Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 18, 1911, Image 4

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HEADLIGHT, MAY 18. 1011-
We carry a Large Stock of
Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils, Paint, Varnish, Doors, Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw.
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County.
Manufacturers of
H emlock LUMBER
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
The ‘ Best Hquipped Saw Mill in the County.
New Machinery, Experienced Workmen and
F irst Class Lumber of the Best Quality.
The Best Hotel
J. P. ALLEN. Proprietor
Headquarters for Travelling Men.
Special Atteution paid to Tourists.
Hirst Class 1 able.
Comfortable Bedsand Accommodation.
On Rainy Days
A Fish Brand Slicker
will keep you dry
And giro yon fall value la
oomtort nnd long wear
Bold ly flrat-claw KeUikrn th. country
ovor. 8-nd for our Fno Ootnlogu.
B oston . U. S. A.
T oronto . C anada
' Tillamook Iron Works
General Machinists & Blacksmiths.
Boiler Work. l.oguerN Work uutl Henry Forgia*.
Fine Machine Work a Speciali,.
■. _K »
. P
Registered No. 33271.
Iowa Bred Prize Winning Trotting Stallion and
producer of large sized high classed priie
Winning Colts ; and
No. 488Ö2.
North Dakota Bred Trotting Stallion of large site.
Action and kind disposition, mid of the very highest breed-
| and sure to become one of the greatest sires of this eoast,
ye in Tillamook City about the first of June and Tcntain two
TERMS on either Stallion I jo . oo to insure with foal ;
X> for colt one week ohi.
Stillwell Ave. it nd Fira
St. West, and both Phones.
- 1
O' The
Tillamook Bakery,
i-i merit in quality, and here it is in both these
Vours for business,
Cough Remedy
During tb« peel SB yr. re no rem­
edy tiM proven mor. prompt or
more effisctu*! tn lie oureo of
Handling a Haddock.
“There Is no belter place’than a fish
trurket io pick up queer sti|.erstl-
tions." said it restaurant proprietor.
"The Other day I held up a tibe speci­
men of haddock. The dealer, who was
an Italian, uearly choked on the bunch
of Nea|>olftan expletive« that rushed
Into his throat.
”’Neralre. no. nevaire lake up bad
dock so.' he said.
"’How?' 1 asked.
“'By the head, so your Angers touch
those dark spots on each side of the
head.’ be said. The curse fall on you
If you do.'
“'Whose curse? Mid I.
“ 'St. Petalre's.’ said be. 'St. Pe-
talre gave the haddock those dark
spots. They are bls Auger prints. He
catch haddock Just so In the sea of
Galilee, and every haddock born since
then has shown those same marks.
Let go.'
"And I did let go Of course I did
not believe it, but when 1 found that
half the fish dealers In that market
did believe 1 deemed It prudent to
handle haddock by the body or tall."—
New York Sun.
0ns Story Eclipsed.
“Hot ln Brazil ?’ said the young man
who had Just returned from a trip
to South America. "Well, I should
A Maniac’s Poem.
Probably the mass of prison poetry say so. Do you know, for days at a
which has been written ou stools Hnd time we couldn’t take our after dinner
bed|M>sts and scratched on prison walls siesta ou account of the peculiar
far exceeds that which has found ex­ noises.”
“What noises?' asked the blond ste-
pression on paper, and many a "mute.
Inglorious Milton” has begun and fin­ nographer innocently.
"Why. the coffee popping on the
ished his |s>etlcal career with these
“lost to sight" productions. There Is trees. You see, the sun was so hot
In existence a short poem, said to have the grains Just roasted before they
been scratched by a maniac on the were picked."
The old traveler yawned.
wall of his cell, which runs thus:
“Rather warm down there, bub,” he
Could I with Ink the ocean nil.
Were all the world of parchment made. rejoined laconically, "but when 1 was
Were every reed on earth a quill
down there you couldn't sleep at night.
And every man a scribe by trade.
Every once In awhile there would
To write the love of God atone
sound the most extraordinary crack-
Would drain that ocean dry;
ling noise that ever fell upon the hu­
Nor could the scroll contain the whole.
Though stretched from sky to sky
man ear."
The authenticity of this Itelng the
“What were the sounds. Mr. Rings?"
work of a maniac has often been ques­
And Mr. Bings yawned again and
tioned Iss-ailse of the Is-nuty of Its ex
replied. "The rubber trees stretching
pression and Its sound reason, but the themselves."—Chicago News.
story stands. — London Saturday Re­
Where One’s Breeth Falls es Snow.
Verkhoiansk. a small village ln the
Bird 8tories.
northeast of Siberia, Is the coldest
A Germnn scientific Journal publish­ place in the world. It is a convict
ed In 18117 n story to the effect that station. No precautions against es­
a golden eagle shot in that year nt Es cape are needed, for Verkhoiansk Is
zeg. Slavonia. was found to have a guarded by the wind. Though the
ring about its neck engraved on which average temperature of the three
were the arms of a Slavonian family worst winter months is 85 degrees of
and the date lG4fk
frost, intense cold like this Is easy to
In 1793 the Gentleman’s Magazine bear ln calm weather. But a strong
told about a hawk, captured wheu fly­ breeze at that temperature or within
ing in the vicinity of the Cape of Good 20 degrees of it will kill every living
Hope aud taken by an Indian ship to thing not under shelter. In the icy
England, which wore a gold collar in­ cold of Verkhoiansk an Iron ax bead
dropped ou the ground smashes like
"Thia goodlie hawk doth belong to glass. A board of unseasoned wood,
his Most Excellent Majesty James. on the other band, freezes as hard as
King of England. A. L>. tow."
Frozen nicotine blocks the
If this bird really escaped from stem of tobacco pipes, while one’s
England in the reign of .lames. 183 breath falls at one's feet ln a fine
years elapsed between Its escape and white powder.
Its recapture, and It had flown a dis
tance of «..*>00 miles away from its
Going Too Far.
former owner.
Along a country road walked a man
and woman. The latter, a gaunt, stern
A Boy One« Himself.
faced female, was bullying the meek
The principal of a village school In little fellow, who trudged just tn front
Knusas one afternoon dele ted a boy of her with downcast head. Suddenly
.-Utting the letters of his name in the the woman, turning, saw a bull racing
desk In front of him As the novels down the road behind them.
would put It the principal rushed to quickly took refuge In the hedge, but
the s|s>t. angrily put forth his hand her companion, unconscious of aught
intending to grasp the Is.y by tile col­ but his woes, kept on his wny. The
lar. when lo, and also liehold. close bull caught up to him and sent him
by the newly formed letters were the spinning Into a muddy ditch, then con­
Initials of the principal's own nHme tinued on its wild career. As the woe­
written by himself when be was a pu­ begone figure crawled out of the mire
pil In the same »I uki I
Hla grasp be saw his better half coming toward
u|s»u the boys collar loosened Itself, him. Plucking up a little spirit, be
and he returned to hie desk a sadder whimpered. "M M Maria. If you hit me
and a wiser teacher That principal Is like that a -g g gain you'll really get my
today Judge of an InqH.rtsut <ourt In temper up. so I warn you."
one of the greatest cities of the world
We often wonder whether or not In
More and More.
the administration ot Justice the Indue
The gravedigger In "Hamlet" was
ever thinks ot the Incident In the vll • very witty man. wittier far than
lage s< h<s>i -1\ e»teru School Journal many of the epitaph makers who have
adorned headstones with their jingles
Parental Tactics.
A sample of the punning rhymes
A worried parent la sometimes obllg which are cut on tombs follows. It
rd to do something like thia:
comes from the grave of William
’’Pa. what Is a transcendent a list ?’
More, at Stepney, near London-
"Have you chained up the doe as I Hare Ilea one More, and no more than he
The More and no more—how c«n that be?
told you?"
Why. one More and no more may lie here
“Not yet. pa ”
“Well, do that, and when you mime But here lire one More, and that's more
than one.
back I will tell you what a transcen­
dental 1st Is."
Curiosities of Etymology.
While Bobby was gone his astute
It Is extraordinary how words for
parent dug the needed Information out
of a dictionary.-Birmingham Age Her­ H** same thing differ In even so small
a country an England. Take “left
handed.” for example In Gloucester­
shire such a person Is described as
Boothoven’a Fits of Rage
Beethoven's tiebar lor was often atro­ “scraiumy." In Staffordshire he be­
cious In giving lessons to young la comes "craggy,” the phrase for a left
dies he would sometimes tear the handed Yorkshtreman Is “gawkrod-
music to {ilecss sod scatter It about the ger" or "calllck handed." and In the
floor or even smash the furniture. next county. Durham, be la "cuddy
Once when playing In company there pew."—London Telegraph.
was some Interruption. “I play no
Kxperisnoe Taaohas.
louger for sueb hogs!" be cried sod
"I wonder what baa happened to Mr.
left the piano He once called Prince
Ix>bkow1tx an ass because a hasnoon Green?" aald Mrs. Brown to a lady
player happened to be absent.-Hole’s friend "He seetna so dismal now. and
he used to be a practical Joker!"
"Famous Composers."
“Ah." waa the response, “be pro
posed as a joke to his present wife.
Queer Human Natur«.
She accepted him, and he says he will
"Man's a funny proposition!**
never Indulgv in a joke again."
“W’bnt near
"When he creda a medical book he
A Prank of tha Tygea.
tundra he baa every dhwstw drwrrihrd.
A sentimental novelist, desc ribing hta
but let him read the work of a moral-
1st and all the faults poi tiled <Hit be heroine as one who "always kept mod
•res not In himself, but In his neigh early In the tsokground.” was borri
fled to find it recorded In print ihst she
hurt R.«ion Tratnu-ript.
"always ke|X modesty In the bach
ground '
Stunted Maples
Stunted maple trees grown In mnnn
talmuis regione of eastern Austria,
where the winters are long and severe
and the snowfalls fsmskb-rshlv yield
rx.-rtlewt wutul fur the manufm ture of
Coughs, Colds and Croup
than Cbnmborlnln'o Cough Remedy In
many him« It tn rolled upon *s Im­
plicitly ae the family pbyalcian 1. <■*■«.
talunno opium or other narcotic, and
may bo given no confidently to a baby
m to an adult. Trio« JBoj large otas BQe
Dos» ln Harns«« In Celgium.
Was Good Ones.
Dogs that work In Belgium are
A certain well kuowu composer now
bought and sold In the open market
In the full vigor of bls established rep­
like noises, and If strung and well
utation was at one time when he was
broken they bring from $2tl to $25
comparatively unknown engaged It
each. In manufacturing towns there
writing the music for ii production fa
is I lie usual numlier of horses, but for
tbered by two managers who knew
every horse you will see two flogs In
exactly what they wanted, in addition
Harness on the streets. Early In the
to knowing next to nothing of the mu­
sical classics.
After having burned | morning market women drive them
much midnight oil and worked himself hitched to carts loaded down with veg­
Into a state of semlcollapse in a vain etables. The grocer, the expressman,
endeavor tu produce a finale which the butcher and baker, all employ
dogs to do the work of horses. They
would please them the composer tore
are much quicker than the horse, and
up page after page of rejected manu­
size for size they can draw a heavier
script and In despair took to the the­
ater an entire section of "Faust to load. It Is said the dog ln harness
which he had somehow managed to will go twice as far as the horse with­
fit the words assigned to him. He in the same time. They are driven in
wagons, single, double, treble and four-
played It over, and one of the mana­
gers said quite unfeelingly, “Well, Gus, I d band. They are often kept in liv­
the others were pretty bad, but this ery barns like horses, are fed generally
one Is the rottenest of them all." ‘‘Sot’ on black bread and horseflesh and cost
remarked the weary musician dryly. ln board from 5 to 6 cents per day.
"It was considered good when Gounod They are sleek and well kept and ap­
pear to enjoy their work.—Louisville
wrote it!”—Metropolitan Magazine.
How They Would Sound
Mrs. Galey -uiunhiglvi - xupimne I
should publish your tore tetters’
Mr Gates Whr mu s'nirdv make
tmldto s< knowledgiue«« :tewf you mar
rtod *u Mtoll
Aa Usual.
"Ro your Rh sk rapes re club la a greet
"Ye* We bare aci-uinniaird enough
fines for uonattendancv lu take us all
to a tnuai.nl comedy."-Waablngtue
A girt frela flattered when told she
looks well In anything, but a wife
thlukn soch a cctmpJImmr rmly a pt-A
to ge t ber to wser old ciuihes.
A Drop of Water.
Figures are sometimes impressive
simply by being so stupendous that
the human mind grasps them with
difficulty. An Instance in point Is af-
torded by the Illustration once offered
to his bearers by an eminent scientist,
who. ln order to bring tn their com­
prehension the idea of ultlnmie parti­
cles of wafer, eluted that If he wns to
empty a tumbler cotitnlnlng half a
fitnt of water, lotting out eH<'h secoud
a numlier equal to 1.090 times I he
population of the earth, it would re­
quire somewhere between 7.000,000
and J7.0 ihi . ihhi years to empty the tum­
bler I ord Kelvin hits assured tw that
if a drop ot water was magnified to
the size of the ear’ll the p.'iniflos
would lie lietween (lie size of cricket
balls anti footballs If Hint statement
Is correct ’tie drops ot wafer In all the
oceans are not many iltm-s so numer­
ous as tl'e pHitl' Ies. or ino'eciiles. in a
single drop St. Ixmls I’epniill •.
Whvn f-rronnts Wee* Pn’d.
Il "s- in the i-rirn ot good King
( James tlmt mironets first csinr Into
: exlstem-e. I oilsy vou could bsrdlv tell
n bnronet from n Panker. But In the
venr Hill, when James I. needed ready
money snd created 290 "little barons”
. to supply him with cash, they swag­
gered about In their baldrics and sash­
es and behaved in the courtliest of
Each baronet in order to
justify bls title had to maintain a
small army of thirty soldiers for three
years, iti this way the crafty king
□ot only Increased bls revenue, but
actually lightened his expenses.
It Is not generally known that the
title of "baronetess” has twice been
bestowed on women. One of these was
the mother of a Dutch general. The
other was a Nottingham lady named
Dame Maria Rolles, who won her way
Into the good graces of Charles I. and
received the title from bls hands.—
London Tit-Bits.
Whin Hs Was Bad.
It has been said that you never know
’ a man till you travel with nim, and
certainly traveling has a tendency to
i tiring out all the depravity Innate in
i unman nature. Out ot this test, bow-
' ever. Benjiiniin Disraeli emerged with
(lying colors. This Is what was said
pit nliu by Mrs. Austen, who with her
! nusbaud traveled with film when be
j was quite h young man. hh related In
Mr Monypenny's biography:
"lour brother." she says itbe letter
whs addressed to Disraeli's slsteri. “Is
so easily pleased, so aecmutiiodalIng.
so Hiuiisiiig suit so actlrely kind that
I h I ih II slwnys reflect upon the d -mes-
tl<- pari of out Journey with the great­
est pleasure.
lour brother tins be-
, hared exicltently. except when there
Is h omton. or. ratm-i. mitn-ns. to le»
nut on tns Hinrt: then'ne is vmienny
osil. uno tiilH iinp|,ens aimost itally."
Whales In Nets.
•lust south of the Bay of Island*.
New Z.o.-iiiiixt where In s landl«« ked
tuirlsir le-nutltiil WangHniiimu nestles
in the Mhridew of <’s|ie Hrelt. there Is
established h whaling station, and here
Is carried on the unique business of
cnlcblng whales by means of nets set
In a narrow channel tietween rugged
I be cetnceans frequent Ibis
passage. II la said, to nib off me sc-
cnmulatloD of sea growing parasites
gained lu lung journeys through deep
Ths Word Vaudeville.
The word "vaudeville'' sprang from
Vaux de Vlre, the name of a hatulet
In the plctureeque town of Vlre. In
. Switzerland, lu the fifteenth century
this town was the home of Ulirer
Basaellu. the author of witty drinking
longs. One of the beat known of tbese
songs was a merry dlasertatlou on tbo
author's red nose.
Ho Didn’t.
The wife of a clergyman warned him
as lie went off to officiate at a funeral
one raiuy day;
"Now. John, don’t stand with your
bare bead <m du- damp ground; you’ll
■ •atch cotd "
Ths R«a«on
"" hv Is that man si«-««-« gnintlng
I "o sismi hl* iHisinessy
”1 dent km», uniere H I» tbe f.wr«
of a<<« iati-m
tmíma- h.- degl» t«
l-lg trou *—Half loess A iiisv I cmu
He Was Immun*
M--rrow -H moa»« n»- <«rr uneasy
If I ..we a do| in i i,,
Great Scott
if i fs.l H,.,, nB1
It Id hn.e tit VhM dame H.-.Ì.»
fransi m«.
The msi «rei that Mta <m the ihmn*
• f ih« untrerer t» not. nrvr« was no*
r-vr, will In- m a gurr> _ Hnadhy TH-
• vua U