry a rich wid­
retort of the ower who has three children,” said th«
,he dregs alw«y« »lnk
Geing To« Far.
■nL““' ”°bl*d Willie, “do my
* ,0 my «eck or my facer
•w-.>rLWbat 18 tbe “««err was tb«
,old M«ry to wash my
kiarh«.,,be ’ wa»h*o< nay ear, too.’’—
“•«er Guardian.
iwt ,J*r*’ ,Ilch " thing aa too
ShUv'C,■ He~No, no; It cannot
•to in» **■ ' *°ld Jack be could
on17 ,wk
«uroceton Tiger.
',Ont know
• wedding preoent"
*1 -«■ -
her moo*y “
rout as mach as
Fruit, of Mexico.
inUt fa‘r“du* FnHM
Th« Art of Reading Letters.
My dear old gruudfatber, who wrote
"bo live (n
temperato all his own letters in a band which,
I A°'le* ,erow Ulere ln Profusion, aud down to the day of his death, was al­
Acapulco, on the Pacific .lope, is per- most plain enough for a blind man to
,tb® gar,kn »Pot of it all. It is read, taught me never to attempt to
uoted for the great quantitv of in- answer a letter without placing it be
dgeuous varieties which grow spou- fore me and reviewing it scrupulously,
" Uh the elccPtion of some paragraph by paragraph.
Indifferent cultivation of cocoanuts and of times have I devoutly blessed bis
bananas everythmg else grows wild memory for that lesson in the common
and in luxuriance.
sense of correspondence. Whenever
known in the Cnlted lured by the pellmell spirit of the age
States this district aloue produces ba- 1 stray from his precepts I rue it, ami
uiiuas. oranges, pineapples, mangoes, I can feel the flush of shame over
limes aud lemons. And here are a spread my face as I follow a first let­
few more of other varieties never seen ter of response with a second, render­
above the border line: Toroujas. a spe­ ed necessary by the belated discovery
of a point left uncovered.
The old
cies of grapefruit; the aguacate. pa
l ? a. ipuKabu, cblco, za potè, mamey, copybook legend, “Haste breeds care­
lessness,” is as true as it was In the
granada, ealmita. carta-
wamrebe, Jleame. tama­ days when good penmanship and good
rindo, nanebe, bulcon. icacos, almen- morals went hand iu band In tbe train
dra (almond*, cirtiela (plum), and un­ Ing of youth. If slambang and burly
-\tid other Exhibits.
burly have given Its coup de grace to
doubtedly many others
But so indifferent are tbe natives to the once gentle art of writing letters,
tbelr possibilities that nothing Is ex­ is not that all the more reason why, Horse Races, Shooting Tournament, F
Concerts, Eugenics Exposition, ( Inka
ported except tbe lime aud its prod- before It Is too late, we should rescue
the half dead art of reading them?—
and other Free Attractions.
A whole week of pleasure and profit.
$20,000 offered on premiums on
Agricultural, Livestock,
Poultry, Text’’*71
Made Two Foes With One Sketch.
Scutari in Albania is needlessly con­
fused with Its namesake on tbe Bospo­
rus in Asia Minor because one place is
always spelled and pronounced Skodra,
except in western Europe.
Lear, the painter who invented “Lim­
ericks." had a quaint adventure here.
He had made a drawing of his host iu
Skodra costume when a younger broth­
er of the model came iu and wanted to
be sketched. Ia?ar for lack of paper
was obliged to mnke a smaller portrait
of him on the same page. Thereupon
the younger exclaimed in a fury of in­
dignation: “It is true I am younger,
but 1 am not smaller than my brother.
Why do you act so insultingly?” Be­
fore the amazed artist could apologize
the elder brother added. "If you thluk
to win my esteem by a compliment
paid me at tbe expense of my brother
you are greatly mistaken.” Lear adds,
“I bad made two enemies by one sketch,
tbe injured brothers bowing me out
with looks of thunder.”—Loudon Stand­
Hair High In the Air.
Women's hair used to be dressed to
an amazing height in days of old.
Formerly doorways had to be height­
ened to accommodate the eighteenth
century woman of fashion.
Antoinette’s hairdresser had to mount
a stool In order to get above his work.
Women of that time had to kneel In
their coaches to get their head cover­
ing Inside or drive with their beads
out of window. Mme. de Genlls was
caught by her hair while hastening to
greet Voltaire at Ferney, but escaped
Absalom’s fate, her balr remaining on
the bough.
And the Duchesse de
Chartres had room on her balr one
evening for a miniature man-of war In
full sail, on another for a representa­
tion of her little son, Louis Philippe,
sleeping in tbe lap of bis nurse.
Taking Alt th, Siam«.
"I was a fool ever to marry JOO.
aobbed Mrs. Winks
“Now, my dear.” aald Winks nobly
“I cannot permit you to taka the blan*“
for that It was I who was the fool
for ever asking you. The mistake wa«
not yours,
but mine.” — Harper's
'°"Don't be at all sorry for him. old
He has tbe lsugb on me all
right "-Life.
A Littto Mixed.
Sport.man—I wonder wb.t’. biKome
Mike? 1 told him to meet mo here
fortune teller.
'tto no tto. tailin’ him
“Oh I know that” replied the beau­
tiful girl, "but I’d like to And out. what anything! Shore, aorr, ot jo«t goe«
L at w»» -r
00t “ tb* .
we are going to do with tb.
Ilk. wether off . duck'. ttocki-Un
for. aa be aaya. they certainly need *
mother’s car«.”-8t Louis Republic.
don Tit Bit».
gam. Thing-
Wife (bftteriy.-How ran you to i
<«.»• wav? Too know tbst I ««ver
^.«ter you for money. Hub-No. bet
fa '
1 . ___
thinc-a from do.—
£> “>««•
' Boston Transcript
’ —.
Never write on "
first having read
and never read on a aubject till
have thought jouhm M hungry o» ■»-
it to no nw to mak« bar
„D .bine, unte«« you «•* « oaae
I cuver befuc» Il ral nA-E*« b*”«*
Audible Light.
The optophone is an Instrument
which makes light audible. It Is based
on the well known property possessed
by selenium of changing its resistance
when illuminated. A sensitive indlca
tor cun be made to move by merely
bolding a lighted match over a seleni
um cell to which Is attnehed nn electric
battery. This movement is iu the opto
phone attached to a telephone arrange
meat and so made audible. By this
means, though the blind cannot actu­
ally see. they lire able to locate light by
tbe sound. A striking experiment with
tbe optophone Is to point the camera
like box to a window and adjust to
“silence." Then if the hand is passed
across the open end its passage Is Indi
cated by a rasping sound. If the In
strument Is adjusted for darkness light
produces n sound varying with its In
.Moonlight can be distinctly
beard, while sunlight makes a roaring
Gaelic Is the language of the high
landers of Scotland. The name belongs
also to the sister languages of Ireland
Hie Prix, Garden.
arrd the Isle of Man. but these have
other names more commonly applied ,
Somebody asked old Doc Qnlglev
to them- Irish and Manx-and tbe why be didn't trim off bis •crugglv
term Gaelic is usually reaerved for heard.
that spoken in Scotland. The three
•Not on your life,” he replied
languages were originally one and ••Them whiskers is th* only thing I
now stand In much tbe same relation ever had any luck In raisin*—an* It
to each other that broad Scotch does took me »even day» a week an’ twen
ty four hours «day for twenty three
to king’s English.
years to bring 'em to their present
state of perfectionf’—Cleveland “
Mi,placed Sympathy.
“You don’t mean to say that Dugeon Dealer.
“Dear me! You don’t aayl Poor fel-
any girl I've ever met"
"And wbnt did father sayT
• He said to try and meet some mo
Iprto."—Corneil Widow.
Dancing Birds.
One of tbe many strange sights on
the plains of southern Africa Is a par­
ty of waltzing ostriches. Their queer
antics have been described thus:
"When there are a number of them
they will start off In the morning and
after running a few hundred yards will
stop and with raised wings will whirl
rapidly round till they are stupefied or
perhaps break a leg. The males pose
also before fighting and to make their
court. They kneel on their ankles,
opening their wings and balancing
tbAnselves alternately forward nud
backward or to one side or the other,
while the neck Is stretched on n level
with the back and the head strikes tbe
sides, now on the right, now on the
left, while tbe feathers are bristling.
Tbe birds appear at this time so ab­
sorbed In their occupation as to forget
all that Is going on around them and
can be approached and caught The
male alone utters a cry, which sounds
much like an effort to speak with tbe
mouth shut tight”
An Easy Choice.
“You must choose between
shouted Blnx. “You can’t have both
When that dressmaker was last in this
bouse I vowed that she should neve«
come again. 1 have had all I’m ever
going to have of being under the same
roof with two semi nutty women and
requiring a rake every morning to gel
the odd pieces of cloth out of mj
clothes. I shall never again sit at my
meals bearing the whir of that cursed
sewing machine and listening to a lot
of plaited, milled, cut bias and flounc
ed talk In which I have no chance to
join The day that woman comes I go
Make your decision now. Do you
choose your husbund or your dress
With limpid eyes the Indy looked
npon her busband. Then sbe breathed
a sigh and said:
"Well. denr. If you mint go what can
say?”—New York Globe.
^-Yaf •ir: »nd I married bls widow.”
A Rebuff.
"1 told father I loved you mors than
Fifty-Second Annual
SEPT. 29th--0CT. 4th, 1913.
How to Get Rugs Cleaned.
She told tbe agent for the vacuum
A Fair Compromise.
cleaner that sbe really did Intend to
A partner in one of the theatrical
buy one, but could not decide which to
producing firms of the city of New
choose. It was at this time that an­
York had occasion to hire an actor to
other agent, for another vacuum clean­
play a small part in a drama he was
er, came around tbe corner of the
putting out A rather well known ac­
north side home. An argument ensued.
tor, who values himself and his art
"This cleaner is nickel plated; It is
with a proper appreciation, applied for
light and compact, tbe rubber is the
the place.
best vulcanized’’—
“You play a full blood Sioux Indian,”
“My machine, lady,” Interrupted the
explained the manager. "The salary is
second agent, "is the lightest and
$50 a week.”
most durable machine on the market
“My dear boy,” said the actor in a
It ls”-
pained tone, "I’ve never worked for
“Excuse me,” said the woman of the
less than $100. A hundred dollars is house. Sbe was absent a moment then
my regular price.”
reappeared with a rug.
"Fifty dollars!” said the manager
“We shall see now which Is the bet­
calmly. "Take it or leave it” The actor ter.” she said.
thought it over a minute.
Ten minutes later she excused her­
“I’ll take it,” he said, “but 1 can’t self again and entered the bouse with
play a full blood Indian for $50. I’ll a spotless rug. Two agents shook hands
play him as a half breed 1”—Saturday and swore they would “never tell.”—
Evening Post
Indianapolis News.
Find Something New.
In 1644 tbe possibilities of tbe sub­
marine were first propounded, while
from tbe very earliest times men have
conceived tbe idea of flying with wings
like birds. There Is no reason what­
ever to doubt tbe fact that Arcbytas
of Tarentum, about 394 years before
i the Christian era. constructed an au-
j tomaton pigeon thnt would fiy. Turn­
ing to other latter day inventions, as
they are generally regarded, it might
be mentioned that switchback railways
were constructed more than a hundred
years ago. and looping the loop was a
sensation In Paris in 1833, while roller
skating, which came up as a nc/w in­
vention about forty years ago. was
being Indulged in by our forefathers
U,«, For Quartz.
n the manufacture of sonps and pol- as far back as 1829.
ng powders quartz to preferred to
•' <■» Mad on account of Its whiteness
The Yolk of an Egg.
After tbe fast of Lent medieval cus­
2,ADgUlarltJ Quartz crushed and
«to«« to various sizes is used In the tom Insisted that an egg should be
wnufarture of sandpaper aud sand eaten on Easter day. According to tbe
8 8C0U>1ng agent, for “frost- I-ondon Mncet. this rule was based on
n”8 wlth •an<1 blast apparatus. sound medical principles, for the only
, k" oi massive quartz and substance in the yolk Is lecithin, and
i «rtzite are used In the chemical in- lecithin is a favorite drug with doctors
ii • s M 8 <"ler f°r ac*d towers and who have patients suffering from nerv­
111 ln c°PPer smelting Ground ous disorders. Tbe quantity of the
1 " *ls° used I d filters and In drug administered at a time corre­
dentists aa a I sponds almost exactly with the quan­
tity found in a normal new laid egg.
September 11, IÖI3.
Mra. Knk-ktr-l tboogbt y»a prom
plants oaed it toll op-~N«< Tof> 8o,t
»nie would
live bwiMtb tM
— •«—
jleory Drammopd-
Ths Compliment.
"Oh. ma. I passed, and th* teacher
spoke about me partic’larly. It made
my face red to hear her."
"That was fine! What did she soy
about you. dear?”
"She an Id sbe never expected I’d
[«so at all "—Cleveland Plain Dealer.
J.dg. and Juatieo.
Her Wltnraa-Ton know that Jnatl*«-
to blind
fair Defendant (adding tbe
flnldilng tone boa to her toilet«— I know
that Joatlre la blind; but, thank good
oeaa. tlia judge la not-Exchange.
Probably »ho Woo.
Artl«t (angrily«—Ko. • <•»»'* w*n* •
•todef I only (Mint flowers and fruit
Model MMRltingty»- Ob. that's all right
every on* «aye I’m a peach.-I'kllst'.l
phut Ledger.
■ .uj
Free Camp «¡rounds.- You are invited.
Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks. Reduced
rates on all railroads. For particulars address
FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary, Salem, Ore.
X kp&y Some of the Reasons Why
A -'erfecfZJafcer —absolutely dependable, every day, year in.
year out. Built uu honor, of the best materials.
Outwear» Three Ordinary Ranges
The only range maJt entirely of charcoal and malleable iron.
Malleable iron can’t break—charcoal iron won't ruet like eteeL
Economical In Fuel
The j’-CTHia of the Majestic are riveted (not put together with
bolUund Ktove putty)—they will always remain air tight,
because neither heat nor cold a flee tn them. The Majestic
oven is lined throughout with pure a»be»to» board,
hi Id in place by an open iron watinK you can see it —and
it rtayc there always. Air tight joints and pure aHbestoe
lining assure an even baking: heat, saviiur one-half the fuel.
All door» drop to form rigid »helve». No spring».
Malleable iron oven rack» slide out automatically, bold-
Ing whatever they contain.
M ajestic
R ange
Charcoal and Malleable Iron
—ha« ah coftfier reservoir which hcatb like a tea kettle, through a
popper i>ock<'t «tamped from one pieco of copper, setting uguinnt
left hand lining of nro box. It lioila 15 aallona or water in a very
fi-w minutea aud by turnin« a lever the frame and renervoir move«
away from Hre. An exclusive patented Majestic feature. Open end
pan tloee away with ahovehnff aah«*a— ventUated tuh
ire vent» floor f rom catching Are— a sh cup catches ashen.
/Ii* u» to shot» you the greatest improvement
ever put in a range.
Don’t buy the rang« you expect to last a life
time "unsight, unsoen,’* or you'll l»e sure to be die-
ap|>ointed. < <>me to our store, end see the Great
Majestic — have itu many exclusive features ex­
plained And out why the Ma/estic is
than ell other rang«« where most ranges are weakest.
It is the Iwnt range at any price and it should
be ua your luUben,
Made of
300% t.
lifa of
<9 CAi LON
ALL coree*
Í It Should
Ji Be In Your
j Kitchen
Entire Top
Doors ana
■nade of
Si’t break
ur crack
one Cyrus Noble
high-ball will
quench your
thirst on the
hottest day
bottled at drinking strength
W. J. Van Schuyver & Co., General Agents
Portland, Oregon
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
By bscial appliratIona, tie they cannot reach
the ditoraitoc*! portion of tbe tar
I here <»
only one w.*»y to cure denfncM, nnd that !•
by constitutional remctlire.
Deafnr«« 1»
cauMvi by nn inflamed font! it ion <»f the
maccou« lining of the Hustncbian Twite
When this tuT#e la inflamed vow have n
rumldinic Bound nr imjxertect hrarinx and
when it is entirely «t<Mcd
Itenfnesa Is the
result, and unless the inflammation caw I k *
taken owt and this tube restored to its
normal r*»aditi<m. hearing will de«tr«*yed
fottve ; nineeascs owt of ten are caused by
Catarrh which is nothing but «■ inflamed
coiwlition of the mwrona surfaces.
We will give One Htmdred Dollars for any
IWafnesB (canard by catarrh/ that
conn<»t i*e cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure
Wend for eirr’dar« free
F J. CMKMUY 4b CO., ToirdQ.Ohio
bold by Druggists. 75c.
Tabr Hafl'e Family Fills for constipation
A 15 Watt Mazda
On your front porch can be ¡lit
every night until midnight
an<l regiater not over
fifty cent« per month
on the meter.
T illamook K lm FBic I. ioht and
F ckl C ompany
W ill .SPALDINO, Manager.