Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 19, 1907, Image 1

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    V®1. XX. No. 14.
£2,625.00 Buys 20 acres good bottom land partly within
city limits.
Valuable for other purposes than farming for which it is
wsrth more than price asked.
One half acre across road from this piece recently sold for
Cost you nothing to investigate this real bargain in Real
Present owner has reason for selling.
For further particulars see RALPH ACKLEY.
I. T. Botts, for abstracts.
ipalac at King & Smith's.
rad Tillamook County Bank notes *
ir. Henry E. Morris, eye specialist. *
hicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar.
lives iu bulk or jar al Mills' Cash
<>u can get Japalac at King and
Be sure to attend the
Next Meeting, Sept. 19.
Important business to
¡5 be acted on.—COME.
^niiniH »luciiumiiiwniuiKiHHRjMiiiiiiMiiiiitMmMiBn'dHii'iiuiiLiBUiiiKira
Why leave your horses in the rain
when you can tie them in Harris' Tie
Shed for 10 cts.
Have your photo taken by McMillian
Hammocks at King and while you have the chance. You are sure
of good work.
cw Caps, Scarfs and Mufflers at Stur
R. A. Collins and wife and B K. Y’ok-
nta, of Los Angeles, Cal., w as in the city
. Byrum was up from Garibaldi on on Wednesday.
id day.
Don't forget to stop at Harris' Feed
'. W. Todd has gone to Portland on Barn, the cheapest place in the citv to
your team.
Jng & Smith make a specialty of the
this city is 180, which will reach more
nt Line.
than 200 in a few weeks.
astern Hains and Bacon at Mills’
The largest shipment of Loaded Shells
ih Store.
that ever came to Tillamook just receiv­
prnce limbs for fire wood are $6 and ed by King & Smith Co.
.50 a cord.
There will be preaching, both morning
asper Perry was down from Nehalem and evening, next Sunday at the Presby­
terian church in this city.
cuts and
d F. Leach will pay 10c. pe. pound
Miss Edna Aiderman is going to Port,
your chicken.
land, where she will take a course in in­
and vocal music.
Jan Emerson, ol Hillsboro, wds in the
f on Wednesday.
W. E. Catterlin has been awarded the
i. H. Hart, of Portland, was in the contract to dig the basement for the con­
crete building, at 34c. a yard.
J on Wednesday.
Wanted, a good all round man on a
,. J. Kintz, of Oakland, Cal., was in
small dairy ranch. For particulars ad-
(city on Wednesday.
dress G. R. Huff, Arlington, Oregon *
i’. M. Thompson, of Vancouver, Wash.,
Miss Myrtle Porter and Miss Edith
s in the city on Sunday.
Dunsmuir ha ve been engaged to teach the
[arris will feed
team hay and
two schools in the upper Wilson river.
... your
p them over night for 50c.
Lillie M. Golden, Albert G. Myers, J. J.
B. Messick, of 8alem, has been en Tyrrell, J. M. Rice, Deacon Booth and
fed to teach the Blaine school.
Bigham Young, of Portland, were regis­
tered at the Allcu house on Tuesday.
is? Ella Hays left on Wednesday
and college at Pullman, Wash.
The Truant Officers who have been ap.
Irs D A.Russell, of Colorado Springs, pointed to enforce the Compulsory Edu­
cation Law are J. C. Bewlev. Geo. F.
was in »he city on Wednesday.
Zimmerman, R. Y. Blalock and C. H.
he Tillamook Lumbering Company Way mire.
utting ties for the P. R. & N. Co.
John Harter expects to leave for Ash
ot the cheapest, but the " best for land when he can get his business affairs
ley,” is lhe motto of Mason Bros,
straightened out, and Irom there be will
marriage license was issued Thurs go to New Mexico with Bert Stephens
and bis wife.
to Earl R. Ayer and Nellie Smith.
A foretaste of the rainy season was ex­
. H. Whitney’s baby was taken quite
perienced on Sunday with a steady rain
: on Tuesday, but is much better.
all day, which continued until noon on
liss Hazel McNair left on Saturday Monday. Since then the weather has
rnter the state university at Eugene.
been bright and fine.
The engineers have completed the sur­
vey on the Wilson river for the Pacific
Railway <fc Navigation Co , which will
be the main line into Tillamook for that
road when it is built.
L. McFee wasdown from Nehalem on
Thursday and has gone outside to visit
his sister and also with the purpose of
looking over a Iruit farm at Lafayette
with the idea of buying it.
Open an account with this bank and
draw’ checks in pavment of your bills. It
gives you standing in the business «on
munity, and you have a receipt for the
payment made, aside from the receipted
bill.—T illamook C ounty B ank
Mr. E. E. Lytle, president of the Paci­
fic Railway & Navigation Co., came in
last week to look over the progress the
contractors are making in building the
road. Mr. J. A. Ellis accompanied him,
and they left for Portland on Monday.
Accounts Must be Be lied.
Having disposed of our business and
wishing to wind up our accounts at soon
as possible, those who sre owing us are
requested to call and pay at once, as we
want our outstanding indebtedness paid
up without d»lay Olfi<e in the First
National 3ank Buildiog. C ohn A c C o .
as ■
The School Bells are ringing and the little ones
are marching gleefully to school. Give them a good
start into the new school year by fitting their feet I
out in a comfortable pair of Shoes.
Are very carefully constructed with a view of
giving the proper amount of room to the child's
growing feet. Bring the children to us. We’re
experts in fitting little feet.
■ Full run of sizes all through. Box Calf or Vici
Kid. One half double sole, circular vamp, extension
edge, three lift school heel, tip, Blucher.
Clough's Concentrated Orange Cider
mixed with water and sweetened to taste
makes a delicious, refreshing and health­
ful drink. It sells for 50c. a pint, which Guessing Contest for Flour.
is enough to make five gallons of Orange
Cider ready to drink, fry a bottle at
A Guessing Contest begins next Mon­
Clough's Drug Store.
day and lasts 30 days.
you nothing.
See, write or phone J. C. Bewley foi
Go to Snuffer's Store and guess at the
anything you want in real estate, im
number of pounds of Flour on display.
proved larm lands, timber and city pro­
The First Prize is Six Sacks of White
Town property in Tillamook
City for ?ale and rent • also Bay City River Flour ; Second Prize, Four Sacks ,
property, lots, acreage and larger tracts Third Prize, Three Sacks ; Fourth Prize,
to suit purchaser. Olfice and residence : Two Sacks ; Fifth Prize, One Sack.
Every man, woman and child in the
The Winfield House, Bay City, Ore. *
county has a free guess.
Wanted, Organizers, either sex, on
salary oi $1,000 a month and expenses Suit Filed Over Railroad Land9.
lor an up to-date Association, paying
Suit to compel the Southern Pacific
weekly sick and accident benefits and
furnishing tree medical attendants to all Company to sell a tract of 160 acres,
its members. Liberal contract will be situated in Columbia County ami includ
made with producers of business —Ad­ ed in the railroad's land grant, was filed
dress Aineiican Sick & Accidental Asso. in the Federal Court in Portland on
ciation, Buffalo, N.Y.
* , Monday. The plaintiff is |ohn L. Snvder,
The tax pa yers who have not paid the of Columbia County, and the defendants
last half ot their taxes for lhe vear 1906, are the Oregon & California Railroad
and levied in January, 1907, are now Company, the Union Trust Company, 8.
payable and will become delinquent on T. Gage, N. T. Smith and W. E. Brown,
the first Monday iu October, 1907. at trustees, they being the holders of a trust
which time interest at the rate of 12 per mortgage on the land. Snvder filed on
cent, per annum will be charged, in addi the land July 30, last, and subsequently
tion to 10 per cent penalty, the interest tcndeied the railroad company $100 in
being computed from the first Monday payment for the quarter section. The
offer was refused, and Snider now seeks
in April, 1907.
to enforce the sale of the land by the
The assessment for Tillamook county company for a consideration of $2 50 an
will be over $8,000,000 this year. The acre, according to the terms of the grant
assessment on acreage property amounts by which Congress transferred about
to $7,327,550 and tow n lots $335,151. 6,000,000 acres of land to the corpora­
With the amount of assessment on per tion by the acts ot April 10, 1869, and
sonal property, which amounted to over Mav 4. 1870
$500,000 last years, make the amount
The papers were served on the railroad
eight millions. Timber claims, fir and people on Monday, and they will be re­
spruce, are assessed at $2,400, and hem­ quired to make an appearance when the
lock claims at $1,500.
United States Circuit Court is convened
The annual teachers’ institute for Till­ on the first Monday in October.
The filing of the suit w ill bring to an
amook County will be held in this city
on October 9th, 10th and 11th, when issue and a legal determination the con­
State Superintendent J. H Ackerman, troversy over the holJing of these lands
lion. B. F. Mulkey, President Ashland by the railroad company. It has been
Normal School ; Miss Cornelia Mervin. contended by the Government, and by
secretary of the Oregon Library Com settlers who aie ».ager to acquire these
mission ; Superintendent H. H. Belt, of lands, that the terms of the grant by
Yamhill county ; Mr. Chas. il. Jone», which this immense acreage was trans
editor of the Oregon Teachers’ Monthly, terred to the corporation, require the sale
will be th* instructors. Two public lec­ of the land in tracts of not to exceed 160
tures will lie given by Messrs. Ackerman acres each at $2.50 an acre.
and Mulkey.
, I have just opened up the most com- (
plete line of
Opposite the Post Office.
At a meeting of the Tillamook Water
Commission on Wednesday, at which
Mavor H. T. Botts and Councilman W.
C. King were present, called for the pur­
pose of showing that the water commis­
sion needed the money from eight mills,
hut the city council had only allowed
five mills. 1 here appears to have been
some little misunderstanding between
the two bodies when the levy was made,
lhe city council having the impression
at the time that a five mill tax would
be sufficient, w hich would bring in about
$1600, and if the citizens paid that
amount to help out the water system, it
should not pav $930 as well lor water.
Things have been running uiong in that
way since the first of the year, but the
water commission now find that it is in
need of more inonej’ and could use seve­
ral thousand dollars to good advantage
in extension work. President Brodhead
having stated the financial condition of
the water system and the need of more
money,the consensus of opinion was that
the city council ought to allow the coin
mission the additional three mills,or pay
lhe water rent for the year, which is
now $77.50 per month.
As there ap
pea red no other wav to help the water
commission out ot its financial difficulties
and it being a city matter, Mayor Botts J-
and Councilman King consented to pav
the water rent, which will give, with lhe
five mill tax, about $2,500 towards
helping the water system nut this year
Irom taxation. Last vear the water
system cost the city $2,109 in taxation.
Commissioner Goodspeed asked several
times “What kind oi’ a shape will it leave
lhe city in ?’’ but not one ot the commis­
sioners undertook to solve it. Mayor
Botts did sav, however, that it was
going to pul lhe city that much more in
The Cheapest and Best
Building Sites in the City is
Sunnymead Addition. Only
six blocks from the public
school. Lots from 190.00
to SI50.00 each. An excep­
tionally fine corner, 84x126,
for $250. See Geo. F. Zim­
MONEY ' -Ji-
Water Commission Hitches Ano
ther Hydrant Onto the City
We have those small leather
covered folding pocket checks
and purse pass-books. Just
the thing for ladies ’ use. No
more big unhandy pass-books
and checks if you keep your
bank account with us, and
every lady should have a bank
account. Why not T Those
having the old style books
may have them changed by
presenting the old books at
our office.
Jon’t miss seeing the new dining room
The Shakespeare Club met on Friday
lirs just received at Jones <k Knu- - afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. W.
Wiley, when another most enjoyable
time was participated in by the ladies.
irs. Kate Franklin came in on Friday
Mrs. Wiley serving a dainty lunch.
visit her mother, Mrs. Plank, and
T. E. Epplett has bought the ranch be­
long to Mrv. A Jones at Hemlock, who,
et into the habit of trading at Patz
on account of advanced years, will move
a and receive a 5 per cent discount
to her son’s home at Oregon City. The
farm, which contains 170 acres, sold for
V. Riefenberg returned to the city on $2000.
srsday, having been in the Panama
The Cloverdale Courier says : B. O.
Snuffer and Mr. Beals were down from
• J. Kumm leaves this week for Wood Tillamook Monday on land business,
Another divorce case was filed in the
ri, Cal., where he will remain the com Mr. Snuffer had the misfortune to lose a
purse containing about $90 somewhere circuit court on Friday, in which Mrs.
w inter.
L. Mathewson vs George S.
between here and Sandlake.
'er I kt t Parsons will leave the end of
Mai Hewson are the parties who show
week for Boring, Ore., where he will
that marriage was a failure in their
ch school.
case. Plaintiff prays that the marriage
contract existing between them be dis­
ollie W.Watson is one of Tillamook's
solved and that she be given the custody
Anguished citizens taking in the Stale
of one minor child, Floieoce, who is three
this week.
years of age. The grounds for the divorce
ersons wanting shingles in this citv
are that defendant took to drink and be­
m the Hadley Russell Shingle Co can
came an habitual gross drunkard, and
as Mrs. Mathewson could not live with
them by applying to Geo. F.Zimmer-
him in that condition, she left him. They
n, Tillamook City.
were married at Kirby, in Josephine
liss Beatrice Harrison, who formerly
county, in 1899.
glit school in this city, was elected
Al a meeting of the city council Mon.
cher of the first primary grade ol the
day evening, with Mayor H T. Botts I
ilham school at Oregon City.
and Councilmen J. P, Allen, W. C. King ‘
and G. Munson present, Oak Nolan ap­
peared in behalf of the Tillamook
Commission, which wanted tight mills
instead of five mills ol the taxes recently
collected The cammiaaion has already
received $1,517.79 from the five mills,
and is now wanting the city council to
allow three mills more and pay $77 50
per month as well tor water rent from
last January. The councilmen could not
see how they could allow that, as it |
would put the ci tv that much more io
debt, so the matter was allowed tod: op.
John Harter made a proposition to do­
nate land in front ol his property on
Fifth and Sixth streets, for street pur
poses, provided the citv council would
furnish the lumber for the sidewalk and
grade the street when required, was ac-
I accepted Jonas Olsen, F. Long and S. A.
Brodhead were appointed a committee
to assess damages to Mrs Walker’s pro
perty by theopening of these streets An
assessment for street improvement was
made, that (or the two business blocks
on First street being 77’^c. pet foot, or
$38 75 for 50ft. frontage, and that for
the block on 2nd Av East was 74c. per
1 in Tillamook, all new and Fresh. The j
I prices are no higher than others.
We most cordially invite you to j
I come and look at what we have and (
> get our prices, whether you buy or
The Tillamook Building Company will
pay ♦1 .25 per yard for hauling gravel,
same to be hauled from just above the
Jenkins bridge. 800 yards wanted —
Apply to H. T. Botts, president.
#1.50 per year.
A Humane
The Touch That Heals
Is the touch of Ducklen'x Armco Salvo.
It’» lhe happiest combination of Arnica
flowers au<i hraling ba Inarm, ever com.
pounded. No matter how old the »ore
or ulcer ih , this Salva will cure it. For
burn», scald», cut», wound» or pile», it
han no equal.
Guaranteed by Cha». I.
Clough, druggiat 25c.
"Everybody Should Know’’
■ayaC. G. Haya, a prominent buxine«
man of Bluff, Mo , that Buckleri'a Art
nica Salve ia the quickest and »ureie
healing salve ever applied to a »ore,
burn or wound, or to ■ caaeof pile*. I've
■»ad it and know what I'm talking
about " Guaranteed by Chaa I. Clough,
druggist. 25,-.
As a special inducement to buy school shoes here,
WE WILL GIVE with each pair of Shoes One
Pair of Heavy Ribbed “ Topsy ’ ’ School Stockings.
Haltom’sZ XX' Haltom’s
We have a tvell defined Hookkeeping
and Commercial Course in our Night
School. Anyone completing this course
will be awarded the same diploma as our
Day School students.
The same courtesy In assisting Day
School students to positions Is accorded
our Night School students. Write at once
for information] about this new course,
the latest in the way of a Commercial
A humane citizen ot Richmond, Ind.,
Mr, U. D. William», 107 Went Main Kt.,
»ay»: “ I appeal to all persona with
weak lung, to take Dr. King's New
Discovery, the only remedy that has
helped me and fully comes up to the
proprietor's recommendation." It saves
more lives than all other throat and
lung remedies put together. Used as a
cough and cold cure thcT^vrld over.
Cures asthma, bronchitis, croup, whoop­
ing cough, quinsy hemorrhages ot the
lungs and builds them up Guaranteed
at Chas. I. Clough's Drug store. 5oc
ami $ 1.00, Trial bottle free.
5 to 8,
12 to 2,
At last our stock of Clothing has arrived.
We have everything to suit the most fastidious.
We have suits for the small man, the large man, slim
built and stout built.
They have the style, quality and fit.
We have also just received a large shipment of
Furnishing Goods,
Dress Shirts, Underwear, Hosiery
Shoes and Hats
Always the best stock on hand.
First Bank & Trust
Opital Slock......................... $25.000.
Offvr» every facility for mfe banking,
and »»licit» yqur buaine»».
Commercial. Saving* and Truat De­
Educate* for succe*» la a abort time and at small expense, and sends each stu­
Interett at current rate» on checking dent to a position as soon as competent. Quality ia our motto, ami reputation for
thorough work brings us over 100 calle per month for office help. Individual in.
Oir little Inink, * Helpful Hint* on struct mn insures rapid progress. We teach the looae leaf, the card index, the
Banking,'' explaining how to do your voucher and other modern methods of bookkeeping. Chartier ia our shorthand;
banking by mail i» ready.
ceey, rapid, legible. Beautiful catalogue, business forms and penmanship free—
Send for a copy. It'a free he the ■»rite today. References: any merchant, any bank, any newspaper in Portland.
, aakiog.