Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, December 15, 1910, Image 3

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ip»r Treasured by la»
Duke’» Hair,.
si per that carries one
cry atmosphere of a
battle in the world's
jg the historical treas-
lui [louse. Ou the pa-
I lines scribbled In peo-
, written by tbe L>uke
II at the close uf tho
It Blenheim,
of bailie was rolling
ire French and Hava-
liseiilerly retreat, with
cavalry riding fiercely
Tbe slopes of tbe bill
i,v plain were strewn
h I aud wour.ded.
>ugb. with the exclte-
rreat tight yet strong
¡led up his horse on one
«tic bridges across tbe
lid scribbled these doz-
j wife iu Loudon to tell
It event.
;be duke borrowed the
1 from some memlter of
It the back of II are the
a tavern bill. He used
the bridge for a writing
been seventeen hours in
It of that time riding In
| of i.lie of the greatest
history, yet tbe letter»
ipe. a curious testimony
ly uiishnkable temperá­
is Marlborough's most
icteristic. — New York
Bumming May Have Helped
Wordsworth Out a Dit.
To see a |«>em in the making, the
uninitiated are apt to think, should
prove an interexllng sight. L'nfortU
iistely they will probably be disap­
pointed If the dex-riptlou. quoted by
the Itev. 11. II. llawnxley In "Literary
Axaix iiitinuH of the English Ijikea." of
Wordsworth at work I m to be credited
An old retainer of the family furnished
this account of Wordsworth walking
np and down his terrace eom|sising:
“Mr. Wordsworlh went humming
anil Issdng alxiul, and she. Miss Ikir-
otliy. kept close behind him and pick­
ed up birx as he lei fall, and she'd
take 'em dowu and put eui on |>a|>er
for him. and you may he very well
sure as how she didn't understand or
make sense out of 'em. and I doubt
that lie didn't have much Idea alaiot
ern either himself.
But. Imwlver.
there's a gey lot of fowk as wad. I
dare say.
“He would start n-lmmmlng at one
end of the walk, and It was 'Rum
bum. bum!* till he atop|>ed, and then
'Bum. bum. bum!' back again. Then
he'd set down Hud get a hit of paper
out und write a bit: then git up mul
Bum. bum. bum!' and go on a-buiu-
mlng right down the terrace and back
ignln I sti|>|«>se tbe bummiug helped
blm out u bit.”
'a Impertinene» and a
•'» Tart Retort.
icI. tbe famous English
loiious for his Insolence
• fen tilers. At the Ra­
tou. he ordered the foot-
Ills snuffbox Into the
1 bishop bad taken a
A mini whom tie bad
offered him a lift iu bis
Uy Jersey s bull. "Tbuuk
ly.” said tbe beau, "but
to go? You would uot
behind, and 1 cannot be
me Carriage with you.”
rret of bis humble birtb
■d about bis parents de-
Ibe poor old creatures
throats years ago eat-
i knife.”
1st Brummel met bis
ras [flaying hazard at
a well kuown alderman,
ts oue of the party.
Illi.'' said Brummel, who
|er. 'what's your bet?”
guineas.” was the reply,
»veat the mayor*« pouy.”
. who proeeedi-d to cast
of luck won the stake
n succession. I'oeketiug
thanked the brewer and
In future lie would diiuk
Franca Has Run the Gamut.
r but bis. "I wish, sir."
No other modern nation has under­
ewer, "that every other
gone changes more frequent, more
Londou would tell me
rmllcal. more sudden, bloody aud dra­
ma lie. In forms of government France
has boxed the compass—has been
tiling Cigars.
u to hear men complalu feudal, monarehlal, lni|»erla I. repub
le cigars, blit il lx not lleau mid revolutionary. She bas
e a cigar I m indifferently stuinled the depths cf royal abso
t that the wrap|>er curls iuiixui mid of communistic anarchy:
off. Much of I etier this has made and unmade constitutions In
tbe cigar having l»eell the pathetic effort to get oBe that
Iker's left hand and later would tit: has known a military des­
i the haud of a right potism which bluntly told the women
All cigarmakcrx must to marry aud beHr children In order
Is equally well, and econ- that Napoleon mlgbt be continuously
11 me and material Is tbe supplied with troop«: bus known an
le In tobacco factories, absolute monarchy where a graceful
of tobacco is cut for the manner was more effective at court
cut on tbe Idas and rolled than a bead well lilted with sense and
Ight on the filler, and at lias known a government of the rabble
f and b.v the other hand under which there was no insurrec­
t pieces are mwl. Ix-lng tion against projierty mid death sen­
lied In the opposite way. tences passed against citizens for tbe
>n the man who holds a sin of wearing aristocratic names and
Iglit band, which always clean shirts. — From "The Story of
Itwlxts during the course France," by Tbouiaa E Watson
I rule* tfie wrap[H-r the
Tho Point of View.
and easily enough It be-
Th. world In wtik-li a man lives
“d. —Chicago Tribune.
shapes Itself chiefly by the way In
is and tho Bill of Rights, which tie hsikx at it. snd so It proves
»peaking, there 1 m a big different to different men To one It Is
tween the Milena Charla barren, dull mid »Ufierflclal: to another
>f richt«. The first was rich. Interesting and full of meaning
the barons from King On hearing of the Interesting events
lymede In June. 1215. the will h have hnpfiened In the course of
lords and volino« him from a man's expreirarr many people will
al Primes« of Oran«. In wish that similar things had haptienwl
In their live«, too, completely forget
rtn wlll er.r retnnin thè ting that tiler slexild lie enrlous rather
msrk In llie ronotltutton- of the mental aptitude which letn
Eugland. but nexf to tbe these events tlie xlgulfl<-snce they pos
’ wruug from John by Sess when he desert lies them To a man
l»t stand thè bill of rights of genius they were Interesting ad
irne lously ncceded t«» by rcntuses. but to tbe dull perception»
L—New York American.
of an ordinary lodlrklnal they would
hare I xm - ii xtsle. everyday uvcurrem-es
Olfactory Toot
—Bchof lenha uer
•ear a whlm-kxl theory
ess fill arm-ery Mnt* can
A Ting« of Suspicion.
f It« «dora. and yet tliere
"That »[leaker always starts off."
truth In it-uanirlr. that «»Id Partner Comtosnel. "by telila
ore whh h greets I he noe
wbat tbe country needs "
-eri a in «lorioux eoiiiblisa-
“Naturally and properly .“
nf rnfTre. tea atei «|»i*-e«
“I «‘poor no.
Only I n«>rk-e that
ay. a paying lureotioeot when a man goes imi of hi« way to
•Ml me what I need It's always nome-
ttlu' in hl» inirtk-nlar line of g-xsia “
— Washington Klar.
Hard Work,
“Why did you tell me row were
working your way throop-h colleger'
“I am “
»'•out h“
“Certainly not: mr work «wistot« of
getting money from dad “- Huffaln El
H U n
headquarters FOR
And They C»m, Mighty N»ar Boring A Safeguard to Fl»»t> of Warships In
Him Again With Lead.
Thick Woathor.
The dread of I boredom is strongly I Probably the greatest menace to the
rbaracteristlc of tbe
present age. but safety of navigation at sea is the fog
few hate It with such
Intensity as tbe Modern steamships are seldom endan­
artist who lived in
I Paris lu the day a gered by the most severe weather, but
of the commune and of whom Ç. E. I when the impenetrable euvelupc of
Halle S|»eakx la i his "Notes of a mist Incloses a ship sbe is exposed to
Painter's Life.”
I the most terrible of |>erils. a collision
"A friend of mine.” says Mr. Halle, at sea. A single ship may be cum|utr-
“told me that be was iu the studio of 'atively safe even lu a fog. but where
an artist when it was rlsited by s de­ there is a fleet of vessels tbe danger
tachment of soldiers, Tbe usual ques- is greatly multiplied. There is always
lion about the possession of arms was ronsiderable danger, too. on account of
asked and answered in the negative, the fact that many of the ship line«
but one of the soldiers found a gun in have what could be ternied a beaten
the corner of tbe studio, and on his path across the ocean, and they al­
evldem-e the owner was told that be ways follow this route when |ss«slble.
In addition to the customary fog
must come out and lie shot. Mv friend
was very foud of him. so he asked to horns aud sirens, a fleet of warships
he allowed to see the gun.
It was often keep informed of their relative
given to him. and with the help of a lioslttons by the tiring of signal guns
pencil he pass.«! his handkerchief a Lat intervals only a few minute« apart
few Inches down the barrel and I Another method uxed is the fog buoy.
brought It out brown with rust. He Each vessel iu the fleet, especially if it
|M»iiite<l out that if the gun had beeu 13 a warship fleet, carries a fog buoy,
used I he inside of t he barrel must a large cask pa lilted a vivid red. This
have been bln<-k with (wiwder aud uot Is cast overtmard at tbe first sign ot a
. fog, and It floats from the stern of the
brown with rust, so tbe artist was
i vessel, attached to a rope of grass
let off.
i fiber, which does not sink beneath the
"My friend asked the artist why he
I surface of tbe water B.v this means
had not himself suggested this simple
I the exact location of the individual
lest, ami all the answer be got was: I ships of tbe fleet Is maintained, even
'Oil. they Ixired me. I would rather
though proceeding at a moderate rute
any day be shot than bored.' ”
of speed. —Wichita Eagle.
We carry a Large Stock of
Hardware, Tinware, Glass
and China,
Oils. Paint, Varnish, Doors. Window
Agents for the Great Western Saw
The Most
Reliable Merchants in Tillamook County
Wassailing of Apple Trees Still Ob-
servsd In Parts of England.
What Is tbe wassailing of apple
This Is an old custom, fast dying
out, but still observed in parts of
At Wooton-
Somerset and Devoti.
Basset, near Miuehead, tbe ceremony
takes place on old Twelfth eve. All
assemble at the farmhouse and after
J a hearty meal form n procession to
tbe nearest orchard, the master in
front with a light aud men with old
guns, blunderbusses and anything that
makes a noise In the rear. I'leuty of
cider is taken aud some pieces of
When the orchard is reached a ring
Is formed, and the master, iu tbe ceu
tef. seizes a branch and sings a verse
beginning "Ob, apple tree. I wassail
thee, in hopes that tbou wilt blow."
Then all about In cborus:
■y •
Lumber Manufacturing Comjiv
H EM lock LU M B ER
Hatful«, capfuls, three bushel bagfuls.
Barn floorfuls, tullel holefuls
And a little heap under the stairs.
Then follow cheers, drinking of
healths, shouts of "Now, Tom Pod. we
wassail thee!" and tbe plndug of the
pieces of toast, soaked io cider, among
the branches for tbe roblus.— Loudon
Har Artistic Instinct.
Tbe Kiri was a dainty thing In pink,
evidently a stranger In Boston. Tbe
fellow bud Harvard written all over
bltn. They were standing lu the de
livery room of tbe public library, and
he wax explaining to her the deco
rations by Edwin Abbey which Illus­
trate the legend of the Holy Grail.
As be talked he glanced iwcasluually
at bls fair listener and seemed pleased
to bud her apparently lost lu mpture
Finally, when bis stock of knowledge
was exhausted, be exclaimed:
“Why. I never before knew that you
were ao interested In art!”
For a moment longer she continued
to gaze at tbe painting; then, with a
tremulous sigh, abe turned to hhr.
“1 bars been wondering bow many
pieces It would make If cut up Into
one of those picture puzzle«"-Har­
per’s Magazine.
We Make the Best CHEESE BOXES for Tillamook
County’s Most Famous Cheese.
Ths Porcupine.
Mother Nature surely must bare set
out to make “something different” the
day she invented tbe porcupine. Here
was an animal with a |>utherb-ally
mild dlsimsltlou. without cunning or
courage and almost us slow and clum­
sy ns a turtle. It would have been
absurd to give blm weapons of de
fense; be would never have the energy
to attack auytbiug. so be was given a
coat of mail In which be might walk
abroad among his enemies and yet be
as safe as though be were behind a
wall of steel. His upper parts, from
his nose to tbe tip of his thick, muscu­
lar tail. ar. covered with a mass of
sharp pointed quills intermixed with
coarse hair. Each quill is provided
with a numtier of minute barbs [mint­
ing backward, so that when It Is once
Uiserted In tbe flesh of any animal th.
mere movement of the muscles will
cause It to work deeper and deeper.—
Suburban Life,
in the County.
Workmen and
for all stomach feoublea—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad
breath,sick headache, torpid liver, biliousness and habitu. 1 constipation. Pleasant to take.
Sold by Chas. I. Clough.
N otice is IlEKKUY Git kN,— That
within sixty days from the date of
said notice it will lie unlawful for
stock to run at large, under penalty
of Ten dollars for the first offence
an<l Twenty dollars for each and
every subsequent offence, in the
Precinct of Carnahan for Tillamook
County, State of Oregon, according
to a vote taken at a General Election
duly held on the Mb day of Norrm
her, 1910.
In witness whereof I have here
unto set my haud and seal of said
county this 17th day of November,
J. C. H olubx , County Clerk
Unsurpassed. Non Intoxicating.
within aixty day s from the date of
xuid nolice it will lie unlawful for
stock to run at large, under penalty
Old Aga of Oy»tar».
Oysters grow owly during summer of Ten doll.!is for the first oflenr <•
and especially during long, warm sum and Twenty dollars for eai h and
men at that and are scarcely big every subsequent «»ffence.in theI’re
enough for tbe tnoutb before tbe third cinctofHebO for Tillamook County.
year, It 1« eaaj after krakln« ovar a State of Oregon, according to a vote
bunch of shells to toll bow old an taken at a General Election duly held
oystor la. A summer bump and the on the «th da<of Xoreniler. IIU"
winter sink come scross Itie shell
In witnea« whereof I have here­
every year. but after tbe seventh <x unto »et my hand and seal of said
tenth year full growth comes, then by County thia 17th day of November,
Iboktng at tbe sinks between tbs
. u
J. C. HOU*S. County l Irik
bumpe it Is bard to tell anything more
about Miss Oyater • age Oyster» easl
ly live to be twenty yaan oK— New
Wants To Help Some Otte.
Tort Prana
For .m vrnrx |. r Hoyer. of r--r
tile. Mo..’ needed help and cooldn t
find it. That'» why
be — «»»>••
* Suffering
some one now.
!—— —— so long
“ *’ —1» from
himself he feel» for alldi-try
Hach» he. Nervou«nes«. Loa. of
Af«petite. Ijisaillide and Kidnev
He «how« that Ele-trie
<b «Order«.
Bitter« wofk won iderw for attr'h trou
■■five I bottle«.” hr- write».
* wholly ewr «J me and now 1 am well
It's ateo f.jattively
•nd hearty
guaranteed fr*» 13ver Trouble. I*'«
pep.,». Htoc-: M ,r<lrrx Ftm<
ltd Materia.
at t hai I. C lough'
Columbia Bottling Co.,
Astoria, Oregon
Noda Waters. Slpthonx, Bartlett
A. K
Tillamook Iron Works»
General Machinists A Blacksmiths.
Boiler Work, l.ogrrr » Werk «nd Hraty Purging.
Ftp« la-blur Work a Nperlnltjr.