Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 21, 1911, Image 2

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protest against farmer» putting the sovereign will of the people
in only a part of a day’s time depriving the people of voting
One year..........................................
and drawing a full day’s pay. ‘ for four presidential electors, no
Six months........................................
Whether any of that class have ■ matter which party a person
Three months....................................
signed the above petition we do belongs. The law only allows
Entered as second class mail mat not know or care, but it is sur-'a voter to vote for one although
", This is
ter July, 1888, at the post office at prising the number of farmers , four are to be elected.
Tillamook. Ore., under the act of [
.only another instance where the
March 3, 1879.__________________ ____ j who have come to this office of
their own free will and told us • people of Oregon have been
of certain instances were men 'fool by the politicians. It is
£be ^iliumooh Ajcabligbt di<l comparatively little work ¡about time the people got next
for the pay they received, and
in raising this protest we want
The Bourne newspapers have
| to say this that the road money ! started in to roast President
'expended in previous years ¡Taft and to boost for LaFollett.
¡should and would have built far I In a poll of the United State
I better roadshad all the fanners i senate 156 senators were in fa­
| put in an honest day's work. vor of Taft and 26 for LaFollett.
We do not intend to enter into The fight is nowon between the
any personalities. Here is one progressive republicans, which
instance, however. A farmer Taft represents, and the insur­
in the vicinity of Fairview was gent republicans, who, with
tardy in getting to work one LaFollett and a combination of
“We, the undersigned, tax pay- morning with his team, so was
democrats, attempted to put
era of Tillamook County, Oregon,
fearing that the present agitation sent to the city to get a few tools, Taft ‘ in a hole,’’ but fell in
of the question of taxation for road the weight of which any small themselves, hence the Bourne
purposes within Tillamook County, boy could have easily packed.
Oregon, might lead your honorable The farmer spent most of the newspapers are now endeavor­
ing to make light of the prosti
body to believe or conclude that it is
the wish of the people of this county day chewing the rag on the tution of the insurgent repub­
and visiting certain licans ami the democrats to de­
that the levy for such purposes be street
made sufficiently large to put the places.
In the middle of the
county practically out of debt, and afternoon he pulled out, and feat the republican party.
believing that our taxes at the pre
sent time are about all that the tax­ doing no other work that day,
We have received word from
payers are able to pay, hereby most drew full pay for a man and
respectfully protest against the levy team. We expect to find this the American Press Association
for the coming year being made
that it will send up one page of
any greater than the levy for the man’s name on the petition
We receive the
with other’s who haven’t given Folk plates.
present year.’’
the county a square deal in road same amount of plate matter to
Above is a copy of the peti­ work. These instances are so boost Wilson for the presidency.
tions which are being circulat­ common and numerous that it It was not used because it was
ed, to be presented to the Coun­ is no surprise to us that taxes another scheme to make the
ty Court, which is now open for are high and will become much country editors do work for
discussion, pro and con. The higher if farmers are allowed to nothing.
This page of plate
petitioners claim their taxes are waste the road taxes in tbe matter will be treated in the
about all they are able to pay, future as in the past. This is same way. The Missourian will
consequently they are opposed our protest, and what the Head­ have to “Show Me” there is
to the road levy being raised light has repeatedly protested some thing in it for the country
more than last year to place against and its advocacy of a editors as well as for the Amer­
the county on a cash basis. It
system that would cut out this ican Press Association, the rail­
will be interesting to know the
leakage and construct roads on road and the express company,
amount of land and the amount
all of whom are paid for their
of taxes these petitioners own scientific, economical plans. services.
Some of the cheap
Weighing the matter carefully,
and pay taxes on, as well as the
guy editors will probably' bite.
value they place on their farms.
We want to Bay this for a star­ the different points we have
Those who advocate the sin­
ter, with only a limited amount raised, we think it is to the best
interest of the county that a ten gle tax admit that it will double
of money, it is impossible to
wipe out the indebtedness and mill road tax be levied. We do the taxes on land. That ought
do much road work next year. not want to influence the Coun­ not to phase those who advocate
Everybody will admit this. So ty Court one way or another, what is known as the Oregon
what is the right course to pur but it cannot close its eyes to system, for this is only another
sue for the best interest of the lhe needs of the couuty, and of the fool laws which is to be
entire county ? We believe the that in putting a stop to expend­ forced on the people and is part
first thing to do is to place the ing $100,01)0 annually on roads of the system. No wonder that
county on a « ash basis, because and getting only about $65,000 farmers aregetting scared when
The farmers they see the Oregon system is
the local banks are not capital worth of work.
day's going to rope them into paying
ized with sufficient capital to
to double the taxation. The peo­
handle warrants or able to dis­
pose of them to other hunks, so what we have said, for they ple wanted this system advo­
warrants have gone below par know that what we have said cated by a freak politicians and
for the first time in 12 years. hits the nail squarely on the would not listen to the sober
But wiping off the indebtedness head. The County Court will judgment of men who saw what
should be extended over a few have to take into consideration a muss and confusion it would
years, otherwise there will be the needs of a progressive and end in. The little difference of
little road work with only a six wide-awake county and govern opinion in this county whether
mill road levy. With the great itself accordingly. Heretofore, there is to be a ten instead of a
demand for good roads from all a large proportion of the taxes six mill road levy will sink into
parts of the county, a ten mill have gone to build roads and insignificance when the Ore­
tax for the next four years will schools for the farmers, but gon system double the farmers’
not Is1 sufficient to do the neces­ the timber men, factories and taxes. Gee!
There will be
sary work und keep abreast with seaside resorts, who are all big just cause to make a roar, but
the progress of the county for taxpayers, will justly demand it is part of the system and those
the next few years. With all and should have money expend­ who advocute it should not get
due respect to the opinions of ed on good roads which will clod feet because of a little thing
those who differ with us, we benefit them as well as the en- like that.
think it is to the best interest of tire county, The frirliters have
the county that a ten mill road done much to improve the
It will be noticed that the
tax be levied. And for another county, and it was proper that good roads committee, appoint­
reason If there is but little road they should have good roads ed by Governor West, has pre­
work next year and the roads and good schools, but it will not pared several bills and is want­
get in bud condition, there will be long before other interests ing a special session of the state
tie u strong sentiment for bond­ will predominate and want a legislature. What the commit­
ing the county for $500,000 or big »hure of the road fund.
tee did was disappointing. In­
$l,OOO,Ut)O. Quite a number of
stead of simplifying the road
men have paid but small sums
laws, placing the road work in
of money for high priced farms,
each county in the hands of a
and they have obligated them
practical engineer and experi
selves to pay the balance, and
Who said that it was the Till- enced road builder, it proposes
in figuring this out they expect amookers who hoodtaied the to make another political office
to do some road work to help weather at the state fair ?
with a $5,000 annually salary, to
them out and to pay their taxes.
say nothing of office and other
Curtail flic naid work next year I Nearly nil the summer visi­ expenses traveling over Oregon
quite a number in that predica­ tors to Tillamook have flown, looking wise, and the state
ment will not he able to make leaving the lienutiful weather. getting into road work, with
We do not want to
another H mill added to state
see the county bonded for road
The agitation for and against taxes. We do not want to see
work, for the interest on thut a 10 mill tax is u good thing if tax money collected in this
amount of money makes quite it Will bring about better results county go towards state roads
u road fund. So by showing u in roud work.
in other parts of Oregon, nor dp
more magnanimous spirit, it
we think it fair to tax other
will probably overcome any
The Bay City Examiner says counties for a state road in Till­
sentiment in favor of Imudiug “Let us pray.” Surely Bro.W.
the county. Therein ii tendency Trombley’s conscience must be amook county. What money is
to go either to one extreme or troubling him badly. It is fit­ raised in this county for road
tile other, but as the county will ting that he should atone for purposes should be kept at
make rapid progress the next the articles he published aliout home and expended at home,
few years, it is our judgment the fishermen's trouble Will not under the supervision of
that any niggardly policy in road someone pieuse send us a photo somebody holding down a fat
building will lie a great mistake. of the mayor editor down on his job at Salem. Governor West
vetoed all road bills passed by
There are t two other ways of
marrow bones offering up the the last state legislature, anil
discussing this
----- —.......
The prayer of the self-righteous now it is proposed to call a
first is that the timber owners Pharisee.
special session of the legislature
pay ills mt 75 per cent of the
pass similar bills prepared
taxes, which make considerable
We like I, B. Potter’s style by the committee.
of u pay roll distribute«! every
year amongst the farmers, who in wanting to go ahead and do
work on the roads and receive something with bar and bar- 4 Disgestioa and Aaaimilation.
We have
It ia not the quantity of food taken
a large proportion of the road lx»r improvements.
the amount digested and assim­
tax money. Cut this pay roil been chewing the rag without but
ilated that gives strength and vital­
off. with roads getting iu bad any results and waiting on the ity
the system Chamberlain's
»hnpe, there would be a bigger government long enough. It Stomach and Liver Tablets inviger-
bowl thru about taxes than is time to do something. The ate the Stomach and liver and en
there is now. for quite a num Port of Nehalem took tbe bull able them to perforin their func­
tions naturally. For sale by Ij,»
her of farmers depend on road by the horns and Nehaletn tier mar*s drug store.
work to help them out and to
pay their taxes. Now the Head­ factor in the up building of that
Before Yoa Beach the Umit
light is going to raise a protest, part of the county before work of physical endurance and while
commenced on the Tillamook (our condition is still curable, take
and we hope our readers will ia
oley Kidney Pilla. Their quick
pardon us for doing so. The
action and ooaitivs results will de
mad work of the county have
One of the fool laws passed light you. ror backache, nervous­
been «lone principally by farm
ness, rheumatism, and all kidney
era, aud we want to raise our on account of the freak avstem bladder and urinary troubles. Chas.
uf legiahitiou in Oregon, was
/ sa
/ Child Portraits Made by
Us are Child-Like.
Just as our portraits of adults
possess strength and character.
We are experts in lighting
and posing, and our equipment
is complete. Come in and see
our line.
Monk's Studio,
A ttornky - at -U,
Complete set of Abstract BqJ
n office. Taxes paid fora-
Tillamook Block.
Both phone«.
Next to the Post Office.
Farmers Partly Re­
sponsible for Need
of More Road Tax.
L Clough Co.
X A •
attorney - at - law ,
Çcutacluv ^buuiiat
Tillamook Block.
Reliable Route
A ttorney - at -L aw ,
Next to Tillamook County
Sue H. Elmore”
T illamook
O megoi .
Tillamook & Portland.
A ttorney - at L aw .
Office : Opposite Court Hi
Leaves Portland, Couch St. Dock
Every Tuesday, Arrives Tillamook
T illamook , O regon .
Sailing for Portland, every Thursday or Friday
.according to Tides.
Tillamook Block.
It. C. LAMB, Agent,
Lamb’s Dock, Tillamook, Ore.
Agents, Astoria, Ore
L W. W. BROWN, Agent,
Couch Street Dock, Portland, Oregon.
Thli 1. th« title of * beautiful M-page book, wblcb
will ibow any boy or girl bow to SUCCEED. Drop a
postal In the mall TODAY and It will be sent FREE.
Tbe alm of tbe College is to dignify and popularise
tbe industries, and to serve AU tbe people. It offers
courses In Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, MiningEngin
eerlng, Forestry, Domestlo. Science and Art, Com
merce. Pharmacy and Music. The College opons
September aid. Catalog free.
COLLEGE, Corvallis, Oregon.
—- y*
yy. I. M. SMITH,
Office over J. A. Tudd & Co,
Tillamook, Ore.
F inancial A gent ,
Tillamook, Oregon.
J~y. P. J. SHARP,
May not be so costly or so varied as that
of iny lady, but he is—or ought to be—
particular about having it of the best
quality, exclusive in design and neat in
appearance. We cater to the dressy man’s
jewelry needs andean please him in variety,
quality and prices. We solicit a call of
inspection to post you on our offerings in
rings, fobs, scarf pins, tie-clips, etc.
Eugene Jenkins,
Reliable Jeweler,
Next to the Post Office.
Office across the street fron«Ü
Court House.
Dr. Wise’s office.
. The Fashionable Till
Cleaning, Pressing an¿ R'
ing a Specialty.
Store in Heins Photognp1«
Tillamook-Forest Grove
Leaves Daily at 5 a.m., arriving
at Forest Grove at 6 p.m.
FARE, $5.00.
Fneneh Specialist.
1 treat successfully all Chrome Diseases of both
sexes with
Imported Herbs, and with my hands,
so-called magnetic treatments.
213 Tillamook Block,
T illamook
A n D
T illamook
aoi Tillamook Block«
Main 44<-
Cough Remedy
I will cure the
most stubborn cases without the use of the knife.
lawyer ,
HOURS. 9 TO U A.M. TO 8 P. M
Office over Ed's Garage, Tillamook, Oregon.
Durine tbs pns* 88
sdy baa proven more pro
mora effectual tn >“ cur— ”
Coughs. Colds and Ci*
»ban Ch snob erlatn-a C*xi»h
■»any bomrw It » relied
plkoUlyaa tbe fbasUY pbysir»»
tslns no «plan. or other
b-,riven -
“to «»»JuIt. prisea»c. 1*^*