TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 30, 1911. CURING BAD HABITS. r Experience on a Cold n Bordeaux. 1 sunshine we bad at ow nice and warm it Ime! As long as the was lovely; but, oh, nt down! me a beautiful, large, hotel with doors and r it. After dinner I to write, and then I ■ had come again. I f wood upon tbe fire with tbe bellows till I up the chimney, but In tbe icy blasts that ry crevice. I put on ;ed the blankets from ces around the room Indian clubs with a iu in each baud, but d congealing, and tbe early morning came i my companion's Su- itood us in good stead, ■don in tbe expedition ok our walking sticks ■nd with these and tbe •“» rugs be rigged qp a » tent In front of the tent iu our big room rarm. and my fingers Id a pen.—George R. t Abroad." 1C DELICACY. uld Hardly Tickle Re- I Palates. Hayes, tbe first white 1 an occasional whaler I Try a Little Self Hypnotism on Your Pet Weaknesses. It Will Crawl to tho Top, but Will Fly Not Much. ■vwell — Rending niaketb s full man. F a n e l I -But if you get arrested for puhitlon. I Oregon, Feb. 28, 1911 To Win. Kopieske, one of the above all bids. Said lumls are sitiiutcil in It was an Instance of triumph over Tillamook County, Oregon, aud mimed defendants : P rudential C asualty C ompany , In the fate.—New York Tribune. described hi follows: Name of the Stat«* of Oregon: By F lias J. J acoby , Beginning Hi ii point, the south­ Yon are hereby re«|iiire«l to ap­ President. Ths Business of Life. pear and answertlie complaint filed east corner of D. I..C. No. 30, T. 1 Statutory resident general agent Life 1» a business we are all apt to and attorney for service: against you in the above entitled S., R. 10 AV. of AV. M. and running suit on or before the expiration of thence: mismanage, either living recklessly J ames L. C onley . six weeks from tbe «late of the first S. 61 «legs., Otk W., 851.0 feet along from day to dn.v or suffering ourselves high water line. publication of this summons, and to be gulled out of our moments by the if you fail to so appear and answer, S. 77 «legs., 30' W., 182.0 feet along Inanities of custom. We should de­ Synopsis of the annual statement for want thereof tlie plaintiff will high water line. of the spise ii man who gave ns little activity apply to saiil Court for the relief South, 76J) feet along low water line. International Life Insur ­ N. 82 dega., 3>' E., 382.0 feet ' along and forethought to the conduct of any demanded in tbe complaint herein. low water line. other business, But in this, which is ance Company, The relief demanded is that a cer­ S. 79 degs., 45' E., 554.0 feet along: tain tnorfi gage execute«! by yourself ' the one thing of nil others, since it Of Saint Louis, in the State of low water line. and L. II. Kenney anti Hallie ' Missouri, contains them all. we cannot see the Kopieske to the plaintiffs on July I North, 577.6 feet along low water forest for the trees. One brief fm- on the 31st day of December, 1910, 1st, line to point of beginning, 1909. and which is recorded at made tothe Insurance Commission ­ pression obliterates another, There is Containing 5.67 acres of tide lands er of the State of Oregon, pursuant page 403 of Book “ S’’ of the Mort­ fronting and abutting that part of something stupefying In tbe recurrence to law : gage Records of Tillamook County, of uulmportant things, and it is only Oregon, be reformed and correcte«! D. L.C. No. 39, situate«! Hast of a C apital . so that the description therein shall North and South line through the on rare provocations that we can rise be, tlie South half of Lot 3, and the center of Sec. 11, T. 1 S.. R. 10 W. to take an outlook beyond dally con­ Amount of capital paid half of the North East quar­ of W. M.; also cerns and comprehend the narrow lim­ $620,350. (M) South “I...................................... Beginning at a point 2371.0 feet ter of the South West iiuarter of its aud great possibilities of our exist­ Section 7, in Township 2 North of South an«l 2640.0 West of Section I ncome . ence.-Kobert Lduls Stevenson. corner coinrnou to Sections 14, 15, Range 9 West W.M., excepting a strip 100 feet wide across said land 22 and 23, T. I N., R. 10 W. of W.M.. Premiums received dur­ Those Newspaper Yarns. ing the year in cash . $ 441,361.53 heretofore deeded an«l conveyed to on high waterline, running thence. the Pacific Railway and Naviga­ North, 110.5 f»-et to lowr water line. A worthy old dame of New England Interest, dividends.and tion Company ; that plaintiffs have S. 42 «legs., 40" W., 270 0 feet along rents received during once Invited her husband'» attention to low water line. the year ...................... 49,942.80 judgment against you arid the other wbat seemed to her a curious Item in defendants executing said mort­ S. 41 «legs. 05 W., 156.0 feet along tbe Journal she wax looking at. “Lis Income from other sour­ low water line. gage for $360.(10, with interest there­ ces received during ten to Ibis.” said site, reading. the year .......................... 2,1X11.65 on from July 1st, 1909, at the rate S. OWdcgs.,00' W., 175.0 feet ■ lont low water line. "The Mary II. Barker of Gloucester of eight per cent tier annum; for re|K»rtx that «he saw two whales, a Total income. $ 493,335.98 tlie further sum ot $75.60 as attor­ East, 135.0 feet along high water line. ney’s fees and for tlie costs and dis cow and a calf, floating off Cape Cod D isburhemkrth . bursements of the suit, and for a N. 43 «legs.. WX K.. 270.0 feet along the day before yesterday." lug.. — high water line. foreclosure of the mortgage above "Well, what about It?” asked tbe Loosen paid during the N. tit* deg«.. 15' K, 145.0 feet along mentioned as reformed and cor husband year ................................ $18, <195.45 reeled, and for general relief. high water line to place of be- “Only Ibis." replied bls spouse. "I Dividends paid during ginning. This summons is pulrliahed by* the year on capital can understand about tbe two whales. order of the Honorable Horner I Containing 0.487 arrea of tide stock ............................... but wbat lieats me Is bow the row Mason, County Judge of Tillamook lands fronting and abutting on Lot and the calf got way out there."— Lip­ Commission« and salar County, «lated March 16th, 1911, the! 6, Section 22, T. I N., R Ï0 W of ies paid during the time preacrilred in said order for' W.M.; also pi m-oft'a. year............... .. ■Mí. 844.83 I publit afum is once a week for six Beginning at a point on high Taxes, license», and fern successive week, and the date of the water 2371.0 feet South and 2610.0 A Useful Remedy. paid during the year.. 22,561.231 first ii »ublicalion hereof is Tliurs. . feet West of Section corner common I.lttle four ymr-old Billy wax visiting Amount of all other ex­ to se< lions 14, 15, 22 and 23 and day, M larch I'itii, 1911. hia neighbor. Jerry. Billy showed ev­ penditures. .,................. running thence, II. T. B otts , ery eridrace of n bad cold. Jerry's North 110.5 feet to low water line. Attorney for Plaintiffs. Total ex|ien«litures.. $470,6"*.'!. 39 N 42 «legs., 4tr K., 516.0 feet mother asked with grave solicitude. l<»w water line, > "1‘oesti't your mother give you any A sset ». 70deg«., .«► E., 212.0 feet thing for yrt i H I. 60 a clean bandken bief Lippincott's. deg«., ay W.. IW.Ofrct along l-oans on mortgages from Portlaml. with pa enger s high water line. and eottateral, etc «Ml,950 > and freight. Cinta Piwtty. S. 5 «legs., !CZ E., 70.0 feet along Cash in banks and on high water tine, . "I sin tx»t «»baiiM-il of ini latrai She is umlcr gissl clean manage­ hand'........................... . 123.874.fM «leg«., ¡«k W„ IMJIO fret along tx»nk.” salii thè a il tira* Fremiunis in course of ment, anil the patronage of the pub­ I S. 88 lug high water line. Of rourse tx8." said thr locai erltic. collection and in trans­ lic is solicited, and < uiirteoiistreat- S. ---- CM d< Jegs., Ok AV.. 625.0 feet along mission .. ...... "I iMitk-r»! ita xilt »-d«»-» alni tl»e tirali 37,119.70 ment will be shown to one and all. high waler line to |>oin1 of tlfnlly coiiwrd froaUxpte- e Atlssta Interest and rents «lig­ licginning. Have your shipments consign«<1 and accrued ................ 16.079.28 Coiwtliatioa. Containing 4.850 acres of tide land care Mr. Anvil, Albers Dock No. 3, fronting and abutting lx>t 5, Sec­ Total assets Porrland, Ore. For information in­ tion 22. T. I N.. R 10 W of W.M Application* and bi«!« «houlil l»e quire of D. L Shrode, Tillamook, Or. Total aanets admitted a'1f tbe pots into a skin search for a pair of shoes. He found r sipping it to make two pairs, one of them new. toed. that ft was not “Do not give the new pair away: It to me over a group you will need them yourself,” urged it my courage forsook his prudent wife. were fixed upon me. “No,” said tbe sculptor. “I shall find ve been highly Impo the old pair more comfortable. More­ 1 therefore shut my over, if 1 am to give anything away nose, swallowed tbe I am going to give tbe best I have.” I. 1 was told after So be hurried downstairs and put the i their greatest delica- new shoes in the hands of the bare • by boiling together footed old man. The next morning tbe al intestines.'' beggar sat on the steps as usual, and. as usual, his feet were bare. Dupre its In the Wind.” hurried down to him. “Where are the e origin of tbe phrase shoes I gave you? You are not wear- l, 'three sheets in the tog them,” be said. man asked a sailor the “No,” replied tbe old man. "I could .Zell.” said the sailor, not wear them, excellency. If I did at matter to you. The nobody would give me anything, 1 ers of a ship's sail are have pawned them.” ivo ro|tes. oue called a er called a sheet. The Lakes of Blood. kept very tight, lint The name Iaikeof Blood or Its equlv aened according to tfie •lent lias been given to places as far looser the sheet Is tbe apart as England and South America. e sail swings. If the “Sangueliic"—i, e., the Lake of ee Its sheet Is said to Blood—wns the name given by tbe vic­ 1.* Now. suppose that torious Normans to the battlefield at ship’s sails were quite Hastings, where tbe Saxons were over­ uld then fly about very thrown and slain with terrible carnage. >e ship would wabble, For a similar reason Lake Traslmene he ship would be a zig- has borne the name "Sanginetto" be­ .e reason for this would cause its waters were reddened during ■d ‘three sheets In the tbe second Punic war by tbe blood of I guess, is why a man some 15,000 Romans who fell before p In his course is said tbe troops of Hannibal. lets In the wind' also.” Yet another Lake of Blood, called ■Iso “Yaguar Cocha." is situated in is Not Laconic. tbe state of Ecuador. It is one of a in Ills life of Gladstone series of lakes formed by the extinct of tbe statesman's ex craters of volcanoes on the towering dmissiou to Oxford uni heights of the Andes range of moun- e was a youth. Tbe ex talus utterly failed to floor on -some point of the Ths Donkey'» Head. fe will now leave that Among the most extraordinary pieces Ject.’' “No. sir.” replied of symbolism known to have been used , "if you please, we will by the early Asiatics was a figure of a yet," and proceeded to donkey's head used as a representative resh stream. The dean of the deity. There Is no doubt what­ ne's day was Gnisford. ever that the same emblem was once ( other things for his need among tbe Hittites, the Egyptians Ity. "This laconic gift." and one or two other nations as a sym­ Morley slyly, "tbe dean bol of their red god. Sut. Tbe super not time to transmit to otltkin of the yellow donkey of India, tbe story of the swift ass of eastern Aeta and the ass of Dionysius and > and Goodness, ■any other marvelous ass stories are sometimes in mine th* ■11 survivals of that curious form of “li’e palm of tbe upper esUgious worship tbe adoration of tbe envy black bund of the MB bead I have recognised that r men After all these They Both Knew. fore me I nay that hu Tbe fool said one day In the king's synonym equality and prserace. "I am tbe king!" Aud tbe I ven there is but one king laughed, for he kivew that bls to how to. genlns. and fleet was wroug. before whk h we ought A week later tbe king was angry be ens—Victor Hugo. cMee of an error be had committed ■4 exclaimed. "I am a fool'" And Saving. tbe fool laughed, for he knew that bis ■cs a |>race of mimi nn king was right who In time »f uUfy -