NOT MISS A SIHNGLE SERMON Come To-Night. ICE.--This Evangelist has the Largest Chart on the Bible in the world the largest collection of beautiful charts of any Evangelist in the United States A large Orchestra will accompany his chorus, led by M. M. MOSS, an expert chorister and soloist. WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HIM. 4 Evangelist » David Eugene Olson was born of Scandinavian parents in Montgomery County, Iowa, November 6. 1876. He moved to the state of Washington in 1890. When only 17 years old he was con­ verted to Christ and New Teatament Christianity. At once he began preaching among hia own people and con­ tinued for. five years with marked success. The Lutheran Church gave to Brother Olson his early religious training. His father was a faithful and successful Lutheran preacher. He was the first of his family to step out from all humanism and identify himself with tlie “Great Restoration Movement.” While he has proved himself a man of unusual worth and power among the Scandinavians, he is equally effective among English- speaking people. The Eugene Bible University con­ ferred upon Brother Olson the degrees A. B., B. D.. and B. O., for required work done in this school and the State University of Oregon. Especially gifted by nature for Evangelistic work, he has given care­ ful attention to methods and details; nothing having been neglected that could contribute to hip strength an 1 success. Though constantly in the Univers­ ity since beginning his ministry among the English »¡waking peo­ ple, his success has been pheno­ menal. During his school life in Eugene, Oregon, he preached 1135 sermons, received 1312 memliers into the church anil conducted IS revivals, averaging 50 additions to the meeting. He conducted three revivals in one place in a single year resulting in 206 conversions, the last of the three being the most successful. Recently he held a meeting in Puyallup, Washington, a place of 8000 population, 1 which resulted in 200 additions in less than six weeks. He is a successful pastor, power­ ful in organisation, sound in doc- trine, strong in faith, fervent in prayer, cheery and hojieful in dis­ position. He is a man of indefatigable energy in pulpit and ¡reraonal work. In all, highly practical and all­ round man who reaches men, mak­ ing him just the evangelist you want for a meeting. I have been associated with him for years as a fellow student, a co-worker in the ministry and in meetings aa conductor of music. i * I I heartily commend him to all as an intensely earnest man who will win. C has . C. C urtis . Read What People Say About Him “Hundreds of people had the privilege last night of hearing Da­ vid Eugene Olson, one of the great­ est Evangelists in the Northwest.” —Tacoma I.edger. “Mr. Olson preaches a strong and insistent doctrine of the union of all churches.”—Portland Evening Telegram. “Mr. Olson delivered what many of hie hearers pronounced one of the beet lectures ever heard in Puy­ allup. He held the attention of 800 or more people from first to last He is one who practices what he preaches and demonstrates and proves everything as he goes along.”—Puyallup Republican. “Evangelist Olson is one of the most powerful and influential speakers which Puyallup has known for years.”—Puyallup Tribune. “ D, E. Olson is an earnest, able speaker, full of mother wit, and thoroughly conversant with the Scriptures which he seems to have committed to memory. He holds his audience from start to finish, giving them no time to become restless under his address. His methods are very commendable. He does not attack other churches and thus create prejudices, but commends them for all their good work.” —St. John's Review. Rev. David Eugene Olson deliv­ ered his great lecture on “Health” Tuesday evening in the Christian church, and it met with universal ap­ preciation on the part of hie large congregation. Wednesday evening he gave a recital which was also highly appreciated.—Puyallup Rep. We the Deciples of Christ Wear no name but Christ Have no priest but Christ Accept no creed but Christ’s. Submit to no authority but Christ’s. Ask you to believe on Christ, Ask you to repent toward Christ Ask you to confess Christ. Ask you to le ir and encounter a man so thoroughly equipped with Bible quotations, as Mr. Olson is, the whole bunch would break and run ns soon as ha would open tire on them, and never »top to liaxard a battle with a num like Olson. “Mr. Olson is a young man, but he is certainly a wonderful man. Everybody should hear him." Are You in Christ or Not ? • Out of Christ, means lost. In Christ means aa veil. To tie in Christ we must first come “into” Christ. The Inspired word of God. the only infallible guide, telle liow to couie “into Christ,” The steps tlint lead in Christ are: 1. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ John 29:30, 31 ; John 3:18; lleb. 11:3. 2, Repent, Hint is turn away from sin—Luke 24:47; Lk. 13:% H ; Acta 17:30. 3. Confess Christ before u>cn— Matt' 10:32; 1 Tim. 5.12, 13; Rom. 10:9, 10. 4. Be baptised into the name of the Pother, Son and Holy Spirit Matt. 28:18-30; Acta 2:38, 3»; Rom. fl: 3-3. If you have taken these stops sin­ cerely you are in Christ. Now to abide in Christ we must live daily in obedience to his word. See II Pet. 1:2-11; I Theos, 5:141-22; I John 4:11- 21 ; Rom 8:35-3». Dear readei, "Are you in Chiiat?” Your friend. Seven Great Scientific Statements. 1. There can la * no design with­ out an intelligent Designer, 2. No plan without an intelligent Planner. 3. No law without an intelligent laiw-giver, 4. No thought without u Thinker. 5. No purpose without some intel­ ligent person who has Ilins l‘ur- posed. fl. No order out of confusion without some intelligent |teraon thus ordering. 7. No planned, designed, purpos­ ed, ordered, well though! out per l>etiial motion without intelligence behind it. The universe allows such motion, lieaign, law, plan, purpose, thought, order and law. Manis not the designer, planner, thinker, law­ giver, and governor. Therefore some greater intelligence is back of it all “The (¡od of the Bible,” is an intelligent answer. Hear the Man who has had more additions in the West than any other Evangelist in the same number of meetings 4 ff * e. Mixed Quartette Sings at Each Service. Hear Them. i