- — ' » » *3 I ‘ ft TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, OCTOBER 19» 1911» THE CODE DUELLO J It Had Its Origin In the Barba rous Wager of Battle. QUEER COMBATS IN FRANCE. I M I f 9 4 « 4 1 A I , ft I i On» Fatal Affair of Honor Wai Fought Out In Balloons, and Another Wa» Decided With Billiard Balls as Weapons—A Duel Between Woman. . I, They Are Small and Silent, but W>rk With Fire Tipped Sting». Mosquitoes In this Icebound north­ ern country, Alaska, are a plague be­ yond relief. They come to life about the middle of May, before nded. The latter'e shot was ef­ crystal arrows wheu the plant tlsauae fective and penetrated Le Pique’s bal­ are crushed In the mouth.—Harper’s loon, which rapidly descended, and 1« Weekly. Pique and his second were dashed to ceath on a housetop, while Grandpre A Fine Distinction. uud his second descended safely seme Sometimes a small boy can draw ■ wi en leagues n way. flue distinction Two fishermen of the A duel with billiard balls took place t sportsman type, equipped with sll the In France Sept 4. 1843, between two latest appliances for angling, were young men named, respectively, Le- i wnlklug a mountain road when they faut and Melfaut. They quarreled i over a game of billiards and decided met a barefooted boy with a tin can In to fight a duel with the balls with ills hand and a carelessly trimmed which they were playing. They drew branch of a tree slung over his shoul­ lot» for the first throw, and Melfaut der. 'Hello, sonny!" exclaimed one of won. "1 am going to kill you at the first throw." said Melfant. and. aim­ the men "Going fishing?" "No." drnwled the youngster, with ing the missile, he hurled It at Lefant. striking hlu> In the ceuter of the fore­ only a glance at the splendid outfits, head and killing him almost Instantly. “1 ain’t goln' flshin’. I'm Just goin' Arnoug curious American duels was dowu to the crick to ketch some fish." that foughl at the Daks, the famous Now Orleans dueling ground, between I Air In the Lunge, M Podesclaux. a creole. and a retired In one minute. In a state of reel, the French cavalry officer. In antebellum average man takes Into bls lungs about days. The duel was fought with both •M-8 cubic Inches of air. In walking combatauts mounted on magnificent he needs 97 tl cubic inches; in climb­ atalllona and armed with broadswords ing. 1—Teo—er-er—lt i vary plain.—Life. It le not eooucb to be luduetrtoon. bo err ente Wbat arg you toduetrtouo about t-Tboroau. Ftgg-l rappoae you bare something Take ■ gesst hook slowly. Ton see 1«M up for a rainy day? Fogg-Sure! h finer country In a mover's wag. > re a lot of things ready to «oak on than you do from a car window. *boa it vomee.-Boaton Transcript. Fee a Rainy Day. ft 5 T01EY KIDNET PIUS The elephant's bath takes a week to carry out in every detail. It requires the services of three men, and it costs 1300. This treatment is necessary for a circus elephant, and If the animal Is a valuable one the proprietor of the circus does not consider the money wasted. The first process consists in goiug over the Immense body with the best soap procurable; 150 pouuds of soup Is used, and the elephant's ears sire especially carefully attended to. When the soaplug and drying are completed the elephant is well sandpa pored and after that rubbed all over with the purest Indian oil until the mouse gray skin is supple and glisten­ ing. This last touch is the most ex­ pensive part of the bath, as $150 has to be spent on the oil alone.-rhlladelphla Record. ”1 have beeu a drudge all my life,” he complained. "Well," the unsympathetic old bach­ elor replied. “It’» largely your own fault. Why did you aver get married? Ixwk at me." “Yoe. I'm looking at you. That's wbat rosencllee me to my condition. After all. there are worse things than drudges In the world."-Chicago Rec­ ord Herald 11 We carry a Large Stock of London Through the Ages. The occupation of the site of London dates back much farther than most readers are aware. The city that Julius Caesar found occupied a site which had beeu luhabited for unnum­ bered thousands of years. It is now kno wn that during paleolithic and ■eolithlc times—the two great divi­ sions of the stone age—man dwelt on the site of London, but it first became the settlement of a community at the openlug of the historic age, when it was a stronghold of the Celts. The remains of its Roman period are the finest of the kind in Great Britain. The Anglo-Saxon and Danish periods are finely represented, and even later periods, such as the Tudor, furnish rel­ ics that have been buried by that strange process of superincumbent growth which makes the soli under a great city resemble the fosBlliferous strata of geology.—Youth's Companion. 1 FRANK A. ROWE w. J. STEPHENS, Distributer for Ti llamook, Ore y, ___