Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, October 19, 1911, Image 4

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I ‘
It Had Its Origin In the Barba
rous Wager of Battle.
, ft
On» Fatal Affair of Honor Wai Fought
Out In Balloons, and Another Wa»
Decided With Billiard Balls as
Weapons—A Duel Between Woman.
. I,
They Are Small and Silent, but W>rk
With Fire Tipped Sting».
Mosquitoes In this Icebound north­
ern country, Alaska, are a plague be­
yond relief. They come to life about
the middle of May, before <be ground
is thawed nut aud while many feet of
ice still cover the lakes and all but the
swiftest rivers. Stagnant, sun heated
water is not In the least necessary.
They breed In the glaciers wherever a
bit of earth or manure has melted a
little pool Their wrigglers ure seen
In running ice water. By the 1st of
June it Is uncomfortable to sleep with­
out protection, and from that time on
until September, when the first frosts
have benumbed them, especially dur­
ing the warn, rainy season of July
and August, they become a never ceas­
ing scourge, swarming iu thousands.
The Alaskan mosquito is small,
browu, silent and very much in ear­
nest. lie never sings a warning nor
fools about selecting a spot to Ills
taste, but comes In u bee line with Ills
probe uud gets into action. Every
Inch of your clothing Is Industriously
bored, so that you look like an ani­
mated brown cocoon, aud the slightest
exposed spot on wrist or neck is
promptly set on fire. I experimented
with a small hole In my glove. After
the first mosquito had found the open­
ing others came In quick succession
to the spot. He left some microscopic
“kind lady and no dog” sign there. If
I killed the first and left his carcass
It served as a warning not at all. The
others came the faster, and the more 1
killed the more eager the survivors be­
came. perching quite unmoved on the
remains of their confreres.—World To-
The Idea from which the code duello
Was developed came down from the
north with the barbarians who over­
ran the Roman empire. They brought
with them the ordeal or wager of but­
tle or Judicial duel, which sprang from
their Idea to tight it out aud let the
guilt or Innocence of the accused be
determined by the result of the buttle.
Straugely enough, the Judicial duel
was considered n Utting mode of set­
tling disputes between man and wife.
To equalize as much as possible the
inequality of such a contest the man
was put In a pit in which be was
burled up to the girdle, while one of
his arms was bound to bls side.
Sometimes a barrel took the place of
a pit. For a weapon the man had a
baton or stick, the woman a kind of
sling with a stone in it.
The story of the duel in the modern
sense may be dated from 1527, when
Francis 1. gave the lie to the Emperor
Charles V., a proceeding which prom­
ised to lead to a combat of excep­
tional interest, but which never took
place because mutual friends recon­
ciled the pugnacious monarchs.
By this time the Judicial duel had
been gradually abolished, and the pri­
vate duel, fought before witnesses,
who seconded the principals In the en­ How the Empress Got Out of Franoo
After Sedan.
counter, came in. Sometimes the sec­
As soon ns the hot headed citizens of
onds also mixed it up. and instead of
a duel there was a quartet or a sextet Paris learned In September, 1870, that
The day of dueling has passed long their emperor, Napoleon III., had aur-
since in England and America and rendered to the Prussians at Sedan
only lingers in France as a sort of these Parisians rose in a riotous mob
and made posthaste for the Tuileries,
harmless comedy.
Several duels have been fought be­ They were armed and after royal
tween women, and there are two or blood and plunder, The empress had
three Instances of duels between a to flee for her life. Assisted by the
man and a woman. In which the man Austrian and Italian ministers, she
made a hurried flight from the palace,
did not nlways get the better of it.
One of these duels between women but found the mob ahead of her in
was that between two Frenchwomen, the garden; back agalu and then out
the Marquise de Nesle and the Com by a secret wuy Into a side street,
tease de Pollgnac, In the eighteenth where they entered a carriage. A
century. The two titled women were street gamin recognized the empress
rivals for the affections of a certain here, but the shouting of the mob was
duke, and an Incident occurred which so great that the boy’s cry of warning
brought on n bitter quarrel between was not heeded.
Once the carriage was stopped by a
the two Jealous grande dumes.
As n result of this the marquise chal­ mob. but the party alighted and man­
lenged the comtesse to tight her a duel, aged to escape. Finding themselves
and the challenge was accepted. Pis­ near the residence of Dr. Evans, the
tols were chosen and the Boise de Bou­ American dentist, they took refuge
logne selected ns the place of meeting. tber-. and the doctor took upon him­
When the women had taken their self the responsibility of Empress Eu­
places the comtesse called out to the genie's safety. The empress put on a
marquise. "Do you fire first, madaine, dress belonging to Mrs. Evans and.
und, mind you. don't miss me; don't with Mme Breton, her friend, was
Imagine fur n moment that I am going driven by Dr. Evans to the suburbs.
to miss you!" The inarqulso fired, but Dr. Evans explained that the women
missed and lilt a neighboring tree. The were a patient and her attendant
comtesse smiled. "Your baud trembles whom he was taking to a sanitarium.
with passion, inn da me," cried she Two days later the fugitives reached a
coast town, whence they escaped to
"You are lost!”
The comtesse aimed deliberately at I England
the bead of the marquise and fired.
The marquise fell with a great cry a»
Plant» That dhoot Arrows.
of one who had received a mortal • The arrows are crystal needles of
wound, but the bullet had only cut oxalate of lime. They are of microscop­
away a nilnuto piece of her shell like ic domenslons, and they are Bhot from
ear. All Faria laughed—even the duke. minute capsule shafted bodies found
Two duels have been fought from In the tissues of such plauts as the
balloons The most luteresting was Indian turnip and the Polynesian taro.
that between M. de Grandpre and M. An extraordinary spectacle may bn
Lc Pique, which took place on May 8, viewed in the field of the microscope
ISus. Why they eelected balloons Is when the “bonds" contained In a drop
not clear, but possibly because balloon­ I of taro pulp begin to discharge their
ing was one of the crazes of the dsy.
arrows. Sometimes only oue or two
Each duelist, with his second, got need lea and sometimes groups of four
Into a balloon tn the field adjoining the to ten were discharged at once, the
Tuileries, and in the presence of a bomb recoiling as the projectllee left
great crowd the cords were cut and up It. it has been suggested that the
shot the balloons. The combatants Intense burning and pricking sensa­
were armed with blunderbusses. At tions exiterleticed In chewing such
about 800 feet from the ground Le plants ns those Just mentioned are due
Pique fired, and Grandpre immediately to the release and discharge of these
res)K>nded. The latter'e shot was ef­ crystal arrows wheu the plant tlsauae
fective and penetrated Le Pique’s bal­ are crushed In the mouth.—Harper’s
loon, which rapidly descended, and 1« Weekly.
Pique and his second were dashed to
ceath on a housetop, while Grandpre
A Fine Distinction.
uud his second descended safely seme
Sometimes a small boy can draw ■
wi en leagues n way.
flue distinction Two fishermen of the
A duel with billiard balls took place t sportsman type, equipped with sll the
In France Sept 4. 1843, between two latest appliances for angling, were
young men named, respectively, Le- i
wnlklug a mountain road when they
faut and Melfaut. They quarreled i
over a game of billiards and decided met a barefooted boy with a tin can In
to fight a duel with the balls with ills hand and a carelessly trimmed
which they were playing. They drew branch of a tree slung over his shoul­
lot» for the first throw, and Melfaut der.
'Hello, sonny!" exclaimed one of
won. "1 am going to kill you at the
first throw." said Melfant. and. aim­ the men "Going fishing?"
"No." drnwled the youngster, with
ing the missile, he hurled It at Lefant.
striking hlu> In the ceuter of the fore­ only a glance at the splendid outfits,
head and killing him almost Instantly. “1 ain’t goln' flshin’. I'm Just goin'
Arnoug curious American duels was dowu to the crick to ketch some fish."
that foughl at the Daks, the famous
Now Orleans dueling ground, between I
Air In the Lunge,
M Podesclaux. a creole. and a retired
In one minute. In a state of reel, the
French cavalry officer. In antebellum average man takes Into bls lungs about
days. The duel was fought with both •M-8 cubic Inches of air. In walking
combatauts mounted on magnificent he needs 97 tl cubic inches; in climb­
atalllona and armed with broadswords ing. 1<O3 Inches; In riding at a trot.
It was a fierce battle, iu which the 2013 cubic Inches, and in long dis
lTrouch offleer was killed.
•aocg running. 347 7 cubic Inches
An Optical Delusion.
Cut It Out On» Day Each Week 1» th»
Advice of a Doctor.
If a man who uses tobacco will give
it up for one day each week be will
u.or. himself from becoming a "to-
bacco fiend.’ This is the advice of a FRANK A. ROWE, President.
well known doctor, who says that
quite a number of men. Including him
self, have adopted this plan.
"By leaving off tobacco for one day
To the Headlight Readers:
a week you give your system time to
get rid of the effects of the drug," be
You are all interested in the road work in this County.
“You will then enjoy your tobacco
The Call for more good roads for Tillamook County is now
far more, too, because you have be­
come unaccustomed to the flavor, and
more urgent than ever before
It Is therefore more enjoyable when
you resume smoking.
The new railroad will not be of its greatest value to us
“The effect of tobacco is a general
sedative action on the nervous sys­
unless we have good wagon roads and many of them, connect
tem, which diminishes the power of
taste and smell. That Is why tea
ing with the railroad
tasters seldom or never smoke.
“Leave it off for a day, and the
Right here I want to go on record as approving the work
»ense of taste recovers
Not only
that, but leaving off tobacco for one
done by the present County Court. The plans of the County
day voluntarily breaks the tobacco
habit, exercises the self control and
Court are well laid, but they must have time and money and
prevents one from becoming a slave
to the habit.
assistance to carry them out
"Slaves to the tobacco habit suffer
from Irritable hearts, loss of appetite
I am in favor of assisting the members of the County
for breakfast, eye trouble, sometimes
going as ftir as blindness, chronic
Court by giving them my encouragement rather than embarras
catarrh of the throat and nervous de­
pression.”—New York American.
sing them by threats and unjust criticisms
Doubt as to Which It Was Shown In
Paintings and Statues.
There Is no doubt Peter Stuyvesant
had a wooden leg. The histories tell
of how he stomped about the streets
of New Yleuw Amsterdam, leaving a
dot and dash trail in the road like a
Morse code. But there is one point on
which historians Reern perplexed—or it
may be that the readers of history are
unobserving—which leg bad the good
Peter lost?
In the Wall street section those who
roam may see at least five representa­
tions of the late lamented governor of
the Dutch colony. Three of these are
painted on the panels of signs, and two
are statues, like Peter’s leg, made of
One of the statues and two of the
paintings represent the governor wear­
ing a chair leg attached to his right
nether limb, while In the others paint­
ers and sculptors have chosen to
resent that it was his left leg he
All show the leg bedecked with
bon bows, and all show him as a be-
nlgn individual—not at. all In keeping
with the character given him by tlie
historians in question—wearing knick­
erbockers and a felt chapeau and offer­
ing a roll of manuscript to whomso
ever looks.—New York Times.
.J& & .&!
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities
Foley Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substituted
Chas. I. Clough, Tillamook
Bathing an Elephant.
A Puzzle For Will?
The new school superintendent was
chock full of new pedagogy.
“Never ask leading questions when
examining your pupils," he command
ed his teachers "Do not hit at the an
•were. Make the learner And them
unassisted "
This Is how the young Indy teaching
Greek history obeyed:
“Willie, who dragged whom how
■any times around the walls of
wbat f—Every body 's.
Affable Stranger-1 beg your par­
don. but lent tbia Mian G roen leaf 7
“Did your late employer give you a
The l-ady-No; I am Miao Redpatb
A. S -Ah. excuse me! I must be col­ testimonial r
"Yes. but it doesn't seem to do roe
or blind. - Boston Transcript.
any go<xl "
"What did be say?”
"He said I was one of the best men
She-Tou ask me to marry you Can
his firm had ever turned out“—Phils
you not see your answer In my faca?
delphla Inquirer.
He <• twently>—Teo—er-er—lt i vary
It le not eooucb to be luduetrtoon. bo
err ente Wbat arg you toduetrtouo
about t-Tboroau.
Ftgg-l rappoae you bare something
Take ■ gesst hook slowly. Ton see
1«M up for a rainy day? Fogg-Sure!
h finer country In a mover's wag. > re a lot of things ready to «oak
on than you do from a car window.
*boa it vomee.-Boaton Transcript.
Fee a Rainy Day.
The elephant's bath takes a week to
carry out in every detail. It requires
the services of three men, and it costs
1300. This treatment is necessary for
a circus elephant, and If the animal Is
a valuable one the proprietor of the
circus does not consider the money
wasted. The first process consists in
goiug over the Immense body with the
best soap procurable; 150 pouuds of
soup Is used, and the elephant's ears
sire especially carefully attended to.
When the soaplug and drying are
completed the elephant is well sandpa
pored and after that rubbed all over
with the purest Indian oil until the
mouse gray skin is supple and glisten­
ing. This last touch is the most ex­
pensive part of the bath, as $150 has to
be spent on the oil alone.-rhlladelphla
”1 have beeu a drudge all my life,”
he complained.
"Well," the unsympathetic old bach­
elor replied. “It’» largely your own
fault. Why did you aver get married?
Ixwk at me."
“Yoe. I'm looking at you. That's
wbat rosencllee me to my condition.
After all. there are worse things than
drudges In the world."-Chicago Rec­
ord Herald
We carry a Large Stock of
London Through the Ages.
The occupation of the site of London
dates back much farther than most
readers are aware. The city that
Julius Caesar found occupied a site
which had beeu luhabited for unnum­
bered thousands of years. It is now
kno wn that during paleolithic and
■eolithlc times—the two great divi­
sions of the stone age—man dwelt on
the site of London, but it first became
the settlement of a community at the
openlug of the historic age, when it
was a stronghold of the Celts. The
remains of its Roman period are the
finest of the kind in Great Britain.
The Anglo-Saxon and Danish periods
are finely represented, and even later
periods, such as the Tudor, furnish rel­
ics that have been buried by that
strange process of superincumbent
growth which makes the soli under a
great city resemble the fosBlliferous
strata of geology.—Youth's Companion.
w. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Ti llamook, Ore