Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 30, 1911, Image 5

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r Experience on a Cold
n Bordeaux.
1 sunshine we bad at
ow nice and warm it
Ime! As long as the
was lovely; but, oh,
nt down!
me a beautiful, large,
hotel with doors and
r it. After dinner I
to write, and then I
■ had come again. I
f wood upon tbe fire
with tbe bellows till
I up the chimney, but
In tbe icy blasts that
ry crevice. I put on
;ed the blankets from
ces around the room
Indian clubs with a
iu in each baud, but
d congealing, and tbe
early morning came
i my companion's Su-
itood us in good stead,
■don in tbe expedition
ok our walking sticks
■nd with these and tbe
•“» rugs be rigged qp a
» tent In front of the
tent iu our big room
rarm. and my fingers
Id a pen.—George R.
t Abroad."
uld Hardly Tickle Re-
I Palates.
Hayes, tbe first white
1 an occasional whaler
Try a Little Self Hypnotism on Your
Pet Weaknesses.
It Will Crawl to tho Top, but Will Fly
Not Much.
■vwell — Rending niaketb s full man.
F a n e l I -But if you get arrested for
<rnkenoess tbe judge Isn't Inclined to
Mret*< as an ex<«se your statement
that you hare bera reading —New York
I Every »M» h«« Ite problem by «olv-
I tog wMrb humanity is bel|wd forward.
I - Uetark b Hrtw
! Synopsis of the annual statement
of the
premiums on all out­
standing risks . .
for commission
Prudential Casualty Com­ Due
and brokerage
I All other liabilities .... LIMI »1.90
Oi I ndianapolis, in the State of
Total liabilities...
$1,139,916 48 1
On tl e 23th day of February, 1911,
made to the Insurance Commis­ 1 Total insurance in force
sioner of the State of Oregon, pur­ i December 31, 1910
suant to law :
Notice is hereby given that the
State Land Board of the State of Ore­
gon will sell to the highest bidder at
its office in the Capitol building at Sa­
lem, Oregon, on April 11, 1911, at 10;
i B usiness in O regon fokthè y ¡ ar . 00 o’clock a m., of said day, all the
C apital .
State’s interest in the tide and over flow
Total risks written «lur­
lands hereinafter described, giving,
Amount of capital paid
ing the year
up ...................................
$6 X),(XX).00 Gross premiums received
however, to the owner or owners of
during the year ...........
9,254.53 any lands abutting or fronting on such
I ncome .
Premiums returned dur­
tide and overflow lands, the preference
ing the year.........
Premiums received dur­
right to purchase said tide and overflow
Losses paid during the
ing the year iu cash. $ 11,542.25
1,1X10.00 lands at the highest price offered,
Interest, dividends ¡and
Losses incurred during
provided such offer is made in good
rents received during
tlie year
1.(XXI. 00 I faith, and also providing that the land
the year ......................
31,252.05 Total amount of risks
Income from other sour­
will not be sold nor any offer therefor
outstanding in Oregon
ces received during
December 31. 1916 ... $ 257,509.00 accepted for less than $7.50 per acre,
the year ................. ..
the Board reserving the right to reject
I nternational L ife I asvrance any and all bids. Said lands are situated
Total income . . .
$42,79 . 3J
C ompany .
in Tillamook County Oregon, and des­
By W. F. G rantges , Secretary.
D isbu rsements .
Statutory resident general agent cribed as follows:
Beginning at a point at the Govern­
Losses paid during the
and attorney for service :
ment Meander corner between sections
rm 97
J. 11. B lanford .
2 and JL T. 2 N. R. 10 W. on the South
Dividends paid during
side of Nehalem Bay, and running
the year on capital
Commissions and sal­
N. 49 29' E. 151.0 feet along high
aries paid during the
water line.
yeac .........
9,3." 5.95 estate of MARTIN PETERSEN, I N. 42» 48» E. . 7.75 feet along high
l uxe», licenses ami fees
decease«! .by the l ounty Court, of water line.
paid during the year.
N. 40 OP E. 595.0 feet along high
tile State of Oregon, for Tillamook
Amount of all other ex­
.County, and hns «inalitied as such water line.
penditures .................
1.172.72 administrator. All persons having
N. 32* 51' E. ! 266.5 feet along high
claims against said estate an* re­ | water line.
N. 21» 31' E. 255.0 feet along high
quired to present the same, duly
verified as by law re<|Hired, to the un­ water line.
A ssets .
N. 7 07' E. 402.0 feet along high
dersigned administrator for allow-
Value of real estate
ance, at the office of 11. T. Bolts, water line.
owned ............................
West, 12.0 feet to low waterline.
At toruey-al - Law, in Tillamook City.
Values of stocks and
S. 9“ 44' W. 400.0
----- feet along low
bonds owned .............
294,787.83 Oregon, within six months I rotn water line,
I the date hereof.
Loans on mortgages
j S. 24» 53' W. 248.0 feet along low
Dated March 23rd, 1911.
and collateral, etc....
I water line.
E. B. B arthrop ,
Cash in batik and on
Administrator of the e»ti'te of ! S. 32’ 51' W. 266. 0 feet along low
hand ...........
Martin Petersen, d^cea&ed. i water line.
Premiums in course of
S. 40» 18' W. 584.0 feet alon< low
water line.
transmission .............
20,333.61 Administrator’s Notice of Appoint­
S. 43“ 2V W. 80.0 feet along low ’Wat-
What One Man's Patient Effort Wrung Interest and rents due
er line.
S. 49’ 29' W 72.0 feet along low
From a Desert In France.
N otice is H ereby G iven ,—T o water line.
Iu the southwest of Frauce. between
Total assets................. $780,978.85 all whom it may concern, that the
South, 60.0 feet to place of begin
the rivers Adour aud Garonne, are Less special deposits
undersigned was by an order of the ! ning, containing 1.55 acres of tide la;;l
loug stretches of pine woods, green
in any State (if any
County Court of Tillamook County, fronting upon Iaita 4 A 5, Sec. 2, T. I
and cool.
there be)................... ..
Oregon, duly made and enteretl of N. R. 10 W.
Total assets ad-
record therein on the 17th day of
Where these pines now stand was a
Applications ar.d bids should be ad -
barren waste in the middle of the last _____ mitted in Oregon_____ —_____ March, 1911, appointed the Ad­
to G. G. Brown, Clerk, State
century. Sun and wind vied with each
L iabilities .
E. PHELPS, deceased, ami that on Land Board, Salem, Oregon, and mark­
other in making the land drier and Gross claims for losses
said date, the said undersigned, ed “Application and bid to purchase
dustier. Over the stormy bay of Bis­
9 3,710.60 duly aualifled as such, anil all per­ tide lands.’’
cay came winds that set up great Amount of tineurned
sons having claims against said
G. G. Brown,
sandstorms aud sometimes buried
estate are hereby notified to present
prema, on all out­
Clerk State Land Board.
standing risks .........
whole villages. The whole region was
19,695.63 the same to the undersigned, as
said Administrator, at the office of Dated tnis January 27. 1911.
oue of hopelessness and despair. Fate Due for commission
and brokerage .........
5.088.29 Webster Holmes, in the Tillamook
was against It.
2,651.99 Block. Tillamook City, Oregon,
But finally there came a man who All other liabilities . . .
with the proper vouchers the-ewith,
Notice of Sale of Tide Lande.
acknowledged fate only ns something
Total liabilities ...
$31,14600 and duly verified as required by law,
to be overcome. This man. one Bre- Total insurance in force
within six months from the «late of
N otice is H ereby G iven , That
montier. was an Inspector of roads.
this notice.
February 28th, 1911
file State Land Board of the State of
He began fencing In the desert. He
Dated this !totli «lay of March, 1911. Oregon will sell to the highest
(Oregon) ......................
W. C. K ing ,
built a fence and behind It planted Maximum liability.........
bidiler nt its office in the Capitol
Administrator of said Estate.
broom seeds, Behind the broom seeds B usiness in ’O regon FOR THE
Building, at Salem. Oregon, on
be put seeds of the pine, The fence
Aprilll, 1911, at 10 o’clock a.in., at
Y ear .
said <lay, all the State's interest in
protected the broom seeds, and tbe
risks "written
the tide and overflow lands herein­
broom grew, Then the broom in Its Total
In the Ciri uit Court of the State of after described, giving, however to
turn afforded shelter to the delicate Gross premiums re­
the owner or owners of any lands
Oregon, for tlie County of Tilln-
pine shoots.
during- the
abutting or fronting on such tide
Soon the pines spread, and their
year .................. .........
16" 00 Clay Daniel and Dora]
and overflow hinds, the preference
tough roots bound the sandy soil to­ Premiums returned due­
' light to purchase miid tide and
gether. Tbe first step was accomplish ling the year ...............
overflow lands at the highest price
ed. Then canals were made to drain ».oases paid during the
offered, provided such offer is made
in goo«! faith, and providing ulso
the wet parts and carry water to the
I,. 11. Kenney, Hallie ]■
Losses incurred during
that the land will net be sold nor
Kopieske, \Vm. Kop- |
any offer therefor accepted for I chh
leske. Gust Nelson
Thus did one man by patient effort Total amount of risks
than $7.50 |-ei acre, the Board re­
an«l Peter Nelson.
turn a dreary desert into a home for
outstanding in
serving tlie right to reject any m.<l
an industrious and healthy |H>puhitlon. I Oregon, Feb. 28, 1911
To Win. Kopieske, one of the above all bids. Said lumls are sitiiutcil in
It was an Instance of triumph over
Tillamook County, Oregon, aud
mimed defendants :
P rudential C asualty C ompany , In the
fate.—New York Tribune.
described hi follows:
By F lias J. J acoby ,
Beginning Hi ii point, the south­
Yon are hereby re«|iiire«l to ap­
Ths Business of Life.
pear and answertlie complaint filed east corner of D. I..C. No. 30, T. 1
Life 1» a business we are all apt to and attorney for service:
against you in the above entitled S., R. 10 AV. of AV. M. and running
suit on or before the expiration of thence:
mismanage, either living recklessly
J ames L. C onley .
six weeks from tbe «late of the first S. 61 «legs., Otk W., 851.0 feet along
from day to dn.v or suffering ourselves
high water line.
publication of this summons, and
to be gulled out of our moments by the
if you fail to so appear and answer, S. 77 «legs., 30' W., 182.0 feet along
Inanities of custom. We should de­ Synopsis of the annual statement for want thereof tlie plaintiff will
high water line.
of the
spise ii man who gave ns little activity
apply to saiil Court for the relief South, 76J) feet along low water line.
dega., 3>' E., 382.0 feet
and forethought to the conduct of any
demanded in tbe complaint herein.
low water line.
other business, But in this, which is
ance Company,
The relief demanded is that a cer­
tain tnorfi gage execute«! by yourself '
the one thing of nil others, since it
Of Saint Louis, in the State of
low water line.
and L. II. Kenney anti Hallie '
contains them all. we cannot see the
Kopieske to the plaintiffs on July I North, 577.6 feet along low water
forest for the trees. One brief fm- on the 31st day of December, 1910, 1st,
line to point of beginning,
1909. and which is recorded at
pression obliterates another, There is
Containing 5.67 acres of tide lands
er of the State of Oregon, pursuant page 403 of Book “ S’’ of the Mort­ fronting
and abutting that part of
something stupefying In tbe recurrence to law :
gage Records of Tillamook County,
of uulmportant things, and it is only
Oregon, be reformed and correcte«! D. L.C. No. 39, situate«! Hast of a
C apital .
so that the description therein shall North and South line through the
on rare provocations that we can rise
be, tlie South half of Lot 3, and the center of Sec. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W.
to take an outlook beyond dally con­ Amount of capital paid
half of the North East quar­ of W. M.; also
cerns and comprehend the narrow lim­
$620,350. (M) South
Beginning at a point 2371.0 feet
ter of the South West iiuarter of
its aud great possibilities of our exist­
Section 7, in Township 2 North of South an«l 2640.0 West of Section
I ncome .
ence.-Kobert Lduls Stevenson.
coinrnou to Sections 14, 15,
Range 9 West W.M., excepting a
strip 100 feet wide across said land 22 and 23, T. I N., R. 10 W. of W.M..
Premiums received dur­
Those Newspaper Yarns.
ing the year in cash . $ 441,361.53 heretofore deeded an«l conveyed to on high waterline, running thence.
the Pacific Railway and Naviga­ North, 110.5 f»-et to lowr water line.
A worthy old dame of New England Interest, dividends.and
tion Company ; that plaintiffs have S. 42 «legs., 40" W., 270 0 feet along
rents received during
once Invited her husband'» attention to
low water line.
the year ......................
49,942.80 judgment against you arid the other
wbat seemed to her a curious Item in
defendants executing said mort­ S. 41 «legs. 05 W., 156.0 feet along
tbe Journal she wax looking at. “Lis Income from other sour­
low water line.
gage for $360.(10, with interest there­
ces received during
ten to Ibis.” said site, reading.
the year ..........................
2,1X11.65 on from July 1st, 1909, at the rate S. OWdcgs.,00' W., 175.0 feet ■ lont
low water line.
"The Mary II. Barker of Gloucester
of eight per cent tier annum; for
re|K»rtx that «he saw two whales, a
Total income.
$ 493,335.98 tlie further sum ot $75.60 as attor­ East, 135.0 feet along high water
ney’s fees and for tlie costs and dis
cow and a calf, floating off Cape Cod
D isburhemkrth .
bursements of the suit, and for a N. 43 «legs.. WX K.. 270.0 feet along
the day before yesterday."
high water
foreclosure of the mortgage above
"Well, what about It?” asked tbe Loosen paid during the
N. tit* deg«.. 15' K, 145.0 feet along
year ................................
$18, <195.45 reeled, and for general relief.
high water line to place of be-
“Only Ibis." replied bls spouse. "I Dividends paid during
This summons is pulrliahed by*
the year on capital
can understand about tbe two whales.
order of the Honorable Horner I Containing 0.487 arrea of tide
stock ...............................
but wbat lieats me Is bow the row
Mason, County Judge of Tillamook lands fronting and abutting on Lot
and the calf got way out there."— Lip­ Commission« and salar
County, «lated March 16th, 1911, the! 6, Section 22, T. I N., R Ï0 W of
time preacrilred in said order for' W.M.; also
pi m-oft'a.
■Mí. 844.83 I publit afum is once a week for six
Beginning at a point on high
Taxes, license», and fern
successive week, and the date of the water 2371.0 feet South and 2610.0
A Useful Remedy.
paid during the year..
22,561.231 first ii »ublicalion hereof is Tliurs. . feet West of Section corner common
I.lttle four ymr-old Billy wax visiting Amount of all other ex­
to se< lions 14, 15, 22 and 23 and
day, M larch I'itii, 1911.
hia neighbor. Jerry. Billy showed ev­
penditures. .,.................
running thence,
II. T. B otts ,
ery eridrace of n bad cold. Jerry's
North 110.5 feet to low water line.
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Total ex|ien«litures.. $470,6"*.'!. 39
N 42 «legs., 4tr K., 516.0 feet
mother asked with grave solicitude.
l<»w water line, >
"1‘oesti't your mother give you any
A sset ».
70deg«., .«► E., 212.0 feet
thing for y<air «-»Id. Billy?" whereupon
low w aler line.
Billy answered, feeling in all hl» fsM'k < )thcr jiesetx
The Twin Screw slfip .Anvil is now 8. TO «legs,, I.V E.. 343.0 fret along
eta at oiw*e. "Yes. ma'am: »he gives me Value of stocks and
low w.itrr line.
Itondx owned
185,917.50 making regular runs to thia |s>rt i H I. 60
a clean bandken bief
deg«., ay W.. IW.Ofrct along
l-oans on mortgages
from Portlaml. with pa enger s
high water line.
and eottateral, etc
«Ml,950 > and freight.
Cinta Piwtty.
S. 5 «legs., !CZ E., 70.0 feet along
Cash in banks and on
high water tine, .
"I sin tx»t «»baiiM-il of ini latrai
She is umlcr gissl clean manage­
hand'........................... .
«leg«., ¡«k W„ IMJIO fret along
tx»nk.” salii thè a il tira*
Fremiunis in course of
ment, anil the patronage of the pub­ I S. 88 lug
high water line.
Of rourse tx8." said thr locai erltic.
collection and in trans­
lic is solicited, and < uiirteoiistreat- S. ----
Jegs., Ok AV.. 625.0 feet along
.. ......
"I iMitk-r»! ita xilt »-d«»-» alni tl»e tirali
37,119.70 ment will be shown to one and all.
high waler line to |>oin1 of
tlfnlly coiiwrd froaUxpte- e
Atlssta Interest and rents «lig­
Have your shipments consign«<1
and accrued ................
Containing 4.850 acres of tide land
care Mr. Anvil, Albers Dock No. 3, fronting
and abutting lx>t 5, Sec­
Total assets
Porrland, Ore. For information in­ tion 22. T. I N.. R 10 W of W.M
Application* and bi«!« «houlil l»e
quire of D. L Shrode, Tillamook, Or.
Total aanets admitted
a'1<lres«c«l to G. G. Brown, Clerk
ill Oregon .... .... $ 1,139.916.48
¡Mate I .ami Board. Salem, Oregon,
A Mother’» Safeguard
Application ana bit!
Foley's Honey and Tar for the ami markeii
children. 1» l»estan<l safest for all to purchase Tide Lands "
Groes risiine for ioeees
cough*, colds, croup, whooping
G. O. B rown ,
Clerk !M«tr Land Hoard,
3, orno) cough and bronchi!«. No opiates.
Amount of unearned
Dated thi« January -’Tth, 1911.
—C L Clough.
Back to the Bottom.
In a large eastern city is a pro fes
A fly on a window pane will crawl
sional hypnotist who has a wide repu­
tation for curing the habit of iutem- to the top, fly back to the bottom aud
perauce. His method Is dirt simple.
crawl up again. This order is seldom
"There is no real hypnotism about It reversed—why no oue knows. It Is
—unless it Is a matter of self hypno­ on record that a fly crawled up a win
tism." this professor once said. “I dow pane thirty-two times, returning
observe tbe mind process of tbe oach time a-wing.
man that drinks and advise him how
Hens scratch for food with the sun
to reverse it. The subconscious solil- behind them, the reason being that the
oquy in tbe tniud of the man tbat rays reflect on the minute particles. A
drinks runs something like this: blind beu will pick grain and not miss
‘When did I bave my hist ball? a kernel.
Whew! Long as that! I don't see how
Cats seldom lie with their feet to the
I stood it so loug. Wouldn't have fire. Usually they lie on the left side,
thought it possible.’ Aud so on tbe Dogs lie with their fore paws to the
victim repeats to himself on tbe prin­ tire.
ciple that lie needs this periodica!
A mouse will lguore a food supply
stimulant just as It is necessary to sufficient for a meal aud run great
heap coal on to tire to keep it from risks to nibble nt a wholesale supply.
burning out. In a word, that tuan seif It will hide at tbe source of food sup­
hyimotir.es himself iuto tbe lielief that
ply and not depart therefrom nutll ac-
be needs a drink.
I tually
“My advice to cure this craving is mouse disturbed. It Isn't true that a
not to fight the appetite, but to fight alarm. ruus to its hole at tbe first
dowu the cause that leads to the ap­
Find a harmless little snake th«»
petite. Let a man repeat to himself
over and over again: ‘I really don't length of a lead pencil and provide a
need this drink, if I take it, it's sim­ box for it in the house, visit It daily
ply a matter of pouring so miicli down and at tbe end of three mouths It will
I tuy throat superfluously, for I could crawl Io you for food.
Goldfish usually swim around a globe
get along without.' Before long he
will be surprised how instead of hyp­ i . to tbe right. They can be taught to
uotizing himself into drink be will take a fly nut of the band in six weeks'
[ time. The presence of other fish In
hypnotize himself out of it.”
Simple, isn't It? But If this aelt . the globe is generally ignored by gold-
hypnotism or whatever you choose to i fish. Drop a piece of chip on tbe sur-
call It is a cure for intemperance why I face of the water aud it will frighten
is it not equally n recipe for curing a fish.
Sheep spend more time grazing than
other bad bubits?—Chicago Tribune.
do cattle anil horses. Sheep will eat
for twelve hours out of twenty-four.—
I New York World.
klmos, found some dlf-
amodatlng themselves Thia Parisian Beggar Realized the
. In "The Toll of the
Value of Now Shoes.
, M. Edwards quotes
Begging hns long beew^grent art in
of his first visit to a Europe. By using s«He touches of
ter a cordial welcome misery and calculated*effects of dis­
to eat.
ease and dismemberment the beggar
layea. "was an lnvita- became a master of pathetic appeal.
tred, but now that it A delightful story of Dupre, tbe sculp­
v that it would be un- tor, is quoted by Hamilton W. Mabie
it. The expression of in tbe Outlook.
»e of the few in their
Looking out of bis window in a ho­
I knew, and I made the tel one bleak wintry morning in the
They laughed heartily good old times, Dupre saw an old beg­
enak in reply to their gar sitting barefooted on the stone
mmediately a not very steps below. His heart was moved
damsel poured some with compassion, and be began to
>f tbe pots into a skin search for a pair of shoes. He found
r sipping it to make two pairs, one of them new.
toed. that ft was not
“Do not give the new pair away:
It to me over a group you will need them yourself,” urged
it my courage forsook his prudent wife.
were fixed upon me.
“No,” said tbe sculptor. “I shall find
ve been highly Impo the old pair more comfortable. More­
1 therefore shut my over, if 1 am to give anything away
nose, swallowed tbe I am going to give tbe best I have.”
I. 1 was told after
So be hurried downstairs and put the
i their greatest delica- new shoes in the hands of the bare
• by boiling together footed old man. The next morning tbe
al intestines.''
beggar sat on the steps as usual, and.
as usual, his feet were bare. Dupre
its In the Wind.”
hurried down to him. “Where are the
e origin of tbe phrase shoes I gave you? You are not wear-
l, 'three sheets in the tog them,” be said.
man asked a sailor the
“No,” replied tbe old man. "I could
.Zell.” said the sailor, not wear them, excellency. If I did
at matter to you. The nobody would give me anything, 1
ers of a ship's sail are have pawned them.”
ivo ro|tes. oue called a
er called a sheet. The
Lakes of Blood.
kept very tight, lint
The name Iaikeof Blood or Its equlv
aened according to tfie •lent lias been given to places as far
looser the sheet Is tbe apart as England and South America.
e sail swings. If the
“Sangueliic"—i, e., the Lake of
ee Its sheet Is said to Blood—wns the name given by tbe vic­
1.* Now. suppose that torious Normans to the battlefield at
ship’s sails were quite Hastings, where tbe Saxons were over­
uld then fly about very thrown and slain with terrible carnage.
>e ship would wabble,
For a similar reason Lake Traslmene
he ship would be a zig- has borne the name "Sanginetto" be­
.e reason for this would cause its waters were reddened during
■d ‘three sheets In the tbe second Punic war by tbe blood of
I guess, is why a man some 15,000 Romans who fell before
p In his course is said tbe troops of Hannibal.
lets In the wind' also.”
Yet another Lake of Blood, called
■Iso “Yaguar Cocha." is situated in
is Not Laconic.
tbe state of Ecuador. It is one of a
in Ills life of Gladstone series of lakes formed by the extinct
of tbe statesman's ex craters of volcanoes on the towering
dmissiou to Oxford uni heights of the Andes range of moun-
e was a youth. Tbe ex talus
utterly failed to floor
on -some point of the
Ths Donkey'» Head.
fe will now leave that
Among the most extraordinary pieces
Ject.’' “No. sir.” replied of symbolism known to have been used
, "if you please, we will by the early Asiatics was a figure of a
yet," and proceeded to donkey's head used as a representative
resh stream. The dean of the deity. There Is no doubt what­
ne's day was Gnisford. ever that the same emblem was once
( other things for his need among tbe Hittites, the Egyptians
Ity. "This laconic gift." and one or two other nations as a sym­
Morley slyly, "tbe dean bol of their red god. Sut. Tbe super
not time to transmit to otltkin of the yellow donkey of India,
tbe story of the swift ass of eastern
Aeta and the ass of Dionysius and
> and Goodness,
■any other marvelous ass stories are
sometimes in mine th* ■11 survivals of that curious form of
“li’e palm of tbe upper esUgious worship tbe adoration of tbe
envy black bund of the MB bead
I have recognised that
r men After all these
They Both Knew.
fore me I nay that hu
Tbe fool said one day In the king's
synonym equality and prserace. "I am tbe king!" Aud tbe
I ven there is but one king laughed, for he kivew that bls
to how to. genlns. and fleet was wroug.
before whk h we ought
A week later tbe king was angry be
ens—Victor Hugo.
cMee of an error be had committed
■4 exclaimed. "I am a fool'" And
tbe fool laughed, for he knew that bis
■cs a |>race of mimi nn
king was right
who In time »f uUfy
-<i oo the bounty of hbi
■Ise to save, for srBI
me r«vra»ial ' •■pnsft
aside nome po-rlog of
month's Incom»
■ oex|ns-ted rw-rlpM