Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 27, 1896, Image 2

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    ©illa moo It íjeablipltt
T he C ounty O fficial P aper
couldn't be elected for dog-pel ter,
and the best of them are liable to
defeat if they get to quarreling in
in the convention. Trading or se­
cret caucusing is likely to produce
bad results also.
weight that its density exceeds
that of lignum \ it;»-.
(Mississippi Valley Lumberman.)
Douglas fir seems to be destined
to cut considerable of a figure in
car construction work in the north­
T kk T illamook H kadlioht C omp in y ,
west. A west coast lumber trade
( incorporated )
Governor Dan Bowers is think­ paper recently looked into the
W. F. D. J ones , E ditor and M anager .
ing that in case Rev. C. O. Brown matter and found that the great
of San Francisco is expelled from car builders of the country had
his pulpit that he will invite him commenced to use Washington
«I Ml. to come and preach in Garibaldi
One year
lumber on a large scale, and lhatii
. .75.
Six months
50. and use Rooster rock for a pulpit.
Three montlis
number of the Pacific coast saw
Miss Undermaii will not be allow mills are making a specialty of
ed to come however.
looking after this trade.
It is as­
|H-ry*ar|6 75
i inch, per monili
tn 7-5
...” ” 2o.oo
serted that the car manufacturers
L rol.
... " ” 3300
J 75
There are plenty of men who feel
<-<>nhl very profitably locate their
” loo.oo
11.00 ........... ”
Í* “
Local notic-s, loels. per line; and sets, after perfectly competent, who are will­
plants'on Hie Pacific coast, and
the first insertion. Only sets per line for first
ing to assume the responsibilities
insertion for regular advertiser«.
thus be able to turn out ears there
Lost, Found, For Kent, For Sale. Wanted, and
Special notices, in classified “ad” columns, at of the Clerk’s or Sheriff's office at
. much cheaper Hum they now do
the rate of one cent per word for first insertion
81500 per year. Yea, there are
and halt rates thereafter.
I in the east, The Limber for a box
Legal notices, Nonpareil, locts. per line for
first insertion and 5cts per line for each subse­ plenty who are anxious to get
car costs 850 on Puget Sound;
quent insertion.
either deputyship at 8600 per
£4^*AII notices or communications should
laid down in Chicago it is worth
be sent in as early in the week as possible.
year. A great many will be <IÍ.H-
8125, which would give an advan­
tage of 875 in the item of lumber
June 1 is coming.
on every car turned out on
Strong, tough turnips should not
Sound. As fuel and labor
Beware of secret caucuses t I1ÌH be fed too heavily, they are harder
found there equally as
to digest than crisp mild ones, but
do not let the taint scare you. 'cheap, it is claimed that ten or i
Political pets will not be in it Feed just after milking, and be twenty' per cent would be saved
this season.
certain they get no more until af­ in ear building on the Sound. It
ter the next milking, which must may not be long before car build­
Some 200 candidates are sure to
not be less than ten Lours—is the ers will demonstrate the authen­
be disappointed.
simple story, says a writer in the ticity of these statements.
M anufacturers of L umber
B oxes ,
D ealers it:
Gene ra 1 XI e re han d i se
Clothing, Footwear!
Sperry Flour, Best California
We wish to call attention to our
We guarantee satisfaction to
the most fastidious.
Manager Store and Mill. Hobsonville Oregon
[Puget Sound Lumberman.)
Ptincipal Office, 249, Berry St., S. F. Mills nt 'Truckee. Cnl..
This paper will bitterly oppose Pacific Coast Dairyman.
Mr. William E. Curtis contrib­
the first political trickster caught
Those of the candidates who ex­ utes a chapter on Japanese earpen-
pect the support of this paper dur­ try to the Chicago News. Aacord-
ing the coming campaign must ing to his story the Japs cut all
Star chainbar proceedings, se-
this paper. No bonus, or their lumber by hand at a lime of
cret caucuses, and swaps will nol
D r . H. P atchkn ’ s SPEC, is rapidly
blood money, but we want your year when they have nothing else becoming an indispensible family medi­
work this year.
cordial, hearty friendship ami sup­ to do, and each man who is en­ cine. It not only takes effect immed­
iately, arresting the pangs of influenza,
If you gaged in business which requires but acts on the emunctones of tile sys­
Il seems that Dolph wants to port of the H eadlight
tem; thus freeing it of the accumulations
shove himself on the people again light us, we will surely fight you. lumber usually buys Ids own logs of I.a Grippe of long standing. This is
alter having been turned out once. Silting astraddle of the fence or mid cuts them up himself at odd why rheumatism so frequently yields to
using tally will not work on us times.
Women and men both this treatment and Disturbances of the
Lungs, Stotnache. Kidneys and Bowels
Deathbed repentance is work at it, mid in much the same are so quickly overcome. 90c per large
Let every candidate stand on either.
Inquire of your
Ids merits—no trading in conven. not much good, unless accompan­ style as prevailed before such a hottie, 50c per small.
lion. Such a course will defeat ied by other good proofs. This is thing as a circular or band saw
no threat, but is an oiler of peace. was ever thought of. AII the liim-
the mmi who tries it.
You hail just as well understand it her is dressed by hand.
There is
Lookout what you do at Hie pri­ first us last.
I in Japan but one planing mill,
maries. Send in 11 new lot of dele­
, that being in Yokohama, which
Candidates who wish to advo­ ! employs about 150 hands, and its
gates. Let some of the old hang­
cate their own causes in this pa­ I entire product alter being made
ers-on stay at home.
per, should remember the charge into boxes is shipped to India.
J. Wheelock Marsh, editor of is 10 cents per line, anil no editor­
$1,000 IN PRIZES
Hie Forest Grove 'l imes, has been ial favors then. Your statements
appointed post muster at Forest must be signed by yourself or your
Tn be Distribute,/ Absolutely Free.
Stationery, Books.
Prescriptions Carefully Compcirnded.
Congrii I illations
Bro. representative. After the conven­
tion this paper will support the
Use the letters contained in the
ticket of it’s own accord, but will text: “Monon Seeds Grow,” and
A lot of ringslers are trying Io not help boost candidates into a Ibrm as many words as you can,
down Senator Mitchell in this nomination. The candidates and using letters either backward or
state. Wherever it is attempted the people can settle that matter. forward, but clout use any letter in
the republican party will lose Those wild wish to announce t heir same word more limes than it ap­
many votes.
mimes as candidates can do so III pears in “Monon Seeds Grow.”
reasonable rates.
For example the words, as, on
It would be n pretty sight Io see
none, weeds, etc.
The person
the country delegates come in mid
forming the greatest number of
Leading Hotel of
nominate men for office regardless
“The Tillamook H e . iii . igiit words, using the letters in the
of who are slated for certain posi-
brachte kuerzlieh einen kurzen text will receive One Hundred
lions. Will I hey do it?
Artikel uns dem Volksbote, eben Dollars in cash. For the next lar­
Headquarters for Commercial
men and the traveling public.
falls in deutscher Sprache, zum gest list we will give $75 in cash,
Samp e rooms. Electric lights
An old politician is no worse Abdruck. Sehr gilt Bruder Jones.”
throughout. Stage and boat of­
for the next largest list 850 in
Rates, fi.oo lo $2.oo per
than a young politician, and some
“The Tillmnook H kadi . igiit is
day, American plan.
Freight handled with dis­
of tint li kinds are del rim cut al to the
patch ami at lowest rates
for each of the next ten largest
Especial attention to the cuisine
party. They propose to run things of Oregon.”
Fruit delivered in good order.
; department.
The aliove is tnken from Ilie Pa­ lists we give 810 in gold. If you
even at the risk of defeating the
H A. WOODFORD, Prop’r.
are good at word making yon can
Bast Accommodation and Cheapest Route
secure a valuable prize, as the
J. G. Schmidt, at Astoria.
to or from Tillamook.
Monon Seed Co. intend giving
Fitzsimmons knocked Maher out
Every attention paid to wants and conveni­
many hundred special prizes to ences
in one round, and the blowing ol
of passengers. First class table set.
persons sending them lists contain
one pugilist is settled for 11 time.
[West Coast Lumberman]
ing over twenty live words. Write
Now Fitz, and Corbett will do 11
A good location for a big mill is your name on list of words (num­
good deal of mouth work for a
wanted by a new firm known as bered) and enclose the same post­
Corbett & Fitsimmons.
paid with six two-cent stamps for
J. P ALLEN. Prop'r.
Wonder if the Methodists unit
Weist Bros., of Oak Point, Wash, n large combination package of
Noted for its Fine Cuisine Department.
C abin , O ne W ay , $10.
Catholics will be allowed in Ilia
lire putting in a new 35 horse pow­ Monon Seeds Hint grow, which in­
sumo lienv.m?
Suppose nil
er logging engine, mid next sum­ cludes the latest and most popular
creeds, sects factions mid cliques
S teerage , one way , $7.
mer expect to put in 12,000,000 flowers of endles varieties, also
of Tillamook should go to henveu;
particulars mid rules of distribu­
leet of logs, employing 35 men.
wouldn't they drop their preju­
Best Meals in the C ty.
tion of prizes. This word contest
Henry Ellis & Co., loggers of
dices then?
will lie carefully and conscientious­
South Bend, lire milking prepara­
ly conducted, anil is solely for the
I ii (lie name of the great Horn tions to remove the North river
purpose of further introducing our
Spoon! Can't some of the old po- jam. A 50 horse power donkey
For further particulars apply to
seeds in new localities.
You will
liticnl hacks keep out of the menu engine Ims been ordered, mid a
receive the biggest value in (lower
22 Market St., S. F. Cal., or to
this time? A immlier of them are scow is being built. The settlers
seeds ever offered, and besides if
H C. THOMAS. Master,
figuring on running things ns us­ above the jam offered a subsidy of
you are able to make a good list of
Hobsonville, Or.
ual. Say, people, w lint's t In mut­ logs to liny one who would remove
words ami answer promptly you
ter of sitting down upon the whole it.
will stand an equal opportunity to
[New Otlraaw Lumber Trad* Journal |
lot of them.
secure a valuable prize.
We in­
Soft wood becomes stronger than
ELY’S PINE0LA BALSAM I* a sure Remedy
tend spending a large amount of for
coughs, colds, «ore throat and for asthma. It
Many candidates think that the lull'll wish ) under pressure
•ootbea, quickly
money in the distribution of prizes
abate« the cough,
republicans will Imve a walk over cnse of a block of Oregon pine,
and render« expect­
in this contest.
We assure you
oration easy.
Iliis election, and us 11 lestill all taken from the middle of an up­
that your trial order with us will
sorts of candidates are looming right which formed n part of the
will invariably derive
he most gratifying.
Write your
from its use.
up. There is a motley lot of them timber support in the Comstock
Many who «uppoee
mime plainly and send list as early
their case« to be con­
bill it is a free country mid all mines fol'twelve yearn, gives mi
sumption are only
ns possible. Address.
suffering from a
Imve n right to aspire. Some feel example ol the effect ofheaiv pres­
chronic cold or deep
M onox S eed C o .,
seated cough, often
so sure of victory ill the polls that sure of wish ! fibre. It is so hill'd
aggravated by ca-
Monon Bldg.,
Chicago, III.
Cream Balm. Both
there is likely to be a bitter fight that it cannot be cut with a knife,
remedies are pleasant to nee Cream Balm. 80 cts.
per bottle; Ptneola Balsam, tse. 8<>ld by Druggist*.
mid a split in the eomentioii. mid one of its sides is polished
Oregonian |mid H eadlight , 12
BLY BROTHERS, M Warren SL. New York.
We warn those 1 imlmikeroiis of- from the squeezing it has under­ per year.
liee seekers Hint a nomination is gone. Yellow pint* from the lower
thino t«-» 1^1 flHf •
. .V
_ _
» mar
not «■qiiivalent Io mi election by a levels of the Comstock has been so
Ocean Wave ami H ka DLIGHT, thin< lo V*l*nt 7 Protect
Wrtt* JOHN <«DI>«R-
oiig shot. Sime men who me out compressed by
the enormous| only 11.75 per year.
U C.. for Chair |l*M> prise offer.
La Grippe!
jtfeW and Select ¡&oclç.
patent ^edicineg and Druggigt’g Motion^.
A Fine Line of Jewelry
T illamook , O regon .
llle Alderman
Direct from $. F. to Tiilamoolç.
Reduced Rates!
$ailg Every 10 dayg, Weather
Reduction in Lumber.
Henceforth until further notice the
prices of lumber will be as follows:
Rough Lumber § 8 per M.
After 30 (lavs lOper cent interest will
be charged on all bills.
Tillamook Lumbering Co.