TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JUNE 29, 1905^ WORK TO verv little difference in the manufacture RAILROAD oi cheese in this county, for there were BEGIN. •zi quite a number of experienced cheese) How manv road .supervisors are there who want a $100 a month boss to boss makers who turned out good,high grade Fortnight Will see P, N. 8c cheese. Not being content to let well them ? enough alone, and the spirit of discon­ T. Line Under Construction. W « * The man who is a crank on good road» tent fostered by a few -knockers" who | Most of the people who come in from il) and a crank on toll roads is a crank of a have tried to control the cheese factories I Portland think it is a "sure thing" this and "do up’’ those whom thev could not I time that the Portland,Nehalem & Tilla. monstrosity. « St * control, some of the dairymen and man | mook Railroad Company will commence The toll road advocates must have ufaeturers have allowed themselves to lie , work this summer and that Win, Reid overlook it. or thev would?. have put a hoodooed by the agents of the 1 knock, has obtained the money to build it,while toll gate across Hoquarton slough. ers’’ and are turning out a poor grade of on the other hand others come over » » * cheese on the say-so of a stranger. I be from the metropolis and inform us there Eastern eggs bv the carload are going end is not in sight yet, but it will make is nothing to it. There appears to be a into.Portland. What is the mattei with an interesting article at some future date growing opinion amongst those who Oregon cacklers when they allow this. when we will ‘'show up” the nigger in had little or no faith in Mr. Reid building * » * Dairying is about the onlv industry the wood pile who started in to rule or the road in previous years that he will TXT pfJr O n V* New stock of the Latest Varieties in Neck Wear, in that Tillamook peopleis depending upon. ruin the manufacturers and dairy pro do so now. It will be ail agreeable sur. A» ULlx VV veil the Latest Colotings and Shapes. I yet the meddlesomeness of the "knock. ducts. prise to the people of Tillamook if he ers’’ have succeeding in knocking that. does, but time alone will tell. Another ......................... HE SAT BETWEEN TWO LIVE I * * * 1 good indication that the company means TT^y | We claim the largest and newest stock of Hats ever shown in the city. WIRES The Headlight is only an ordinary 1 business is that it has sent out notices AAtt to'“ Straw Hats, new patterns and styles. scrub of a newspapers, but when it gets Details of Terrible Death of Miles that it will take up the preferred stock, I into a fight it hangs on with bull dog O Barnes. as the following letter from Mr. Reid to 1 — T C Twenty Dozen Men’s Gloves just received. We have the larges* I persistency, and that is what it will do Quite a number of people in this city, Mr. J. A. Cohn, of this city,will show : vX 1 kJ V assortment in the city. [ with the road boss and toll roads. ami especially the younger ones, will re- Dr AR Six,—Pursuant to article ISth of * * member Miss Lula M. Barnes, daughter the by laws of the Portland, Nehaleni It . de. ’ Taxation! Claude I haver took a of L. N. Barnes, who conducted a meat Tillamook Railway Company, unani. In Ladies Summer Goods cidedlv gloomy view of the excessive tax- our stock is larger aud Mat‘on ’n Tillamook city at the school market on Main street about two years mously confirmed and approved by a ago, will be sorrv to read the account of general meeting of its stockholders held variety greater than ever you know Our prices are right. M I meet’nK last week- But the end is not the shocking death of her husband after upon February 26, 1902, you are here­ in sight vet, for it is more liable to get being married onlv a few weeks, which by notified, as a preferred stockholder bigger than it is to get smaller. is taken from a Janesville, Wis.. news-! I thereof, who originally contributed $10(1 M * * 1 to said company’s funds, that a resolu­ In discussing the toll road question we paper ; W “ There is no blame to be attached tion was paseed on June 23.1905, direct IKJ I shall avoid personalities as much as pos- Have you tried a sack of the Famous Wasco Flour ? If not, do and where we have to use names, to anvone, so far as I can see,'1 said ing the undersigned to notify you that 9 not forget it. It is the best that Bluestem Wheat can make. III 1 sible, they must not blame us if they have fig- Manager Willitz, of the Rock County siid railway company will, before the I ured in the toll roads, for it is a public Telephone Co., when questioned regard, 1st day of October next, 1905, redeem This boat has i,ooo sacks of it on board for Cohn & Co. [M h matter and every phase is open to dis- ing the teirible accident which cost Miles and pay off all cf its preferred stock, in­ Q. Barnes, foreman of the telephone cluding therein vour certificate for $100 Our Diamond C Coffee is much better than any for the price. Only |M cussion and criticism. * * * crew, his life yesterday afternoon. of preferred stock, in cash at its par value VUllvv> 20 cents a pound. IN With the prospect of finding oil and “ There was no faulty insulation. The on presentation and delivery thereof to I getting a railroad in the near future, this wires were new, having been strung I oner he was to put in his time improv, mook trade. The public are of inspection over thesurvey, which will Uttered No Sound. y for the Onion Peak School and is at j ing ..... the streets, side walks and cross- cordially invited to examine my When the circuit was formed and be speedily completed and cross section, work clearing off the grounds. walks where it was required. Perhaps goods and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. we are mistaken on this point, a. little or "¿T,' "T™ the shock "e irnes received he fell fell across across ed in rediness for work,—Oregonian. C. H. and Will Wheeler spent several w,rrs- H'S companions The Red Shoe Store is the only Boot and Shoe Store in Tilla­ days on the river this week, having no repair work has been done the past ~ • All delays in connection with deciding Oil the other pole heard no sound and few weeks. come down the South fork. on the right of way for the Portland, mook county. had no intimation that anything was * ☆ * Mias Leider visited the outside world Nehalem y '» ‘he price ol cheese being J"'d been pl.-inned at her request. After. Wednesday with a large passenger li*‘- Centrally Located. Rates, $1 Per Day wreck occuired at Mentor, a small knocked by the “kuockers.” but the '"'Proved considerably but it Mr. Carriage and wife, J. W. Bornic» ..feared that the terrible fate and wife, J. H. Hembree, iV. H. Warner, station east of Cleveland. The train left "knockers" are ruining the reputation ot wh.ch ha. befall,n her son will rXlt n W. Rassella, J. Johnson, J. E Provost. Iwhind time, and was running 70 miles Tillamook cheese, which took y„rl o( her death Mile. Birnes was Jonas Olsen and wife. J. Embum. C. b- an hour w hen the engine struck an open experience and peneverance to bring Ci'n'tv'th n,a“f H. UARSEfi, Proprietor. Freeland and wife, P. J.Kelly »nd f*mif’- switch. The disaster is believed to have about, by placing poorly made cheese TILLAMOOK, OREGON •**n the result of a deliberate pl«.-, a upon the market. Was this done pw. Mrs Evans and son, A. Maf*»- the switch was found locked open, wuu poselv to queer Tillamook cheese ’ One While. G. W. Kiger. M. F. Barrett. Mrs. The Beet Hotel io the city. No Chi Deer the switch light extinguished. would think so. For year, there wa, but ^inoou fUntra‘ ** hdd Ff’Ja» Young and family, R. Kintv. WaM