Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 29, 1910, Image 5

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Come To-Night.
ICE.--This Evangelist has the Largest Chart on the Bible in the world
the largest collection of beautiful charts of any Evangelist in the United States
A large Orchestra will accompany his chorus, led by M. M. MOSS,
an expert chorister and soloist.
» David Eugene Olson
was born of Scandinavian parents
in Montgomery County,
November 6. 1876. He moved to
the state of Washington in 1890.
When only 17 years old he was con­
verted to Christ and New Teatament
At once he began preaching
among hia own people and con­
tinued for. five years with marked
The Lutheran Church gave to
Brother Olson his early religious
training. His father was a faithful
and successful Lutheran preacher.
He was the first of his family to
step out from all humanism and
identify himself with tlie “Great
Restoration Movement.”
While he has proved himself a
man of unusual worth and power
among the Scandinavians, he is
equally effective among English-
speaking people.
The Eugene Bible University con­
ferred upon Brother Olson the
degrees A. B., B. D.. and B. O., for
required work done in this school
and the State University of Oregon.
Especially gifted by nature for
Evangelistic work, he has given care­
ful attention to methods and details;
nothing having been neglected that
could contribute to hip strength
an 1 success.
Though constantly in the Univers­
ity since beginning his ministry
among the English »¡waking peo­
ple, his success has been pheno­
menal. During his school life in
Eugene, Oregon, he preached 1135
sermons, received 1312 memliers
into the church anil conducted IS
revivals, averaging 50 additions to
the meeting.
He conducted three revivals in
one place in a single year resulting
in 206 conversions, the last of the
three being the most successful.
Recently he held a meeting in
Puyallup, Washington, a place of
8000 population, 1 which resulted
in 200 additions in less than six
He is a successful pastor, power­
ful in organisation, sound in doc-
trine, strong in faith, fervent in
prayer, cheery and hojieful in dis­
He is a man of indefatigable
energy in pulpit and ¡reraonal work.
In all, highly practical and all­
round man who reaches men, mak­
ing him just the evangelist you
want for a meeting.
I have been associated with him
for years as a fellow student, a
co-worker in the ministry and in
meetings aa conductor of music.
I heartily commend him to all as
an intensely earnest man who will
C has . C. C urtis .
Read What People
Say About Him
“Hundreds of people had the
privilege last night of hearing Da­
vid Eugene Olson, one of the great­
est Evangelists in the Northwest.”
—Tacoma I.edger.
“Mr. Olson preaches a strong
and insistent doctrine of the union
of all churches.”—Portland Evening
“Mr. Olson delivered what many
of hie hearers pronounced one of
the beet lectures ever heard in Puy­
allup. He held the attention of
800 or more people from first to
last He is one who practices what
he preaches and demonstrates and
proves everything as he goes
along.”—Puyallup Republican.
“Evangelist Olson is one of the
most powerful
speakers which Puyallup has known
for years.”—Puyallup Tribune.
“ D, E. Olson is an earnest, able
speaker, full of mother wit, and
thoroughly conversant with the
Scriptures which he seems to have
committed to memory. He holds
his audience from start to finish,
giving them no time to become
restless under his address. His
methods are very commendable.
He does not attack other churches
and thus create prejudices, but
commends them for all their good
work.” —St. John's Review.
Rev. David Eugene Olson deliv­
ered his great lecture on “Health”
Tuesday evening in the Christian
church, and it met with universal ap­
preciation on the part of hie large
congregation. Wednesday evening
he gave a recital which was also
highly appreciated.—Puyallup Rep.
We the Deciples of
Wear no name but Christ
Have no priest but Christ
Accept no creed but Christ’s.
Submit to no authority but Christ’s.
Ask you to believe on Christ,
Ask you to repent toward Christ
Ask you to confess Christ.
Ask you to l<e baptised into Christ,
Ask you to walk with Christ
Ask you to live for Christ.
Plead for unity in Christ
Christ is our all in all.
AreyouaChristian? Prominent Lawyer
If Not, why Not ? Tells of Evange­
1. Is it because you fear ridicule?
list Olson
“Whosoever is ashamed of me and
my words of him shall the son of
man be ashamed.” Luke 9:26.
2. Is it because you are waiting
for a special call? “He calleth you
by my Gospel." II. Thes. 2:14.
3. Is it because of the inconsist­
ency of some church member?
"Everyone of us must give an ac­
count of himself to God." Romans
4. Is it because you think you
are good enough without Christ?
"Except a man be born of the water
and the spirit he cannot enter the
kingdom of heaven.” John 3:5
5 Is it because you fear you are
too great a sinner? “The blood of
Jesus Christ His son cleanseth us
from all sins.” 1 John,1:7
fl Is it because you fear that you
cannot hold out faithful? “God is
faithfid who will not suffer you to la-
tempted above that which you are
able.” 1 Cor. 10:13.
7 Is it that you wish to continue
in sin? “The wages of sin is death.”
Romans 0: 23.
Dear Reader:
Make no more excuses; hear
Christ, believe Christ,
Christ, repent towards Christ, lie
baptised into Christ and live for
Him faithful unto death and you
will be saved.
All excuses will fail in judgment.
Do what you know is right. Do it
today. Tomorrow may never come
It is wise to tie safe, it is safe to lie
in Christ.” Roman 6: 11. Enter to­
A Reasonable
If you hear Christ, lielieveChriat,
repent toward Christ, confess Christ,
and are baptized into Christ and
live as he teaches in tlie lhl’le, you
will tie made lietter anil happier <o.‘
this life and run no risks as to the
If you do not, you will take all
chances of being lost and h»ve no-
thing togain here or hereafter, All
Matt. 7:24 27.
to lose.
Be wiae.
Not foolish.
WAY. Do it today. Say I will.
Christ Our Only Creed,
the Bible Only Rule of
Faith and Practice.
We are one4in Faith
and Practice, Charity
in opinion.
Compare Christian Preacher
to Rapid Fire Gun and
Extra Tires.
“Have you heard David E. Olson,
the evangelist?” a prominent law­
yer was asked.
“I have,” he answered, “and in
some particulars he excels any man
I ever listened to. James Hamilton
Lewis, former Congressman from
Seattle, was accredited with being
one of the most rapid speakers who
ever appeared in congress, but Ol­
son will say three words to one of
I-ewis ; in fact, Lewis is like a gentle
shower compared to a cloudburst.
I know of nothing to compare him
with when it comes to rapid talking
and Scripture quotations except to
say that he appears to be a six-
cylinder, high-power armored go»-
pel motor car, mount«! with four of
the latest improved rapid fire guns
with an inexhaustible store of aiiiiuu-
nition, with extra tires strapped on
behind. When he charges at the
enemy be strikes a pace i.f more
than a mile a minute and rakes
everything foie and uft on both
sides witli the fastest shooting ever
known in a gospyl campaign work,
and as he sweeps by, you instinct­
ively bide, and when beyond you
he halts for one moment, you
emerge from your hiding place be-
lievirig he has exhausted his ammu­
nition. In a flush be about faces
and trains ail lour guns on you,
every one shisiting faster thanever,
and before lie gets near you you
either run for very life, surrender
or cry for the ris ks and mountains
to fall on you to hide you from the
wrath to come.
“The book of Revelation tells of a
time coming when the cavalry of
hell two hundred milliou strong—
the horses having heads like lions,
and out of their mouths issue fire
and smoke und brimstone, by
which the third part of men are to
lie killed, will raid this world.
“But that army certainly will
attempt an
Hoquiam while Olson is here.
Jesus routed the devil with three
quotations, and Mr.
< »son seems to tie so full of the
Bible that quotations leap from Ilia
tongue. Hash from Ilia eyes and
seem to spring Irom the tips of his
fingers and from every hair of his
head, ami should that army ap|>e ir
and encounter a man so thoroughly
equipped with Bible quotations, as
Mr. Olson is, the whole bunch
would break and run ns soon as ha
would open tire on them, and never
»top to liaxard a battle with a num
like Olson.
“Mr. Olson is a young man, but
he is certainly a wonderful man.
Everybody should hear him."
Are You in Christ
or Not ? •
Out of Christ, means lost.
Christ means aa veil. To tie in Christ
we must first come “into” Christ.
The Inspired word of God. the only
infallible guide, telle liow to couie
“into Christ,”
The steps tlint lead in Christ are:
1. Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ John 29:30, 31 ; John 3:18;
lleb. 11:3.
2, Repent, Hint is turn away from
sin—Luke 24:47; Lk. 13:% H ; Acta
3. Confess Christ before u>cn—
Matt' 10:32; 1 Tim. 5.12, 13; Rom.
10:9, 10.
4. Be baptised into the name of
the Pother, Son and Holy Spirit
Matt. 28:18-30; Acta 2:38, 3»; Rom.
fl: 3-3.
If you have taken these stops sin­
cerely you are in Christ.
Now to
abide in Christ we must live daily in
obedience to his word. See II Pet.
1:2-11; I Theos, 5:141-22; I John 4:11-
21 ; Rom 8:35-3».
Dear readei, "Are you in Chiiat?”
Your friend.
Seven Great
1. There can la
* no design with­
out an intelligent Designer,
2. No plan without an intelligent
3. No law without an intelligent
4. No thought without u Thinker.
5. No purpose without some intel­
ligent person who has Ilins l‘ur-
fl. No order out of confusion
without some intelligent |teraon thus
7. No planned, designed, purpos­
ed, ordered, well though! out per
l>etiial motion without intelligence
behind it. The universe allows such
motion, lieaign, law, plan, purpose,
thought, order and law. Manis not
the designer, planner, thinker, law­
giver, and governor.
some greater intelligence is back of
it all “The (¡od of the Bible,” is
an intelligent answer.
Hear the Man who has had more additions in the West
than any other Evangelist in the same number of meetings
e. Mixed Quartette Sings at Each Service.
Hear Them.