Tillamook Headlight Apfü *. 1012 Death of Capt. J. J. Dawson. ROYAL BAKINQ (IIS POWDER Abiolutety Pure Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baiting Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar among the speakers. There will be English and German speeches. There will be preaching services Everybody is invited to attend this at the Presbyterian church on Sun­ interesting meeting. day, t«>th morning and evening. T he C ommittee of the C hcrch . After tlie evening service there will be a congregational meeting for the Silver Tea at the Commerical purpose of selecting a permanent Club Rooms. pastor. Word was received Wed needay that the Board had succeed­ The Ladies’ Guild with pleasure grand ed in obtaining the young man Will take each lady by the hand ; whom Dr. Hill had recommended, To celebrate with festal gay who is in New Yora and will "Our Silver Tea" with much array. come West in June. Rev. C. W. Thia Silver is for a little shower Hnya will preach Sunday when the To increase the size of the L. G.’e dower. matter of the permanent pastor will The calls are many, small and be taken up after the evening ser­ great, vice. All members and friends of Please come early, and don’t for­ the church are requested to be pre­ get the date. sent. Thursday, April 11, 1912, 2 to 5 p. m. Musical program. Admission, 25c. Presbyterians to Make Call. Notice of Council Meeting of the Congregational Church. There will be ti recognition council at the Presbyterian Church on next Wednesday evening at 7:30 o’clock for the purpose of recog­ nising und receiving into fellow ship the Reformed Congregational Church of Tillamook. Rev. Paul Ebingrr. pastor (former German Reformed Church). This council will be composed of ministers and delegates fiom the leading Congre­ gational Churches of Portland and vicinity. Dr. Luther R. Dvott, pastor of the First Congregational Church ; Dr. T. T. Staub, of the Sunnyside I ongrepntional Clmrch ; Rev. E. S. Bollinger, of the High- hind Congiegutioiml Clmrch ; Rev. John H. Hopp, of the Ebenezi r Congregationiil Church (German) ; und Dr. Geo. Paddaek, general superintendent of the Congrega- tional work in Oregon, will be .............. '“”d Washington County, Or., Lands ------- v---- - For «ale only in Running water —$2 4UA PORTLAND. Portland Height* $12,1X11 d.-nl’r"”MIUr"» I’«< king Plant -fil 3DU »- , , c 11 burniehed. — »8,61*1 Equity ill / lot,. Capital HUI adit.-Moa ....... 'kok’rrsw--4-*“ ^ ‘“r **“ 'PP*** »*> Building. - cleared I Grandfather knows good whiskey and since he was a boy Harper has been his choice. Buy HARPER from OHNSON & MCLAUGHLIN THE SECALI. OF A DECISION Eye SightSpecialist. ,r"J* • I -10 itere«. Orchard. Building* coni $5,10.1 —$18 (XI) 1 -24 iteres. Orchard. Fine improvements.—»(ifiuiiO. 4. 43'» ucres Orchard Balance raw.—$311000 5 -15 aere«. sii Part li1* °“‘h1 improvement».- MLUÜU <1 ¡h-ine’s. 1 All ÜJo;Í (JíwTr",e"^-* lüTO in fruit. Rive^»¡a Good improvements —»10 (XXX Lot. Hcod River. $1(1. lilt K Fine Residence and Two Lot* $3,(X*1 tt —Several vacant lot«. Per pair -$%»» 10 « aerea on railroad in city, ft* 4) per acre 11. M0 «crea. SU »ere* cleared. Fine apple land. »8.IU1 Light hogs 150 lbs 8H*:. 150 lbs. to 2001b*. 8c. 200 lbs. to 250 lbs. 7V«c. 300 lbs. and over, 7c. Tillamook Meat Company. R A. WAHLEN, D O. HOOD RIVER LANDS AND LOTS. 4. I M I Prices for Hogs For rheumatism you will nothing better than Chamberlain’s j Liniment. Try it and see how quickly it gives relief. For sale by all dealers.____ Mayor James C. Dahlman. Omaha, Nebr , often called the "Cow Boy .. of , -• the .» benefit - derived I Mayor” — writes from Folev :from Foley KillriPV Kidney Pllla PillB and auva «ays, I "I have taken Foley Kidney Pills I | and they have _ given _____ ine a _ great deaf ; of relief, ao I cheerfully recommend them." Chaa I. Clough Co, 1 -35VS acres in cultivation. Free city water. 6ly miles S.K. $4 50). ■6 acres in cultivation. Spring water. Oretown.—$2,290. -l <6 nere« nt Denver Dairy ranch .nd stock. -$10,0X1 I IUD m ree, Caetle Rock 3tfi rancii. S.E. — of Het , , ------ miles 3t, S.E. mile* oi iiebo. »7000 5. House ami Lot in town. — $525.Hl 6. Fine Residence, central. Tillamook City. $2,101 7 - ■■'■use and Two Lota, Miller’ a addition, Tillamook City.-® 50tl 8.- 100 acrea. Dairy Ranch. Pleasant Valiev. —»7,500. ? 9. • 10 acre« on Tillamook River. Unimproved. All bottom.-$1.700. 10 - ht) iH'HMl, I nnt>er € hiim on Miiitni river.—Ai 50l) 11. — HI nere« r tine timber. - --------- .V-— 7’ ‘•wu ,p»-’ -»1.301'' 12. -40 acre». T « ” ell .".... .. ............ New building. 4U mile* S.-M 01» improved. 13. -80 nere*, near '-•r CÌovifrdale. Clev-r-.!;:!? TimIn-r.-43.0UU. 14. — 39 ucres. Four miles south. All improved.—MOQOi 15. —Allures. -I' i _ mile* ,outli. Half improved. $3,500 lb n. 1 ot« -ud lime, mt/ I* "JJJ *crv* hi ile* S. K. Tillatiiooli /I,Mil u V» Rj*rr r*nch-. 70 bottom. All stocked.-122.50) 19.—The lineet residence in Tillamook — «4.70) S-K Ranch $43.201 aeree Nestucca Nestuvca bottom, bottam. hairy ' ‘ - -I ’I O) tk> acres. Rundí —»11 (MX) ,Mll Orvhaid laud. I ¡1 I II M. E- Church Services. I I TILLAMOOK LANDS AND LOTS. •’■•rao POLICY 10 a.m —Sunday School. This The following members have a school has a welcome for all who percentage above 570 and have less are in no other School. 11 a. tn —Easter Sermon by Mrs. thun ten games to play in order to Moore. finish tournament : 0:30 p.m.— Epworth League. Do T. H. Handley..... ............... ... 052 not miss the league, young peo­ W. F. Baker . .............. ...574 ple. \V. B. Gordon................ . 091 7:30 p.tn.—Songand Sermon, sub­ S. M. Kerron. . ............ .009 Ira Smith......... ................. 053 i ject. "The thing to know.” St rati- All members having _ play ed less ft®*® Welcome. J ames T. M oore , pastor. than 44 games by April 18th are de ! dared out of the race for prize. Notice. ------- — A Mother's Care. This is to give notice I will not A t areful mother will not give i»e responsible for any debts con- biT child a medicine without know- 4 mg it 1» pure, contain, no opiates, | tr“c,e<’ by. w,fe’ Jenn,e Cone’ and has healing and curative quail* Htterthis date, March 29, 1912. . ............. . . w 1 III <11 I I Va**at 00 • business basis-wants pended during tbe eomtng year. There repress to appropriate »280.000 more all carefully selected for good valor. Wa make a specialty of bouwebcld was no standardtoarion of swpplleo. and support of tbe commission now buv *n lots aid cun the various departments were paying Mag that work. afford to sell close. varying prices fee tbe same article You wfl be interested la our ne^r ecowotoy and efficiency commis lisa of What President Taft Did. tan already saved to the taxpay- « cwontry more than I3.0i0.000 : 1892” Pure Spun AluiaiDai As soon as President Taft tank offlte ** ** this system ceased At the outset Ptes tawually by Ita auggeetiona and by tbe * ®ta completed ita work it ts be- Went Taft Impressed a pen his cabinet *— times thia sum can be starved . officials the nbsotote necessity of eco, omy snd efficiency la ibefr depart •■■•Uy to the taxpayers. In tbe mat I railroad tore for government offl crack, tarnish, nor spoil food fla* ora. meats Tie ndmoelshed them that sot Thelf jhe«t. bHyhtrnt. Ionre«t4a«tfne ■ found that »12.000.000 a dollar bernod what was ne. essary tn warn on the market—«»arante*.d for to a single year at the V5 rears. ran tbe government efficiently Io thetr t rellrnad rates. At of vmishM la departments. Inrlodlng a fair margin tba Ufireet in town. Before yon do tkto can be aaved by for progress. wMck to a psrt of effl. ten- •ny patnttnr. talk ft over with na. we can Bo-ey * baton 1 ae methods cy tn tbe program of Prv-odenr Tsft Taft has applied and a bon Id be asked of cougrese The rf- Alex McNair & Co. apfilied to all the fect was immediate Every denary- Monk's Studio Everything For the Kitchen Cooking Utensils