TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, SEPTEMBER 21, 1911 protest against farmer» putting the sovereign will of the people in only a part of a day’s time depriving the people of voting One year.......................................... and drawing a full day’s pay. ‘ for four presidential electors, no Six months........................................ Whether any of that class have ■ matter which party a person Three months.................................... signed the above petition we do belongs. The law only allows Entered as second class mail mat not know or care, but it is sur-'a voter to vote for one although ", This is ter July, 1888, at the post office at prising the number of farmers , four are to be elected. Tillamook. Ore., under the act of [ .only another instance where the March 3, 1879.__________________ ____ j who have come to this office of their own free will and told us • people of Oregon have been of certain instances were men 'fool by the politicians. It is £be ^iliumooh Ajcabligbt di“ cur— ” Coughs. Colds and Ci* »ban Ch snob erlatn-a C*xi»h ■»any bomrw It » relied plkoUlyaa tbe fbasUY pbysir»» tslns no «plan. or other b-,riven - “to «»»JuIt. prisea»c. 1*^*