V®1. XX. No. 14. TILLAMOOK, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 19, 1907- INVESTORS. £2,625.00 Buys 20 acres good bottom land partly within city limits. Valuable for other purposes than farming for which it is wsrth more than price asked. One half acre across road from this piece recently sold for I500.00. Cost you nothing to investigate this real bargain in Real Estate. Present owner has reason for selling. For further particulars see RALPH ACKLEY. LLAMOOK JOTTINGS. I. T. Botts, for abstracts. • ipalac at King & Smith's. * rad Tillamook County Bank notes * ir. Henry E. Morris, eye specialist. * hicken wanted at Leach's Meat Mar. lives iu bulk or jar al Mills' Cash ire. * <>u can get Japalac at King and ith's. MODERN WOODMEN!J Be sure to attend the Next Meeting, Sept. 19. Important business to ¡5 be acted on.—COME. B 5 ^niiniH »luciiumiiiwniuiKiHHRjMiiiiiiMiiiiitMmMiBn'dHii'iiuiiLiBUiiiKira Why leave your horses in the rain when you can tie them in Harris' Tie Shed for 10 cts. • Have your photo taken by McMillian Hammocks at King and while you have the chance. You are sure • of good work. * cw Caps, Scarfs and Mufflers at Stur R. A. Collins and wife and B K. Y’ok- in's. • nta, of Los Angeles, Cal., w as in the city . Byrum was up from Garibaldi on on Wednesday. id day. Don't forget to stop at Harris' Feed '. W. Todd has gone to Portland on Barn, the cheapest place in the citv to keep your team. * iness. The enrollment in the public school in Jng & Smith make a specialty of the this city is 180, which will reach more nt Line. * than 200 in a few weeks. astern Hains and Bacon at Mills’ The largest shipment of Loaded Shells ih Store. * that ever came to Tillamook just receiv­ prnce limbs for fire wood are $6 and ed by King & Smith Co. * .50 a cord. There will be preaching, both morning asper Perry was down from Nehalem and evening, next Sunday at the Presby­ Wednesday. terian church in this city. cuts and ith's. d F. Leach will pay 10c. pe. pound Miss Edna Aiderman is going to Port, your chicken. * land, where she will take a course in in­ strumental and vocal music. Jan Emerson, ol Hillsboro, wds in the f on Wednesday. W. E. Catterlin has been awarded the i. H. Hart, of Portland, was in the contract to dig the basement for the con­ crete building, at 34c. a yard. J on Wednesday. Wanted, a good all round man on a ,. J. Kintz, of Oakland, Cal., was in small dairy ranch. For particulars ad- (city on Wednesday. dress G. R. Huff, Arlington, Oregon * i’. M. Thompson, of Vancouver, Wash., Miss Myrtle Porter and Miss Edith s in the city on Sunday. Dunsmuir ha ve been engaged to teach the [arris will feed team hay and two schools in the upper Wilson river. ... your - * p them over night for 50c. Lillie M. Golden, Albert G. Myers, J. J. B. Messick, of 8alem, has been en Tyrrell, J. M. Rice, Deacon Booth and fed to teach the Blaine school. Bigham Young, of Portland, were regis­ tered at the Allcu house on Tuesday. is? Ella Hays left on Wednesday to and college at Pullman, Wash. The Truant Officers who have been ap. Irs D A.Russell, of Colorado Springs, pointed to enforce the Compulsory Edu­ cation Law are J. C. Bewlev. Geo. F. was in »he city on Wednesday. Zimmerman, R. Y. Blalock and C. H. he Tillamook Lumbering Company Way mire. utting ties for the P. R. & N. Co. John Harter expects to leave for Ash ot the cheapest, but the " best for land when he can get his business affairs ley,” is lhe motto of Mason Bros, straightened out, and Irom there be will marriage license was issued Thurs go to New Mexico with Bert Stephens and bis wife. to Earl R. Ayer and Nellie Smith. A foretaste of the rainy season was ex­ . H. Whitney’s baby was taken quite perienced on Sunday with a steady rain : on Tuesday, but is much better. all day, which continued until noon on liss Hazel McNair left on Saturday Monday. Since then the weather has rnter the state university at Eugene. been bright and fine. The engineers have completed the sur­ vey on the Wilson river for the Pacific Railway get our prices, whether you buy or not. WANTS MORE TAX LADIES! The Tillamook Building Company will pay ♦1 .25 per yard for hauling gravel, same to be hauled from just above the Jenkins bridge. 800 yards wanted — Apply to H. T. Botts, president. * #1.50 per year. A Humane SIZES, SIZES, Ï SIZES, : The Touch That Heals Is the touch of Ducklen'x Armco Salvo. It’» lhe happiest combination of Arnica flowers au