TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 15. 1910, OUGH’S NOTE. ip»r Treasured by la» Duke’» Hair,. si per that carries one cry atmosphere of a battle in the world's jg the historical treas- lui [louse. Ou the pa- I lines scribbled In peo- , written by tbe L>uke II at the close uf tho It Blenheim, of bailie was rolling ire French and Hava- liseiilerly retreat, with cavalry riding fiercely Tbe slopes of tbe bill i,v plain were strewn h I aud wour.ded. >ugb. with the exclte- rreat tight yet strong ¡led up his horse on one «tic bridges across tbe lid scribbled these doz- j wife iu Loudon to tell It event. ;be duke borrowed the 1 from some memlter of It the back of II are the a tavern bill. He used the bridge for a writing been seventeen hours in It of that time riding In | of i.lie of the greatest history, yet tbe letter» ipe. a curious testimony ly uiishnkable temperá­ is Marlborough's most icteristic. — New York T THEY BORED HIM, A POET AT WORK. Bumming May Have Helped Wordsworth Out a Dit. To see a |«>em in the making, the uninitiated are apt to think, should prove an interexllng sight. L'nfortU iistely they will probably be disap­ pointed If the dex-riptlou. quoted by the Itev. 11. II. llawnxley In "Literary Axaix iiitinuH of the English Ijikea." of Wordsworth at work I m to be credited An old retainer of the family furnished this account of Wordsworth walking np and down his terrace eom|sising: “Mr. Wordsworlh went humming anil Issdng alxiul, and she. Miss Ikir- otliy. kept close behind him and pick­ ed up birx as he lei fall, and she'd take 'em dowu and put eui on |>a|>er for him. and you may he very well sure as how she didn't understand or make sense out of 'em. and I doubt that lie didn't have much Idea alaiot ern either himself. But. Imwlver. there's a gey lot of fowk as wad. I dare say. - “He would start n-lmmmlng at one end of the walk, and It was 'Rum bum. bum!* till he atop|>ed, and then 'Bum. bum. bum!' back again. Then he'd set down Hud get a hit of paper out und write a bit: then git up mul Bum. bum. bum!' and go on a-buiu- mlng right down the terrace and back ignln I sti|>|«>se tbe bummiug helped blm out u bit.” 'a Impertinene» and a •'» Tart Retort. icI. tbe famous English loiious for his Insolence • fen tilers. At the Ra­ tou. he ordered the foot- Ills snuffbox Into the 1 bishop bad taken a A mini whom tie bad offered him a lift iu bis Uy Jersey s bull. "Tbuuk ly.” said tbe beau, "but to go? You would uot behind, and 1 cannot be me Carriage with you.” rret of bis humble birtb ■d about bis parents de- Ibe poor old creatures throats years ago eat- i knife.” 1st Brummel met bis ras [flaying hazard at a well kuown alderman, ts oue of the party. Illi.'' said Brummel, who |er. 'what's your bet?” guineas.” was the reply, »veat the mayor*« pouy.” . who proeeedi-d to cast of luck won the stake n succession. I'oeketiug thanked the brewer and In future lie would diiuk Franca Has Run the Gamut. r but bis. "I wish, sir." No other modern nation has under­ ewer, "that every other gone changes more frequent, more Londou would tell me rmllcal. more sudden, bloody aud dra­ ma lie. In forms of government France has boxed the compass—has been tiling Cigars. u to hear men complalu feudal, monarehlal, lni|»erla I. repub le cigars, blit il lx not lleau mid revolutionary. She bas e a cigar I m indifferently stuinled the depths cf royal abso t that the wrap|>er curls iuiixui mid of communistic anarchy: off. Much of I etier this has made and unmade constitutions In tbe cigar having l»eell the pathetic effort to get oBe that Iker's left hand and later would tit: has known a military des­ i the haud of a right potism which bluntly told the women All cigarmakcrx must to marry aud beHr children In order Is equally well, and econ- that Napoleon mlgbt be continuously 11 me and material Is tbe supplied with troop«: bus known an le In tobacco factories, absolute monarchy where a graceful of tobacco is cut for the manner was more effective at court cut on tbe Idas and rolled than a bead well lilted with sense and Ight on the filler, and at lias known a government of the rabble f and b.v the other hand under which there was no insurrec­ t pieces are mwl. Ix-lng tion against projierty mid death sen­ lied In the opposite way. tences passed against citizens for tbe >n the man who holds a sin of wearing aristocratic names and Iglit band, which always clean shirts. — From "The Story of Itwlxts during the course France," by Tbouiaa E Watson I rule* tfie wrap[H-r the Tho Point of View. and easily enough It be- Th. world In wtik-li a man lives “d. —Chicago Tribune. shapes Itself chiefly by the way In is and tho Bill of Rights, which tie hsikx at it. snd so It proves »peaking, there 1 m a big different to different men To one It Is tween the Milena Charla barren, dull mid »Ufierflclal: to another >f richt«. The first was rich. Interesting and full of meaning the barons from King On hearing of the Interesting events lymede In June. 1215. the will h have hnpfiened In the course of lords and volino« him from a man's expreirarr many people will al Primes« of Oran«. In wish that similar things had haptienwl In their live«, too, completely forget rtn wlll er.r retnnin thè ting that tiler slexild lie enrlous rather msrk In llie ronotltutton- of the mental aptitude which letn Eugland. but nexf to tbe these events tlie xlgulfl<-snce they pos ’ wruug from John by Sess when he desert lies them To a man l»t stand thè bill of rights of genius they were Interesting ad irne lously ncceded t«» by rcntuses. but to tbe dull perception» L—New York American. of an ordinary lodlrklnal they would hare I xm - ii xtsle. everyday uvcurrem-es Olfactory Toot —Bchof lenha uer 1 •ear a whlm-kxl theory ess fill arm-ery Mnt* can A Ting« of Suspicion. f It« «dora. and yet tliere "That »[leaker always starts off." truth In it-uanirlr. that «»Id Partner Comtosnel. "by telila ore whh h greets I he noe wbat tbe country needs " -eri a in «lorioux eoiiiblisa- “Naturally and properly .“ nf rnfTre. tea atei «|»i*-e« “I «‘poor no. Only I n«>rk-e that ay. a paying lureotioeot when a man goes imi of hi« way to •Ml me what I need It's always nome- ttlu' in hl» inirtk-nlar line of g-xsia “ — Washington Klar. like Hard Work, “Why did you tell me row were working your way throop-h colleger' “I am “ ’Hoi nobody »'•out h“ “Certainly not: mr work «wistot« of getting money from dad “- Huffaln El aha. ct. H U n * qw si&StSLaaiSii headquarters FOR THE FOG BUOY. And They C»m, Mighty N»ar Boring A Safeguard to Fl»»t> of Warships In Him Again With Lead. Thick Woathor. The dread of I boredom is strongly I Probably the greatest menace to the rbaracteristlc of tbe i present age. but safety of navigation at sea is the fog few hate It with such I Intensity as tbe Modern steamships are seldom endan­ artist who lived in I Paris lu the day a gered by the most severe weather, but of the commune and of whom Ç. E. I when the impenetrable euvelupc of Halle S|»eakx la i his "Notes of a mist Incloses a ship sbe is exposed to Painter's Life.” I the most terrible of |>erils. a collision "A friend of mine.” says Mr. Halle, at sea. A single ship may be cum|utr- “told me that be was iu the studio of 'atively safe even lu a fog. but where an artist when it was rlsited by s de­ there is a fleet of vessels tbe danger tachment of soldiers, Tbe usual ques- is greatly multiplied. There is always lion about the possession of arms was ronsiderable danger, too. on account of asked and answered in the negative, the fact that many of the ship line« but one of the soldiers found a gun in have what could be ternied a beaten the corner of tbe studio, and on his path across the ocean, and they al­ evldem-e the owner was told that be ways follow this route when |ss«slble. In addition to the customary fog must come out and lie shot. Mv friend was very foud of him. so he asked to horns aud sirens, a fleet of warships he allowed to see the gun. It was often keep informed of their relative given to him. and with the help of a lioslttons by the tiring of signal guns pencil he pass.«! his handkerchief a Lat intervals only a few minute« apart few Inches down the barrel and I Another method uxed is the fog buoy. brought It out brown with rust. He Each vessel iu the fleet, especially if it |M»iiiteutherb-ally mild dlsimsltlou. without cunning or courage and almost us slow and clum­ sy ns a turtle. It would have been absurd to give blm weapons of de fense; be would never have the energy to attack auytbiug. so be was given a coat of mail In which be might walk abroad among his enemies and yet be as safe as though be were behind a wall of steel. His upper parts, from his nose to tbe tip of his thick, muscu­ lar tail. ar. covered with a mass of sharp pointed quills intermixed with coarse hair. Each quill is provided with a numtier of minute barbs [mint­ ing backward, so that when It Is once Uiserted In tbe flesh of any animal th. mere movement of the muscles will cause It to work deeper and deeper.— Suburban Life, OF in the County. Workmen and LEI •- OLEYS ORINO LAXATIVE for all stomach feoublea—indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, gas in the stomach, bad breath,sick headache, torpid liver, biliousness and habitu. 1 constipation. Pleasant to take. Sold by Chas. I. Clough. Notice. N otice is IlEKKUY Git kN,— That within sixty days from the date of said notice it will lie unlawful for stock to run at large, under penalty of Ten dollars for the first offence an•• * Suffering — some one now. !—— —— so long “ *’ —1» from himself he feel» for alldi-try Hach» he. Nervou«nes«. Loa. of Af«petite. Ijisaillide and Kidnev He «how« that Ele-trie