Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 13, 1905, Image 2

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But not only are the process butter
men getting together, but is also undcr-
derstood that the creamery men of Iowa
are contemplating the formation of
a combine,
According to reports the
nucleus has been laid i.i Des Moines for
the realization of a $3.000,040 combine
which shall eventually include the great
bulk of the creameries of the middle west.
In the event of these combinations be-
•ng launched the dairy men will have
another opportunitv to don their fight­
ing clothes and go after the process but-
ter and creamery trusts in the same way
they did after the oleomargarine manu­
^illitm ook
is generally known, a large share of the
lower grades ot butter made in the coun
try are now worked over and sold us
renovated butter. Pnde|; present condi­
tions there is much competition tor this
butter from the different manufacturers,
but with a process butter trust that
would not l»c the case. Whether or not
the New Jerscv company intends to tn-
ter the western arid is not known at
this time.
Gresham, Oregon,
_ ________ ________ ___
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines,
Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes.
Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail.
This is to certify. that 1 have this 27th day ol Dreember, 1904,inspected and
examined the Nursery Stock ot Mr. E. F. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres-
ham Oregon, and so far as I am able to ascertain, have found it in good market,
able condition and dear of any serious insect pest or d.sease
1 heir methods of
handling and growing stock are first class.
rv a. •
WILBUR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District.
h * new summer
- .
Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring,
$ Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts,
Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla.i’s Rain Coats.
Exlusively to Measure.
SÄRCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook.
Come early and secure first choice.
Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases.
, ,
-\«r< ,w, •*’ --uyr —A*- n—
su re *
i’i'nJ«*'> *■*□»*
Fir and Spruce Lumber.
Spruce and Cedar Shingles
Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty.
Orders for Lumber promptly attended to.
Rates, $1 Per Day
Centrally boeated.
M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor.
The Best Hotel in the city.
No Chinese Employed.
Pacific Navigation Co.
Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and
also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland
and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to
B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon.
n & N. R. R, Co , Portland.
A« enls } a . & C. R. R. Co.. Portland.
Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Expres
Tillamook Iron Woks
General Machinists & Blacksmiths
Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging.
Fine Machine Work a Specialty.
Notice to the Public
I will continue sell­
ing my stock of Boots
and Shoes atCostun-
till the 15th May,when
I will receive a large
Stock of First Class
Boots ami Shoes from
not l»e so bad. providetljrations are not
•Ulla.... ..I the system thereby destro,I». the
cut off.
<onn.lation ol Ihedtreeaa and (iving the patient
o * *
M.-nnth by bu.W.n, up ,|lc T.-lltub^'X
If there are anv Rough Riders left aaaiMing listare •nX.ln« it. work the p-oprm-
. 1. i i
tor. have «o
so m<K-
much faith o. tin enrattve poiers
who are not holding office it must lie that they
offer ... ■“'* Hundred Pollar, for anv
of testi
that they do not desire government po- mouia's* ’ fc' ’ ,o*for
. 'iT“i. r ’
a CO Toledo O 1
vlions, or have neglected to make their
¿on! by
•' .
wants known.
| Hall s ramify I lli.Are the best
For Gentlemen’s Garments to Order.
learn lhal there is at le.*t one dreaded dises*?
that Mirine has been able to cure in a’l it.
The Russian army may lie said to Maxes and that I* Catarrh Holl a Catarrh
have been exiled in Siberia in a body, | < ury is the only positive cure not known to the
medleal fraternity
Catarrh beh.» a cenatila.
and, tor a summer campaign, that may ... ô1’• «"»•‘«"“»••ni treat-
meut Hall a Catarrh Cote .* taken inu-m.llr
cided. they made good use ot wireless
telegraphy. By this means the main
fleet hept in touch with its scouts and.
indeed, in the final conclusive battle ot
last August, m which the Russian ves­
sels left the harbor lo attack a tew ap-
parentlv unsupported Japanese vessels,
the latter called up the main lapantsc
fleet, then out of sight, but in waiting,
by means of wireless telcgraphv. On
land the Japanese have erected 'ilegrap i
rue to name,
'if you are in want of Good Trees, guaraute-
lines as they advanced and kept the
government in Tokio in constant com­ , TO THE EDITOR TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT,
munication with 'all of the armies, and i Men who believe in the church of
Fred <; Itaker. Publlwher
Rome fought side by side with men who
each army in touch with the other.
“ But to keep the commander of a believe in the bible mid men who believe in
The Parcels Post.
single armv in constant touch with his light of conscience in the great rebellion.
The opposition to the parcels post is
division commanders, the telephone has We live together as neighbors without
developing much more strength than
Why can’t there be a
been used. As each advance was made, distinction.
w as anticipated, The express companies
or a trench was dug, connections were church in which we can praise the name
are naturally fighting such legislation,
made with headquarters by telephone. of God that is broad enough to accom­
but w holes»lers of various commodities
Thus, not only was all important in­ modate each and all of us ? The church,
are also adding their influence to the
formation transmitted immediately ’o ' the bible and the consciences of men im­
opposition. It is clear that those who
the commander, but fighting was di­ press us with the importance of fellow­
favor the parcels post will have to put
Antagonism is no mark ot a
rected from the latter point by the ship.
in their best licks it they get their bill
God is the judge, before
same means. The commander was able Christian
through at the next session of congress
to direct the fire of theguns and to order whom we stand or fall if we comprehend
T he wholesalers are of course influenced
advances when the proper time arrived. him through the church, and then live a
Steam and Trolley Merger.
by the sentiments of retailers who are
The telephone in this service has taken . life, we would surely be self condemned
Twenty-five years ago Illinois, Iowa the place of the courier, and does the I if we rend the bible and then fail to
their customers, and who fear that the
parcels post will take trade to the cities and Indiana were gridiioned with nar­ work better and more quickly. By its apply it, or if we cultivate a clear con­
to the detriment of the small merchant. row gauge railroads projected ami built ability to communicate instantly with science and then deviate from its pure
We believe that their fears are largely to facilitate traffic for the farmers of many and widely separated points, not principles,(we are no better. Whether
groundless ; that the parcels post will those states and give them the adyan only are the army’s operations directed we hold to the church, the bible, or con­
disturb only a small part of their trade. tages of the best market at the smallest more effectively, but one commander is science, the all important point is to live
Traffic by parcels post has its liinita cost. In due time the narrow gauge enabled to command a larger force than a right life before God. We make a mis­
tions «and affects only such articles as are lines were absorbed by the trunk lines, was possible under the old system.”
take if we do not recognize a man who
easily handled The enterprising local converted into standard track railroads
is justified before God. If one halt the
merchant is indispensible to his com and merged with the dominant svstems
By a plurality of 25,000 votes, the effort that is exerted to antagonize wire
munity, parcels post or ¡no parcels post in their operation as well as in their citizens of Chicago have demanded im­ used to harmonize Christians, there
But even if it does «affect a number of
mediate municipal ownership of street would be a church that abounds in
The disappearance of the narrow guage railways, and Judge Edward Fitz­ charity, where all men could enjoy
retailers it will benefit a much greater
number of consumers and allow them a road has been followed within the last patrick Dunne, the Democratic Mayor­ respect for their peculiar belief and feel
selection of commodities which is not decade by the electric tramway, which elect, is by this fact brought into encouraged to try to be a man amongst
now accessible to them.
The people is rapidly supplementing the traffic facil­ National attention. Chicago is the first men. In God we trust. If we stop to
have a right to buy in the cheapest ities of the steam railway. That the great city to attempt municipal owner­ wrangle as to whether the church, the
market, to select from the largest assort trolley, like it - predecessor, the narrow i ship on such a large scale, and the ex­ bible, or the conscience is the light way
inent and to receive their purchases by gauge road, is destined to become the periment will be watched with great I to worship we loose sight of God and
mail at the lowest rate : consistent with auxiliary of the trunk line railroads is interest, not alone in this country, but . prohibit the right of choice. Men who
efficient postal service, The parcels post almost a foregone conclusion, with only in Europe as well. That the experiment ; worship God from dictates of conscience |
is an expander of trade in general, a nd this difference, that while the ownership will result in increased taxation, for the : are more apt to be liberal than those
as likely to expand as to contract the of these lines will eventually be the same first few years at least, there can be ' who worship from dictates of church or
business of the local merchant
in the the motive power will remain electric, little doubt. That it will develop a bible. God’s approval is worth more
course of time.
with the further prospect that the trunk mighty political machine is feared In than a great number of communicants.
lines will also be compelled to substitute any event, the large vote means that
|. C. G ove .
The Packers Are Being Hit.
electric engines for steam engines.
the people of Chicago are determined to
The first big merger between steam make the attempt, and it must be met
Sermons Boiled Down.
A prominent member of the beef pack
cr's combine has been indicated by the andelectric lines has just beenconsumated fairly and squarely and fought out
He moves no one who cannot be
fedeial grand jury in Chicago. Indict­ by the acquisition of 427 out of the 700 With the smoke and noise ot the cam
ments are hanging over the heads of miles of electric road in Connecticut by paign eliminated, there stands out the moved.
Happiness is only incidental; rightness
several of his confreres. The proceedings the New York, New Haven & Hartford fact that in order to secure the Union
are being conducted with considerable Railway company. The same railway Traction lines and the Chicago City Rail- is essential.
Repentance is a good road but a
secrecy, but the men who are being hit company is also negotiating for the way lines, the city probably have to pay
hnow what is going on in their case tramway between Hartford and Spring­ I $1000,000,000. It is also proposed to poor residence.
No amount of culture can polish putty
Thus far the proceedings against the field, Mass., and is predicted by those in expend an additional $50,000,000 in
packers are for conspiracy, or alleged touch with the situation that within rehabilitating these properties. In order into pearls.
The hypocrite always has a keen nose
conspiracy, on the charge of tampering a short time all the trolley lines between to meet the interest charges alone, the
with the witnesses in the beef trust cases. New York and Boston that mach the roads, must yield considerably in excess for the heretic
The fear of the Lord is a good founda­
The examinations on charges which in­ New Haven railroad will be in its posses­ of $20,000 daily. This takes no account
volve the actual violation of the anti- sion, if it cares to have them. In this of running expenses or sinking fund for tion for any life.
way, it is said, the New Haven rail
A flow of language is not the same as
trust law are also under way.
wear and tear and new equipment or
It is on the ground that they infringe road would control local short distance damage suits or pa\ment of the princi­ a flood of love.
The lust for revenue soon slays the
the antitrust law that the packers have competition and prevent the develop­ pal debt/
* * *
love of righteousness.
most to fear from the federal authority. ment of long distance competition, mak­
Establishment of the automobile line
The sunshine works as great reforms
Several suits have already gone against ing profitable use of the trolley line as
of the Central Oregon Transportation as the thunder storm.
them, and these indicate that on criminal feeders for its steam service.
Company, {which will operate between
Fussiness is often mistaken for fruit­
proceedings, which are now being insti­
” The railroads in many parts of the
tuted, they are open to very serious country,” says the Chicago Tribune, C’rosskev and Bend, a distance of 75 fulness—by the fussy.
Flattery is only a loan, and always at
assault. The pretense of their lawyers ” are beginning to be troubled by the miles, covering all of the distance between
that they are not members of a trust is competition of trolley cars. Interurban the end of the Columbia Southern Rail­ a high rate of interest.
Opportunity’s doors are only holes
vain. I'he courts have found that there electric lines do not affect the railroads’ road at Shaniko and Bend, except 18
is a beef trust, and that it is composed long distance traffic, but in some locali miles, is of the greatest importance in that we must knock in the walls of
of certain corporations. The particular ties they are cutting deep into their local
personages who are to be dealt with by business, 'flic New York, «New Haven & be instrumental in much more rapid pop­
The life may be growing best when it
the federal courts in the criminal prose­ Hartford lias adopted the policy of ulation of that section. The first of the thinks least of gaining.
cution are members of these companies. getting rid of this new form of compe­ three automobiles lor the service will go
He is dead already whose only thou­
They are malefactors in the eve of the law. tition by buying up the trolley lines inco commission the first of next week ght in life is how to make a living.
and the other machines will follow soon.
They who have religion by proxy will
The prosecution of a tew of the beet and running them itself.
get its rewards in the same wav.
* * *
packers will be a fine lesson for the
“ Some railroads
have adopted a
Telegraphic communication withDhar*
The difficulties that dishearten the
country. It will show the people, in- different policy. It is said that the Lake
msala has been restored.
The latest small man only determine the great.
eluding those who are members of tlie Shore, which is reported to have lost GO
It takes more than credit with the
. accounts show that the earthquake in
big combines, that the richest and the percent of its local passenger business
India was even more disastrous than at grocer to keep the heart from starving.
poorest are on an absolute equality in in Ohio because of trolley lines, intends
One does not have to become an old
first believed. Ot a total population Jof
this country in the eve of the law. If the to enter into more active competition
women in order to be a new man.
nearly 5000 in the town of Kangra, it is
individual packers win» are being assail wit h the electric roads by which it has
Where there is no faith in the possibil­
believed that only 500 are left alive. ities of men faith in the power of God
ed are found guilty they will have to paralleled. The Chicago & Alton is pre­
Many of these have fled.
does little good.
meet the punishment prescribed by the paring to do that, lliis line is having a
* * *
statute. President Roosevelt stands be number of small engines built, which
A scientist savs the human race has
bind,the courts in New York ami Chica­ will draw trains of two cars each be-
3.000.000 years more to occupy the
go which are proceeding against the beef tween Dwight ami Bloomington, a dis­ earth, and then the birds will
have the
Garden making is right in the push.
combine His earnestness and courage tance of fifty miles. A rale of fare which planet all to themselves. The
Jennie Blanchard visited at A. Kinna-
in this crusade for the enforcement of the will meet trolley rates will be granted, and owls will expect to take
the land man’s this week.
laws brought the Northern Securities and stops will be made an average of
t but it is safe to say that the American
1 Hiner and family. H. Foland and
company to grief a year ago, and hit the every two or two ami a half miles. The
eagle will hold his own.
family, visited Pleasant Valley Sunday.
beef trust at an earlier and a later date. results of the Alton’s experiment will be
* * #
Mr. C. Blanchard took Miss Etfie Holt
It is a criminal prosecution which is be­ studied with interest by railway man
A San Francisco paper opposses immi­
ing waged this time, and if guilt is fast­ ngers.
If it proves successful other gration from Japan on the ground that to town Saturday. She was accompani­
ened on the accused persons nothing will steam roads which are paralleled by races not assimilable caq not occupy the ed by her brother from Blaine.
Mrs. Mat'd Wood and children, of
save them from going behind the bars.
electric lines will doubtless follow the same land t< get her in peace. Ther* is a
prospect that the Japanese, in any case, Pleasant Valley were visiting at A. Kin.
Alton's example.
'• The railways are beginning to be will prefer their new opportunities in Hainan's Wednesday.
Talk of Big Dairy Trust.
Mr. H. Booth has been working at
worried not only over the effect of Korea and Manchuria.
Beaver this week.
* * *
While the dairy men of the country trolley competition on their local pas­
Rev. White was a caller at A. Ruma­
If the Japanese had waited until spring
have had cause for complaint at various senger business, but also over l lie possi­
times, still the tendency has been for ble future effects ot its competition on fully opened they would not have had nian's Tuesday.
There is more road work going on tip
them to congratulate themselves over certain classes ot local freight business. such an easy time with Kuropatkin’s
the fad that there has not been a trust The interurban electric line is built to i big army and its cavalry, largely super- East Beaver.
John Crcecv, of Blaine, passed through
lo control the market price of their pro. carry passengers, but in lime it may find , ior in numbers. The Japanese advance
our vicinity Thursday.
ducts, as has been the case wich the beef it profitable to add freight to its pas­ was timed with their useful judgment.
* * *
N. J. Dve took dinner at Albert Kin-
men. This feeling of exultation has been senger business. This touches the rail­
The Czar is represented as saving that naman's Wednesday.
particularly noticeable since the enact­ roads in the tenderest point and may be
Lou ami Clyde Kinnaman have quit
ment of the ('.rout bill, placing a tax ot expected to cause many lines to enter Russia can not stop the war without ac­
10 cents |>er pound on colored oleomar­ into sharp competition with their trolley knowledging that the is wtppcd. Tell­ work at the Yellow Fir mill.
Frank Dve pasted through here en­
garine, which was passed in spite ot the competitors for the purpose of crushing ing the truth is always a last resort in
Russia, which might be willing to ac­ route for Tillamook last Friday, looking
efforts ot the Beet trust.
(hem before they grow too strong.
knowledge herself whipped if she waseut quite sleepy. He had been wrestling
Present indications are, however, that
The trolley line will decline to Iw
with the tooth ache.
the dairy interests are not to be entirely I crushed, though it may be bought upas I so badly whipped as she is.
♦ * *
Mr. Sherwood, ol Little Nestucca. has
tree of the controlling influences ot trusts. in Connecticut. The principal result of
A lemon pie from a big bakerv in
According to dispatches a company has the contest between electricity and Chicago was analyzed and found to been hauling lumber from Mr. Wist's
been incorporated in New Jersey with a steam will be better service to the contain no lemon, butter or eggs.
The mill.
capital stock of $17.000,000, to be public.”
compound was starch paste, in combi­ I Dr. Mills passed through here Wednes­
known as the American Butter Refining
nation with various products of coni day. on his wav to see Grandpa Farmer,
The Telephone in War.
The business ol the company
tar. But. then, the Chicagoan gets no who is very sick.
The meetings at Pleasant Valley are
as stated, is to produce and »leal in milk,
“ Among the many things the Japanese chemicals in his drinking water.
* « *
still going on. Bro. Hankins returned
butler and food products and to acquire have done during the war which they
The city of Cleveland. Ohio, has de- home almost worn out and sick. Hut
the business and plan s of other tucor- are now waging.” says the Electrical
alions, firms and indivi Itials.
Review, " and which have attrac'.ed cided to admit men ot medium size to its Bro. White is s<ill doing some excellent
I he ultimate plans ot the corporation the attention of the world, their use of police force, on ths ground that, physi­ preaching.
are, of course not definitely knows, but the telephone is one. When the war cally, they have the most strength and
the prevailing opinion is that it is an at fust broke out, ami while the question endurance. Perhaps the Jape are respond
$IOO Reward. $1OO.
The reader* of ltd. paper will be pleaaed to
tempt to form a process butter trust. As of supremacy on the water was unde- sible for this idea.
* •
• *
P. F. BROW NE,Salesman