Conscience But not only are the process butter men getting together, but is also undcr- derstood that the creamery men of Iowa are contemplating the formation of a combine, According to reports the nucleus has been laid i.i Des Moines for the realization of a $3.000,040 combine which shall eventually include the great bulk of the creameries of the middle west. In the event of these combinations be- •ng launched the dairy men will have another opportunitv to don their fight­ ing clothes and go after the process but- ter and creamery trusts in the same way they did after the oleomargarine manu­ facturers. Öibe ^illitm ook ijcabligbt is generally known, a large share of the lower grades ot butter made in the coun try are now worked over and sold us renovated butter. Pnde|; present condi­ tions there is much competition tor this butter from the different manufacturers, but with a process butter trust that would not l»c the case. Whether or not the New Jerscv company intends to tn- ter the western arid is not known at this time. The EASTWOOD NURSERIES, Gresham, Oregon, _ ________ ________ ___ Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Small Fruits, Vines, Fine Assortment of Rose Bushes. Send us list of trees wanted and prices will be quoted by return mail. This is to certify. that 1 have this 27th day ol Dreember, 1904,inspected and examined the Nursery Stock ot Mr. E. F. Smith, of The Eastwood Nurseries, Gres- ham Oregon, and so far as I am able to ascertain, have found it in good market, able condition and dear of any serious insect pest or d.sease 1 heir methods of handling and growing stock are first class. , rv a. • * * WILBUR K. NEWELL, Commissioner First District. h * new summer X H H i * - . if Headquarters for Ladies’ Tailoring, $ Dress and Walking Suits, Dress Skirts, Instep Skirts, Cloth and Silk Coats, Ragla.i’s Rain Coats. Exlusively to Measure. M SÄRCHET, the Tailor, Tillamook. I Come early and secure first choice. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. , , -\«r< ,w, •*’ --uyr —A*- n— su re * 4T. i’i'nJ«*'> *■*□»* r» J, y, I Fir and Spruce Lumber. Spruce and Cedar Shingles Cheese and Butter Boxes a specialty. Orders for Lumber promptly attended to. TILLAMOOK LUMBER COfDP/INY. Rates, $1 Per Day Centrally boeated. LARSEN HOUSE, M. H. LARSEN, Proprietor. TILLAMOOK, OREGON The Best Hotel in the city. No Chinese Employed. Pacific Navigation Co. STEAMERS—SUE H. ELMORE, W. II. HARRISoK. ONLY LINE—ASTOTIA TO TILLAMOOK, GARIBALDI, BAY CITY, HOBSON VILLE. Connecting at Astoria with the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. and also the Astoria & Columbia River R. R. foi San Francisco, Portland and all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply to SAMUEL ELMORE & CO. General Agents, ASTORIA. OR B. C. LAMB, Agent. Tillamook Oregon. Airents n & N. R. R, Co , Portland. A« enls } a . & C. R. R. Co.. Portland. Sue H. Elmore carries Wells Fargo Co.’s Expres A. K. CASE, PROPRIETOR Tillamook Iron Woks General Machinists & Blacksmiths Boiler Work, Logger’s Work and Heavy Forging. Fine Machine Work a Specialty. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. RED SH E HOUSE. Notice to the Public I will continue sell­ ing my stock of Boots and Shoes atCostun- till the 15th May,when I will receive a large Stock of First Class Boots ami Shoes from Chicago. monev repaired » not l»e so bad. providetljrations are not •Ulla.... ..I the system thereby destro,I». the cut off. er pound on colored oleomar­ into sharp competition with their trolley knowledging that the is wtppcd. Tell­ work at the Yellow Fir mill. Frank Dve pasted through here en­ garine, which was passed in spite ot the competitors for the purpose of crushing ing the truth is always a last resort in Russia, which might be willing to ac­ route for Tillamook last Friday, looking efforts ot the Beet trust. (hem before they grow too strong. knowledge herself whipped if she waseut quite sleepy. He had been wrestling Present indications are, however, that The trolley line will decline to Iw with the tooth ache. the dairy interests are not to be entirely I crushed, though it may be bought upas I so badly whipped as she is. ♦ * * Mr. Sherwood, ol Little Nestucca. has tree of the controlling influences ot trusts. in Connecticut. The principal result of A lemon pie from a big bakerv in According to dispatches a company has the contest between electricity and Chicago was analyzed and found to been hauling lumber from Mr. Wist's been incorporated in New Jersey with a steam will be better service to the contain no lemon, butter or eggs. The mill. capital stock of $17.000,000, to be public.” __________________ compound was starch paste, in combi­ I Dr. Mills passed through here Wednes­ known as the American Butter Refining nation with various products of coni day. on his wav to see Grandpa Farmer, The Telephone in War. company. The business ol the company tar. But. then, the Chicagoan gets no who is very sick. The meetings at Pleasant Valley are as stated, is to produce and »leal in milk, “ Among the many things the Japanese chemicals in his drinking water. * « * still going on. Bro. Hankins returned butler and food products and to acquire have done during the war which they The city of Cleveland. Ohio, has de- home almost worn out and sick. Hut the business and plan s of other tucor- are now waging.” says the Electrical alions, firms and indivi Itials. Review, " and which have attrac'.ed cided to admit men ot medium size to its Bro. White is s