Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 29, 1905, Image 4

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verv little difference in the manufacture RAILROAD
oi cheese in this county, for there were
quite a number of experienced cheese)
How manv road .supervisors are there
who want a $100 a month boss to boss makers who turned out good,high grade Fortnight Will see P, N. 8c
cheese. Not being content to let well
them ?
enough alone, and the spirit of discon­ T. Line Under Construction.
W « *
The man who is a crank on good road» tent fostered by a few -knockers" who | Most of the people who come in from
il) and a crank on toll roads is a crank of a have tried to control the cheese factories I
Portland think it is a "sure thing" this
and "do up’’ those whom thev could not I time that the Portland,Nehalem & Tilla.
« St *
control, some of the dairymen and man |
mook Railroad Company will commence
The toll road advocates must have ufaeturers have allowed themselves to lie ,
work this summer and that Win, Reid
overlook it. or thev would?. have put a hoodooed by the agents of the 1 knock,
has obtained the money to build it,while
toll gate across Hoquarton slough.
ers’’ and are turning out a poor grade of on the other hand others come over
» » *
cheese on the say-so of a stranger. I be from the metropolis and inform us there
Eastern eggs bv the carload are going
end is not in sight yet, but it will make is nothing to it. There appears to be a
into.Portland. What is the mattei with
an interesting article at some future date growing opinion amongst those who
Oregon cacklers when they allow this.
when we will ‘'show up” the nigger in had little or no faith in Mr. Reid building
* » *
Dairying is about the onlv industry the wood pile who started in to rule or the road in previous years that he will
TXT pfJr
O n V*
New stock of the Latest Varieties in Neck Wear, in
that Tillamook peopleis depending upon. ruin the manufacturers and dairy pro do so now. It will be ail agreeable sur.
A» ULlx VV veil
the Latest Colotings and Shapes.
I yet the meddlesomeness of the "knock. ducts.
prise to the people of Tillamook if he
ers’’ have succeeding
in knocking that.
does, but time alone will tell. Another
* * *
1 good indication that the company means
TT^y |
We claim the largest and newest stock of Hats ever shown in the city.
The Headlight is only an ordinary
1 business is that it has sent out notices
AAtt to'“
Straw Hats, new patterns and styles.
scrub of a newspapers, but when it gets Details of Terrible Death of Miles that it will take up the preferred stock,
I into a fight it hangs on with bull dog
O Barnes.
as the following letter from Mr. Reid to
— T C
Twenty Dozen Men’s Gloves just received. We have the larges*
I persistency, and that is what it will do
Quite a number of people in this city, Mr. J. A. Cohn, of this city,will show :
vX 1 kJ V
assortment in the city.
[ with the road boss and toll roads.
ami especially the younger ones, will re-
Dr AR Six,—Pursuant to article ISth of
* *
member Miss Lula M. Barnes, daughter the by laws of the Portland, Nehaleni It .
Taxation! Claude I haver took a
of L. N. Barnes, who conducted a meat Tillamook Railway Company, unani.
In Ladies Summer Goods
cidedlv gloomy view of the excessive tax-
our stock is larger aud Mat‘on ’n Tillamook city at the school market on Main street about two years mously confirmed and approved by a
ago, will be sorrv to read the account of general meeting of its stockholders held
variety greater than ever you know Our prices are right.
M I meet’nK last week- But the end is not
the shocking death of her husband after upon February 26, 1902, you are here­
in sight vet, for it is more liable to get
being married onlv a few weeks, which by notified, as a preferred stockholder
bigger than it is to get smaller.
is taken from a Janesville, Wis.. news-! I thereof, who originally contributed $10(1
M * *
1 to said company’s funds, that a resolu­
In discussing the toll road question we paper ;
“ There is no blame to be attached tion was paseed on June 23.1905, direct
IKJ I shall avoid personalities as much as pos-
Have you tried a sack of the Famous Wasco Flour ? If not, do
and where we have to use names, to anvone, so far as I can see,'1 said ing the undersigned to notify you that
not forget it. It is the best that Bluestem Wheat can make. III 1 sible,
they must not blame us if they have fig- Manager Willitz, of the Rock County siid railway company will, before the
I ured in the toll roads, for it is a public Telephone Co., when questioned regard, 1st day of October next, 1905, redeem
This boat has i,ooo sacks of it on board for Cohn & Co.
[M h matter and every phase is open to dis- ing the teirible accident which cost Miles and pay off all cf its preferred stock, in­
Q. Barnes, foreman of the telephone cluding therein vour certificate for $100
Our Diamond C Coffee is much better than any for the price. Only |M cussion and criticism.
* * *
crew, his life yesterday afternoon. of preferred stock, in cash at its par value
20 cents a pound.
With the prospect of finding oil and “ There was no faulty insulation. The on presentation and delivery thereof to
I getting a railroad in the near future, this wires were new, having been strung
I <H1Kht to cheer every T’llamooker this there last year when the Electric light its treasurer at the company office, 670
—T Tor’ll if QI We have just received a large assortment of Fancy
Worcester Building, Portland. Or., upon
| summer, even if they do get another fit people came under us. We were increasing
-T 1 Llllo
Dried Fruits : Prunes, Apricots, Peaches and Fancy
Saturday, the 30th September, 1905, of
I of the blues before next winter. But as our lead in that direction and wanted a
Evaporated Apples. Choice Dried Prunes 20 cents for one dollar.
all which notice is hereby given you ac-
ip] patience is a virtue, Tillamookers are larger and higher pole both to bear the
the most patient people in the world in heavier strain and get further away
Construction w*ork will bn under way
waiting for a railroad.
from their wires. This new pole at the
the first ten-miles section of the Port,
* * *
corner of Highland avenue and Wash­
One would imagine, to hear the road
Our stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed is larger than ever and our prices defy
ington street was only a few feet distant land, Nehalem & Tillamook Railroad
bosses prate about road work that they
competition. We are the leaders of low prices.
bom the Electric light line pole where within a fottniglit, according to informs,
were building the roads with their
the wires bringing the 2300 voltage from tion received in Portland from the Atlas
Tea Garden Drips our specialty. M.J.B. Coffee our best.
own money. We notice, however, that
the Monterey plant go through the Construction Company, having the con.
Wyandotte Cleanser is indispensable for the dairy.
it is the taxpayers who have to go down
tansformer. Will Drafehl and Max Zim­ tract for building the road from Hills,
in their jeans to build good roads, and
New Olives just in. I’owerine will almost clean without rubbing.
merman on our pole and Barnes, on the boro to the Coast. Holders of preferred
devilish deep at timet, and a little deeper
electric light line pole, were engaged in stock, issued to those who originally
Spider Leg Tea reduced to 25 cents a pound.
still to pay road bosses. There is no
the work of transferring the wires from contributed funds when the company
I josh about that.
was formed, have received within a few
the old to the new one.
* * *
days, a communication from Secretary.
Bring us your Dry Hides, Butter and Eggs and get
Sat Down Between Wires.
It was the newspapers who were up
You never can tell what may come Attorney William Reid announcing that
against some of the “knockers” only a
the Highest Market Price for them.
few months ago, but they couldn't knock from this mysterious force with which at the stockholders’ meeting held last
them out. Now the dairymen are up we are constantly working and about Friday it was decided to redeem and pay
against some of the same old original which the best informed really know so off all preferred stock at par value on
“knockers,” who either want to rule or little. Under ordinary circumstances presentation and delivery at the office of
ruin the people. We are glad to see that the insulation on the electric wires is the company, Saturday, September 30,
• a Climax will soon be reached now that deemed a sufficient protection. It is best 1905. There are a large number of pre.
1 the dairvmcn too are experiencing some in dry cold weather. Ice is a non-con­ ferred stockholders,whose subscriptions
i of the “knockers’’ work.
ductor. Melted it is a strong conductor. range from one share to much larger
amounts and the announcement is con­
* M *
if 1 Rollie was all swell out last week on It was a hot day yesterday and the men firmation of the conclusion of all financial
ft account of Judge Conder’s challenge. As ing wet with perspiration. One at work details preliminary to building.the road.
In addition to the local officers and
soon as he saw the Headlight there was on the ground had brought a bucket of
• a cavity where the swelling had been. drinking water and while it was being stockholders present at the meeting last
The only stand that Rollie has taken on lifted by Zimmerman and Drafehl, Barnes week, an agent of the London capitalists
The Gerald C cauie in Thursday and an? public issue that concerns the people sat down between two of the outer who have taken the bond issue, wss
went out Friday on her way south
south. She was to fight the local option law in be- wires on the cross-arm of the electric present, whose ideuty has not been made
I will stop on her way up Wednesday and haIf «1 saloon keepers who ran gambling
light pole. There are six wires on this public. Likewise proceedings of the
take out a load of cheese.
joints. Where does he stand on the toll cross-arm, three on either side the pole, meeting have been kept from the public,
Henry Tohl went to Portland last road and road boss questions ? What and the two inner ones carry the high but it is not known that at the joint
Sunday, havii g been chosen a United is the use of a newspaper, anyway, that voltage current—probably about 250. request of the bondholders and general
Is now located in the Store
State’s juror.
has not the backbone to express an opi- He was holding one of the telephone contractors William Reid has been chosen
formerly used as the Model
Prof. Holt went to Monmouth to attend nion on public policy.
wires in his left hand. But this was manager to act in that cape.city during
Restaurant, where LADIES',
the commencement exercises of the
* * *
clear of the others in the neighborhood the construction period. H. L. Pittock
Forest Grove has a damage suit on its
college, hence no sch<«ol in the Onion
I has also been elected to occupy an ad­
and was not a contributing factor in
Peak District last week.
hand amounting to several thousand
death. It is possible that his damp ditional post of responsibility as treas­
Nehalem is preparing to celebrate dollars on account of defective sidewalks,
of the latest and best quality will
clothes came in contract with theends oi urer.
Fourth July.
and from the rickety condition of a num
Reports received from Hillsboro are to
be constantly kept in stock.
the ti- wires which are used to fasten
F. R. Beals has four men employed her of sidewalks in Tillamook City »t
the line-wires to the glass insulators. In the effect that right of way negotiations
My experiance in the shoe
clearing land on his North Fork ranch. would not surprise us much to see this
twisting these around the knobs the are generally completed along the first
up against a like suit at any time |
Frank Steinhauer and Mrs. Philips city
business for 30 years give me
seciion of the route, and that Colonel
H was generally thought that wLX
returned from Hood River Sunday by
the advantage in selecting boots
though it is not known that it had done John McCraken. president, and Chief
and shoes suitable for the Tilla­
E igineer Davis are now making a trip
so in this case.”
H. V. Alley has finished a gynasium s>oner he was to put in his time improv,
mook trade.
The public are
of inspection over thesurvey, which will
for the Onion Peak School and is at j ing
..... the streets, side walks and cross-
cordially invited to examine my
When the circuit was formed and be speedily completed and cross section,
work clearing off the grounds.
walks where it was required. Perhaps
goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere.
"T™ the shock "e
irnes received
he fell
fell across
across ed in rediness for work,—Oregonian.
C. H. and Will Wheeler spent several
w,rrs- H'S companions
The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla­ days on the river this week, having no repair work has been done the past ~ •
All delays in connection with deciding
Oil the other pole heard no sound and
few weeks.
come down the South fork.
on the right of way for the Portland,
mook county.
* ☆ *
Mias Leider visited the outside world
Nehalem <t Tillamook Railroad are over,
Forcing the price of cheese ________
down ap „ wro"« ""‘¡I ‘hey saw him with open
last week, her mother being ill. Miaa
and work has now been started on the
Leider is teaching the Sand Hill school
men who switched over to the middle ! aRon-v falling backward onto the net. survey of the first ten miles from Hills­
to Banks. Chief
boro, continuing
Owing to the pressure on our space "le" who are do'"K ‘his. The trouble "ork of deadlv wires. It is not at all
Engineer Davis left Portland yesterday
we had to leave out some of the coryes- ",th farmers, they are too ready to take certa'" ,hat the first shock was sufficient
and has established headquarters at
up with strangers, because they have a to kiI1
kill, thou
«h it well may have been,
pondence this week.
p. _ , . , ,-------------------
wrong impression that those whom they ! The wire’ ,’«'’"ed into the left arm and Hillsboro, and today began running lines
1 r Os|e' » ‘•¡'lorolor'" »hcory recciv.. ha ve done busmess with foryears are not one of thc le«» "» Zimmerman ran to the on the old grade of the Astoria & South
a serious set-bnek in the fact that tlie doing the right thing by them. Looking "earf8‘ ‘elephone and called upon the Coast Road. The new road will not
two leading peace commissioners selected back the past few war», it is plain to E,wtrk UKh‘Co. to shot off its current, follow the old line exactly, but the
grade can be used for a considerable
by lapan and Russia nre each over 65 see that the dairymen are greatly divided
was ,ome minutes before it was pos-
' years old.
in the county. The factories were doing ' sible to ascend the electric light pole, distance. It is anticipated construction
Ex-President Cleveland has some verv well enough, but some persons a ere not attach a rope to the body, and lower it work will be under way in about ten
long and some very uncommon words in content to let well enough alone, so but- to the ground. At the Palmer hospital days.
The surveys from the coast, starting
Ins vocabulary, but he made a great mis­ led in with the purpose of controlling the
an examination was made and it was
take when he arrayed them against the market and getting a rake off. Probably found that the unfortunate man had at Tillamook and Nehalem, will I*
rafiid fire of the women's clubs.
finished rapidly. That from Nehalem
they did so and had their day, whereas been dead for some time.
New York is getting ambitious to be they are now getting the rake offthrough
was commenced nearly two weeks sg"-
Terrible Blow to Family.
the rival of London as the largest citv in the middlemen. It would not surprise us
The citizens of Hillsboro, through tlw
The news of the tragedy was a ter
the world. Size is the only bad feature much to see. before another i
Board of Trade of that place, !'»’•
guaranteed the right of way from Hill»-
* J business
■ “B"W33 Alexander H. Barnes, his mother who
already beaten her to a frazzle.
boro to Banks, and from there on it
again, not with combines and middle­
Kansas is again advertising for 25,000 men. but with those who treated them has been critically ill with heart di. be smooth sailing, for the owners of I *
senseat her home, No. 15 Linden ay. big timber properties between Bank*
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad A Navigation Co. and
harvest hands just ns the college com­ right in former years.
also thi Astoria A Columbia River R. R. fol San Franeisco, Portland
enue. tor a long time, and to his bride and the coast are reported fcverishl.f
mencements are about over, but wants it 1
and all pointe east For freight and |<naaenger ratea apply to
of hut six weeks. It was but that short anxious for the line to I* pushed
understood that men who nre looking
What promised to be one of the best
aK° ‘hat h<: was married to Lula through. The Atlas Contract Company
for ice cutting need not apply.
, reais in the history of Tillamook countv
B. Ü. LAMB. Agent. Tillamook Oregon.
Barnes, a distant relative who had
of San Francisco, will do the grading
More than a score of people are dead for a big output of cheese and good prices
|O. It A N. K R. Co.. Portland.
made her home with the family for some
c K R Ca, Portland.
and a nuiul-er fatally injured as the IS being queered by the •’knockers." con
and lay the track.—Telegram.
^"7 T.he T2thfr W!” ’"Pposed to lie
Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Express result of the wrecking of the Twentieth sequentlv there is again unrest and righ. OU her deathbed at the time n„d th*
The steamer Sne H. Elmore came in
Century Limited, the new 18 hour train teous indignation amongst the dairy eeremonv wns perfcrmed earlier than
lietween Chicago and New York. The ' me" So‘ °»>y '» ‘he price ol cheese being J"'d been pl.-inned at her request. After. Wednesday with a large passenger li*‘-
Centrally Located.
Rates, $1 Per Day wreck occuired at Mentor, a small knocked by the “kuockers.” but the
'"'Proved considerably but it Mr. Carriage and wife, J. W. Bornic»
..feared that the terrible fate and wife, J. H. Hembree, iV. H. Warner,
station east of Cleveland. The train left "knockers" are ruining the reputation ot wh.ch
ha. befall,n her son will rXlt n
W. Rassella, J. Johnson, J. E Provost.
Iwhind time, and was running 70 miles Tillamook cheese, which took y„rl o( her death Mile. Birnes was
Jonas Olsen and wife. J. Embum. C. b-
an hour w hen the engine struck an open experience and peneverance to bring Ci'n'tv'th n,a“f
H. UARSEfi, Proprietor.
Freeland and wife, P. J.Kelly »nd f*mif’-
switch. The disaster is believed to have about, by placing poorly made cheese
•**n the result of a deliberate pl«.-, a upon the market. Was this done pw.
Mrs Evans and son, A. Maf*»-
the switch was found locked open, wuu poselv to queer Tillamook cheese ’ One
While. G. W. Kiger. M. F. Barrett. Mrs.
The Beet Hotel io the city. No Chi Deer
the switch light extinguished.
would think so. For year, there wa, but ^inoou fUntra‘
** hdd Ff’Ja» Young and family, R. Kintv. WaM<f‘
Baker. Blaine Hays and Otto2$thra<W-
Editorial Snap Shots.
Big Stock of
Ladies’ Summer Goods
New Lawns, New Calicoes, New Dimities, ¡ New Cambras.
Groceries, Flour and Feed
COHN & CO •9
P. F BROWNE,Salesman
Pacific Navigation