Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 04, 1912, Image 6

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    Tillamook Headlight Apfü *. 1012
Death of Capt. J. J. Dawson.
Abiolutety Pure
Economizes Butter, Flour,
Eggs; makes the food more
appetizing and wholesome
The only Baiting Powder made
from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
among the speakers. There will be
English and German speeches.
There will be preaching services Everybody is invited to attend this
at the Presbyterian church on Sun­ interesting meeting.
day, t«>th morning and evening.
T he C ommittee of the C hcrch .
After tlie evening service there will
be a congregational meeting for the Silver Tea at the Commerical
purpose of selecting a permanent
Club Rooms.
pastor. Word was received Wed
needay that the Board had succeed­
The Ladies’ Guild with pleasure
ed in obtaining the young man
Will take each lady by the hand ;
whom Dr. Hill had recommended,
To celebrate with festal gay
who is in New Yora and will
"Our Silver Tea" with much array.
come West in June. Rev. C. W.
Thia Silver is for a little shower
Hnya will preach Sunday when the
To increase the size of the L. G.’e
matter of the permanent pastor will
The calls are many, small and
be taken up after the evening ser­
vice. All members and friends of
Please come early, and don’t for­
the church are requested to be pre­
get the date.
Thursday, April 11, 1912, 2 to 5 p. m.
Musical program. Admission, 25c.
Presbyterians to Make Call.
Notice of Council Meeting of
the Congregational Church.
There will be ti recognition
council at the Presbyterian Church
on next Wednesday evening at 7:30
o’clock for the purpose of recog­
nising und receiving into fellow
ship the Reformed Congregational
Church of Tillamook. Rev. Paul
Ebingrr. pastor (former German
Reformed Church). This council
will be composed of ministers and
delegates fiom the leading Congre­
gational Churches of Portland and
Dr. Luther R. Dvott,
pastor of the First Congregational
Church ; Dr. T. T. Staub, of the
Sunnyside I ongrepntional Clmrch ;
Rev. E. S. Bollinger, of the High-
hind Congiegutioiml Clmrch ; Rev.
John H. Hopp, of the Ebenezi r
Congregationiil Church (German) ;
und Dr. Geo. Paddaek, general
superintendent of the Congrega-
tional work in Oregon, will be
.............. '“”d
Washington County, Or., Lands
------- v---- - For «ale only in
Running water —$2 4UA
Portland Height* $12,1X11
I’«< king Plant -fil 3DU
burniehed. — »8,61*1
Equity ill / lot,. Capital HUI adit.-Moa
....... 'kok’rrsw--4-*“
^<re. i u_^e
1 "»» XTc
,rw“ '“nJ* <•< rr.orvh.nl
*’ **** * > ‘“r **“ 'PP*** »*>
Building. -
Grandfather knows good
whiskey and since he was
a boy Harper has been his
Buy HARPER from
Eye SightSpecialist.
• I
-10 itere«. Orchard. Building* coni $5,10.1 —$18 (XI)
1 -24 iteres. Orchard. Fine improvements.—»(ifiuiiO.
4. 43'» ucres
Orchard Balance raw.—$311000
5 -15 aere«. sii Part
li1* °“‘h1 improvement».- MLUÜU
<1 ¡h-ine’s. 1 All
fruit. Rive^»¡a
Good improvements
Lot. Hcod River. $1(1. lilt
K Fine Residence and Two Lot* $3,(X*1
tt —Several vacant lot«. Per pair -$%»»
10 « aerea on railroad in city, ft* 4) per acre
11. M0 «crea. SU »ere* cleared. Fine apple land. »8.IU1
Light hogs 150 lbs 8H*:.
150 lbs. to 2001b*. 8c.
200 lbs. to 250 lbs. 7V«c.
300 lbs. and over, 7c.
Tillamook Meat Company.
Prices for Hogs
For rheumatism you will
nothing better than Chamberlain’s
j Liniment. Try it and see how
quickly it gives relief. For sale by
all dealers.____
Mayor James C. Dahlman. Omaha,
Nebr , often called the "Cow Boy
.. of , -• the .» benefit
- derived
I Mayor” —
from Folev
Foley KillriPV
Kidney Pllla
PillB and auva
I "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills
I | and they have _
given _____
ine a _ great deaf
; of relief, ao I cheerfully recommend
them." Chaa I. Clough Co,
1 -35VS acres in cultivation. Free city water. 6ly miles S.K. $4 50).
■6 acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown.—$2,290.
-l <6 nere« nt Denver Dairy ranch .nd stock. -$10,0X1
I IUD m ree, Caetle
Rock 3tfi
S.E. — of
, ,
miles 3t,
S.E. mile*
oi iiebo.
5. House ami Lot in town. — $525.Hl
6. Fine Residence, central. Tillamook City. $2,101
7 - ■■'■use and Two Lota, Miller’ a addition, Tillamook City.-® 50tl
8.- 100 acrea. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valiev. —»7,500. ?
9. • 10 acre« on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1.700.
10 - ht) iH'HMl, I nnt>er € hiim on Miiitni river.—Ai 50l)
11. — HI
nere« r tine
- ---------
7’ ‘•wu
,p»-’ -»1.301''
12. -40 acre». T « ” ell
.. ............ New building. 4U mile* S.-M 01»
13. -80 nere*, near
'-•r CÌovifrdale.
Clev-r-.!;:!? TimIn-r.-43.0UU.
14. — 39 ucres. Four miles south. All improved.—MOQOi
15. —Allures. -I' i _ mile* ,outli. Half improved. $3,500
lb n. 1 ot« -ud lime, mt/
I* "JJJ *crv*
hi ile* S. K. Tillatiiooli
u V» Rj*rr r*nch-. 70
bottom. All stocked.-122.50)
19.—The lineet residence in Tillamook — «4.70)
Ranch $43.201
aeree Nestucca
Nestuvca bottom,
bottam. hairy
' ‘
- -I
’I O)
tk> acres.
Rundí —»11 (MX)
Orvhaid laud.
¡1 I
M. E- Church Services.
10 a.m —Sunday School. This
The following members have a school has a welcome for all who
percentage above 570 and have less are in no other School.
11 a. tn —Easter Sermon by Mrs.
thun ten games to play in order to
finish tournament :
0:30 p.m.— Epworth League. Do
T. H. Handley..... ............... ... 052
not miss the league, young peo­
W. F. Baker .
.............. ...574
\V. B. Gordon................
. 091
7:30 p.tn.—Songand Sermon, sub­
S. M. Kerron. . ............
Ira Smith......... .................
053 i ject. "The thing to know.” St rati-
All members having
_ play ed less ft®*® Welcome.
J ames T. M oore , pastor.
than 44 games by April 18th are de !
dared out of the race for prize.
------- —
A Mother's Care.
This is to give notice I will not
A t areful mother will not give i»e responsible for any debts con-
biT child a medicine without know-
mg it 1» pure, contain, no opiates, | tr“c,e<’ by.
w,fe’ Jenn,e Cone’
date, March 29, 1912.
. ............. . . w
1 III <11 I I V<piU I I*
ties. Such a medicine is Foley’s’
M. J. C one .
Honey and Tar Compound for
< roup, whooping cough, bronchitis I
lost on Snnday.
; nd al other affections of the!
throat, chest, and lungs. Best and! Oval gold brooch with red cross—
»ufeat for children and grown per I <-
•on« Cont:un« no opiates. Chas. '. M. Hartman on the back. Was
on a blue serge belt. Finder lenve
I. Clough Co.
at the Headlight office.
Í i L.T*’
Juliet Godsey
The Billiard Tournament.
For Sale ox TZzsrclxan.g'e ■by­
John Leland Henderson & Son,
216 Tillamook Block, Tillamook, Or.
Death claimed Captain J. J. Daw
eon, one of the early pioneers of
Tillamook county, which occurred
on Wednesday afternoon. The de­
ceased was a crank on the weather,
having had charge of the govern­
ment weather station which he es-
liahed on his farm, and it is report­
ed that why he recorded such a
heavy rainfall, boys used to play
practical jokes upon him by pour­
ing water into his rain guage. The
deceased was responsible for intro­
ducing the yellow weed into this
section of the country, for he ob­
tained the seed and planted it upon His Psrsonsl Efforts to Rsdues Cost of
his farm, and it soon spread over
Efficient Service Bring Results— Busi­
what is known as prairie land. The
ness Methods Applied—Economy snd i
deceased was born in England and
Efficiency Commission Fought by
he was a member of the Masonic
order. Funeral services were to be
President Taft more than any of bls
held Friday afternoon.
i predecessors iu tbe White House bus
given strict attention to placing tbe
Church of Christ.
government upon a business basis as
Services for Sunday, April 7th.
regards its receipts and expenditures
10 a in.—Bible School. This is a Economy and efficiency became one of
good place to spend an hour on the cardinal policies of bis administra­
tion as soon as he entered upon the
Sunday. Classes for all.
11 a. m.—Easter «ermon, Subject presidency, anil it was well for tbe
country that this was bo , for his ad­
“ The Resurrection."
ministration inherited a deficit in the
Please note the change in 1
treasury of $58,000.000. which has now
time of the evening service.
been transformed Into a surplus of
7 p. tn.—Christian Endeavor.
$30.000.000. The average citizen and
8 p.m.—Easter concert by 1 the taxpayer will be Interested in this
school. The Resurrection Rays.
fact, because the problem which con­
We extend a hearty welcome to fronted the president at the outset, al-
though upon a gigantic scale, was
any or all of these services.
similar to that of the ordinary shop-
R. E. J OPE, pastor.
keeper or business man, farmer or
wage earner or even housewife who
U.B. Church Items.
Is called upon to make “both ends
Prayer meeting Wednesday even­ meet” cither In business or in tbe
ing. 7.30. Choir practice Thursday borne.
By law tbe secretary of the treasury
evening, 7.30. Sunday school 10.00
a.tu. Preaching at 11.00. Young is called upon every year to submit to
People’s Chrietian Endeavor 6.30 congress iu December the “estimates”
p.m. Special program for Easter of governmental expenditures for tbe
next fiscal year, beginning tbe follow­
services begins at 7.30, when the
ing July 1. As congress has to pro­
leading feature will be the assension vide tbe money to run tbe government.
of the Lord, painted by Mrs. E. F.
A hearty welcome extended to all
B. E. E merick , Pastor.
meat begun work at once to Investi­
gate ita own expenditures and to de­
vise ways and means of curtailing ex­
Willow Plumes, Hand
travagances. Tbe result was that cou
gress received tbe lowest estimates It
Tied. Have year old
had seen In years. This was followed
Plumes made into a
by a reduction in appropriations to cor­
respond. always allowing for tbe nat­
Mail orders protnplv
ural growth of tbe government's ac­
tivities. which represented a net sav­
ing to tbe taxpayers of the country.
Price, $3.50 for 1 tie.
President Taft was not. however,
AH work guaranteed.
satisfied that all had been done that
could be done. He realized that the
departments of the government, like
Individuals, are naturally prone to be
proud of their own achievements and
by reason of their familiarity with
their own endeavors often Insisted
I!. W *iX *
that thetr work was more Important -W
than the work of the other depart-’||
. ■ . — . speaking.
—— — «x 1-1 —
T In order:
I zxso ,
meats, relatively
to correct that evil he asked congress
to give him $100,000 for a commission
a n r«a
of disinterested experts to Investigate
and report on the business of the gov­
The valued family re-
ernment. with a view to further econ­
cies for cough and cold
omy and efficiency. Thus came into
official being the commission of that
cure, liniments, touics and
other x remedies have as
This commission, among other duties,
attention here as
was directed to prepare the receipts
the most intricate prescrip,
and expenditures of the government
on a “budget” basis, which Is the sys­ II tions.
tem followed by practically all the
Our fresh, high grade
leading nations of the world except the
United States. Under this system It Is
drugs will help to make
possible for the humblest citizen to
these remedies more effec­
analyze the finances of the government
than ever.
at any time and to lay his finger upon
the responsible political party In the
Right prices are also
event of extravagance or of stinginess.
The system under which appropria­
tions for the government of the Unit­
ed States have been made has even de­
NB* aia
fied the experts In their endeavors to
unravel the tangled skeins of expendi­
tures. so that ft Is a fair statement to
Reliable Druggist.
say that no citizen of this country up
to the present time has ever thorough Sat a K * war *. » •
ly understood where his taxes were ex­
Th, President's Position.
At the present time the Democratic
house of representatives Is endeavor­
ing to end the usefulness of the econ-
• l
collection of fino
• Isrnpkta., M,
WU1 »I am a
if y®®
the finest
ia the asset
brilliant aai
»hsuing esl­
ora, order this
tbe tfioney has to be appropriated for i
specific purposes before it cau be ex­ only and efficiency commission by cut­
pended, and if this were not done be­ ting off its appropriations. In a recent
fore the beginning of the fiscal year appeal to congress for funds to con
Now is the time
the machinery of government would tinue the great work it has begun. 1.
«top unless emergency provision could which all thinking men and women 1
to have that
will approve, President Taft pointed i
be made.
out that the people of the country as ‘
How Estimates Ar, Mad«.
group picture made.
a whole are Interested chiefly in the’
The “estimates” are prepared by tbe following governmental objects: The!
executive departments of which each national defense, the protection of per ,
Let us show you our
member of tbe cabinet Is a bend. Tbe sous and property, the promotion of j
special display of attrac­
cabluet officers get tbe “estimates" is friendly relations and the protection of I
their respective departments from their A merleau Interests abroad, tbe régula
tive new styles.
We are
chiefs of bureaus and then combine tion of commerce and industry, the
perfectly equipped for
them as tbe “estimates” for the depart­ promotion of agriculture, fisheries, for
tnaking| groupf pictures
ment Tbe "estimates" from ail de­ estry and mining, the promotion of
and will please you with
partments are then sent to the sect*- manufacturing, commerce and bank­
the quality of our work.
tary of the treasury to be submitted ing. the promotion of transportation
to congress, and they then become tbe and communication, the postal service.
“estimates” for the cost of running the Including postal savings banks and
entire government during tbe next fis­ parcels post; tbe csre and utilization of
cal year. Upon these figures congress the public domain, the promotion of
makes the grenter part If Its appropria­ education, art and science and recrea
tions. amounting to more than »1.000. ttou; the promotion of public health
000.000 annually.
and the care and education of the In
Until 1908 a more or less lax net bod dlaus and other wards of the nation
of making estimates for the annual There are many other public questions.
appropriations obtained throughout tbe <f course, but these are the vital and
rorernmenL Tbe figures sent fo coo- cesaprebeuslve ones, and tbe “budget"
gresa each year. Instead of showing A JHtopoeed for the purpose of giving
indications of a careful ••pronto«” all MformattoQ aa to tbe needs of these
along tbe line, ebowed there wea a ■attera The president, in order that
disposition among tbe department« to Ma DOilcj of economy and efficienev
vie with each other hi getting as large I
b* Ç—eluded and become one of
appropriations as possible without con th» greeter achlerementa of bls ad
sidering whether er not tbe money de
that of placing tbe gov
everT kind and descrip*foo
mamled could be edvantagmus'y ex
o( kitchen utenai]« in onr larw »toct—
*®>a**at 00 • business basis-wants
pended during tbe eomtng year. There repress to appropriate »280.000 more
all carefully selected for good valor.
Wa make a specialty of bouwebcld
was no standardtoarion of swpplleo. and
support of tbe commission now
buv *n
lots aid cun
the various departments were paying Mag that work.
afford to sell close.
varying prices fee tbe same article
You wfl be interested la our ne^r
ecowotoy and efficiency commis
lisa of
What President Taft Did.
tan already saved to the taxpay- «
cwontry more than I3.0i0.000 :
1892” Pure Spun AluiaiDai
As soon as President Taft tank offlte ** **
this system ceased At the outset Ptes tawually by Ita auggeetiona and by tbe
* ®ta completed ita work it ts be-
Went Taft Impressed a pen his cabinet
*— times thia sum can be starved .
officials the nbsotote necessity of eco,
omy snd efficiency la ibefr depart •■■•Uy to the taxpayers. In tbe mat I
railroad tore for government offl
crack, tarnish, nor spoil food fla* ora.
meats Tie ndmoelshed them that sot
Thelf jhe«t. bHyhtrnt. Ionre«t4a«tfne
■ found that »12.000.000
a dollar bernod what was ne. essary tn
warn on the market—«»arante*.d for
to a single year at the
V5 rears.
ran tbe government efficiently Io thetr
t rellrnad rates. At
vmishM la
departments. Inrlodlng a fair margin
tba Ufireet in town. Before yon do
tkto can be aaved by
for progress. wMck to a psrt of effl. ten-
•ny patnttnr. talk ft over with na.
* baton 1 ae methods
cy tn tbe program of Prv-odenr Tsft
Taft has applied and
a bon Id be asked of cougrese The rf-
Alex McNair & Co.
apfilied to all the
fect was immediate Every denary-
Monk's Studio
For the Kitchen
Cooking Utensils